VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 742: : The final boss

Again, the same equipment, props and equipment have different strength enhancements on different players and mounts. The stronger the strength, the greater the increase. In addition to the fairy-level and god-level mounts, the most powerful mounts in the Misty Pavilion are undoubtedly the ice demon bear and the blast demon wolf, so they decided to let these mounts be equipped with saddles.

Hearing this decision, June Feixue was very excited, after all, her overall strength of the Ice Cavalry would be greatly improved.

"The attributes of the Ice Demon Bear are very high, and the effect of wearing a saddle is better. Anyway, this time I got 2,000 saddles from Uncle Bacchus, which is quite enough to equip the Ice Demon Bear." Samadhi said: " And there will be a lot left, so you can form an elite nightmare cavalry brigade."

"Well, thousands of scales can be regarded as our Misty Pavilion special cavalry." Breaking the wind nodded: "This cavalry can be used as an arrow and can easily tear open the enemy battle formation. It is very necessary."

"Yes, that's it." Fireworks Yi Cold nodded.

"Sister Fireworks, what about my Gale Cavalry?" asked Midnight Book, her tone was full of expectation: "The attributes of the Gale Demon Wolf are also very strong. After the mount is equipped, our overall strength will be greatly improved, and we will be able to The charge is in battle, and at least a surprise attack on the rear camp will be better."

Obviously, Midnight Book also has a lot of thoughts on those saddles.

"Naturally, I will give you equipment." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then she looked at Ye Luo, Othello and others: "In our ethereal pavilion, both the fairy-level and god-level mounts will be equipped with saddles. The next step is Hanbing. The Devil Bear and the Storm Devil Wolf, and finally the Skeleton Nightmare Beast, will be arranged by Sister Qin. You are the best at selecting personnel."

"Good." Sitting on Qin Xin nodded.

The Bacchus Du Kang had an urgent need for the Fu Mo suit and the Frost Demon Bear. After closing the communication, he sent someone to Haoyue City, and the two parties also followed the previously negotiated transaction.

Looking at the 2,000 saddles, June Feixue and the others were also excited. After all, they all have a share, and their overall strength will greatly increase after being equipped.

That's right, Ye Luo and Yixiao Hongchen had the most obvious improvement in their strength. After all, the leader of Nightmare is the most powerful of all mounts.

Everyone is equipped with a saddle, and the overall strength has been greatly improved, so it will be easier to kill the fire dragon lava bird.

"Feixue, that alone fishing Hanjiangxue has reached level 197, the level is the same as you, although it is still not higher than you, but it also poses some threats to you, you have to be careful." Samadhi reminded.

"Don't worry, we will kill this level of BOSS soon. No surprises, we can complete the mission tonight. At that time, I could break through to level 200 in one fell swoop. I don’t believe that fishing alone in the snow can improve by more than 2 levels. Upgrade to level 200." June Feixue didn't care.

Not surprisingly, after killing the final BOSS on the 9th floor of the Volmon Tower, Feixue can rise to level 198 in June, and after completing the mission of [Volmon Tower], she will go directly to level 200. Can go to the task of 5th revolution.

Think about it, too, [Fu Demon Tower] is a large-scale main task [海棠书屋www.htsw.info]. The reward for completing the task can at least make June Feixue rise to level 2, so she can be the first to complete it. Turn five tasks.

Hearing this, everyone agrees, but Othello said: "The premise is that the last level of BOSS can be killed. Don't be killed by it when we can't kill it. This is troublesome."

"Don't worry, Uncle Ye Luo's mount has evolved into a god-level, and the overall strength has been greatly improved. Now we are equipped with a dark gold-level saddle, and the overall strength has increased by more than 25%. If you want to kill the final BOSS, it is still not It’s difficult.” June Feixue said, and then his tone changed: “Didn’t Sister Feng say that, if it doesn’t work, we will call in the elite cavalry. It just so happened that Hongchen formed a special cavalry and asked them to come and help. There is absolutely no problem. of."

"Hey, this is also true." Othello nodded, and glanced at the last few fire dragon lava birds, her pretty face was full of expectation: "Then let's kill quickly, finish the task as soon as possible, let us see Feixue What kind of profession can you advance to."

"Hehe, the fire department is a dual profession. It must be very powerful. The overall output capacity should be no worse than that of Sister Feng and Uncle Ye Luo." June Feixue smiled, her tone full of expectation.

"I am now at level 196, and I should be able to complete this task at level 200. Brother Ye will be able to ask Hanyue's sister for help, and I will be able to take a dual career." Zhiyue is also full of expectations.

Hearing that, everyone is more excited and kills monsters faster.

At around 9 o'clock in the night, everyone finally cleared the mobs on the ninth floor of the Volcano Tower, and then they could deal with the final BOSS-Fire Dragon Lava Bird King.

After seeing the rank of this BOSS, everyone was stunned, and Othello murmured: "It's really an ancient god-level BOSS. This is a big game. Originally it was more than 50 levels higher than us, but now it is higher than us. So much higher, our strength can be limited under level suppression and equal-level suppression."

