VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 802: : Quasi-Celebrity Privileges

It’s not difficult to guess that he is the father of fireworks and coldness, Leng Shuang, according to the temperament and words of a person, and the subsequent behavior of fireworks and coldness also proved this: she walked in front of people and called father respectfully. .

"I also know that there is my father who hasn't been home for most of the year." Leng Shuang said lightly, his tone almost as cold as fireworks.

Even though he said that, everyone who knew him could see the joy he hid behind the cold expression.

As if used to Lengshuang's character a long time ago, the fireworks were easy to be cold and didn't care, so he returned.

"Hey, Uncle Leng, it's been a long time since I saw you, I miss you so much." Po Lang and Riding the Wind went forward to salute, and sitting on the piano heart, Long Teng Tianxia also went forward to salute.

Looking at Fengchen, she didn't have a good face in front of her daughter, but she was very friendly and kind to his children's friends, but Feng Shuang's personality was the same as that of fireworks, and the whole person was much more indifferent.

I've long been accustomed to fireworks' easy-to-cold character. Compared to her Lengshuang, she is much more enthusiastic, and everyone is very comfortable.

"Hey, brother Leng, I don't agree with what you said earlier. Give me a little time to adapt. I may not lose to Du Kang." Feng Chen was dissatisfied on the surface, but everyone knew that he was changing the subject for the fireworks.

"Such an adult, there is no self-knowledge, just like the first time you drank." Seeing his old friend, Leng Shuang finally showed a smile on his face: "You think you can drink two bottles, but the result is not One bottle was poured, and the result was vomiting dimly."

Although talking about Fengchen's embarrassment back then, Leng Shuang was expressionless and his tone was as cold as water.

In front of so many people being mentioned embarrassment, Feng Chen's face was a little bit uncontrollable. He said in a sullen manner: "Why are you as cunning as you, obviously everyone fights together, but you don't drink at all."

"I said beforehand. If you don't drink a drop, you will naturally not drink a drop." Leng Shuang said, and then the conversation changed: "Besides, if I even fall, who will carry you back."

"Father, it turns out that you had such a glorious experience when you were young, so tell us about it." Midnight Shu said curiously.

"Go away, I'm so excited to hear your embarrassment." Feng Chen kicked Midnight Book out, worrying about being embarrassed again. He changed the subject: "Brother Leng, Brother Du Kang, since you are here, then we Just talk, their young people still have to talk about business."

After speaking, Feng Chen pulled Leng Shuang and Bacchus Dukang away.

Fengchen and the others were not there. Po Lang Chengfeng and the others let out a long sigh of relief, and they also relaxed, and everyone continued to talk about the previous things.

"Sister Feng, Sister Shi, haven't you said what is going on with the other 100 prospective celebrities?" June Feixue asked curiously.

"Yes, do these places have any benefits?" Othello also asked: "How can I get these places?"

"Isn’t it said that the number of places on the celebrity list is a bit small, and the previous recommendation method is a bit imperfect, so there is a place for the quasi-star list." Sanmai Shi continued: "There are many ways to obtain these places, the first is Naturally, they retired from the original celebrity list, and they can stay on this list temporarily. In addition, each gang can recommend some, but the recommended places must meet some conditions, such as having a good record or having a very good game in the game Influence and so on, you can check the specific conditions yourself."

"By the way, if you can beat some famous [红旗小说www.hongqibook.com] masters, you are also eligible to become the masters of the quasi celebrity list." Samadhi Shi added: "For example, fishing alone in Hanjiang Xue, he beat Dongfang Zhantian, Dongfang Mietian, Dongfang star, so he is now a master of the quasi-famous list."

"That's it." June Feixue knew it, and then she looked excited: "Hey, it seems that I have the opportunity to go to the celebrity masters of the Eastern Family to practice hand skills. I will use [Lava Giant] to defeat them. It's easy."

"Don't think about something good. It doesn't count to defeat your opponent with a big move, and you can't defeat one by chance. At least two defeats are eligible." The strength is very good. They can kill them even if they don't use the big move against the Eastern Zhan Tian, ​​so it is very easy to get the quota of quasi celebrities."

"That's true." Othello nodded, and then she looked at Zhiyue: "But I think Yue'er is easier to get this place, after all, she has defeated more than one celebrity list master."

"Yue'er is already a master of the prospective celebrity list, and she can even be promoted directly to one of the 50 official masters of the celebrity list." Samadhi said, seeing the doubts and surprises of June Feixue and others, she explained : "I said earlier that if you have a very good record or a very good influence, you are qualified to become a master of the quasi-famous list. Yue'er is now the number one summoner of the tribulation, with great influence, enough to qualify, if not People from the Eastern aristocratic family and the heroes of the Heavenly War are obstructing her. She is now official. Don't forget that the 50 new quotas are still empty."

