VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 667: : Award Ceremony

Po Lang Cheng Feng and others won the first place in the tournament, and everyone in the game industry came to congratulate them. Of course, their main purpose is to buy some skeleton nightmare beasts. Congratulations are just a cover.

In this regard, they all declined one by one. After all, they were not enough on their own, and they also knew that selling the Skeleton Nightmare to others would not be worth the loss. After all, everyone was in a competitive relationship for a long time.

"Long Teng Tianxia also came to congratulate us." Suddenly, Samadhi said, watching Po Lang Cheng Feng reveal a playful smile, she curled her lips: "Yes, he also asked you through me if he could sell them some skeleton nightmares. Beast, they are willing to pay 20% more than the price of Uncle Bacchus, as long as 5000 heads are enough, you see..."

The relationship between Longteng Tianxia and Samadhi is somewhat special, so he used her to purchase the Skeleton Nightmare.

"Yixiaolou is about to join our Misty Pavilion. More and more of them have reached level 150. We don't have enough of our own and can't sell it to others." June Feixue said, she chuckled: "Sister Shi , How about it, I have a good excuse for you, right?"

"Very good, then I will reply to him like this." Samadhi is very bachelor, and is going to inform Long Teng Tianxia.

"Little poem, is this a bit too refuting your face, are we..." Po Lang Chengfeng said, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Stop, the transaction is the transaction, the friendship is the friendship, although I have a little friendship with Longteng Tianxia, ​​but they will not be public and private." Samadhi poem said, and then the tone changed: "So many gangs are coming to buy mounts with us, we No one sold it, but sold it to the Long Family. This would offend those big gangs."

"Sister Shi, didn't we sell it to Uncle Dionysus? This is already offending other big gangs." Zhiyue said weakly.

"This is different. After all, Uncle Bacchus has a different relationship with us, and he also helped us persuade us to laugh Hongchen." Po Lang Chengfeng explained: "Although we won the first place in the tournament and met the agreement with Yi Xiao Hongchen, but if We only won the second place, so Uncle Bacchus helped us a lot, and we must be grateful."

"Oh, this is also true." Zhiyue nodded.

On the other side, Samadhi had already responded to Long Teng Tian Xia with the previous'excuses', but she didn't know what she said. She frowned slightly. After closing the communication, she looked helplessly at everyone: "Long Teng Tian Xia will not give up, he Say that you can sell them 1,000 heads, or 100 heads..."

"The face of 1,000 heads is still for Xiao Shi. Anyway, your relationship is very good, and the relationship between the Long family and us is pretty good." Breaking the wind said, seeing the fireworks Yi Leng frown slightly, she smiled: "The strength of the Long Family is very good, and it is also good for them to help us contain the Dongfang Family."

"500..." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, but was interrupted before finishing talking.

"Fireworks, at the very least, give them a brigade mount. What's the matter with 5 squadrons, it seems we are so stingy." Breaking the waves and riding the wind bargained, she finally made a decision: "That’s the decision, it’s not 1000 skull nightmare The beast, we will be able to tame it for a long time."

Seeing that the waves and the wind say so, the fireworks are easy to be cold and no longer say anything.

In this way, an agreement was quickly reached between the two parties. The Misty Pavilion first provided 100 mounts, and Longteng Tianxia was a bachelor, and directly paid all the money, as if the Misty Pavilion would not give the mounts.

Maybe it was because the system was very sold to Polang Chengfeng. In the next two hours, she tamed 10 skull nightmare beasts alone, not even worse than Yeluo. Seeing June Feixue and others stunned.

Two hours passed slowly while taming the mount. Ye Luo and the others didn't even eat lunch because they had to celebrate at night, and went directly to the award ceremony.

The occasion for receiving the award was crowded, and there were all respectable people in the game industry. First of all, it was an official speech, which naturally inevitably made a long speech.

They were not in the mood to listen to this. They looked around, and June Feixue smiled and said, "It seems that the East Killing Heaven has not come. I guess he didn't get the first place."

"In fact, the second place is already very good." Po Lang Chengfeng is serious and authentic, but a smirk on the corner of her mouth betrayed him: "He has to get used to it, after all, they will often get second in the future. ."

Soon she shook her head: "In fact, it's not always true. The Yeyu Family and Heroes of Heaven are also very strong gangs. Maybe the Eastern Family can hardly get second place."

The sound of breaking the waves and riding the wind is not small, and most of the people in the Eastern family not far away heard it. The expressions of Eastern stars and Eastern Slaughter remained unchanged, but the faces of Dongfang Xiaotian and Dongfang Mingzhu became extremely ugly, Dongfang Xiaotian gave a cold snort : "What's so proud of? Isn't it that I got the first place by fluke, I really think I surpassed us."

