VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 885: : Another Dragon

Hearing the system prompting a team of the Eastern Family to trigger and comprehend the combo skill, and seeing that this skill was comparable to [Long Yin Nine Heavens] and [Wan Swords Return] with high damage and high damage, June Feixue and others were shocked. They are also worried, they know that facing this skill head-on, they are afraid that they will be killed directly.

Think about it, if the gang fights against the Eastern family in the future, a combined skill covering 50 meters is enough to kill hundreds of thousands of people in a second, this skill is terrifying.

However, they soon thought of a countermeasure in the middle of the night. The assassins of the Misty Pavilion have formed a scale. There are even hundreds of people who have exclusive mounts. Then one or two teams will be sent to assassinate Dongfang Xiaoqing and others. Not too difficult.

Dongfang Xiaoqing and the others are just ordinary magicians. If they are approached by an assassin, almost a set of skills can kill them in seconds, not to mention the galloping cavalry.

"Players who understand the combination of skills can be regarded as the precious wealth of a gang. They will definitely protect them in future team battles. Assassins are difficult to get close." Samadhi said, her expression was solemn.

"What are you afraid of? Let the fireworks deal with them at that time. After riding the dragon, her attack distance is very long and her attack power is very high. Any number of group attack skills can kill those magicians." Don't care about authenticity.

"Sister Shi, it seems that the Eastern aristocracy also has dragon knights, and there are still three dragon knights, they will not watch Sister Fireworks rush into their battlefield." Zhiyue said.

"At that time, you and Sister Feng will stop them. Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai will attack together. It is still very easy to stop Dongfang Killing Tian and others." Black and white chess said.

While talking, a system prompt sounded:


System reminder (Chinese server): Congratulations to Oriental Pearl Tower for completing a series of trial tasks assigned by Dragon God. Since the difficulty of the tasks she completed is SS+ level, Dragon God is quite satisfied with it and rewards a dragon egg——【 Frost Dragon Pet Egg], and reward him with 5000 points of reputation of the dragon family and 1 point of luck. It can be mounted when the dragon is level 190, which is encouraged.

"Um, the Oriental Pearl Tower has also gotten 200 rank five, and also got its own dragon. Doesn't that mean that the Oriental family has 4 dragons?!" June Feixue frowned: "This is a big trouble. "

"Hey, what about the 4 dragons? Don’t forget that their dragons need to be level 190 to ride. Now there is not much time for the gang battle. During the period, there will be a copy of the [Volunteer Tower], which will also be wasted. For quite a while, it is unlikely that they will bring the dragon to 190." Othello didn't care.

"The gang battle will also have points and knockouts. This will take some time. In other words, it will take more than 10 days for us to officially face the Eastern Family. They have a lot of opportunity to bring the dragon to level 190. "Sanmai Shi said, and then she sighed: "We are at a disadvantage in terms of flying mounts. If Ye Luo also owns a dragon, we will not be at a disadvantage if we are 4 to 4."

"This is the end of the matter. It is not realistic to want Ye Luo to have a flying mount right away. Let's go to fight dragon scales, and create more [Dragon Scale Saddles] that can greatly enhance our strength." Sitting on Qin Xin said, then The tone changed: "Furthermore, the Dragon Knight is not invincible. Ye Luo and Sunset will also have a chance to kill him."

"Yes." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she sighed: "Unfortunately, only the owner of the dragon can attack when riding the dragon. Others cannot attack, otherwise Ye Luo and the others can attack unscrupulously when riding on the dragon. Up."

Riding a dragon is the same as riding a land mount, and players sharing the ride cannot attack.

"Even if you can't attack the riding dragon, it will be very useful. For example, when you ride the dragon, you can bring them with leaves and sunsets, and then when you approach the opponent who is also a flying mount, you can make them teleport over. Hey, that's still fun. Of." Black and white chess.

I have also seen Ye Luo jump on other mounts to attack, everyone nodded, and then they all looked forward to it.

"Sister Fireworks, what are you thinking?" Zhiyue looked curiously at the fireworks that hadn't spoken to the side and was easily cold: "What do you think of the Dongfang family's understanding of combination skills?"

"I'm thinking about something, don't bother me." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then stopped paying attention to Zhiyue.

I'm all used to the fact that fireworks are easy to get cold, and Zhiyue didn't care too much, and continued chatting casually while hurrying.

While chatting, suddenly the voice of Midnight Book sounded in the team channel: "Hey, I found an ancient god-level treasure chest, and found a hidden career scroll in it."

Everyone was excited when they heard the word'Ancient God Level', but they were all disappointed when they heard the'Hidden Career Scroll' at the back. Othello said unhappily, "Isn't it just a hidden career scroll? As for the yelling What?"

