VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 648: : Be overcast

Knowing that the opponent in the semi-finals was the Ye Yu family, everyone couldn't help laughing. After all, the Ye Yu family was the weakest relative to the heroes of the Heavenly Battle and the Eastern Family.

"Yes, this lottery is extremely beneficial to us. We have almost no suspense in defeating the Ye Yu family. In this way, we can get the runner-up at the worst. Hehe, that means we can at least get 2% of the ticket profit. But twice as much as the third place." Midnight Shu couldn't help laughing.

"You little guy, always thinking about money." Po Lang said with a smile.

Obviously, everyone is very satisfied with the draw, they are gearing up, looking like they are preparing to fight against the Ye Yu family.

While chatting, suddenly the communication device that broke the waves and rides the wind sounded. Seeing the name of the person coming, her eyes lit up, and then hurriedly connected, not knowing what was heard, a thick smile appeared on her face.

Seeing that Po Lang Cheng Feng closed the communication, June Feixue hurriedly asked: "Sister Feng, what good news makes you laugh like this?"

"Hey, Hongchen contacted me with a smile earlier, and he is a little relieved now, saying that as long as we can enter the first three of the tournament, we will fulfill our previous agreement and join us." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed.

"What, join us as long as the first three?!" Othello blurted out, and she was ecstatic: "Doesn't this mean that they have joined us, because we are now in the top four, and it is almost no problem to defeat the Ye Yu family." "

"This is good news." The fireworks said easily, and there was a hint of joy in her rare eyes.

Think about it, too, Yixiaolou agreed to join the Misty Pavilion, then 400,000 cavalry will be stationed, accompanied by the Skeleton Nightmare, which is enough to sweep countless big gangs, no wonder everyone will be excited after hearing Yixiaolou's consent.

"It seems that Uncle Bacchus has a lot of face. Just a few words made a smile change his mind." June Feixue said, her pretty face was full of smiles: "It's not bad for us to sell him that favor, and sell them like that. Multi-skeleton Nightmare."

"Although Yixiaolou has joined us in the Misty Pavilion, we should not be complacent and strive to win the tournament championship. After all, in the eyes of the world, there are only champions and not runners-up." Po Lang Chengfeng said.

Hearing this, everyone nodded. They were in a good mood and full of energy.

Waiting for the start of the semi-finals and being sent to the ring, Ye Yufei said hello with a smile: "Sister Feng, sister Fireworks, brother Ye Luo, what a coincidence, I met here, you can be merciful, don’t let us lose It's too ugly..."

For the people of the Ye Yu family, being able to reach this point is already a very good result. Although it is very likely that they will be defeated by the people of the Misty Pavilion, they have no chance of winning against the Shangdong family and the heroes of the sky war, so He doesn't hate everyone in the Misty Pavilion studio.

The so-called not making a smile, although everyone is a little afraid of the rise of the Ye Yu family, they all greet them in a friendly manner.

Soon, the two sides submitted the list to play, and the next step was the battle.

In the first game, Zhiyue played against Yeyu Lingyun of the Yeyu family. The latter was a young man with a career as a storm assassin, and his operation level was quite good. People like Polangchengfeng and others spoke highly of it and believed that another period of training would Great chance to become a master of the celebrity list.

Of course, even the celebrity list masters will hate Shang Zhiyue as long as they can't fly, so the first game will soon be over, and the Misty Pavilion will take the lead.

In the second game, Yeyutiange vs. Midnight Book. The operation level of Yeyutiange is a little higher than that of Midnight Book. Moreover, Yeyutiange uses red potion. So Midnight Book is even more downwind, losing two consecutive games. The family regained one city, and the score between the two sides was already 1 to 1.

In the third game, Ye Yu Feifei played against the waves and rides the wind, and the Flame Mage against the Thunder Swordsman, and the opponent was still a high-ranking master in the celebrity list. The battle between the two sides was almost innocent in the eyes of others, and the waves and the wind were also confident. full.

However, after the battle started, everyone was stunned, because a pair of wings appeared behind Ye Yu Fei, and then she flew up.

Seeing the pair of wings, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind instantly distinguished that it was the flying ability that came with the equipment, and her face suddenly became difficult to look, knowing that there was no suspense in this round.

No matter how tyrannical Ren Po Lang Chengfeng is, it is useless if she can't attack the target, and with her speed, she can't get rid of Ye Yufei. Such a tactic of exhausting the opponent's mana is simply not feasible.

He glanced at Ye Yu Fei Fei, breaking the waves and riding the wind with a solemn expression, but did not say anything, and continued the game.

Knowing that she would be defeated without a doubt, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind did not use any skills, directly facing the attack of Ye Yu Fei, even if she had enough energy and high defense, she was quickly emptied of energy and blood.

After resurrecting in the lounge, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind only said lightly: "The Yeyu family hides very deeply, and the next game can't give them any chance."

After speaking, the waves were sent to the ring by the wind to continue the second game.

