VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 754: : Armor of the King

[Lava Excalibur] It is a long sword with fire attributes that can exert the greatest power. There are no fire swordsmen in the entire Misty Pavilion, so only Ye Luo can exert its power. I sit on the heart of the piano and say those are undoubtedly It is reminding breaking the waves and riding the wind, not to mention that she already has a god-level long sword as a deputy weapon.

"Don't worry, don't worry, only Ye Luo can exert the greatest power of this long sword in our Misty Pavilion. I won't **** this long sword from him." Po Lang Chengfeng said in an angry manner.

"Actually, the flame swordsman who used to be a idiot can equip this long sword, but he is now the Qinglian Sword Fairy." June Feixue muttered, with regret in her tone.

"Come on, if Brother Sunset doesn't delete the account number, he won't be employed as Qinglian Sword Immortal. That is a dual career. If I can find a dual career, I will also delete my account." Midnight Shu said in a faint tone. envy.

Then he thought of something, he muttered: "But so far there seems to be no dual class of assassins. I feel that our assassins are rejected by the system.

"We don't have the pastor department either." Saturday took over.

"Neither does our Summoner department." Zhiyue's voice sounded in the team channel.

"Come on, you can hope to get a dual profession after level 200. Our boxing division is even more miserable. Let alone dual professions, even hidden professions and characteristic professions are the least of all professions." Samadhi complained and didn't treat everyone. She spoke, and she gave an order: "Feixue, be careful, Dongfang Xiaotian and Dongfang Mingzhu are here, they can fly, you alone are not their opponent."

"Hehe, don't worry, their speed is not as fast as I am, and they can't catch up with me." Zhiyue didn't care: "Except for the Eastern Killing of the Sky, no one of their Eastern family can catch up to me, even Eastern Killing the sky is useless, he has already used [Dragon God Transformation], which is no longer a threat to me, but I have not yet used [Beast God Combination]."

"Be careful, don't be close by Dongfang Tiantian, or even if you use [Beast God Combination], you won't be his opponent." Sitting on the piano heart reminded.

At this time, everyone remembered that they were fighting with the Eastern family. The fireworks were cold and looked at everyone. She issued an order: "Saturday, pick up all the explosions. Let's go to support our people and investigate the explosions while rushing. Sister Feng, you carry Saturday, and Ye Luo, you carry sister Qin."

Needless to say, Saturday quickly picked up the explosion on the ground, and then everyone left the Fumo Tower at the fastest speed, rushing to help the Samadhi and others.

"Sister Fireworks, why don't we go back to the city directly?" Only then did Saturday have time to ask questions.

"Dongfang Jitian and others have already returned to the city. According to his previous tactics, the war will definitely send people to block the city gate. Although Ye Luo and Feng sister can fly, it is difficult to guarantee that they will be intercepted, let alone we." Explain coldly.

"Hey, we still have few people, otherwise they will block the city gate." June Feixue sighed lightly.

"Hey, wait, there won't be so many people in the Eastern family after this battle." Po Lang Chengfeng sneered, and then she glanced at Saturday: "Saturday, there is still some time before we reach the battlefield, let us first Look at other bursts."

Not much to say, the attributes of the second piece of equipment were revealed on Saturday, and everyone's eyes lit up:

[King’s Armor] (Breastplate*Heavy Armor-Primordial Artifact)

Qi and blood: +40000

Magic: +20000

Physical defense: +3000—3000

Magic defense: +1500—1500

Strength: +1250

Constitution: +800

Agility: +800

Intelligence: +800

Additional features: Increase the wearer's overall defense by 35%, and absorb 25% of the damage into his own blood.

Additional features: Increase the wearer's 250 points of vitality recovery speed and 200 points of magic recovery speed per second.

Additional features: increase the wearer's 1000 points of various attribute damage and 25% spell resistance, there is a 25% chance to dodge the negative status effects of the hostile target.

Additional feature: Allow the wearer to ignore the level 20 suppression.

Additional skills: [Wrath of the King]

Additional skills: [God-level driving easily]

Equipment requirements: bind the target after equipment, cannot be traded, cannot be dropped, and cannot be destroyed.

Long-lasting equipment: 500/500

Need level: 250

[King’s Wrath] (active skill): King’s Wrath, bleeding and drifting. After casting, the overall strength of the wearer is increased by 100%, and the blood and mana are 5 times the original value. It lasts for 3 minutes. After the time is reached, the overall attributes are weakened 50%, lasts 5 minutes, the skill consumes 50,000 magic points, and the skill display interval is 12 hours.

"Prime god-level breastplate?! Heavy armor type?! No gender restriction?!" Po Lang Chengfeng said these words excitedly, she was very excited: "Hey, Ye Luo and Jianliu both have god-level breastplates. , And mine is only a fairy-level armor, shouldn't this piece of equipment belong to me?"

"If you don't give it to you, you won't go crazy." June Feixue teased.

