VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 691: : Commander of the War Nightmare

Although the attributes of the Nightmare commander are very powerful, Ye Luo and their strength have also improved a lot after winning the title of [Contest Champion]. Facing this god-level BOSS Ye Luo, Po Lang Riding Wind, and Othello can resist but not Being killed in seconds, so they won't have any problems with countless priests adding blood.

In the game, as long as the MT can resist the monster and hold the hatred, it can almost kill it.

Although it is much harder to tame a BOSS than to kill it, there are other people who shot it, so there is no problem with tame it in the hearts of the waves and the wind.

Thinking of getting a god-level mount soon, he was so excited that he could not help but urge everyone to act quickly.

"Sister, the leader of the nightmare hides in a cave. This cave is not too big. It is great to accommodate dozens of people. Thousands of people can't stand at all." Midnight book reminded.

"Uh, you can only enter dozens of people. This is a bit of a hassle. There are fewer people who want to tame them. The chances of tame them are much smaller." Breaking the waves and riding the wind muttered, but she knows how hard a mount is to tame, let alone this time. Tamed is a 220-level god-level BOSS.

"If there are fewer people, then there are fewer people. It just takes a little longer. It doesn't matter. It's worth everything if you can tame a god-level mount." Black and white chess said, and then she couldn't help urging everyone to move faster. .

"Sister Qin, arrange for 20 summoners, 20 priests, and 20 knights to follow us. In addition, let 100 summoners and 100 priests wait outside the cave. Of course, more is better." The firework is easy to cold and hesitates slightly. , Seeing that she was sitting on Qinxin and acted, she continued: "Before entering the cave, let the priest add a [Resurrection Prophecy] to each of us, and whoever is killed by a spike will withdraw, and then change someone else in."

Hearing that, Po Lang Chengfeng’s eyes lit up, and she laughed: "Wheel tactics, so we don’t worry that someone will be dropped because of this. Anyway, this boss doesn’t have too many group attack skills, more than 100 people absolutely enough."

The reason for arranging the summoner is very simple, because the summoner has a bonus when taming the mount, and the success rate will be much higher. The role of the pastor is also obvious. In addition to adding blood to everyone, it is to perform the [Resurrection Prophecy] to ensure that everyone has this state.

The knights are used to charge and stun the target. Anyway, the knights are full of energy and defense, so I don't worry that they will be killed in seconds.

"Except for these, other tactics are the same as we used to deal with powerful BOSS. Sister Feng, Sister Ye Luo and Sister Qi are responsible for fighting monsters. Others should control the control and attack attacks." Firework Yi Leng continued: "Don't be stingy. Skills, when the magic is gone, take the medicine pill, and use the [Animal Taming Technique] when the skill is CD."

Although when taming a monster, the less the target's energy and blood, the easier it is to tame, but when the energy is high, there is a certain chance. Anyway, this skill can't consume much magic, and it will save a lot of time if it succeeds.

The tactics were arranged, everyone was not participating in the arena PK for the time being, but all went to the cave where the nightmare leader was.

Sitting on Qin Xin was very efficient. The people she arranged to rush to the destination within 5 minutes, and Ye Luo and the others also rushed to the enemy. Then everyone entered the cave and prepared to move.

"Tsk tsk, the Nightmare Commander really pulls the wind than the Skeleton Nightmare Beast." Looking at the nightmare commander full of flames, Othello is full of emotion: "If I could ride such a mount, it would be great."

"This seems unrealistic. The powerful mount should be given to the strongest attacker, so it is much easier to deal with God-level BOSS in the future. Although you have high defense power and vitality, your attack power is far worse. Meet this standard." June Feixue said, and then changed his tone: "If you can really tame this mount, then it is best to assign it to Sister Feng, Uncle Ye Luo or Sister Fireworks."

"I don't think the fireworks will be required. She will give it to Sister Feng or Ye Luo. The attack, defense, and vitality of the two are higher. It is a powerful DPS output and a qualified MT." Samadhi said, and then she looked towards Breaking the waves and riding the wind, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth: "Sister Feng, you have tamed this god-level boss, do you want it to Ye Luo?"

"This..." Po Lang Riding the Wind hesitated, but watching the samādhi poem showed a sly smile, she knew she was being teased, and then she said in an unpleasant manner: "You girl did it on purpose, anyway, she won't let it go. you."

"Okay, stop it, let's start." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then winked at Othello and Ye Luo.

Othello immediately understood, replaced the mount with the Skeleton Nightmare, and then rushed forward, directly launching [Charge].

Seeing the action of Othello, Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding the Wind didn't say much, and they followed directly on the ride.

