VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 770: : Shot challenge

Fishing alone Hanjiangxue is a young man and a master. Most people like this are arrogant and can easily be angered by contemptuous words. This makes it easy to reveal flaws. Obviously, fireworks are easy to cold and samādhi poems are familiar. That's why I said that deliberately.

Sure enough, Diaoyu Han Jiangxue became angry after being despised, but he wanted to prove himself even more. He turned to look at the people from the Eastern family: "People from the Eastern family, can you dare to fight with me?!"

The people of the Eastern family are not as careful as fireworks are easy to get cold, and they are so miserable and in a bad mood when they are beaten by the misty pavilion. Now they are being provoked by the cold and snow fishing alone, they can’t help themselves, they all want to Give him a lesson.

Of course, Dongfang Killian has his own pride, and he also knows that even if he takes a shot, he will end up with a reputation for bullying the'nameless man', so he glanced at Dongfang Zhantian and said, "Zhantian, go, you can discuss with him. Learn from each other."

Dongfang Zhantian is a master of the celebrity list. Although the ranking is a bit lower, the strength is also very good. At this time, it is also a very good choice to deal with alone fishing in the cold river. After all, if you let Dongfang Xiaotian, Oriental Pearl and others go Some thoughts of bullying the'newcomer'.

Although the single fishing Hanjiangxue is a dual class player and is the first player to rank five, Dongfang Zhantian did not take this little boy in his eyes, not to mention that the entire game industry now knows how to deal with invisible assassins. Especially when it is one-to-one.

Since stealth is almost useless in one-on-one, fishing alone in the heart of Dongfang Zhantian is an ordinary hidden profession. He doesn't believe that a celebrity player can even beat him.

Soon, Dongfang Zhantian came to the open space between the two sides. Without saying much, he immediately started fighting. It was not a battle, but a life-and-death duel. This also meant that if you were killed, you would lose one level, unless there is The priest resurrected it.

I thought that fishing alone Han Jiangxue would stealthily wait for an opportunity to assassinate, but he didn't want him to go straight to the east, he didn't mean to be invisible at all, as if he was going to fight his opponent head-on.

In Dongfang Zhantian's heart, this was undoubtedly despised, but he resisted his anger forcibly and prepared to take a lesson in fishing alone.

Dongfang Zhantian is a berserker. The class is like Sword Thirteen. It is a fiery war. The explosive power is very strong. At least the output is much stronger than the ordinary hidden class. And the lower the blood of this class, the faster the attack speed and the higher the defense. , Such a head-on fight with the cold snow fishing alone is undoubtedly dominant.

"Eastern Battle is about to lose." On the other side, Changhe sunset said faintly: "The operation level of the cold snow fishing alone is extremely high, not worse than mine, plus he is now a double professional, and he is the first fifth rank. , The level and the rank have the advantage, and defeating Dongfang Zhantian is almost trivial."

Confident in the judgment of the sunset in Changhe, June Feixue raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Follow him, anyway, it is people from the Eastern family. When so many people are defeated by an unknown junior, they are undoubtedly hitting the Eastern family in the face. , I am happy to hear about this."

Not only the June Feixue, but also the Samadhi poems, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, so they watched the field in time.

"Hey, do you think about what to do if the Hanjiangxue fishing alone defeats the Eastern Family and then comes to challenge us." He said in the middle of the night, his brows frowned slightly: "As Brother Luo said, fishing for the Hanjiang Snow alone is a double profession. , The level and rank are higher than us, and we are also very troublesome against them."

"What are you afraid of? Let the idiot come on at that time." June Feixue said, she turned to look at the sunset at Changhe: "Although the idiot is inferior to him in level and rank, he can fly, which is undoubtedly invincible. Up."

"It doesn't seem to be a good thing, after all, people are open and honest with us." The book's face was embarrassed in the middle of the night, and the same was true when looking at the sunset over the river.

"You said earlier that his level and rank are higher than ours, and it is reasonable to use a little extraordinary method." June Feixue didn't care about it.

"I'm afraid that this method is a bit unrealistic." Samadhi said, while watching the battle in the field, she explained: "Although the magic required for sunset flight is much less than that of Sister Feng and Ye Luo, it also requires a lot. With his current amount of mana and mana recovery speed, he can't hold on for long. At this time, the lone fishing Han Jiangxue hides in stealth, and he will fall down soon, and then he will still face him."

"Uh, it seems to be the case." June Feixue said, and she looked at the sunset in Changhe: "Idiot, what is your chance of winning against him now?"

After a moment of contemplation, Changhe Sunset said: "Although his level and rank are higher than mine, his overall attributes are much stronger than me, but I have the blessing of the gang skills, but not too weak, the chance of winning a head-on fight is about 50%."

Changhe Sunset is a member of the Misty Pavilion. He has seven gang skills, but Diao Hanjiangxue did not join the gang. At this point, Changhe Sunset is very dominant, so even though the latter is already Rank 5 and has a higher level It's not that simple to defeat nearly 10 levels.

