VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 816: : Classic War Case

The battle that can become one of the top ten classic battles undoubtedly symbolizes a kind of supreme glory. People in the game industry value the capital very much, so after hearing that the ten classic battles of the year are released, talents such as June Feixue and Jian Nanchun will meet So excited.

After hearing that there was a battle that had become the top ten classic battles, invited the moon to raise a glass and others were even more excited and cheered.

"Hey, thinking about that battle now is really a classic. At that time, the Dongfang family, Fengxing and the Long family were entangled by India, Vietnam and other countries. The Nangong family and the Yinian Gang joined the British and French coalition forces, and the Misty Pavilion and the Assassin’s House When the gang joins Japan and South Korea, the only domestic garrison force is our wine family.” Red Star Erguotou said, he said triumphantly: “At this time, Russia sees opportunities and leads the army to attack. Our defense line collapsed in a short time. We will soon hit our main city, the boss ordered to fight hard to resist."

"Tsk tusk, at that time the boss obeyed the firework beauty's suggestion and attracted the attention of the enemy frontally, and then sent two cavalry to sneak attacks from the two wings, coupled with the location, we actually cut off the Russian magician and priest army in one fell swoop. They were captured in one fell swoop." Invite Yue toasted, he said with a high spirit: "Although we have suffered heavy casualties, our local combat has the advantage of rapid replenishment of troops, and they will be miserable if they cannot attack us in a short time. Later, the main Russian city was attacked and they wanted to go back to support. We finally defeated it in one fell swoop."

"At this time, the Long Family and the Miao Miao Pavilion also escaped from the fighting mud and drew a part of their troops, and then we counterattacked, but we did not expect to destroy the main city of Moss directly!" Her daughter red said, she looked at the fireworks and broke the waves. Chengfeng: "So you have a lot of credit for this battle."

"Yeah, why is there no Long Family and Misty Pavilion here?" Yaoyue raised a glass and frowned.

"Hey, everyone knows it. After all, we didn't have many troops at that time." Othello laughed: "And others didn't know that there were fireworks behind them to make suggestions."

"Without fireworks to make suggestions, we can't stop their attacks at all. You and I know the horror of the magician army." Red Star Erguotou said, his brows frowned: "No, we need someone to explain this. Our wine family can You can't take this credit alone."

"Go to the boss. He is very influential in the game industry. It's easy for him to come forward." Green plum boiled wine and took the trouble. He did what he said, and was ready to go to Dukang, the **** of wine.

"This, it's not necessary." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then her tone changed: "Because we have two battles rated as the top ten classic battles, this one is not bad."

"What, two?!" The daughter Hong was stunned. She hurriedly asked, "Which two?"

"Outside Haoyue City, it was a fierce battle with the Eastern family." June Feixue replied on her behalf, her pretty face was full of smiles: "In addition, the main force of the Nightmare Abyss Fighter Heroes is also the same."

"This is also a battle?" Sitting on Qin Xin, he was slightly taken aback: "This seems to be a battle, not a large-scale battle."

"Because the game department stipulates that three battles in the three heavenly catastrophe games must be selected as the top ten classic battles, so this battle was also selected. After all, compared to other battles, our one is slightly more classic." Samadhi poems Dao, seeing daughter Hong's thoughtful look, she nodded: "Yes, the game department is vigorously promoting the game of Heavenly Tribulation. After all, the ten classic battle cases that have been evaluated are to serve the future. This is a common practice. "

"Oh, sure enough." A cup of Wuliangye nodded, and he had a clear look: "Otherwise, the battle in the Abyss of Nightmare is not qualified to be compared with the others."

"In fact, the annihilation of the Nightmare Abyss is also very classic. It is not to say that the less is the victory, and the tactics are used very cleverly. It not only fully utilizes the advantages of the misty pavilion, but also suppresses the advantages of the heroes of the sky war." Daughter red said, She looked at the crowd: "If it weren't for Tiandi and others to react quickly, I'm afraid that so many of them were killed."

Indulging a little, invite Yue to raise his glass and nod: "Yes, the tactics of that battle are wonderful. If you look at it more extensively, it will definitely be as exciting as the other ten classic battles."

"Hey, so this one is ten of the top ten classic battles, barely qualified." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed: "The one outside Haoyue City ranked higher, ranked fifth."

"Why is it only ranked fifth in such a wonderful battle?" A cup of Wuliangye was full of doubts: "The tactics used in this battle are exquisitely used, and the cavalry annihilation battle of local combat is definitely a classic of cavalry combat, plus two Fang blocked the enemy, and later moved to Gale Valley, this is even more classic than our northern fight against Russia."

"Yes, this is definitely the most classic example of battle in the current Heavenly Tribulation game." Red Star Erguotou said, his brows frowned: "How can you rank fifth in this way?"

