VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 687: : Procrastination tactics

It takes a lot of points to exchange items, which makes June Feixue sigh. After all, just a fairy-level mount needs them to redeem points for dozens of days, which makes them very reluctant, and the fairy-level mount is not too good after so long. The mount is gone.

"I suggest that except for some special needs, all points must be exchanged for level first." Fireworks Yi Cold proposed. Without waiting for everyone to ask, she explained: "First, the strength will increase when the level is higher, and it will be separated from the opponent level. It’s easier if you want to win."

"Second, we have to reach level 180 as soon as possible, and then settle in secondary cities, the sooner we enter, the more benefits we will gain."

"Well, fireworks makes sense." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded.

"Fireworks, do you have any bad feelings?" Although it was asking, the tone of the samādhi poem was quite sure.

"Yeah." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, "I feel that the heroes of the Heavenly War and the Eastern Family are going to do things in the second-tier cities. This time we will have a great chance of entering the same city as the Eastern Family."

After pondering a little, the samādhi poem said: "Yes, if it were before, the Eastern family would not care about us too much, but now we have won the championship of the tournament, which greatly slapped the Eastern family, and was the first to raise the gang to level 5. This makes the Eastern Family feel threatened. They will definitely do their best to suppress us, and the best way to suppress us is to settle in the same secondary city as us."

"If it was before, under the temptation of some interests, coupled with the help of the gangs such as Uncle Bacchus and Heroes of Heaven, the Eastern Family would not choose to settle in the same city with us, but now they will not be like this, they will do whatever it takes. Settled in the same city with us." Sitting on Qin Xin took over: "The Eastern Family has a heavy weight in the gaming world. If they make up their minds to do something, I'm afraid the other top ten gangs will have some scruples."

"The people from Yixiaolou joined us in the Misty Pavilion, so that the heroes of Heavenly War will no longer follow the previous agreement. After all, our previous hatred cannot be resolved." Samadhi said, she shook her head: "In this way, we are true. Will settle in the same secondary city as the Eastern Family."

"Hmph, even if we settled in the same city, would we still be afraid that they won't succeed." Po Lang Chengfeng snorted coldly, "When the time comes, we will show tyrannical methods and make the Eastern family jealous. I think they don't want to Follow us and break the net."

"So we need to improve our strength as soon as possible and become a powerful fish, otherwise the fish may not break the net." The firework is easy to cold said: "And entering the second-tier cities in advance will undoubtedly benefit us to the greatest extent."

"That's why you suggested that we exchange the arena points to level 180 as soon as possible." Samadhi said, a little pondering, she continued: "Well, it is necessary to do this, fortunately, our current level is better than those of the Eastern family. High, no surprise, we will settle in secondary cities earlier than them."

"The sooner they are, the better." Fireworks Yi said indifferently.

"Sister Fireworks, will we really settle in the same secondary city as the Eastern Family?" Zhiyue still had some doubts.

"It will be like this in all likelihood." Yi Lengzhen lightly turned the firework, and then she said to herself: "Is it like this? We will know after discussion at 8 o'clock this evening."

While chatting, suddenly a system prompt sounded:


System reminder (global server): According to the feedback of high-end players from various countries, the official decision to change the interval of the arena to 3 minutes, as a notice, I wish players from all countries have a good time.

The system prompt sounded 10 times in a row, more than before. Obviously this time the game official paid much attention to it.

"Hey, it's actually a global server. It seems that foreign countries also have arena systems." Black and white, and then the tone changed: "Think about it, the arena system has many benefits, and it can't be monopolized by China."

"5 minutes changed to 3 minutes, although it is still very long, but it is much better than before." Po Lang Chengfeng Road.

"It is estimated that the best situation will be 3 minutes apart, but this can also greatly improve our speed of scoring." Samadhi said, she matched the opponent again when she said this.

Everyone did not say much and continued to match their opponents, and their points continued to increase.

At around 7 pm, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng had their points close to 300. At this time, Ye Luo, Fireworks Yi Chill and Po Lang Chengfeng accounted for the third, second and fourth points in the arena respectively. And at this time, there are still 7 people in the top sixteen in the mysterious pavilion. This kind of achievement makes the big gangs eye-catching.

"Eastern Killing Sky is still ranked first, and now he has opened up more than 30 points with us, how did he do it?" In this regard, Po Lang Chengfeng was puzzled.

"Yeah, Sister Feng and Uncle Ye Luo have been fighting non-stop. Although they rank a little higher, how can their points gap with Dongfang Tiantian be getting bigger and bigger." June Feixue was also puzzled.