"Fortunately, Sister Feng and Ye Luo's professional characteristics allow them to ignore some level and level suppression, and most of us are attribute attacks, and even some pure attacks. In the misty rain, slow down, reduce defense, fireworks and Tuesday control. The chance for us to kill it is not small." Samadhi said, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, only you can see the attributes of this monster. What skills does it possess? "

The BOSS is level 250, and the level is more than 50 for everyone, but Ye Luo's [Pupil of Reincarnation] can detect monsters that do not exceed his level 60 after reaching level 4, so you can also see the attributes of this BOSS.

Not much to say, Ye Luo directly investigated, and then issued a monster's attribute book:

[Fire Dragon Lava Bird King] (Ancient God-level BOSS)

Level: 250

Magic attack: 16000-16500

Defense: 25000

Qi and blood: 20000000

Skills: [Dragon Bloodline], [Flame Lava*High-level], [High-altitude Advantage*High-level], [Lava’s Clothes], [Ling Feather Sword Fight], [Blazing Flames], [Meteor Fall], [The King’s angry】

[Dragon Bloodline] (passive skill): Fire Dragon Lava Bird King contains some dragon bloodlines, which increases its life recovery ability by 15%, physical and magic defense power by 15%, and spell resistance by 20%.

[Flame Lava*High-level] (Passive): It is said that the Fire Dragon Lava Bird is bred from the lava, and can naturally control the power of the fire. The lava contained in the attack further strengthens the fire system ability, and the Fire Dragon Lava Bird King is better at Therefore, its attack contains 3000 ignition attribute attacks, and it can cause the target to fall into a burning state, lose 1000 blood points per second, and reduce defense power by 10% for 10 seconds. This feature cannot be superimposed.

[High-altitude advantage * High-level] (passive skills): Condescending, domineering, high-altitude flight can increase the movement speed of the Fire Dragon Lava Bird King by 30%, the hit rate by 30%, and the dodge rate by 30%.

[Lava Dress] (active skill): Fire Dragon Lava Bird King has a very powerful ability to control lava, and can attach it to the body surface to become a lava dress. The fiery fire attack can make all hostile forces within a radius of 10 meters suffer every second 10000 points of fire damage, and the lava garment can reduce the damage by 80%, the lava garment lasts for 10 seconds, and the skill is played every 5 minutes.

[Ling Feather Sword Attack] (active skill): Fire Dragon Lava Bird King can control the feathering of the whole body to form a fire sword. All enemy targets within 25 meters of the opponent cause 250% damage and 10000 fire attribute damage. The skill is played at an interval of 10 minutes.

【Flame Singing Plains】(active skill): Fire dragon lava bird king mouth sprays lava to form a sing prairie situation. All hostile targets within 25 meters of the opponent cause 250% damage and fall into a burning state, losing 5000 blood per second. The overall defense is reduced by 20%, and the skill display interval is 10 minutes.

[Meteorite Fall] (active skill): Fire Dragon Lava Bird Net can summon a huge meteorite with its own flame power to attack all hostile targets within a radius of 50 meters, causing 300% damage to it, and a 30% chance of a 3 times storm Shock, stun for 3 seconds, 30 minutes between skills.

[King’s Wrath] (Passive skill): King’s Wrath, bleeding and drifting. This state will be triggered when the fire dragon lava bird king is lower than 30%, and the overall strength will be increased by 30% for 3 minutes. After the time is reached The overall strength is weakened by 50%.

After seeing the attributes and skills of this BOSS, everyone was stunned, and June Feixue murmured: "This BOSS is so powerful, can we beat it with our current strength?"

Previously, he was full of confidence, but now he was murmured, which shows how powerful the attributes of this boss are.

"Yes, if it is a physical attack type monster, it would be better. It is not too big to resist with the defensive power and blood of Sister Feng and Ye Luo, but this is a monster of magic attack type. Sister Feng and their magic defense power are not Too high." Samadhi murmured, she smiled wryly: "The most troublesome thing is that this BOSS has a lot of group attack skills, [Lava Dress], [Ling Feather Sword Attack], [Flame Singing Plains], [Meteor Fall] One is stronger than the other, and the attack range is also very large, especially [Meteor Fall], which actually covers 50 meters, this is simply a skill that kills the map."

"How to kill the fireworks?" Breaking the waves and riding the wind to look at the fireworks is easy to get cold, she also murmured a little bit: "It seems that it is not a good way to deal with this boss and mobilize nightmare cavalry."

Firework Yi Leng did not answer the conversation, but began to ponder. Everyone knew that she was thinking about tactics, and they did not bother her.

After about 4 or 5 minutes, the firework is easy to cold say: "With our current strength, it is not impossible to kill. Feixue has the highest magical defense power, and it is a fire class. It has the highest resistance to fire attributes. After the Quasi-God-level Ice Demon Bear King, her defense and vitality are very high, and the BOSS can't kill her in seconds."

"Uh, can I resist it?" June Feixue also murmured: "Even if it can be prevented, my attack is also of fire attribute. It has a strong defense against me and I can hold it firmly. Is it hatred?"

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