VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 795: : Impersonating boyfriend

From the various signs of the battle between the Ye Yu family and the Nangong family, a shocking judgement was analyzed, and most of the people present were unbelievable. However, the gods of Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing were also smart people with rich experience. They also came to the same conclusion, and their faces became serious for a while.

It is very common to have some conflicts in the game industry and then make big fights, but it is a different matter if you deliberately set people up and unscrupulously win in order to get the upper position. This kind of practice is very shameful.

"The Yeyu family is a bit overwhelmed." Fengxing looked at the Bacchus Du Kang and said in a deep voice.

"They want to become one of the top ten gangs early, and it is forgivable to use a little trick." Despite this, the face of the **** of wine Dukang became a little difficult to look: "Tell me [biqugex.biz] We don’t have much evidence, and this analysis alone can’t prove anything. Fireworks, right?"

"I'm not proving it to others, I just know it myself." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

Hearing that, Fengxing and Dionysian Du Kang didn't say anything any more, and other people didn't discuss this matter anymore, but they all had their own cares in their hearts.

"Hey, I'm more curious, why Yuexia Tingzen has mixed up with this kind of gang civil war, doesn't he hate these the most?" Othello is full of curiosity.

"I heard that his sister was insulted by people from the Nangong family." A cup of Erguotou took the stubbornly: "Yuexia Tingfeng is the sister of Yuexia Tingzen, and it is his forbidden. If her sister is insulted, he will naturally not bear it. Live and shoot."

"Such a coincidence?" Samadhi raised her brows, and she smiled: "Good means."

"Yuexia Tingzen is a general of the Yeyu family. It will be easy to have him join the battle, so it is necessary." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then she looked at Po Lang Chengfeng and others: "Sister Feng, Ye Luo , Go back, there is no suspense in this battle, and it will definitely end before the game is closed."

Don't need to say that fireworks are easy to cold, everyone knows that the battle will not last long after seeing the side-to-side battle.

"Hey, it seems that I will re-examine the Ye Yu family in the future." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed, and she looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Fireworks, if the Ye Yu family wins the Nangong family today, you said the celebrity trial after the Spring Festival. Will the Yeyu family have a chance to become one of the top ten gangs?"

"There is a chance." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Even if it fails, the Nangong family has been severely damaged. Not surprisingly, the Nangong family will be devastated after this defeat, and the loss of players will be very serious, so after the next celebrity trial conference. The Ye Yu family will definitely become one of the top ten gangs."

Hearing this sentence, some celebrities on the side were even more surprised, and many people looked more solemn, such as people from the Yinian family, such as people from the gang such as Gufenglou.

After that, the fireworks were easy to be cold and the waves left Haori City by the wind, and continued to work on the previous things.

Before leaving, Fireworks Yi Leng had a private chat with the **** of Bacchus Dukang, and agreed to discuss the matter of co-cultivating life players in reality. The **** of Bacchus Dukang was very enthusiastic about this and said that he would arrive on time and on time.

As the fireworks Yi Leng said, the battle between the Nangong family and the Yeyu family lasted only more than one hour, and the result of the battle was not unexpected. The Nangong family was defeated, and many players were killed to a level.

Because I knew it would be like this for a long time, so Po Lang Chengfeng and others were not too surprised, but they didn't have a good impression of Ye Yu Fei Fei and Ye Yu family.

Time passed, and another one or two hours passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, the game was only more than 10 minutes away.

"Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks, the Eastern family has lost 1.2 million people, and some people are leaving the gang one after another." June Feixue said suddenly, she was very excited: "This is already one-sixth of the Eastern family. Coupled with the loss of those who have just moved into Haoyue City, their overall strength has weakened a lot."

"No." Samadhi shook his head: "Although a lot of people have been lost, these people are mostly marginal players from the Eastern family. Their departure will not have much impact on the strength of the Eastern family. On the contrary, it will greatly ease them. If the tail is big, they can use the salary paid to these people to cultivate more elite players, which is more beneficial to them."

"Uh, it seems that this might really be the case." June Feixue was stunned.

"Doesn't this mean that we are almost useless to defeat them?!" Zhiyue's face was incredulous.

"Of course, with the loss of so many people, the strength of the Eastern family is also weakened, but it is not as big as we imagined." Samadhi Shi explained, and then she laughed: "The most important thing is that the Eastern family is our After the defeat, their players' morale is low, which will have a great impact on their combat power."

"In addition to this, defeating them will also let our people know that the Eastern aristocracy is not invincible. There will be no fear of confronting them in the future. It will be easier to defeat them." Po Lang said: " From this point of view, it means more."

"It seems to be too. After we defeated the Eastern Family, the morale of the Misty Pavilion has increased a lot. Everyone is more motivated and has a stronger sense of belonging." Zhiyue said, her pretty face was full of excitement.