"I think it’s because the opponent saw that Dongfang Killing Heaven was the first time he chose to give up, so he was easier to beat each other than Sister Feng and Ye Luo, so the points would be so big. The title is still very useful." Samadhi poetry said intently.

"Well, it should be like this." Othello nodded, and she sighed: "Although the strengths of Ye Luo and Sister Feng are not much different from them, their reputations are a little worse, and they have suffered a lot in this regard. "

"One more thing." Suddenly the fireworks said coldly: "If the people of the Eastern family meet us, they will delay as much as possible, so that we will spend a lot of time every time we win."

"Don't you say that I haven't paid attention yet. Today I really met 7 or 8 people from the Eastern family. The first time they faced us, they didn't fight head-on, but fled. It seems like the fireworks said they were deliberately delaying. Time." Polang said in a deep voice.

"I also encountered this situation." Ye Luo took the conversation.

"They actually did this, it's too despicable." Othello angrily said.

"No way, the system does not stipulate that this cannot be done." Samadhi said, and then she sighed: "Even if we now let our people from the Misty Pavilion encounter Dongfang's tactics of delaying the sky, it seems that it is difficult to reverse this situation. , After all, the number of players in the Eastern Family far exceeds us, and we have a greater chance.

"Yes, we are at a disadvantage at this point." Sitting on Qin Xin sighed, and then asked: "Fireworks, do you have any good ideas?"

"There is no good way. We have to let our people meet Dongfang Tiantian and delay time as much as possible." Fireworks said easily, and then his tone changed: "Of course, it would be fine if other people in our Misty Pavilion met him. Now, using our strength to delay as much as possible can still cause him a lot of trouble."

"Yes, anyway, we are in the top sixteen, and we can afford it." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and she snorted coldly: "When I meet him, I will smash with him, procrastinating. You can come as long as you want, so Fireworks and Ye Luo can get as close as possible to him."

"This is also a way to do it." Ye Luo said, he nodded: "Okay, then it's decided like this. No matter who of us meets Dongfang Jitian, we will try our best to delay with it. Of course, if we have a chance to defeat him, It's better."

"Yeah." Fireworks Yi said indifferently.

"Sister Fireworks, how can your points increase faster than Sister Feng and Brother Ye?" Zhiyue was puzzled: "Could it be that the number of masters in the Eastern family you have encountered is much less than that of Brother Ye and others?"

It stands to reason that the overall strength of Polangchengfeng and Ye Luo is stronger than that of Fireworks and Ye Luo. Under normal circumstances, the points of the two of them should be higher than hers, so Zhiyue was puzzled.

"I met 11 people from the Eastern family, how about you?" Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"I seem to have encountered 7 of them." Po Lang Chengfeng groaned a little, and then changed her tone, she asked: "Ye Luo, how many have you met?"

"Probably, nine." Ye Luo said.

"Hey, Sister Fireworks encounters more people from the Eastern family than you. Why is her score higher than yours?" This time even June Feixue began to wonder.

"Because I can slow down the target, coupled with the advantage of my attack range, I will kill them much easier than Sister Feng and them." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"Uh, there seems to be some truth." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then she sighed: "It's a pity that I can't fly in the arena, otherwise I can kill the target in the shortest time."

"Ye Luo, when you meet an ordinary opponent, don't be stingy with your skills. Change your left hand to a magic wand, so you have two displacement skills." Firework is easy to cold reminded: "First use [Flash] to get closer to the target, and then Cast [Simulation Technique] to go around behind the opponent, [Scary Slash] to stun the target, so that you can kill the target in the shortest time."

Analyzing the benefits of this tactic in an instant, Ye Luo was slightly pleased: "This is a very good tactic, so I can earn points much faster."

"Hey, wasn't Long Teng Tianxia in the top five before? Why is he now ranked 15th? With his strength, it's not enough." Suddenly June Feixue said, she asked Samadhi: "Sister Shi, you know What's the matter?"

"I'm not by his side, how do I know what happened to him?" Samadhi said in an angry manner: "Maybe he went offline to eat, maybe he went on a date. In short, there are too many possibilities."

"Hehe, it's really possible to go on a date, because his points have not gone up for an hour." June Feixue chuckled.

"Uh, Sister Feng, tell you something that is good or bad." Suddenly, black and white chess said.

"What news? Maybe you met Dongfang Killing the Sky?" Po Lang Chengfeng said casually.

"Sister Feng, how did you know? I really met him..."

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