"Little book, this hidden career scroll should be unusual." Although it is asking, the tone of the samādhi poem is quite sure: "Is it the only hidden career that can be found, or the hidden career scroll that can advance the career." "

"Hey, Sister Shi is still smart. Yes, it is a career that allows a player to advance to a higher level. To be precise, it allows a player to be employed as a dual career." In the midnight calligraphy, his tone revealed excitement: "The most important thing is This hidden career scroll is only limited to wind-based careers, which means that only me and the Misty Yiyun can use the Misty Pavilion."

"Can someone find a dual career?!" June Feixue got excited, she hurriedly asked: "Little book, let's talk about it, is it very powerful for someone to advance to a career?!"

"There are no dual professions that are not strong, not to mention skills or anything, just to say that growth qualifications will improve a lot will also greatly increase the player's strength." Othello is very sure and authentic, and then her tone changes: "Little book, you Luckily, it seems that we will have another powerful dual-professional in the Misty Pavilion, and the Chinese server will also have a third dual-professional assassin."

Wuming is the first dual-professional assassin in the robbery game, and the Venerable Fengyin who alone catches the cold snow can be regarded as an assassin class. If Midnight Shu takes a dual class, it will be the third assassin's dual class. .

"Brother Xiaoshu, after talking for so long, you haven't said what the occupation is." Zhiyue said curiously.

"This scroll reminds me that I can work for the Wind Dragon Knight. According to the examples of Sister Fireworks and Oriental Pearl, the profession I use should be able to become a profession like Wind Dragon Assassin." Midnight calligraphy.

"Dragon Knight?!" Othello was excited: "Hey, we said earlier that the number of dragon knights in our mysterious pavilion is less than that of the Eastern family. I didn't expect Xiaoshu to have the opportunity to take up the dragon knight right away, which means that we are mysterious. There will be three giant dragons in the Pavilion, plus Xiaojin, we have 4 players who can fly infinitely, and this is not weaker than the Eastern Family."

I was still worried about being at a disadvantage in terms of the number of flying players, and now I am inaugurated as a double-professional Dragon Knight, Othello and others are very excited.

"Dragon Knight Assassin? This seems useless." Suddenly Samadhi said: "Assassins pay attention to assassination ability. Is the riding dragon too conspicuous? Besides, the assassin's attack distance is very close, and riding dragons can't attack. Going to the ground, it seems a bit wasteful."

After hesitating a little, June Feixue nodded: "Yes, if it's like the nameless Venerable Killer, the Venerable Fengyin who is fishing alone in the winter snow, it would be better to say, after all, this is an assassin who was assassinated in melee, but a flying dragoon assassin. , This seems really useless."

"Yes, I feel that Xiaoshu is still the best to ride the Storm Demon Wolf King. After all, it is an exclusive mount for the Assassin, and it is the most suitable for assassins to be invisible." Othello also took the stubbornly.

"Even if I don't ride a dragon, my growth aptitude will be greatly improved, and my strength will be greatly improved. Assassination ability..." The calligraphy in the middle of the night was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Is this a waste of a dragon? A waste of this profession?" Samadhi asked rhetorically.

"This, this..." Midnight Shu was stunned, and didn't know how to refute it for a while.

"Little book, let Evian use that hidden career scroll." Suddenly broke the waves and ride the wind and said: "Evian is a storm mage. If he can be transferred to the wind dragon mage, he will have the advantage of ranged attack and have many group attack skills. , Her role in team battles will be great, far greater than your role as a Dragon Knight assassin."

"This, this..." Midnight Shu hesitated, after all, anyone would be reluctant to give up a powerful dual career.

"Sister Feng, let Xiaoshu use it. He has a dual career, he will be more capable of assassination, and he will be more qualified to be the signature assassin of our Misty Pavilion." Misty Yiyun's voice sounded.

"Forget it, let you use it." In the middle of the night, he seemed to have made a certain decision, and his tone was much more relaxed: "As the old sister said, the damage output of the Wind Dragon Magician in a team battle will be very high. It will also have a great effect. This is the best choice for us."

"But you found this little book, I..." Miao Yiyun hesitated, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Evian, don't refuse. The principle of our Misty Pavilion's distribution of items is to give them to whoever is most suitable, not to mention that you are powerful and it is also very good for our Misty Pavilion." Polang Chengfeng said, she could not help but continue, continue : "Little book, Evian, you go back to the city, let Evian use the scrolls as soon as possible to become a dragon magician, and then complete the task assigned by the dragon **** as soon as possible to obtain the dragon, and then you will ride the dragon with some powerful magicians. Come to Dragonscale Mountain to kill the Dragonscale Python."

Although the ethereal Yiyun is riding the Ice Demon Bear towards Longlin Mountain at this time, her speed is much slower than riding the dragon. If she becomes a dragon magician class and then obtains the dragon, her flight speed will be greatly improved. Not only can she quickly rush to Longlin Mountain with some magicians, her overall strength will also be greatly improved, and the efficiency of killing monsters will also be greatly improved.

He also knows the character of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and he didn't say much in the ethereal cloud, and then returned to the city with the Midnight Book, and then used the hidden career scroll.

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