Hearing this, June Feixue frowned slightly: "There is only half the odds of winning, not as high as me. If I can find the trace of fishing alone in Hanjiang Snow, I feel that I have an 80% chance to kill him. "

"Well, if you can find the cold snow fishing alone, you will have a great chance of winning after being close and cast [Lava Dress]." Samadhi nodded: "The biggest drawback of fishing alone cold snow is that there is no gang. Skill bonus, so his strength is much weaker. If he joins our Misty Pavilion, his strength will increase by at least 30-40%."

"You don't have a 100% chance of winning. If you lose, you will be ashamed. Let me go." Po Lang said, her beautiful eyes gleamed, and she was faintly looking forward to: "I am a woman, I don't care about bullying him. What's more, after he defeated Dongfang Zhantian, he will become a celebrity in the game world, and he is not bullying him."

"Sister Feng, you are so embarrassed." A group of people joked.

While everyone was chatting, Dongfang Zhantian and Dudiao Hanjiang Snow Battle had already come together. As Long River Sunset said, the first one fell into a disadvantage as soon as the battle, and the situation got worse.

Lonely fishing Hanjiangxue did not use any skills, just simply fighting with the Eastern Zhantian, his operation level is extremely high, coupled with the fast attack speed of the blast swordsman, the high movement speed, and the inaugural wind After the Hidden Venerable, these two aspects have improved a lot, so that these two advantages can easily suppress Dongfang Zhantian's offensive.

"Hey, why are they here, Uncle Bacchus?" June Feixue saw the Bacchus Du Kang and others, her brows frowned slightly: "When we were fighting with the Eastern family, they should have applied for the perspective of God. You need to come and watch it."

"They're here to watch the cold snow fishing alone." Fireworks Yi said coldly. Seeing the doubts of everyone, she pointed to the cold snow fishing alone: ​​"Sister Feng, do you think the operation of fishing alone Hanjiang snow is? not very familiar with?"

For a moment, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind began to observe carefully. After a while, her eyes lit up: "Strong offensive, continuous shots, and pursuit of attack speed and movement speed. Isn't this the operating style of Uncle Jinmu, water, fire, and earth? ..."

"It should be the disciple of the uncle." Sitting on the piano, she looked at the **** of Bacchus Du Kang and others: "Furthermore, it is enough to make the list of celebrities like Uncle Bacchus and Anonymous come together, which is enough to show the identity of fishing Han Jiangxue alone. Uncle Bacchus and others are old friends with Uncle Jinmushuhuotu."

"Uncle Jinmu Shuitu turned out to be a super master on the celebrity list. He didn't like to build gangs. He was a casual player. However, his operation level was extremely high, and he rarely had rivals without the bonus of gang skills. He had the highest ranking at the beginning but was on the celebrity list. The top five." Samadhi Shi explained to Ye Luo: "Think about it, how strong is his strength to become the fifth master of the celebrity list without joining any gang."

After entering the game for so long, Ye Luo also knows that the reason why many celebrity players rank so close is to join the gang and increase the influence of the game, and the ranking of a single player is actually higher than the Bacchus Du Kang, which is enough to explain how he is. It's tough, and at least it's much stronger than the Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing in terms of operation alone.

"It's a pity that the uncle lost to Dongfang Tiantian, and then he collapsed. He has since retired from the game, and his ranking is no longer on the celebrity list." Othello sighed.

"Although Uncle Jinmu, Water, Fire and Earth is strong, he is a casual player after all, and his influence in the game world is even not as good as the lower-ranked Uncle Bacchus. Coupled with his withdrawal from the game industry, he is even less famous. He will soon be removed from the celebrity list. Elimination is also normal." Samadhi Shi said in a deep voice, and then changed her tone, and she looked at Diaoyu Hanjiangxue: "It seems that the uncle is still not convinced, so he has cultivated a disciple. Seeing this person's operation can be regarded as obtained. His true biography, even his style of acting is the same, he doesn't join the gang."

"The uncle took good care of us at the beginning, and our relationship is pretty good." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she looked at the snow fishing in Han Jiangxue alone: ​​"But this kid actually came to trouble us. It seems that the uncle didn't tell him about us. relationship."

"This little guy is very arrogant. I'm afraid that Uncle Jin Mu, Shui Huo Tu will not be polite to us." Black and White Chess said, she laughed: "Sister Feng, if necessary, you can teach him a lesson. It's like beating and beating him for the uncle, this kind of temperament can't be mixed in the game world.

"This is natural." Po Lang said with a smile, and then she shook her head: "It's a pity that he can't be invited to join us..."

"Even if he joins, it may not be a good thing, because his temperament will not be reconciled to others." Samadhi poem said solemnly, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "We have a leaf drop in the Misty Pavilion, so we should not be able to tolerate this person, no It should be said that he cannot tolerate Ye Luo. After all, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. He should have such a temperament, unless Ye Luo takes the initiative to let him."

"Forget it, he can't compare to Ye Luo..." Po Lang muttered.

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