The god-level boss has a very high level and a very high level. As a result, the charge MISS of Othello is not surprisingly dropped, but she doesn't care, she directly expands various skills and wants to play the most output in the shortest time.

Othello is also quite clever. She knows that after Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng make a move, she will be able to **** away the hatred of the boss, so she is not worried about what danger she will encounter in a short time.

That's right, with the attack power of Othello, even with the title of [competition champion], she can only barely cause 500 damage to the BOSS, which is far from the BOSS itself recovering fast, which makes her smile. .

Attacked by the little knight, the nightmare commander was furious, and directly charged towards the Othello, a [savage collision] easily knocked it off, and more than 40,000 damage figures floated above her head.

Of course, these blood is only a quarter of that of Othello, far from the point where she can be killed in seconds.

Behind, more than 20 priests waved their magic wands, and a stream of milky white light floated from the top of Othello's head, filling her vitality and blood in almost 3 seconds. This shows how powerful the Healing Profession of Misty Pavilion is.

"Wow, the BOSS attack is so strong, the physical defense of Qi sister is extremely high, and the result was destroyed by more than 40,000 blood. If the target of the attack is me, would I have retired from the battle ranks." Yue Feixue was shocked.

"The skill that the BOSS uses is a single assault skill, coupled with level and level suppression, it is normal to have such an effect." Samadhi poem said, and then his tone changed: "Fortunately, we can resist it, which shows that we can There is hope to kill it and tame it."

When talking about this, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng also charged up. Although they were also Missed, their next combo skills also dealt 1, 20,000 damage and successfully pulled away the hatred.

Ye Luo two-handed long sword, various skills were displayed, and tens of thousands of damage floated from the head of the nightmare leader, and he firmly held the hatred.

As the Samadhi they said, Ye Luo's strength is very strong now, and even said that he is much stronger than Othello in MT's ability. The damage caused by BOSS attacking him is less than 10,000, so he can easily resist it.

"Tsk tsk, a swordsman is actually stronger than a knight's defense, Uncle Ye Luo is really strong." June Feixue praised: "In this way, he can easily resist the attacks of monsters. Sister, these priests add blood, there is no problem.

That's right, Ye Luo is quite easy to resist monsters, and the high amount of damage can easily hold the hatred, so June Feixue and others can safely attack boldly, although their attacks do not cause too much damage to the nightmare leader. High, but the accumulation of less can add up, and the blood of BOSS is also continuously decreasing.

Next, the knights charge in turn, regardless of whether they are MIss or not, they attack as much as they want. Anyway, they don't worry about the transfer of hatred, and the boss always uses group attack skills to kill them in seconds.

The fireworks are easy to cold and they are not idle. An ice energy arrow whizzes away. Although the damage is only about 1,000, it can slow the BOSS, reduce the movement speed, and even occasionally freeze it. Luo and the others are even less stressed.

Everyone did not expect the situation to be much more stable than expected. They felt relieved when they saw this scene, and then they output as much as they wished according to the arrangement of fireworks, which is easy to be cold, and occasionally use a [taming technique], but all of them are missing. Up.

However, everyone was not discouraged and continued to attack and throw skills.

Soon after, the leader of Nightmare used [crazy trampling], although it caused more than 30,000 damage to Ye Luo and the others, and also made everyone dizzy, but did not kill a single person.

[Crazy trampling] has an attack range of only 10 meters, so many priests and fireworks are not affected by the cold, and then they sit on the piano heart and do not hesitate to use [Summon Totem] and [Daily Sanskrit] to cooperate with Saturday and others The group healing technique of Ye Luo quickly filled Ye Luo and others' blood.

"Hey, it turns out that we are so easy to deal with god-level bosses now." Othello said while attacking, she was faintly excited: "Doesn’t this mean that we can specifically find god-level bosses to kill in the future? A capable person has a magical weapon, and of course there will be a god-level mount."

"Yes, we will get stronger and stronger." June Feixue said, she chuckled: "I am a little worried for the people of the Eastern family now, facing us, they may not win."

"Although it's a bit early to say this sentence, but sooner or later we can catch up with them and surpass them. After all, we are now step by step to close the gap with them." Samadhi said: "Wait for our advantages to accumulate to a certain extent. After the level is reached, the number advantage of the Eastern Family will not pose too much threat to us. If we beat them one or two more times, tusk, it is estimated that they will lose a large number of players, then we will not be afraid of them even more."

"Yes, although there are a lot of people in the Eastern family nowadays, this is because they maintain the undefeated myth. If their myth is broken, it will definitely disappoint many players, and the loss of players will be inevitable." Tao, could her tone become solemn: "Of course, it is difficult to defeat them, we still have a long way to go."

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