VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 761: : Try to stop

The added attack power was expelled, and the army of magicians from the Eastern aristocratic family had also gathered. Po Lang Cheng Feng and Ye Luo had to retreat temporarily. Fortunately, as Po Lang Cheng Feng said, the Nightmare leader has many advantages, and they can withdraw safely. , And after sitting on Qin Xin and the others, they quickly stabilized.

After stabilizing, the two of the waves and the wind took the magical pill while attacking. As the players of the Eastern family family were killed, their attack power slowly increased, and their mana quickly recovered.

The nightmare cavalry made by tens of thousands of knights, tens of thousands of magicians and priests attacked and increased blood, coupled with Zhiyue, Longhe sunset in the sky suppressing Eastern Killing the sky and others, the situation slowly stabilized, even if the Eastern family has a large number of people, But it will take a long time to break through their defenses.

Seeing the situation here, Samadhi was a little relieved, and continued to command everyone to fight.

"Sister Shi, Sister Qi, smile Hongchen and it won't take long for them to wipe out the besieged people, and you are ready to retreat." The cold fireworks sounded in the small team channel of Sanmai Shi and others: " As much as possible, let the cavalry carry players without mounts."

"Hey, don't worry, because there are leather armor and commoner-type Fumo suits, some of our magicians and archers in the Misty Pavilion have also completed the trial of [riding]. They also have mounts, but they are barely enough." Chess said with a smile.

"Sister Qi, when you retreat, let Yue'er and Sunset help you." The fireworks were cold and continued to arrange, and then the tone changed: "Sister Qin, remember to let the pastor team clean the battlefield while treating. It cannot be left to the people of the Eastern family."

"Don't worry." Sitting on the Qin Xin responded, and then ordered to go down.

"Sister Fireworks, Sister Feng, where are we who were killed back to the city?" Jianba's voice sounded.

"Now the four major city gates should have people from the Eastern family. It's dangerous to go out rashly. They are asked to stay in Haoyue City first and wait for opportunities." Fireworks said easily.

Haoyue City is a safe area, so you don't have to worry about people from the Eastern family who will do anything to them while hiding in the city.

"Hey, not surprisingly, when we retreat, people from the Eastern family will chase us, and it will be chased by all members. At that time, no one can stop us in the city." Shu's voice sounded in the middle of the night.

"Sister Fireworks, where will we withdraw later? After all, there are people on both sides of us." Zhiyue asked curiously.

"Hey, of course they retreated to the fireworks. The cavalry of the Eastern family were beaten into infantry by the fireworks. We led the army to attack, and they will definitely be hit hard." Po Lang Chengfeng took the stubbornness, she said. It was full of evil spirits: "It is far from enough to kill them, dozens of millions of people. This time I have to kill a lot of people, and the people of the Eastern family will suffer heavy losses."

"No, you retreat to Feixue." The fireworks said coldly, as if they would have known the doubts about breaking the waves and riding the wind, she explained: "Although these people from the north gate were beaten into infantry by us, it will be a while. They will be able to ride and ride again in time. After all, there are millions of people here. Although we can lead an army to severely inflict them, they will also be overtaken by the army of the Eastern family. They will attack us back and forth."

There were over a million people from the Eastern Family’s support from the North Gate, and at that time tens of thousands of cavalry had re-summoned their mounts. It took a long time for the people of the Misty Pavilion to kill all of them. They could have led the cavalry to chase and kill them long ago, so they would encounter a situation of front and back flanking, and they would surely suffer heavy casualties.

Po Lang Cheng Feng and others are also smart people, and they soon realized this, and then black and white chess said: "But it seems a bit wrong to withdraw to Feixue. There are also many people from the Eastern family who have come to support. So we will still be flanked back and forth..."

"Xiaoqi, you forgot the existence of Gale Valley." Samadhi's voice sounded, and she laughed: "The Gale Valley is very narrow and long, wide on both sides and narrow in the middle. We can definitely accommodate one or two hundred people in the Misty Pavilion. At that time, 10,000 or 20,000 cavalry on one side can definitely stop the pursuit of the Eastern family."

"As for Feixue to stop those people, hey, Sister Feng and Ye Luo can kill them directly when the time comes, and the chaser on the other side can't catch up. We can easily kill them through." Samadhi Shi added.

"Hey, this way, it seems to be really good." Othello laughed: "The Gale Valley is also a long way from the south gate of Haoyue City. Even if people from the Eastern family return to the city and support from the south gate of Haoyue City, it will take a long time. At that time we had already killed those people through."

While talking about this, three people from the Eastern family suddenly flew up. Eastern Killing Sky, Eastern Xiaotian, and Eastern Pearl finally flew after supplementing magic. At this time, the magic of the sunset in the river was exhausted, and only one Zhiyue dealt with the three. The attack is undoubtedly stressful.