Obviously, neither Jianliu nor Ye Luo would compete for this piece of equipment, so they returned to Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind.

"Tsk tusk, the basic attributes of this breastplate are too strong, and the additional characteristics are also very good." June Feixue said: "Especially the absorption of damage and turn it into their own blood and ignoring the level of 20 suppression, we The monsters we deal with have always been much higher than us. With this feature, Feng Jie will increase the efficiency of killing monsters in the future."

Nodded, and said on Saturday: "I feel that the additional skill [Wrath of the King] is more powerful, the overall attributes are increased by 100%, and the blood and mana are 5 times the original value, although the effect is not [Dragon Transformation], [ Ice Dragon Transformation] and [Dark Sky Fall] are powerful, but they can be regarded as a big move. The most important thing is that the CD time of this skill is only 12 hours, which is half less than the skills of [Dragon God Transformation]."

"Yeah, after Sister Feng understands the Rank 5 skill [Thunder Dragon Transformation], she will have two super big moves. They will use them one after another, tsk tsk, it must be fun to play against Dongfang Tiantian and the others." Looking forward to authentic.

"Unfortunately, the overall attributes of this skill will be weakened by 50% after it is used. At that time, I was almost half-worn." Although she said this, anyone can see her love for this breastplate.

"The time of weakness is only 5 minutes, it's not too long, it will pass soon." Midnight Shu didn't care: "The big deal is that you can cast [Thunder Dragon Transformation] first and then [King’s Wrath], two super Using the big moves together, it should be able to solve most of the problems."

Nodded, Palang Rongfeng glanced at his waiting, Qiao's face was full of expectation: "Now I am level 196, when I hand in [Volunteer Tower] this mission should be able to rise to level 198 or 199, so I It can be equipped, and my overall attributes will be greatly improved by then."

"It's a pity that you and Uncle Ye Luo can't equip ancient god-level equipment now, otherwise dealing with the Eastern family is not as easy as cutting vegetables." Saturday was full of regret.

"Hey, even if we don’t have these two pieces of equipment, we can chop vegetables and melons. Don’t forget that my attack power has been increased by 100% and 10,000 points of murderous aura increased under the action of [Murderish Orb]. After 200 people, the attack power will increase by 200%. Although it will not kill the heavy armor professions in a flash, it can still kill the leather armor and commoner professions in a flash.” Po Lang Chengfeng laughed.

Hearing this, everyone thought of this, and they all looked forward to it.

"Saturday, do you have any equipment?" June Feixue asked Saturday. Seeing the latter shaking her head, she muttered: "How come an ancient god-level BOSS burst into such a thing, and it's not something I can use."

"Maybe it didn't explode after being picked up by Dongfang Tiantian." Sitting on the piano heart and looking at June Feixue: "After all, it didn't burst out 100%."

"Yeah, too." June Feixue nodded, and she muttered again: "I just don't know what Dongfang Sutian picked up."

At this time, Saturday held up something that looked like a skill book. Seeing June Feixue’s stunned look, she chuckled, "Sister Feixue, you only asked if there were any explosive equipment, but didn’t you say if there was any? Other things, this skill book is also a burst item, and it should be the BOSS burst."

Seeing the skill book exuding golden luster, June Feixue's beautiful eyes lit up: "Golden book, doesn't this mean that this is a god-level skill?! Saturday, let us see what skill it is?! "

With a slight smile, a picture book of the item was posted on Saturday:

[Lava clothes] (God-level skill book)

Item introduction: After learning, the lava can be attached to the body surface to become a lava garment. The fiery fire attack can make all enemy targets within a radius of 10 meters suffer 5000 fire damage per second, and the lava garment can reduce the enemy targets 80% of the damage to the caster, the lava garment lasts for 10 seconds, and the skill is used every 30 minutes.

Learning restrictions: Only strong fire department professions can learn.

"It's actually this skill. It can attack and defend. It's a good skill." Misty Yu said, and then she looked at June Feixue: "Sister Feixue, fire skill book, this is your exclusive skill book. "

"No, this skill book allows fire swordsmen and berserkers to learn better. After all, Lava Dress can only damage enemy targets within a radius of 10 meters. Mage generally won't be so close to the enemy target." June Feixue shook her head, and she muttered: "It would be nice if the idiot was still a flame warrior, it's a pity."

"Hey, since our Misty Pavilion does not have a fire-type heavy armor class or fire-type assassin or boxer, then we can only let you learn." Po Lang Riding Wind Road, a thick smile on her pretty face: "In the future Even if the enemy is close, you can still have more means to save your life. Not only can you reduce the attack, but you can also cause very good damage to it. Maybe you can become a melee magician in the future."

Hearing that, June Feixue chuckled: "Hehe, yes, one more skill is always good. I will use this skill when I ride on the Ice Demon Bear King to charge into battle. Tsk Tsk, the effect must be very good. ."

"Well, it's pretty good, at least you can be called invincible in these 10 seconds." Midnight Shu nodded.

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