"Fireworks, the game is about to close, what else do you want to tell everyone?" Po Lang Chengfeng said suddenly.

"Sister Qin, Xiaoshu, the server will be shut down in more than 10 minutes, remember to pay all the salary, and there is a bonus for the Chinese New Year." Fireworks Yi Leng exhorted.

"Don't worry, Sister Qin has been telling you to go down. The elite team has issued 1,000 yuan more than usual, and the official players have issued 500 yuan more. It is a small year-end bonus." He was a little excited about the call in the middle of the night: "Anyway We made an extra 10 million yuan from Uncle Bacchus and others, and we made a lot of money from doing business. Sending it to everyone will make everyone happy and have a good Spring Festival."

"Well, it's pretty good, you can't treat the brothers and sisters in the gang badly." Po Lang Chengfeng was very satisfied with their practices in Midnight Book.

"Remember to make everyone pay more attention to safety during the Spring Festival and return on time." Samadhi Shi added: "Of course, don't forget to wish everyone a happy Spring Festival."

"This is natural." Sitting on Qin Xin smiled.

Ten minutes soon arrived. After hearing the system prompt and shutting down the server in 3 minutes, everyone chose to go offline, and then there was a yawn in Feixue’s house in June: “It’s finally over, I want to sleep beautifully. For a long time, no one will bother me."

"Don't sleep first, I ordered some simple takeaways, everyone will sleep after eating, otherwise it will be uncomfortable." Sitting on the piano, he said, and then notified Po Lang Chengfeng and others one by one.

After sitting on the piano's heart, everyone ate something, and then simply cleaned up and went to sleep.

This sleep lasted for more than 10 hours, and it was already 12 o’clock at noon. Everyone finally made up their vitality. At this time, I got up 2 hours earlier and made a good lunch for everyone. You're welcome, it tastes so beautiful.

"Sister, I'm going to buy a gift for the old man later, what advice do you have?" Midnight Shu asked while eating, "I'm going to buy one for you. Who makes us rich?"

"Then you can buy a pair of crutches for the old man." Po Lang said with a sly look on his face when he said this.

"Come on, the old man's body is very tough. If I don't dare to buy this kind of gift back, I guess the crutches are also used on me, but I don't know if my leg was broken or the crutches." The book muttered in the middle of the night, and then said with a serious face : "Sister, what are you going to buy?"

After pondering for a long time, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind shook his head: "Forget it, you can watch and buy, buy some good wine and good tea. By the way, doesn't he like playing chess with Uncle Leng? Just buy a chess set and buy it. The kind of best."

"Okay, then I'll just look at it and buy it." As if knowing that he couldn't get any constructive advice from Polangchengfeng, Midnight Shu decidedly gave up.

While they were talking about these things, they sat on Qinxin and discussed what they were going to buy next. Everyone had a lot of fun discussing, especially in June Feixue, there was a couple who wanted the whole mall. The trend of buying back.

"Fool, you can follow me to pick up things later." June Feixue said, looking at the dull face of the sunset in Changhe, she said in an angry manner: "Look at your look, it's a big deal to buy it for you and your elder brother. Some gifts, why don't you go back with me for the New Year, you..."

"Big brother he will be very lonely. We spend the Spring Festival every year." Changhe sunset said: "Sister Feixue, you are not the same. You have family to accompany you, eldest brother he is only with me."

Hearing that, everyone felt a little uncomfortable, and June Feixue was silent. After a long time, she said: "If your eldest brother is not hostile to us, we would be very happy to invite him back with us."

"Sister Feixue, don't worry, I will go to the hero's studio to accompany my eldest brother for two or three days. Then I will find you. Most of you will be nearby, so you can arrive without any need." Consoling Feixue in June.

Soon, everyone changed the subject and the atmosphere became lively again. Zhiyue looked at Ye Luo: "Brother Ye, we will only buy some gifts for father and mother later, and the rest of the family will leave it alone. I don’t like it anyway. They. By the way, we have to go to Sister Feng's house first, should we also buy some gifts for Uncle Feng?"

"No, my old man has everything, but I don't need these." Po Lang Chengfeng said in a hurry.

"Buy some gifts, after all, it is to visit the elders." Ye Luo said, and then she looked at Zhiyue: "But the task of choosing gifts is left to Yue'er. I am not good at these."

"Hee hee, don't worry, just leave it to me." Zhiyue smiled, and then she thought of something, her smile was even stronger: "Besides, Brother Ye came by pretending to be Sister Feng's boyfriend. It's the first time to see you. Elders, you can't go back empty-handed, can you, Sister Feng?"

Hearing this, Polangchengfeng only remembered this, and she couldn't help but blush, she whispered: "I have said it, this is a fake, a fake..."

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