VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 725: : Toxic Star

As the fireworks are easy to get cold, they predict that after the major gangs settled in the second-tier cities, wars broke out, and as more people settled in the second-tier cities, the fighting became more intense.

When Yi Leng Yi Leng was discussing the allocation of second-tier cities, she used her wisdom to separate the Heroes of the Heavenly War with the Fengxing gang. After all, Fengxing was the most powerful gang other than the Eastern Family at that time, so they could control the heroes of the Heavenly War. And her goal has been achieved, at least now the heroes of Tianzhan are at a disadvantage in the conflict with Fengxing.

However, the heroes of the Sky War also have their own advantages. They are large in number, and the polar snow wolf cavalry is huge. As more and more people flood into the secondary cities, their situation will improve, and they can even reverse and gain the upper hand.

Think about it, too, now there are more than 8 million players in the heroes of the sky war, nearly half of the 45 million or more than the popular 45 million, plus a slight advantage in the cavalry, so it is not impossible for the heroes of the sky war to suppress the popularity.

"Hey, anyway, Fengxing can still suppress the heroes of Tianzhan for a period of time, and at the very least, it can greatly restrain their development." Othello laughed: "If you are restrained by Fengxing, our development will completely surpass them, let alone that they will not in the future. Will be enemies with us, even if we are really enemies, we are not afraid of them."

"That's how we made Fengxing a second-tier city with Heroes of Heaven." Samadhi said.

"I regret not selling some skeleton nightmare beasts to Uncle Feng Xing now. Hey, even if there are only 5,000, it can bring a lot of pressure to the heroes of Heavenly War. Maybe it can be completely defeated, and the worst will be suppressed by time. Longer." Breaking the waves and riding the wind was full of pity.

"Forget it, after all, the relationship between Fengxing Gang and the fine wine family is not as ironic as that of the fine wine family. If there are conflicts of interest in the future, they will also act on us. To be on the safe side, they will not sell well." Sitting on Qin Xin also expressed his own opinions.

"We don't need to pay attention to them now, let them fight, no matter what the result is, it will be good for us." Samadhi said, and then looked at June Feixue: "Feixue, how are the other two secondary cities? "

"The Long Family and the Yi Nian family are also fighting fiercely, but the Yi Nian family is obviously the opponent of the Long Family and has always been at a disadvantage." June Feixue continued to report: "As for the wine family of Uncle Bacchus and the Nangong family, although there is friction. , But the friction is not big and it is still under control."

"How about the Yeyu family?" Suddenly the fireworks were cold and asked.

"It's not the same, continue to hibernate, recruit masters, and develop your own strength." June Feixue said, and then what she thought of, her tone was a little puzzled: "But it seems that there are some differences. People from the Ye Yu family and Nangong There were also some conflicts in the family, this time Ye Yufei did not suppress the conflict."

Hearing this, the eyes of the samādhi poem and the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the former sneered: "Sure enough, Ye Yufei Fei and the others can't help it. They started to take the Nangong family to take their place."

"The Nangong family is relatively weak among the top ten gangs. Although the friction with the fine wine family is not large, there is friction after all. They can't separate all their strengths against the night rain family." Fireworks Yi Cold took the stubbornly: "At this time, the Ye Yu family no longer controls the friction between the two sides, in order to slowly weaken the strength of the Nangong family and prepare for it to be completely defeated in the future."

"Ye Yu Fei Fei is really smart, the timing is good, and the actions are good." Samadhi poetry praised: "If this continues, maybe they can kill the Nangong family and become one of the new top ten gangs."

"Sister Fireworks, Sister Poetry, there is another situation." June Feixue took over: "It seems that the people from the General Tomb have also settled in Haoyue City, and there is a little friction with the Nangong family, but the people from the General Tomb and the Meijiu family, The Ye Yu family has almost no friction."

"The Ye Yu family should have formed an alliance with the General Tomb. At least some agreement has been reached." Fireworks Yi Leng said with confidence: "The Ye Yu family plus the General Tomb, and the Meijiu family to create some favorable environment for them, so successful. The chance is greater."

"Fireworks, doesn't this mean that the Yeyu family is very hopeful to become one of the top ten gangs?" Othello said solemnly.

"Ye Yu Fei Fei has been recruiting masters. At this time, there should be about 10 masters in the Ye Yu family's celebrity list. Their rise is amazing. Even without the help of the generals, it is not impossible for them to become one of the top ten gangs. It’s just that it will take longer.” Fireworks Yi Cold nodded: “Now there is another assistant. They are one step closer to one of the top ten gangs, which can be as short as one or two months, and as long as six months and a year. They can definitely become one of the top ten gangs."

"Then what are we going to do? Do you want to find a way to contain them?" June Feixue frowned, but she knew that the fireworks were easy to be cold and somewhat afraid of the Ye Yu family.

"Don't pay attention to them, wait until they can become one of the top ten gangs." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"Yes, it's best for them not to provoke us at that time. If they provoke, hey, it is estimated that they will be squeezed out of the top ten gangs." Samadhi sneered.