"It seems that Sister Feng is angry." Othello said solemnly: "She hates someone playing tricks on her the most."

"Indeed, Ye Yu Fei Fei and the others are too heavy on their minds. They have hidden the ability to fly until now. They can defeat Uncle Bacchus and the others with their ability to fly, but they deliberately lose." June Feixue said, and his tone changed: Of course, it’s okay to hide strength. After all, every team will hide some means, but she pretends to let us be merciful before the game, otherwise our order of play is definitely not like this."

A flying member is enough to influence the result of team battles, especially Ye Yue Fei, a high explosive flame magician. If she demonstrates the ability to fly when fighting against the Wine Family, then it is not surprising that the Night Rain Family can defeat the Wine Family , To qualify for the first place in the town.

"It seems that we should really be careful of the Yeyu family. They are very scheming and powerful." Samadhi poem said solemnly.

"Hmph, even with these scheming, can they still defeat us?" Othello snorted: "The next 2V2 and 5V5 we will win, let them stop the final."

"This is what Sister Feng said earlier." Sitting on Qin's heart said.

In the second game, it was no surprise that he broke the waves and took the wind and lost again. As a result, the two sides had a big score of 1 to 2, and Meng Mi Ge was temporarily behind by one point.

"Sister Chengfeng, I'm sorry, I originally wanted to keep these against the Eastern family, but you are too powerful, so I have to use it." Ye Yufei looked apologetic.

He sneered in his heart, but the look of the waves and the wind remained unchanged, and he still looked carefree: "It doesn't matter, the hidden methods in the game are all natural things."

After speaking, she changed her tone: "Sister Faey, I guess you will go to the Eastern family if you don't have it. However, in every relationship, we will fight them for you, and maybe we can still defeat them."

After speaking, she turned and left the ring without paying attention to Ye Yufei, whose face changed slightly.

"I'm so angry with my old lady, I was actually overshadowed by a little girl." Returning to the lounge, breaking the waves and riding the wind angrily said, she looked at Ye Luo and the fireworks and it was easy to get cold: "Ye Luo, fireworks, give me revenge. Two games must not allow them to win any of them."

"Yeah." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and Ye Luo just nodded faintly.

In the next 2v2, Yeluo and Fireworks are playing in the Misty Pavilion, while the Yeyu Family is playing Yuexia Tingzen and Yeyutiange. These two people are almost the two strongest members of the Yeyu family. .

In the studio mode battle, 2v2 is an important level. After all, this game can determine the outcome to a large extent. Many teams attach great importance to it, so the players sent are also the most powerful, such as this month Xia Ting Chan, Ye Luo and Fireworks Yi Leng.

"Good fireworks beauty, good brother Ye Luo, I finally have a chance to fight with you." Yuexia listened to Zen and saluteed and greeted Ye Luo and the others in a friendly manner.

The impression of Yuexia Listening to Zen is very good, Ye Luo returned the gift, but the fireworks Yilian nodded lightly, and then she looked at Yeyutiange: "If there is any hidden means, please show it as much as you want, or you won’t have it. Chance."

A look of sorrow flashed on his face, but he also knew the coldness of fireworks. Ye Yutian sang: "You will be able to see our methods soon, and you should not be disappointed."

As they spoke, the battle between the two sides began, and Yeyu Tiange had acted for the first time, and a pair of wings appeared behind him, which rose into the air, and then rushed straight towards the fireworks Yi cold.

The corner of his mouth evokes a faint arc, but there is a mask to block others from seeing it. The fireworks are easy to cold and look at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, leave it to you. After solving it, work with me to deal with Yuexia Listening Zen."

While talking about this, the firework Yi was cold with a note of [Bing Ling * Thousand Arrows], which enveloped the Moon Listening Zen. It was obvious that she planned to keep away from it and buy time.

Nodded, Ye Luo also flew up, and he went straight to Yeyutiange.

He also knew that it was impossible to solve Ye Luo for a while, and there was even a great chance that he would lose, so Ye Yu Tiange didn't plan to shoot Ye Luo first, he turned his goal to fireworks and easy cold.

Like the idea that fireworks are easy to get cold, Yeyutiange intends to solve one person first, and then deal with Ye Luo who is the most troublesome with Yuexia Tingzen.

This tactic is also very correct, but Ye Luo will not give him this opportunity. Because of the [Six Paths Open] and professional advantages, his speed is faster than Yeyutiange, so he has a lot of initiative and has been entangled. Yeyutiange, so the latter can't get rid of it.

From time to time, I have group attack skills such as "Sword Qi" and "Sweeping Reincarnation". With Ye Luo's high attack and professional advantages, the damage caused by hitting Yeyutiange is also considerable, and the latter will soon be less. One-third of the blood.

Of course, Yeyu Tiange did not immediately give up the fireworks, which are easy to be cold, and keep chasing them, but the angle of the energy arrow of the fireworks is easy to be cold, which blocked all the roads he was going on, and coupled with Yello’s entanglement, he was difficult to achieve. purpose.

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