"Is it a fluke to find out later." Po Lang said, her eyebrows raised: "I don't accept it. After receiving the award, my old lady will accompany you to fight. You can't use the ability of flying, dare you?"

I have to say that breaking the waves and riding the wind is a bit'cunning' and can't fly. Now her strength is not weaker than Dongfang Xiaotian. After receiving the award and getting the title or something, her strength will be stronger, and it will be no problem to defeat Dongfang Xiaotian. Up.

His complexion rose blue and Dongfang Xiaotian said, "I can fly. That's my strength. Why can't I fly?"

"So, let Ye Luo treat you." Po Lang Chengfeng said, she looked serious: "You are the first warrior of the Eastern family's self-help leader, and Ye Luo is the number one player under our Misty Pavilion. A warrior, just right."

"Puff......" On the side, Long Teng Tianxia couldn't help but smile: "Chengfeng beauty, you are a bit bullying."

"Why, you are not convinced?" Samadhi glared at Long Teng Tianxia, ​​her pretty face was slightly cold: "Continue to pretend to be serious about you, think about how to make the Long Family rise, now you have not even won the third place, it is too shameful. "

Longteng Tianxia is known to be the strongest person in the young generation other than the East Killing Heaven, but Samadhi ‘rebukes’ him without hesitation, which shows how unusual their relationship is.

"Xiao Shi, I'm working hard." Long Teng Tianxia said, his expression was a bit embarrassed, after all, it is an indisputable fact that the Long Family is now in decline.

"Sister Shi, I can't blame my brother, because our Long Family is a little bit blue and yellow." Long Jieyu helped Long Teng Tianxia. She chuckled: "Sister Shi, do you want you to come back, so our Long Family..."

"Hey, Xiaoyuzi, poach people in front of me, my sister will be angry." Po Lang Chengfeng interjected, and she glanced at the samādhi: "On the face of Xiao Shi, I promised to sell you 1,000 skeletons. Of the Nightmare Beast, this is already her contribution to you, are you still not satisfied?"

After a smirk, Long Jieyu hurriedly said: "Sister Chengfeng, I'm laughing, Sister Shi is where she is happy. I just want her to come back to see more. Father and now miss her a lot."

Hearing this, the samādhi poem was slightly moved, his face became a little more complicated, and the look of Po Lang Chengfeng also eased a little.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Long Jieyu chuckled, "Sister Chengfeng, Sister Shi, I have time to go to your ethereal pavilion studio to play, and I have to ask Sister Fireworks for archery skills."

"It's okay to come and play here. Sister, I will definitely treat you with hospitality." Po Lang Chengfeng said cheerfully.

He curled his lips, but Samadhi did not say anything, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Hehe, the idiot is really there." Suddenly June Feixue looked at the sunset in the river not far away: "The hero of the Heavenly Battle got the fourth place. This is a very good result. At least his level will be improved. , Now his level is still a bit low."

Yes, although he did not participate in the competition, Changhe Sunset also signed up, so he is also eligible to receive the award.

Looking at the sunset in Changhe, the expression of Hero Sword was a bit complicated. Zhan Tianxia and the others glared at each other, but Changhe sunset looked indifferent, only talking casually with Da Mo Guyan.

"Hey, it's estimated that the sunset will be angry with the people in the world." Othello smiled strangely, and then thought of something, she looked at June Feixue: "Feixue, during this time we only care about the tournament. The sunset is now How's it going, is there anything about his dual career?"

Hearing that, no matter the Dongfang Xiaotian or Longteng Tianxia and others on the side were shocked, they paid more attention.

"It's a bit eyebrow. I heard the nerd say that he can take up the follow-up mission when he is level 160 and rank four, but I don't know whether he can take a dual career after completing that mission." June Feixue muttered: "And that mission is very difficult. I don't know if he can finish it."

"What are you afraid of? When the sun sets at level 160, you can fly with the sword. Then we will concentrate the best equipment for him. There should be no problem completing the task." Black and white chess said, and then she looked at Zhiyue. : "Yue'er is going to take some time, but Ye Luo's teacher said that he will only be able to find him when he is level 200 and 5th rank."

"Hehe, isn't it at level 200? I'm now at level 170. The champion of the tournament seems to be rewarded at level 5. It won't take too long to get to level 200." Zhiyue didn't care.

"That's true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and she smiled: "Anyway, Yue'er is already very strong now, especially after [Beast God Combination] and even after Dongfang Killing the Sky cast [Dragon God Transformation] You can't kill them."

On the side, Dongfang Xiaotian and others remembered that Dongfang Killing Tian was defeated because of killing Zhiyue, and their faces became even more ugly.

"Will the tournament champion level be raised to level 5?" Ye Luo stared at everyone in amazement. He saw that everyone on the side looked at him like an idiot. He chuckled: "I really don't know, level 5, this is true. It can save a lot of time, the upgrade speed is too slow when the level is high."

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