VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 893: : Counterattack plan

I learned from the fireworks that the Eastern family had attacked the land of the dragon bones, breaking the waves and furious, and immediately wanted to log in to the game and lead the army to kill them. While Zhiyue and June Feixue were furious, they were also quite puzzled. The game department in the heart has revealed to the public that there is no large-scale conflict during this period, and no gang dare to ignore these.

"Yes, this kind of thing will not be clearly stipulated by the game department, and since the Eastern Family dared to do it, they are not afraid of punishment by the game department at all, and they have the ability to do so." The firework is easy to cold, she looks at June Feixue: "Although So, but we can also condemn them online. It is also important to gain an advantage in public opinion. Feixue, this task is left to you. After logging in to the game and familiarizing things, I will write an article to criticize the Eastern family. Let Shijie help me with the article. , You are responsible for the promotion."

"Good." Samadhi nodded.

"Public opinion is sometimes useful sometimes. At the very least, let people know how domineering and unreasonable the Eastern family is, which arouses the resentment of the major gangs." June Feixue said, and then she frowned: " But verbal condemnation can't beat the Eastern family back..."

"Yes, they will be afraid if they hurt them!" Po Lang Chengfeng said, her tone was full of suffocation: "Hmph, dare to provoke us, when we are so bullied, go online and kill. Fireworks, you decide Tactics, this time, the Eastern family must be hit hard so that they will never provoke us again."

"No, you can't do this." Fireworks Yi said coldly. Seeing that the waves and the wind were confused and anxious, she continued: "Since the Eastern family has come to attack us, then we must have made sufficient preparations. The Allure had treated me earlier. Said that the Eastern Family only used 12 million players, and they still have nearly 4 million players on standby. This is a trap. They want us to take people to counterattack the buried ground and then kill us all."

"Yes, obviously this is a trap, waiting for us to jump into it." Samadhi nodded and said: "We only deployed less than 200,000 troops in the land of the dragon bones. The Eastern family is in the East Killing the Sky, the Oriental Pearl, etc. The dragon knights only needed 500,000 people to conquer the land of the dragon bones, but they used 2 million people. This shows that they have to stand there, and then process us before and after when we attack, so we can't fight."

Hearing this, Po Lang Chengfeng's face became solemn, and she also found the seriousness of the matter.

Although the strength of the Misty Pavilion is much stronger than before, after all, the number of players is limited, and the number of cavalry is only more than 500,000. This is far behind the Eastern family’s 23 million cavalry, and the overall number of players is also The difference is too much, if they are processed before and after, then they are likely to be wiped out.

Sitting on Qin Xin, she quickly understood the conspiracy of the Eastern family. Her face was slightly cold: "The Eastern family is really a good strategy. It seems that they want to hit us hard in one fell swoop and prevent our rise."

"Yeah, that's right." Fireworks Yi Lengzhen said lightly: "If we really lead the army, then the army will be wiped out in all likelihood, and the advantages we accumulated in the early stage will be wiped out, so we can't do this."

"But do we just let them bully like this?" June Feixue frowned: "They all bullied us. If we don't fight back, it's not that it will chill our people and make our army unstable. It’s also dangerous."

"Don't say anything else, the land of the dragon bones is the foundation of the rise of our misty pavilion. The dragon commander suits there are of high value. Did we just give up?" The Othello voice increased a lot, and there was a slight anger.

"Sister Qi, don't be irritable. Fireworks just said that they can't lead the army to attack, and didn't say that they won't counterattack." Ye Luo said to reassure, seeing the Othello mood stabilized slightly, he turned to look at the fireworks and it was cold: "Fireworks, Are you already planning?"

Nodded faintly, the fireworks easily coldly said: "Let's stay there for now."

"Fireworks, this is what you care about?!" Po Lang was shocked by the wind, and she was also a little angry: "Your idea is too bad. If you don't act immediately, it will make our people chill and the military will be unstable... "

"Sister Feng, the firework tactics are very good." Ye Luo said. Seeing the doubts of Polang Chengfeng and others, he smiled and asked: "Sister Feng, I ask you, do you think it is an angry lion in terror or hiding in the dark? Where is the tiger in danger?"

"Of course the angry lion is terrifying." Po Lang blurted out in the wind.

"But what if the opponent you face is stronger than the Lion, and much stronger?" Ye Luo asked again.

"This..." Po Lang Chengfeng was a little confused, and then she said angrily: "Even if we lose, then we have to fight with it, otherwise they think we are easy to bully."

