VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 701: : Celestial Mount

Although the top ten gangs have put a lot of effort into tame the god-level bosses as mounts, only the ethereal pavilion can succeed. It can be said that the dark gold-level mounts at the current position are still the mainstream, and the fairy-level mounts are used by the town gangs. .

Think about it, so far, there are only 8 or 9 immortal-level mounts in the Heavenly Tribulation game, and they are almost scattered among the top ten gangs. This shows how precious such mounts are.

It is precisely because of this that I was so excited when I learned that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind encountered two immortal-level BOSSs that could be tamed, because the immortal-level BOSS could obtain a fairy-level mount after taming them without accident.

"Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks, hurry up and tame it. Don't let people from the Eastern family **** it." June Feixue hurriedly urged.

"Feixue, are you confused? No one from the Dongfang family has arrived at Haoyue City yet, so who is going to compete with Sister Feng and the others?" Othello joked, and then his tone changed: "But taming a mount is not simple It takes a long time, not to mention that there are only three of them, Sister Feng."

The last time the nightmare was tamed, there were dozens of hundreds of people in the cave at any time under the commander of the Misty Pavilion, and everyone kept throwing [taming animals]. It took more than an hour to tame the mount. Although fairy-level bosses are much easier to tame than god-level ones, there are only three of them at this time, and they don't know how long it will take to tame them.

"Don't worry, Brother Ye is worth 100 people alone." Zhiyue said, her pretty face was full of trust: "The last time Sister Feng was lucky, this time it is Brother Ye's turn to tame the BOSS."

We all know the success rate of [Beast God Manipulation]. Everyone nodded, and the samādhi poem said to herself: "Two immortal mounts, this is just discovered, this kind of existence can also greatly increase our strength. It’s a good thing for us to be able to tame it before starting the [Volunteer Tower] mission, so the chance of completing the mission is much greater.”

"Let's upgrade quickly too. If you get to level 180 earlier, you can go to help Sister Feng and the others sooner." Sitting on Qin Xin said, continuing to level up.

Knowing that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind found two tamable fairy-level BOSS, Ye Luo and Firework Yield, the missions were almost completed. They didn't say much, and went straight to the destination and began to tame the mount. After all, they also knew the fairy. Level mounts are also very important to the Misty Pavilion.

Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng were able to resist the attack of the nightmare leader of the god-level BOSS before. Although the monsters of the same rank and rank outside Haoyue City are better than Luoshui Town by two to thirty percent, they can't help them. What's more, after breaking the waves and riding the wind, the strength has been greatly improved after riding the god-level mount.

That's right, the strength of breaking the waves and riding the wind after riding a god-level BOSS has become quite exaggerated. It is much stronger than Yeluo. It easily pulls the monster's hatred and resists the monster's attack. It only relies on bloodsucking. It can keep the blood full, without the priest adding blood.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind steadily pulls the hatred of the boss, Ye Luo and the fireworks are easy to be cold, so they can safely and boldly attack, while attacking while performing [Animal Taming Technique] or [Beast God Control Technique].

"Hey, it's really easier to kill monsters after riding a god-level mount." Seeing that he can get 20,000 or 30,000 damage with a single blow, he feels quite good.

"According to my analysis, we can kill more than 200 god-level bosses now, and those around 210 don't even need Qin sister to help increase blood." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and she looked at Polang Chengfeng: "Sister Feng, except this Two fairy-level bosses, have you found a god-level boss?"

God-level BOSS, even if they cannot be tamed, killing them can raise the level of the three of them. By the way, update their equipment, which can also greatly enhance their strength.

"I also found a few, but most of them are of very high level, exceeding level 230. This is not something we can deal with at the moment." Breaking the waves ride the wind, and then her tone changed, she faintly said: "Only one end is about level 210. , We can completely kill it with our current strength. After we solve the two immortal mounts, we will kill them, so that we can also update the equipment."

Ascended to level 180, they have already settled in Haoyue City, and now their level is relatively less important to them, and the more important thing is to change equipment to increase their strength.

Although Fireworks Yi Leng has god-level equipment on his body, and Ye Luo’s magic wand is also god-level, but 80 to 90% of the equipment on the three of them is immortal-level, which is a bit outdated for them, and they are looking forward to replacing it. More powerful equipment.

"Good." Firework Yi Cold said while attacking the monster.

"Firework, this fairy-level BOSS ice unicorn, and the unsurprisingly tamed mount also has ice characteristics." Breaking the waves and riding the wind asked while attacking: "Who do you plan to use after taming it? Tuesday? with you……"

"Sister Feng, I need to talk about it, of course it is Sister Fireworks." Tuesday's voice sounded in the team channel: "Not to mention that I have not passed the [riding] trial. Even if I pass, I will give it to Sister Feng. Yes, because the magician can’t attack the target on the ride, wouldn’t it be a waste of such a powerful immortal mount?”

