VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 693: : Powerful mount

Seeing that the waves and the wind used the'ultimate trick', and June Feixue's'Hua Rong eclipse', she hurriedly said: "Sister Feng, please let me go. I was wrong. Recently, I have some inconveniences. Live."

"Sister Feixue, I can help you." Changhe Sunset said sincerely.

"You idiot, what do you know." June Feixue angered, her pretty face flushed with shame.

"Haha..." Othello and others laughed.

"Why, what are you laughing at, I can really help Sister Feixue." Changhe Sunset said, his monk like Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

"What a fool." June Feixue was even more shy, and then she changed the subject decisively: "Sister Feng, hurry up and talk about how to deal with this mount. Do you keep it for yourself or use it for Uncle Ye Luo?"

"Give it to Ye Luo, he can use it well." Po Lang Chengfeng said, this time her tone was much more determined.

"Sister Feng, you should keep it for yourself. You can use it very well." Ye Luo shook his head. Seeing what Polang Rongfeng wanted to say, he interrupted her: "First, this mount is yours. It’s not good for me to be tamed. Secondly, although you can fly, but the amount of mana is not as much as mine, and the recovery speed is not as strong as mine. I have the [Bagua Source] of [Tai Chi Bagua Pan], which can fly It’s a lot longer than you, so this mount is better for you."

"But your overall attributes are stronger than mine now. After you use it, you will be able to take advantage of this mount." Breaking the waves and riding the wind once again humbly said: "So you should use it."

"It's just a little bit stronger than you in terms of attributes, but the explosive power of the Thunder Dragon Dragon Knight class is much stronger than mine, and there are many active skills. With this mount, you are more stable against monsters and hatred than me, so you should use it. "Ye Luo shook his head again.

"I..." Po Lang Chengfeng wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Samadhi and others.

Looking at the two of you, I made you quarrel with me. Othello said unhappily: "Hey, you are endless like this. If you don't want it, you will give it to me. Anyway, I will attack low and attack after riding this mount. It can greatly make up for it, and in the future, it will be able to firmly hold the monster's hatred.

"Sister Qi, you are too confident, I can confidently say that even if you ride a god-level mount in front of Sister Feng and Uncle Ye Luo, you will not stabilize the hatred of the monster." June Feixue vowed to say.

"I don't believe it." Othello murmured, but his confidence was not enough.

"Sister Feng, Ye Luo, hurry up and decide what to belong to. After finishing this, we still have to participate in the arena PK. You are now more than 60 points worse than Eastern Killing Heaven." Samadhi urged.

On the side, the fireworks were easy to get cold and didn't say much, and they disappeared in place. Obviously, she had already gone to participate in the arena PK.

"Hey, fireworks, don't go, give us a suggestion, who exactly belongs to this mount?" Po Lang Chengfeng shouted in the team channel.

In the Miao Miao Pavilion, Fireworks Yi Leng has an absolute say in the distribution of the right to use items. As long as she speaks it out, then the rest of the Miao Pavilion has no objection.

"Give it to either of you. The reason you have said before. I don't want to be a bad guy, so you should discuss it yourself." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, but also worried that Ye Luo was wasting in this regard. Time, she suggested: "By the way, I do have a suggestion. It's better to roll a little bit for the two of you. It's so simple and trouble-free."

Having said this, the fireworks were easy to get cold, so they closed the communication and went to PK with others.

Hearing the suggestion that the fireworks are easy to be cold, breaking the waves and riding the wind to look at Ye Luo, she said: "Since the fireworks all say so, let's roll it so that we don't have to argue, how about?"

Ye Luo didn't have any comments on this, he nodded, and then began to roll the wind with the waves, and the two stipulated that whoever had less points would belong to the mount.

Next, at the request of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Ye Luo didn't care about his first roll point. He just rolled it. As a result, a big '9' appeared, which was already a very small number.

"Hey, it seems that this mount is yours in all likelihood." Po Lang said with a smile.

"Don't tell me, the success rate of Uncle Ye Luo [Beast God Manipulation] does not necessarily have such luck." June Feixue couldn't help but ridicule.

Next, under Ye Luo's insistence, breaking the waves and riding the wind also ROLL points. As a result, everyone was dumbfounded after the points appeared, and then June Feixue muttered: "Uncle Ye Luo, your luck is too bad, [Beast God Control Surgery] The success rate is so much higher than that of the ordinary [Animal Taming Technique]. You have not tamed. Now ROLL's '9' point is also the smallest. Sister Feng only has an 8% chance to beat you. As a result, she actually ROLL reaches '8' Point, only one point smaller than you, hey, isn't it very annoying."

"What's so angry? Originally, this mount was tamed by Sister Feng, so it should belong to her." Ye Luo said lightly, without any regrets in his tone.

"I wanted to give it to you, now..." Po Lang Chengfeng smiled bitterly, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Since you are destined to get it, then you can use it." Ye Luo said, he also disappeared in place after speaking, and continued to participate in the arena PK.