"It's not bravery, but stupidity to fight wisely and not." Huanyi Yi said coldly. She looked at Ye Luo: "It seems that Ye Luo understands what I mean. We began to hide in the dark, turning our passiveness into active , The Eastern family doesn’t know our intentions, they will be very flustered, and it won’t be long before they show their feet.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is also a wise person. She felt a little calmer and realized that hard work is not a wise choice. Only waiting for the opportunity is the way out. But thinking about it, she frowned: "I know this too, but if we don't act, we Even if they are not stable, their morale will be low..."

"Naturally, it's not that we don't do nothing, we can also attack them." Ye Luo said, he sneered: "The Eastern family wanted to use the land of the dragon bones as bait to lure us into the past. We were not fooled, and sent troops to attack them. The leveling location in Haoyue City turned passive to active. I will see if their people in Dragonbone Land will come back to support."

"If they support, then their tactics of flanking back and forth will be gone." Samadhi said, she laughed: "Yes, it is true that tigers hiding in the dark are more dangerous. This tactic is very good."

"Well, that's the only way to do this." Po Lang said in the wind, and then his tone changed: "Fireworks, let's talk, how many people are you going to take to attack the Eastern family?"

The fireworks were cold and did not speak, she stretched out three jade fingers.

"300,000, isn't this a bit too small?" Po Lang muttered in the wind, and then shook his head: "But this time we are going for a sneak attack. It doesn't take too many people. 300,000 people are enough. Our Nightmare Cavalry is mobile. Strong sex, best suited to do this."

"It's not 300,000, but..." the fireworks said coldly, but they were interrupted before they finished speaking.

"30,000, this is too little. Although our nightmare cavalry is very powerful, there are too many in the Eastern family, and their panther cavalry is no worse than ours. Just send more than 100,000 people to us. Annihilate." Black and white chess said, she looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Fireworks, bring more people."

"Not 30,000, but 3 people." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

Hearing that, except for Ye Luo and Samadhi poems, everyone else showed their consternation, and June Feixue exclaimed: "Three people, Sister Fireworks, you are too fanciful, you want to attack the East with three people. Family, how can this be done."

"How could it not be possible?" Fireworks Yi Leng asked back, and her mouth curled up: "If it is not for one person to guard and other tasks, in fact, only one person is enough."

Hearing this, sitting on Qin Xin's eyes brightened, and she said: "Fireworks, it seems that you want Ye Luo and Feng sister to attack the Dongfang family with you. This is an excellent combination, and it will definitely be able to Let the Eastern family hit hard, and make them helpless."

June Feixue and others are also smart people. When they heard the list of three people mentioned by Qin Xin, they also understood. June Feixue chuckled: "I understand. You guys want to attack by riding a dragon, Ye Uncle Luo can increase his attack power after killing people because of the existence of [Reincarnation * Soul Eater], and increase attack power by 200%. Hey, doesn't it mean that you can kill one shot with just two or three group attack skills."

"Hehe, yes, so is Feng Sister. Her [Pearl of Murderous Intent] can also increase attack power and easily kill people from the Eastern family." Zhiyue chuckled: "Because it is riding a dragon, so It's almost invincible. Even the Eastern Killing Heavens can't stop them, and they can't even catch up. Xiaodian is a thunder dragon, and its flying speed is faster than the golden sacred dragon and the dark sacred dragon."

"I would rather they come, huh, our attacks have increased, and we can easily destroy them." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, she was very excited: "Just do it, fireworks, we will go online now, and attack the people of the Eastern family. ."

"No hurry, let Xiaoshu and the others investigate the location of the Eastern Family's leveling practice." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and when she said this, she looked at Midnight Book.

Midnight Shu immediately understood, and he nodded: "Understood, I will let the Gale Cavalry dispatch, so that they can figure out the location of the Eastern Family player's leveling in the shortest time."

With that said, Midnight Shu used the Zhinao bracelet to inform Jianyi and the others that he had gone.

"Sister Qin and Sister Qi, you are online to appease our people, tell them that we will launch a counterattack in the shortest possible time, so that they can bear it for a while." Fireworks Yi Leng looked at the two sitting on Qin Xin: "Soon, I and Ye Sister Luo and Feng will sneak attack on the Dongfang family, and will make remote video recordings. They will easily stabilize when they see these."

"Understood." Othello nodded.

"Sister Fireworks, let me take a sneak attack." Suddenly Zhiyue said, her pretty face was full of expectation: "I am riding Xiaojin very fast, not even worse than you, so I will definitely not be caught by Dongfang Tiantian. Yes, and my attack power is pretty good, and I can help you kill more people."

"Let Evian go over, too, the wind spirit dragon's flying speed is also very fast, and the wind dragon magician has many group attack skills, and the damage output is also high." June Feixue made a suggestion.

"No, your damage output is nothing compared to Ye Luo and Sister Feng after the attack is increased, so you don't need to take action." Firework Yi Leng shook her head, she stopped Zhiyue who was about to speak: "You have more Important task."

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