VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 857: : In desperation

Seeing Ouyang Feitian flying straight to Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others were worried, but seeing Ye Luo tune in Xiao Bai before the blood was emptied, they breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Xiao Bai was in their hearts Ye Luo could react when Ouyang Feitian could be blocked a little bit.

When Ye Luo’s body was still 10 meters away, Ouyang’s Feitian Magic Wand was raised. One second later, Ye Luo’s body was covered with vine-like things, but these vines were all spikes. Like thorns.

After detecting this skill through the battle information, Samadhi's expression became dignified: "Oh, Ouyang Feitian's skill is called [Thorn Trap]. It is a trigger type skill. It will be triggered as long as you step on it, and then it will be bound by thorns. Bound, which means that Ye Luo will be bound as soon as he is resurrected. The skill damage is not high, only 1000 points of vitality are dropped per second, but the thorns can exist for 5 seconds, and the bound opponent cannot move. , And cannot use any skills."

"[Thorn Trap]?" Othello was stunned for a moment, and she was puzzled: "This skill is not like the skill of the Light Envoy at all. How did Ouyang Feitian learn this skill?"

"It should be a skill attached to the equipment." Sitting on Qin Xin, he took the stubbornly: "Ouyang Feitian's breastplate is named [Armor of Thorns], which is of the level of an ancient artifact. This skill should be attached to this piece of equipment."

"Don't worry about how he got this skill, the problem is that Uncle Ye Luo can't move, he can only let Ouyang Feitian attack." June Feixue said, her brows frowned: "Can't dodge, Ouyang Feitian will always control him. , I don’t know whether Uncle Ye Luo can persist until the end of his control skills."

"Don't worry, Xiao Bai has arrived." Po Lang said: "It should be able to stop Ouyang Feitian for a while, and Ye Luo will be able to get out of trouble."

"But that Qiongqi also chased me." Zhiyue said, her brow furrowed: "Even if Qiongqi can't stop Xiaobai, it can attack Brother Ye with Ouyang Feitian. That's an ancient god-level BOSS level. Pets, the damage is also high."

"Yeah, it's a bit troublesome now." Midnight Shu frowned more fiercely: "Couldn't Brother Ye really be killed? Then we really want to lose to Ouyang Feitian's 50,000 skull nightmare beast?"

Thinking of the consequences of losing to Ouyang Feitian, everyone frowned.

While everyone was discussing this, there was a new change in the ring, Xiaobai's body changed for a while, and then several Xiaobais identical to her appeared, but these Xiaobais only had a tail behind them.

"It's [Sky Fox Clone]!" June Feixue's beautiful eyes lit up, and she was faintly pleased: "Xiaobai wanted the clone to stop the Qiongqi, and it was going to stop Ouyang Feitian, although the clone would be hurt. Double it, but it should be able to delay for a while, not to mention Xiaobai’s avatar plus the body, there are a total of seven, and there is absolutely no problem with stopping that Qiongqi for a period of time."

While June Feixue was talking about this, the six clones flew to Qiongqi and blocked its way. It was easy to stop it for a while depending on the situation.

When Xiaobai showed his clone to stop Qiongqi, Ye Luo finally resurrected, but at the moment he was resurrected, he was bound by vines, and he could only break free after 5 seconds.

At this time, Xiao Bai used the [Sky Fox Charm] skill on Ouyang Feitian, and was lucky enough to make a successful hit, so Ouyang Feitian was stunned for 3 seconds, which also bought Ye Luo for 3 seconds.

Seeing that the target was successfully stunned, Xiao Bai did not show any mercy. [Sky Fox Claw Blade] was displayed and caused a lot of damage to Ouyang Feitian. After that, it displayed magic **** one by one. Although the damage was not as good as the skill, it was down. Nor can it be.

Nearly 3 seconds later, Ouyang Feitian woke up, and his blood dropped by about 15% at this time, his brows were slightly furrowed, he ignored Xiao Bai, but used a certain skill, and then he exuded more aura. Vigorous and sanctified a bit, as if the **** of light descended to the earth.

"[Bright Goddess], this skill is similar to [Reincarnation Domain] and [Ice Dragon Transformation]. After casting, Ouyang Feitian’s attack speed, attack power and movement speed are doubled, and the blood and mana are the same. Five times!" Knowing this through the battle message, Othello frowned: "This is bad. Ouyang Feitian's attack power was originally very high, but now it has doubled its attack power, Ye Luo can't hold on for long."

"Xiaobai still has control skills, such as [Sky Fox Phantom], this skill can make the target dizzy for 2 seconds." Samadhi suddenly said, she faintly expects: "The effect of [thorns trap] is 5 seconds. , And [Sky Fox Charm] has stunned Ouyang Feitian for nearly 3 seconds, plus the 2 seconds of [Sky Fox Phantom]..."

And when the samādhi poem said these, thousands of phantoms appeared around Xiaobai. It was obvious that it had cast [Phantom of the Fox]. If it successfully hits Ouyang Feitian, it can be stunned for 2 seconds, and Ye Luo Can break free of the thorns and then escape to life.

