VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 866: : Green Jiao Pet Egg

It shows that so many people entered the celebrity list and the quasi celebrity list. Later, Ye Luo defeated Ouyang Feitian and won so many bets. Now he has won a pet egg of the green dragon. The luck of the people such as Polangchengfeng is really good today. .

I have been spamming the monsters in Qingjiaojian for a long time, killing a lot of the green dragons, but the pet eggs have not been exploded, which disappointed Zhiyue and others, and even suspected that these green dragons would not explode at all. A pet egg has finally burst out, and June Feixue is very excited.

"Feixue, pick it up and see what level this pet egg is!" Black and white chess said, she couldn't hide her excitement in her tone: "We killed a quasi-god-level boss, and the pet egg that burst should be It’s a quasi-god boss, if that’s the case, Yue'er can finally have a third powerful summoned beast."

Although it is only a quasi-god-level BOSS, the Misty Pavilion has a [Potential Pill], which can be used on pets or summoned beasts under the God-level BOSS, and has a certain chance to upgrade it, and one cannot be repeated. Use, that is to say, it can definitely be upgraded.

The pets of Quasi-God-level bosses are at least God-level after they are upgraded, and may even be of ancient god-level. Green Jiao is a monster of the Dragon Clan. It is much stronger than other pets and summoned beasts of the same level. Even if it is only God-level, it is also very powerful, and can be a powerful help for Zhiyue.

It is precisely these thoughts that make Othello so excited.

"Hehe, he is really a quasi-god-level boss. This next month will finally be able to gather three summoned beasts." June Feixue said with a smile: "Green Jiao's skill system is very good. With it, Yue'er Your summoned beast system will be more perfect, and in the future, it will be much easier whether it is monster spawning or PK.

"Yeah, that's right." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, and then urged: "Yue'er, you come back first, trade this pet egg to you, and see if it can rise to Quasi-Ancient God level after taking [Potential Pill] , Hey, the dragon pet, it’s just the quasi-ancient god-level petty gold, maybe it can be upgraded to the ancient god-level after taking [Big Huandan], the flame dragon of Uncle Bacchus Has it been upgraded?"

With the precedent of the blazing dragon, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are looking forward to raising the green dragon to the ancient **** level.

I thought that Zhiyue would return eagerly after hearing it, but she didn’t want her to say, “Sister Feng, let’s use it for sister Thursday. Hidden professional summoners can summon two summoned beasts at the same time. She is now a master of the celebrity list. , It is also right to have a stronger summoned beast."

Other professions have pets, as well as summoners, which means that summoners can summon pets while summoning beasts, but when participating in Arena PK mode, ordinary summoners can only summon summoned beasts, not pets. .

Normal summoners are like this, but hidden professional summoners do not have this restriction. Although they can only have one pet and one summoned beast, they can be summoned at the same time when they are PK in the arena.

In addition to these, most of the skills of the summoner can be used on pets and summoned beasts, which can also greatly increase their strength, that is, increase the strength of the summoner.

As for Zhiyue, it is even more powerful. After taking office as the beast god, even if she participates in the arena PK, she can also summon three summoned beasts at the same time. No, to be precise, it is two summoned beasts and one pet. Ice and Fire are her mounts.

Thursday is a hidden professional summoner. Although she can summon powerful elves to help fight, her pets are not very good. If she is given a god-level BOSS green water bird, it may even be a quasi ancient god-level blue water bird, then Her overall strength will be greatly improved, more in line with the status of the celebrity list master.

"Well, this is also true. The pet class on Thursday is only Quasi-God, and the strength is a bit poor." Po Lang Chengfeng said, and then his tone changed: "But Yue'er, you also lack a summoned beast, your beast. The deity's bonus effect on summoned beasts or pets is more significant, and this pet egg is also very good for you."

"Yes, you accept it first, and wait until you reach the second one before giving it to her." Black and white chess said, she was a little excited: "Since we can explode one pet egg, we can explode the second one. And even more, you can give it to her and Friday and the others at that time."

Qing Jiaojian's Qing Jiao level is quite high, and the experience and the materials used are very good. In the future, the people of the Misty Pavilion will have to brush here for a long time, and it is not too difficult to brush some pet eggs.

"Um, that..." Zhiyue hesitated, and after a while, she seemed to have made a certain decision: "Sister Feng, let's give it to Sister Thursday first. Actually, I was thinking that the Black Flood King could explode the pet eggs. That pet The egg should be better than this one. I can only have three summoned beasts. Now it’s different. Pets or summoned beasts cannot be traded. If I take this one, I can’t get a pet egg from the Black Flood King tomorrow. I want it again."

"Uh..." Othello was stunned, and then she scolded with a smile: "You girl, I thought you learned how to be modest, but you wanted to be better. But the Black Flood King may not be able to burst pet eggs, you..."