"Sister Feng, do you want me to use [Beast God Combination], maybe I can kill them all." Zhiyue is full of expectation, but she knows that Dongfang Xiaotian's big move has been used, and that's not the case. People are her opponents.

"There are countless pastors behind the three of Dongfang Xiaotian. Even if the three of them are not your opponents for [Beast God Combination], they will not be killed. It is a waste of skills." Samadhi stopped Zhiyue: "It is still the key to wait. Use it again when it's time, let Sister Feng and Ye Luo stop them now."

Some time has passed, and the magic values ​​of Po Lang Cheng Feng and Ye Luo have recovered to seven or eight eight. The two did not hesitate to abandon their mounts and fly into the sky to meet the three people in the East.

Although the strength of Dudongfang Killing the Sky is equal to that of Ye Luo, the strengths of Dongfang Xiaotian and Oriental Pearl are slightly weaker than those of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and Zhiyue is not worried about running out of mana. Some of the slain artifacts broke down, so for a time the three of Dongfang Killing Tian were slightly downwind.

Although it fell in the wind, as the samādhi poem said, there are countless priests behind the three people in the East to add blood to them, so they are not in danger of being killed by a spike.

"These priests are too hateful. Unfortunately, my attack power has only increased by 20%. I can't kill them at all." Po Lang said angrily, and then she turned to look at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, how much did your attack power increase? "

"36%, but now being entangled by the three people of Dongfang Tiantian, I have no chance to kill anymore." Ye Luo said solemnly.

Dongfang Tiantian is a super master, Ye Luo has no time to distract, and even his left hand weapon has been replaced with a long sword, so there is really no chance to kill someone from the Dongfang family to increase his attack power.

"Ye Luo, Sister Feng, you guys step back a little bit and get closer to me. I think of a way to fix one with [Qin Yinhua Eye] so that the three of you can free up one person." Sitting on Qin's heart

The people in Polangchengfeng did what they said, but the people in the East Killing Sky were also smart people. They saw through the trio of the trio in an instant. They were not fooled, which made Polangchengfeng angrily.

"It's a pity that we don't have any traps. Otherwise, they must be beautiful." Po Lang Chengfeng said with regret in his tone.

"Don't worry too much, your task is just to delay them and buy time for them." Samadhi poem said, and then his tone changed: "Wait for the day of fall to stop being full of blood, what he needs for flying There is much less magic. Together, you can easily push the East Killing Heaven back, and even enter their pastor team."

While talking about this, Changhe sunset ascended into the sky, with a long arrow on his back whizzing away, pointing towards Dongfang Killing the sky: "Brother Ye, you go to kill people to accumulate attack power, I will stop Dongfang Killing the sky for you!"

Although there is still a gap between Changhe Sunset and Eastern Killing of the Sky, he is a new force with sufficient energy, blood and magic, and can attack unscrupulously, so it is easy to stop him for a while.

Needless to say, Ye Luo immediately withdrew from the battle and replaced the long sword in his hand with a magic wand. At the same time, he used [Six Reversals] to add all his own attribute points to his intelligence, and then displayed group attack skills one by one. Pieces of injury numbers floated up.

Add all his own attribute points to intelligence, so Ye Luo's magical attack power will increase a lot, and the damage of using magician skills will be much more. This is more than that, as the intelligence point is higher, his mana value will be higher, and the mana recovery speed will be faster, so that he can fly longer.

Sword skills and magician skills were successively displayed. After 6 or 7 skills, Ye Luo's attack power increased by about 20%, so that his damage was higher and the speed of killing players was faster.

Seeing Ye Luo's attack power once again increased, Dongfang Mingmu, Dongfang Mingye and other hidden professional priests stepped forward, wanting to disperse his attack power again, but this time he was prepared, and immediately followed him. The distance was widened, and then a [Energy Sword Rain] was thrown, causing tens of thousands of damage to it, and taking away a few players with residual blood.

After more than 20 seconds, the magic value of Dongfang Killing Sky and Dongfang Xiaotian was once again exhausted, and breaking the waves and riding the wind also landed, but Zhiyue, Changhe Sunset, and Ye Luo were still flying, so easily forced the Oriental Pearl After going back, they were killing again.

As a result, Ye Luo's attack power quickly increased by more than 100%, and then it was easier to kill, and the attack power increased faster and faster.

As for breaking the waves and riding the wind, she also took the opportunity to kill some players with residual blood, and her attack power has also increased a lot.

Of course, because of fear of the increased attack power that would be dispelled by the hidden professional priest, the two dared not rush forward. Coupled with the fact that there are many Easterners, the two sides are still in a stalemate.

Of course, this situation is exactly what Samadhi they want to see, so that a smile can lead the nightmare cavalry to kill people unscrupulously.

"Sister Shi, what's the situation on your side?" The firework's cold voice sounded: "How many people are still besieged by you? How long will it take to solve them all?"

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