There are many phantoms, thousands of them, going in all directions, Ouyang Feitian can't escape at all.

Before the Phantom approached him, Ouyang Feitian saw the effect of [Sky Fox Phantom]. He knew that if he was stunned for 2 seconds, Ye Luo would be able to break free from the thorns, and it would be impossible to find such an opportunity.

A touch of resoluteness flashed in his eyes, and an energy shield appeared on Ouyang Feitian's body. The Holy Spirit was extraordinary, and then he ignored the phantoms and rushed towards Ye Luo with his long sword.

The Phantom passed through Ouyang Feitian, but it didn't stun it, or even caused any damage to it. There was a word ‘Miss’ floating above his head. It was obvious that Ouyang Feitian had used the invincible skill.

"[Light Guard], invincible skill, can last for 6 seconds." Black and white chess said, his brow furrowed: "This is bad, Ouyang Feitian can ignore Xiaobai's attack, and then he can attack Ye Luo."

While talking about this, Ouyang Feitian still launched an attack. The combo skills of [Bright Slash] + Flat Slash + [Bright Continuous Slash] were displayed, and the next high amount of attack, the number of damage over 30,000 floated, and he instantly Lost 80,90 thousand qi and blood.

The reason why it was only 80,000 or 90,000 qi and blood was because Ouyang Feitian had two or three ‘Miss’ in so many attacks, especially the great damage skill [Light Slash] was evaded.

Although [Bright Continuous Slash] can attack the target 4 times in a row, the single damage of this skill is not high, not to mention the dodge 2 attacks, so the damage is not too high.

Ye Luo's equipment has increased a lot of dodge rate, coupled with the dodge effect of [Reincarnation Change] and his high lucky points, it is not surprising that he can dodge so many attacks.

Although the damage number of 8 or 90,000 is high, Ye Luo's blood has reached more than 300,000, and this damage is only one-third of his, so he can support several more attacks.

I have seen Ye Luo's high evasion rate a long time ago. Ouyang Feitian didn't take it seriously. Seeing that Ye Luo was about to wake up, he turned his wrist and displayed a [Scary Slash]. It succeeded in hitting the target. A damage number of more than 40,000, and once again dizzy, because of resistance, he was only dizzy for more than 3 seconds.

Although it was only over 3 seconds, Ouyang Feitian's attack power at this time could definitely kill him during this time.

Seeing Ouyang Feitian's long sword had been raised, Xiaobai rushed to Ye Luo's body in a flash, and then resisted his attack with his body.

So it didn't stop, Xiao Bai stretched out his jade hand and grasped the shining long sword tightly. The blood flowed across its hand: "Bad guy, don't bully my brother!"

Ouyang Feitian was in an invincible state at this time, Xiaobai couldn't attack him. Seeing Ye Luo being attacked, thinking of his love and pampering for himself, he resolutely rushed up and protected Ye Luo with his body.

Seeing this scene, countless audiences were moved, especially listening to Xiaobai’s resentful, angry and sad words, tears in the eyes of June Feixue and Zhiyue, Samadhi poems, sitting on the piano Xin Qiao's face was full of worry, while Po Lang Rongfeng's temper rushed into the crown, and she couldn't help rushing to the ring to break Ouyang Feitian's body into pieces.

For a while, everyone forgot that this was a game, and they felt the same when they saw Xiaobai being bullied.

For a long time, Po Lang Chengfeng and others have been very fond of Xiaobai, treating it as their own sister or daughter, watching it be cut, and saying these words, they are unbearable.

It's just that there is barrier protection outside the ring, this is set by the system, how can they break through the waves and wind, they are anxious for a while, and they can't wait for them to stand in front of Ye Luo at this time.

Although Ye Luo can't move, he can look at everything around him, see Xiaobai guard him behind, see the red blood dripping on the ring, his heart is like a knife twisted and angry, and he can't wait to break free from the thorns immediately. Blocked in front of Xiaobai.

Seeing Xiaobai stepping forward to block his attack and saying those words, Ouyang Feitian was taken aback, and for a moment he forgot to continue his attack.

However, Ouyang Feitian is also a man of determination, and he quickly reacted and wanted to draw out the long sword to continue his attack, but Xiao Bai clung to it, and he couldn't move even a little bit of his strength.

Frowning, Ouyang Feitian raised the magic wand, and then a milky white energy sword condensed, enveloping Ye Luo and Xiaobai-he displayed the exclusive skill of the sacred magician [Sacred Sword Rain] .

When the skill falls, Ye Luo and Xiaobai have more than 40,000 damage figures floating on their heads. Xiaobai's blood is very high. After a sword and this skill, only one-third of the blood is dropped, but counting the previous ones Of the damage, Ye Luo's vitality and blood remained less than one-third, afraid that one or two skills would kill him in seconds.

Seeing that Xiaobai was attacked by the energy sword, he still didn't let go. Seeing that Ye Luo was about to wake up, Ouyang Feitian's eyes flashed with light, and then he used a group attack magic skill.

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