"It's okay, didn't you say that Sister Qi earlier, we can explode two pet eggs if we can burst one." Zhiyue didn't care: "How the black dragon king didn't explode the pet eggs? Just use the Green Jiao pet egg."

"Okay, that's okay." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then took the pet egg from June Feixue: "Xiaoqi, you must bear the blame first. I will send the pet egg to Thursday. It was her gift to become a master of the celebrity list."

The reason why it was sent by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is because she can use the [Transport Pearl] to directly teleport back. Although sitting on the piano heart can also do this, she still needs to add blood here, so she can only go.

"Hey, Sister Feng, go early and return early. Remember to tell us the attributes of the green dragon after the upgrade on Thursday. I don't know if it can be upgraded to the quasi ancient **** level." Othello was quite curious about this.

"If you can reach the quasi ancient **** level, Sister Feng, you will give another [Big Return Pill] on Thursday, so that you have the opportunity to rise to the ancient **** level." Yi Leng Yi Leng exhorted.

"Okay." Po Lang said that she contacted Thursday, and the two returned to the city at the same time.

Seeing the properties of the pet egg, I thought of the "Potential Pill". She became excited on Thursday. Under the urging of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, she hatched and fed the "Potential Pill", after consuming 3 or 4 pills. Qing Jiao was finally promoted, and they were pleasantly surprised by the fact that they were promoted to the Quasi-Ancient God Level.

Upon seeing this, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind will trade a [Big Return Pill] to Thursday, so that not only will it have a chance to raise the Qing Jiao to the ancient **** level, but also the level can be raised to the same level as Thursday, so you don’t need to spend time with it. Level up.

Knowing the value of [Big Huan Dan], she became excited on Thursday. After feeding, she and Po Lang Chengfeng looked at the Green Jiao expectantly, hoping that it could rise to the ancient **** level.

However, what disappointed them was that although the growth aptitude of the Green Jiao had improved a lot, even more than that introduced by [Big Huan Dan], it had not yet risen to the level of ancient gods.

"Isn't up to the ancient **** level?" Po Lang Chengfeng was stunned, and his tone was a little disappointed, and he was also quite puzzled: "Why the flame dragon of Uncle Bacchus can be upgraded to the ancient **** level after taking [Big Huan Pill], this one Green Jiao can't, they are all quasi ancient god-level bosses."

"Although they are all pets of Quasi-Ancient God-level BOSS, they are also divided into upper, middle and lower grades. Obviously, Uncle Bacchus’s blazing dragon is top-grade, and it was only a little bit able to break through to the level of ancient gods, so I was taking [ The big return pill can only break through.” Samadhi Shi explained: “And the green dragon on Thursday was only at the Quasi-God level at first. Even after taking the [Potential Pill], it is only low-grade or medium-level Quasi-Ancient God-level. Therefore, taking [Big Huan Pill] can't rise to the level of ancient gods."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Although it didn't break through to the ancient **** level, this blue water bird is also a high-rank quasi ancient **** level. The overall strength has improved a lot, and there is no waste of [Big Return Pill]."

"Well, I compared the attributes of this green dragon with Xiaojin, and it's not much worse." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then she looked at Thursday: "Thursday, congratulations, you also have a powerful summoned beast. The overall strength has improved a lot, and the ranking will be higher if you participate in the celebrity trial in the future."

"Hee hee, thank you Sister Feng, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have the results today." Thursday, and then she said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will work hard in the future and strive to contribute to the ethereal pavilion."

With a slight smile, Po Lang Chengfeng encouraged him, and then used the [Transport Pearl] to return to Qing Jiao Jian, and continued to kill Qing Jiao.

Since it has been proved that the green water bird can burst pet eggs, everyone kills more vigorously and expects to burst a few more.

"Hey, we also have a lot of summoners in the Misty Pavilion. It would be nice if everyone could have a green dragon." Black and white chess said, her tone was full of hope: "A pet of the quasi-ancient god-level boss, even if only The inferior ones are also very powerful. If we have one Summoner from the Misty Pavilion..."

"Sister Qi, you think too beautifully. We killed so many green water scorpions to burst this one. It is idiotic to have one of the summoners of the Misty Pavilion." June Feixue said, and then said in a tone. One turn: "Even if we can burst so many pet eggs, we don’t have so many [Potential Pills]. After all, there are still many people in the Misty Pavilion who have not taken this pill, and the number of [Big Huan Pills] is even less. Now there are only a few left."

"It's just quasi-god-level, it's also a force that can sweep everything, after all, there are very few immortal-level boss summoned beasts, let alone quasi-god-level." Black and white chess said, and then she laughed A cry: "As for the [Potential Pill], as the game progresses, the materials for refining this pill will become more and more common, and it will not be impossible for a pet to be upgraded with one hand in the future."

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