"Hey, Yue'er has a dual career now, and our Misty Pavilion's influence is getting higher and higher, she is also rising, and the next celebrity trial will be able to become an official celebrity list without even having to fight with others. "Breaking the waves and riding the wind.

"Yeah, that's right." Yaoyue raised his glass and nodded, while everyone else nodded.

Hearing this, Zhiyue became excited, and she cheered: "Really?! Hehe, great."

"Naturally it is true. The name of the first summoner is not fake, and you are the first summoner with dual careers. It is a certainty to be included in the celebrity list." The daughter red said: "Yue'er girl, Keep working hard and the summoner will rely on you to carry forward."

"Thank Sister Hong, I will work hard." Zhiyue nodded solemnly.

"Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks, are there any privileges for prospective celebrities?" June Feixue asked curiously.

"There are no benefits such as a car, but there is the privilege of traveling by plane." After breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: "By the way, the most important thing is that prospective celebrities also have the right to vote, but one person only counts as half of the vote. ."

"What, the prospective celebrities still have the right to vote?!" June Feixue was excited, and she smiled: "Although it is only half the vote, it still has the right. This kind of quota can affect many things, especially for For us, because I feel that many people in the Misty Pavilion can get this kind of quota."

"Low-key, low-key, the people of the Long Family and the Fine Wine Family are still there. We can talk about this by ourselves." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, but she didn't have a low-key meaning when she said this, which made Long Teng the world. They laughed bitterly.

"By the way, in addition to these rights, the most practical right of the prospective celebrities is to be able to challenge the celebrity list masters in the celebrity trial without recommending them." Samadhi Shi added, she looked at Othello and others: "This time the celebrities Tang has made such a big reform, which is good news for a rising gang like us. Everyone must work hard."

"Sister Shi, don't worry, we will definitely work hard to win the official quota. The worst is the prospective celebrity." June Feixue vowed.

"The Hall of Fame has made such a big reform. It seems that something big is going to happen in the game industry." Suddenly sitting on Qin Xin said: "It's just that it's still in the civil war stage. There is still a period of time before the national war. Prepare in advance."

"Tianjie this game is extremely popular, even more popular than the people in the game department expected. They saw the huge benefits of this game, so they made such adjustments to prepare for greater benefits in the future." Tao, and then she laughed: "Otherwise, they would be willing to make these reforms. You must know that those benefits represent huge expenses."

"Oh, that's true." Othello nodded: "It seems that the country values ​​the game of Heavenly Tribulation very seriously and wants to do it a lot."

"It's a good thing to value this game, so our players will be more motivated, and the overall strength will be improved a lot. In the future, it will be easier to play against foreign forces." Long Teng Tianxia said.

"By the way, didn't it say that in addition to the changes in the celebrity list, the top ten gangs have also changed? What are the changes?" June Feixue asked.

"The Commercial League is no longer one of the top ten gangs." Jian Nanchun broke out a news that shocked the people sitting on Qin Xin and others.

"What, the Shangmeng is not one of the top ten gangs?!" June Feixue's face was full of stunned expression: "What's the matter, the celebrity list masters in Shangyanshang and Shangmeng will agree to this matter?"

In business, business has a great influence in the game industry, not even smaller than Fengxing, Bacchus Dukang, and besides him, there are some people from the business alliance on the celebrity list. Their overall influence is great, and naturally they will not Let the Commercial League be deprived of its status as one of the top ten gangs.

In addition to these, the business alliance has a great influence in the entire game, not even worse than the Eastern Family.

"This proposal was made in Shangyanshang." Samadhi said, seeing the stunned look of Othello and others, she nodded: "Yes, people from the Shangmeng League took the initiative."

"What's the matter with the people in the business alliance, why would they make such a proposal?" June Feixue said, with a face full of doubts: "One of the top ten gangs has a lot of benefits and privileges. Are they willing to talk about business? Abandon, doesn't it mean that businessmen value most interests?"

"Since they took the initiative to quit one of the top ten gangs, it means that they have obtained greater benefits." Sitting on Qin Xin suddenly said, she looked at Longteng Tianxia, ​​the fireworks are easy to cold: "Leader Longteng, fireworks, you know Did they put forward any conditions in Shangyanshang?"

As June Feixue said, the ultimate interests of businessmen, let alone the most successful businessmen in business, business, business, since they have given up the privileges of one of the top ten gangs, then they must have gained greater benefits. Some clues can be seen from their initiative to make this proposal.

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