Reluctantly, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind had to put away the mount, and then replaced the Skeleton Nightmare Beast. After seeing her attributes, a strong color of joy appeared on her pretty face.

Seeing her look, everyone knew that the attributes of Nightmare Commander were very good, and June Feixue hurriedly asked: "Sister Feng, let us look at the attributes of this god-level mount, hehe, this is a catastrophe. The first god-level mount, thinking about it, will give you more face, but we got it first."

"On the mount leaderboard, the leader of Nightmare is the first, and the score is more than double that of the second place, and the owner shows that it is Sister Feng. Tsk tsk, this Sister Feng is famous again." Black and white chess road, and then she also urged Let the waves ride on the attributes of the mount.

Not much to say, Po Lang Cheng Feng issued a mount illustration book, and even sent a copy to Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng:

[Nightmare Commanding Beast] (God-level mount)

Qi and blood: +50000

Magic: +40000

Strength: +500

Constitution: +500

Agility: +500

Intelligence: +500

Movement speed: +520%

Attack speed: +50%

Attack distance: +3.5 meters

Additional features: The nightmare commander's whole body is covered by a rich and pure **** flame, which can cause 800 fire attributes and 800 dead energy attributes per second to all hostile targets within 8 meters of the opponent.

Additional features: Nightmare Menling’s speed is fast, with copper bars and iron bones. When the knight riding it launches charge, collision, piercing and other skills, the effect will be increased by 50%, and the effect of skills with stun and flying effects will also increase by 50. %.

Incidental skills: [Pointed Piercing], [Crazy Trample]

Turning speed: -30%

Mount toughness: 100000 points

Number of mounts: Two people can ride together, but the player who is carried cannot attack.

Mounting restrictions: players who have learned [riding] and have more than 15,000 power can ride, and riders have no requirements.

[Pointed Piercing] (active skill): After activation, it can penetrate the target, causing it to suffer 10000 points of damage and fall into a bleeding state, losing 1500 points of vitality per second for 10 seconds, with an interval of 10 minutes.

[Crazy trampling] (active skill): After activation, all hostile targets within a radius of 10 meters will be trampled, causing them to suffer 20000 damage, and there is a 50% chance to stun them for 3 seconds. Skill The display interval is 1 hour.

"Wow, this mount is too strong, it's almost twice that of the normal Skeleton Nightmare!" Seeing the attributes of the Nightmare leader, June Feixue exclaimed.

"Just the increased 50,000 points of vitality can make Sister Feng become a super tank. Her current vitality should be no less than that of a dual-class knight, and the increased 40,000 points of mana can also allow her to use all kinds of unscrupulously. Skills do not worry about the consumption of mana." Samadhi said, her pretty face also faintly showed some mobility: "Plus 500 points of all attributes, tusk, the overall strength of Feng sister is also stronger, and the recovery ability is also improved. A lot, and the time to fly is a lot longer."

"The two additional features are also very strong. The first feature's attack range has increased a lot, and the damage has also increased a lot, while the second reminder probability has increased a lot." Black and white moves, and then the tone changes: "Only It is a pity that Sister Feng is not a knight, otherwise she can fully play the role of the second characteristic."

"That's a skill of a knight, Sister Feng can't learn it." Sitting on Qin's heart, then his tone changed: "But it seems that Ye Luo can learn all the skills of a knight, but I don't know when he can use the spear. It will take a long time."

"The most important characteristic of the mount is its movement speed. The movement speed of this mount is actually increased by 520%, which is faster than flying." He laughed in the middle of the night calligraphy: "The most important thing is that riding a ride does not consume consumption. Mana, this is the biggest advantage."

"Thunder class was originally good at speed, but now it has a mount bonus. In the entire Heaven Tribulation game, except for Yue'er, no one can catch up with Sister Feng." Sanmai Shi said, she chuckled: "I am a little looking forward to it now. Sister Feng and Dongfang Killing met in the wild, that must be very interesting."

"Following him to kill, it is not easy for him to escape. [Dragon God Shenxing] lasts only 30 seconds, so he can't get rid of Sister Feng." June Feixue took the conversation, and she began to look forward to it.

"The two skills attached to this mount are also very strong, especially the second one, which is a group skill, and it can also make the target stunned. You can directly step on Mu Bai for 20000 points of vitality, and there is a 50% chance of being stunned. In 3 seconds, doesn't this mean that the person who is stepped on by this mount has almost no chance of survival." Black and white chess road, and then she once again said with emotion: "The god-level mount is really strong, if I can also have one."

[Crazy trampling] After breaking the waves and riding the wind, you can also use other group skills. Under several skills, I am afraid that all hostile targets have been emptied of vitality.

"Hey, wait, today we have the first god-level mount, and soon we will have the second and third one." Breaking the waves and riding the wind vowed, she was a little anticipating: "At that time we will form An army of god-level mounts, tusk, if the enemy is rampaging in battle, it must feel very refreshing."

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