While talking about this, everyone finally emptied the mobs on the sixth floor of the Volcano Tower, and the next step was to deal with the boss of this floor, a 235-level god-level boss.

Compared with the Venomancer, the overall attributes of the Poison Commander are much stronger, and the power of the skills has increased a lot, and the effect of the Poison is more obvious. Both the blood drop and the slowdown are more obvious, and it even has a large-scale group attack skill. After being hit, it loses 5000 points of vitality per second, defense power is reduced by 50%, movement speed and attack speed are reduced by 50%, for 15 seconds, this skill disgusting wave breaking wind and others have no temper.

Fortunately, sitting on the heart of Qin, taking the lead on Saturday to help break the waves and ride the wind, and Ye Luo to get rid of the negative state, and the former performed group healing techniques such as [Healing Guard] and [Bihai Chaosheng], while the latter also used several group healing skills , But also keep everyone's blood in a healthy state.

The poison leader is a monster of the magician type. The powerful explosive force cannot kill everyone in seconds, so it can only be killed by everyone. It took 15 minutes to kill it by breaking the waves and riding the wind, even better than the previous blast. The time used by the Demon Wolf King is much less.

At the moment when the Toxic Commander was killed, Ye Luo upgraded. He was already at level 189, and his rich experience also made Xiaobai rise to level 164. The upgrade speed was extremely fast.

Breaking the waves, riding the wind and fireworks are also level 189. The higher-level Othello and Zhiyue are at level 191, and June Feixue is at level 192. The ranking list is temporarily first, so she is farther from level 200. Nearly, the chance of the first five turns is also greater.

In addition to the level increase, that is what the monsters burst. The Wooden Demon Orb is a mission item that must explode. In this way, they collected two Five Elements Demon Orbs.

In addition to the magic ball, there was a bead, which made everyone's eyes brightened, and then urged Saturday to find out what it was.

Things like beads are mostly equipment items for magic treasure mines, these things are quite precious, and the ones that burst out of god-level bosses are at least immortal-level, and they may even be god-level, but no matter what the attributes are definitely very good. .

Soon after, an equipment illustration was posted on Saturday:

[Poisonous Star] (Magic Ball*Deputy Weapon-God Level)

Qi and blood: +10000

Magic: +20000

Strength: +800

Agility: +800

Constitution: +800

Intelligence: +800

Additional feature: After being equipped, the magic backtracking speed of the wearer is increased by 35%.

Additional feature: Add 1000 poison damage to the wearer. This feature can only be triggered by poisonous professions.

Additional feature: Reduce the skill CD time of the wearer by 30%.

Incidental skills: [Poison Guard]

Equipment introduction: It is a bead condensed from highly poisonous air, extremely poisonous.

[Biqugeso.me] Long-lasting equipment: 400/400

Need level: 180

[Poison Guard] (active skill): After being equipped, it can summon a poison guard with a duration of 1 minute and 10000 points of vitality in a radius of 10 meters. The poison guard cannot move. The attack distance is 15 meters, and the target can make it. Inflicts 50% damage, and can poison the attacked target, losing 1000 points of vitality per second, reducing movement speed, attack speed, and defense by 15% for 5 seconds. This feature cannot be superimposed, and it costs 1000 points to cast skills. The skill is displayed every 10 seconds.

"It's just an off-hand weapon, I thought it was a magic weapon." June Feixue muttered: "A magic weapon is much more precious than an off-hand weapon, and most magic weapons can be upgraded."

"Although it is not a magic weapon, this magic ball has too powerful attributes, and it deserves to be a god-level equipment." Black and white chess said: "The basic attributes are not to be mentioned. Increased magic recovery speed and reduced skill CD time can undoubtedly make magic The overall output of the teacher has been greatly improved, especially the last additional skill. Tsk tsk, I feel that this skill is disgusting and powerful."

"The skill CD time is 10 seconds, that is, you can summon up to 10 poison guards, and attack together, the attack damage is not bad." Samadhi nodded: "Of course it makes the target poisoning feature better, reducing the movement speed, Attack speed and defense power, tsk tsk, the poisoned person is almost half a waste."

"It's just a pity that this magic ball is not suitable for me, it is most suitable for poisonous professions." June Feixue's tone is full of regret: "But we also have a poisonous magician in the Misty Pavilion. This bead is most suitable for her. ."

"Yes, this equipment is most suitable for misty rain." Othello nodded, and then she looked at the equipment crystals emitting colorful light below: "I feel that the biggest beneficiary of our killing this BOSS is misty rain, because I instinctively told me that the following two pieces of equipment are also capable of being equipped by Poison Profession."

"Sister Qi, really, both of them are artifacts. This breastplate is a commoner type with very good attributes, and it really adds poison attribute damage. The additional skills also increase the poison skill damage, which is very suitable for sister Misty Rain. "Saturday nodded, and then changed his tone: "There is also this ring, which is also the most suitable for poison class. It also increases a lot of attack power. After being equipped, the output will be much stronger."

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