"Yeah, it doesn't seem to be necessary at all." Wednesday said to himself.

"The main reason is that it is very possible to ride the sacred dragon after the fireworks level 200, and that mount is definitely much stronger than the fairy mount, so I will consider Tuesday." Po Lang Chengfeng explained.

Hearing this, everyone thought of this, and on Tuesday a little indulged: "Sister Feng, it will take some time to reach level 200, so let's talk at that time. Waiting for Sister Fireworks to get the dragon general mount is good for me. , Presumably the fairy mount was not too precious at that time."

"Unicorn, this is the most beautiful mount in the game world, it's a pity it's ice attributes." June Feixue muttered, and then she was expecting something, and asked: "Sister Feng, the other side What are the attributes of a fairy-level boss? Is the mount beautiful?"

I instantly understood the careful thinking of June Feixue, and Othello joked: "Come on, even if it is a fire attribute, it will not be your turn. After all, even if you can ride a magician, you can't attack. It's too wasteful. Isn't it for me or Jianliu?"

"It's okay to use it for Brother Ye, he can also perform the best with fire attributes." Zhiyue hurriedly said.

"That's also true, so his damage will be higher. Anyway, you don't need Sister Chess to fight against monsters." June Feixue looked at Othello'tit for tat'.

"Okay, stop making trouble with the two of you, and level up." The voice sitting on the piano heart sounded: "Sword Six is ​​already at level 180, and then it can be teleported to Haoyue City. We should work hard."

Sure enough, as sitting on Qin Xin said that Jian Liu had already met the conditions for entering Haoyue City, June Feixue and the others stopped frolicking despite the surprise, and accelerated the upgrade speed.

"Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks, should I help you tame the mount or go to investigate outside Haoyue City?" After arriving at Haoyue City, Jianliu contacted them at the first time.

"There are three of us here. You can go to investigate outside Haoyue City, figure out the distribution of monsters, and mark the location of the boss. Of course, it would be better if you can figure out the roughly bursting things." Firework Yi Leng asked.

Hearing that, Jian Liu responded and didn't say much, and went straight to do what the fireworks Yi Leng said.

Maybe the fairy-level BOSS is much easier to tame than the god-level BOSS, maybe Ye Luo's [Beast God Manipulation] finally worked normally, after 20 minutes, he finally tame the unicorn, it was so many people guessed It is a fairy-level mount.

Although the attributes of the fairy-level mounts are not as good as those of the god-level ones, they are much stronger than the skeleton nightmare beasts. After being mounted, their strength will be greatly improved, so it is also very important.

Such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, they guessed that the additional characteristics of this water-attribute fairy-level mount include increased ice damage and ice-sealing effect, which is quite suitable for ice attribute occupations, of course, the premise is that the rider can attack.

Although Ye Luo can also exert the effect of ice attributes, it is more suitable without fireworks to be cold, so the three quickly assigned the mount to the fireworks to be cold.

Knowing this, Zhiyue asked again: "Sister Feng, what attributes does the other immortal boss have? Is it suitable for Brother Ye?"

After just saying this, she said again: "It seems that Brother Ye can exert effects with all attributes, which means that all mounts of any attributes are suitable for him. Will the next mount belong to Brother Ye?"

Seeing that breaking the waves and riding the wind and the fireworks are easy to be cold, they have powerful mounts. Zhiyue naturally hopes that Ye Luo can also have an immortal mount.

Seeing Zhiyue defending Ye Luo in this way, everyone was amused. Breaking the waves and riding the wind hurriedly comforted: "Okay, okay, no matter what attribute the next mount is, we will give it to Ye Luo. Let's do it."

Zhiyue was satisfied with the promise of breaking the waves and riding the wind: "Of course this is not bad."

"But do you want to take a look at what the next mount is?" Po Lang asked. Feeling Zhiyue's curiosity, she couldn't help laughing: "What if it is not suitable for Ye Luo?"

"Xian-level mounts, no matter how bad their attributes are, they are much better than dark-gold-level ones." Zhiyue muttered, but there was also a mutter in her heart.

Not only Zhiyue was curious, but Othello and others were also curious, urging them to hurry up to the next fairy-level boss location.

Soon after everyone saw the fairy-level boss, they were all dumbfounded: "Uh, tortoise? Can this be a mount too?!"

"Little girl, this is not a tortoise, but a dragon tortoise, an earth-attribute fairy-level BOSS." Breaking the waves and riding the wind corrected him: "His skills said that he sacrificed 30% of his movement speed for 30% of his defense. In addition, the soil attribute is originally very good at defense, which means that this is a defensive mount at all, and I suspect that the movement speed will be reduced by 30% after being tamed into a mount..."

"Uh, 30% reduction. Doesn't this mean that the movement speed is not much faster than that of a dark gold mount? Besides, riding a mount like this to go out is too..." Everyone didn't know what to say.

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