"Because it is not a national war." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and she swept to everyone: "Domestic reviews of the top ten classic battle cases are based on influence. The influence of national wars is undoubtedly greater, and the country has never advocated civil war, so it can rank first. Five is already pretty good."

After hearing the explanation that the fireworks are easy to be cold, everyone nodded, and the daughter red said: "That's true."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she looked at June Feixue: "Beauty Feixue, talk about other classic battles and rankings."

June Feixue didn't say much, and said directly: "The top ten is naturally the most famous gang against the United States, Japan, South Korea, India, Russia, Britain, France, Australia and other countries' coalition forces. It was defeated, but the main forces in this battle were the Eastern Family, Fengxing, Long Family, and Yinian Family, so only these four gangs were named."

"At that time, our wine family and Ying Mi Pavilion joined forces to fight against the attacks of several small countries. We didn't have time to participate." Qingmei Zhujiu said, he nodded: "This battle has sent out 200,300 million players. The scale is huge. There are many countries, and in the end we won, and we are qualified to be the first of the ten classic battles."

"The second place is the Dongfang Family, Fengxing and Nangong Family's joint efforts to fight against India, Vietnam and Australia, and destroy the main city of Vietnam." June Feixue continued.

"This battle is also undisputed." Daughter Hong nodded, and then continued to watch June Feixue.

After a short pause, June Feixue said: "The third place is the Long family teaming up with the General Tomb, Gufenglou and other first-class gangs to attack the main city of South Korea and destroy a second-level main city in Japan. This battle is also very good. , Should be qualified to set the third."

"After this war, South Korea can no longer deal with us, and Japan's power has been greatly weakened, so it is qualified." Red Star Erguotou nodded.

"The fourth and fifth are yours and our fight with the Eastern family." Othello said first, she laughed: "This ranking is not controversial, right."

Nodded, but invited Yue to raise a glass and the others didn't say anything.

"The sixth place is the Nangong family and the Yinian family who have joined forces to destroy Japan's two second-tier cities." June Feixue continued, frowning her brows: "Although it is only a second-tier city, it also gathers 50% to 60% of Japan. The size of the troops is larger than that of our battle against the Eastern family. Why is it only ranked sixth?"

"Because the Nangong family and the Yinian family are both the top ten gangs, the two gangs can join forces to fight against one Japan, and it seems that they are only narrowly winning, so the ranking is a bit close." Samadhi explained.

Everyone had no objection to her explanation, and continued to listen to June Feixue's announcement of other battles.

"The seventh place is the Gufenglou, General Tomb, Yeyu Family, Yixiaolou and other gangs who joined forces to destroy the main city of the Philippines." June Feixue said, she murmured: "Although there are many gangs that shot this time, And it was the main city that was destroyed, but the Philippines was not very strong in the game, so the influence and reputation of this battle was much smaller, and it would be nice to be ranked seventh."

"The eighth place is the joint attack of the Eastern family defeated by the Yinian family and the Nangong family." June Feixue said, her expression was a bit dignified: "This is a civil war, and the Eastern family's momentum in the game world was the same at the time. It's not an exaggeration to defeat the two big gangs."

"Well, that's also true." Yaoyue raised his glass and nodded, and then changed her tone: "However, half of the top ten classic battle cases of the Eastern Family have appeared. This shows how powerful the Eastern Family is."

"That was before." Midnight Shu said with disdain: "It is not defeated by us, and it has become the negative textbook of the top ten classic battles. Hey, the three classic battles selected by the game of Heavenly Tribulation are not even the East. Battle."

"That's true." Qingmei Zhujiu nodded, and then he showed a curious look: "There are three battles in the Heavenly Tribulation game that have been selected as one of the top ten classic battles. In addition to the two in your ethereal pavilion, there is another one. The battle with whom?"

Not only are the green plums curious about making wine, but even those who have not seen the rankings sit on the piano and samādhi poems are curious.

"It should be the battle of the Yeyu family to destroy the Nangong family." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. Although it is a guess, her tone is quite sure: "This battle used a large number of players, and the Yeyu family used quite a lot of tactics. To be perfect, it is also qualified to become one of the three classic battles of the Tribulation."

The reason for saying the three is because this is just a battle example in the game of Heaven.

"Well, that's also true." Yaoyue raised his glass and the others nodded, but his expression was much more solemn.

The Ye Yu family won in this battle not gloriously, and it was a trap set by the Nangong family. Maybe others could not see it, but after hearing about the fireworks and the analysis of samādhi poems, many celebrities knew about this battle There are also many doubts, so after hearing that this battle has become one of the top ten classic battles, the expressions of several people in the fine wine family are a little unnatural.

"Excluding those conspiracies, in fact, Ye Yu Fei Fei's tactics are very good, but it is also qualified to become the top ten classic battles." Samadhi poem said: "Of course, if you want to choose three games, you can only choose this one."

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