VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 975: : Complete the trial

The third wave of monsters in the 6th-level gang trial mission is a 250-level nightmare-level monster, and it is also a flying monster. The cavalry they lead is almost useless, which makes Zhiyue and others quite worried.

"It's okay, the number of monsters is not too much. Thousands of blue water scorpions are divided into four groups to stop them. Archers and magicians attack with all their strength. Arrow towers and catapults are also put into use. Plus Feng Sister and the others, there must be no problem." Sitting on the piano heart warmly, her expression remained the same.

"Yes, as Sister Feng said, if we can't even pass the trial, then no gang will pass the whole Tribulation game." June Feixue said, she asked on the team channel: "Sister Fireworks, now What should we do, do we rush into the enemy line to kill or go back to defend?"

"These bats are not as fast as ours. We will meet them first, and then retreat while killing them. When we retreat to the edge of the city wall, we can kill a lot of them." The firework became cold, and the tone changed: "Sword Six You Those who don’t have flying mounts, be careful not to be killed, they will return to flying mounts if they are exhausted."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Changhe Sunset and others said in unison.

"By the way, focus on attacking the wings of these bats. Based on past experience, flying monsters will fall to the ground if their wings are injured, so you don't need to pay attention to them." Fireworks Yi Cold reminded.

"In this way, I remembered the scene of defending the city in Luoshui. We shot down a lot of flying monsters in the last wave." June Feixue said, her tone was faintly happy: "Think about it. , Flying monsters are almost invincible for melee players. It’s too incomprehensible, but it’s much better to have this setting, so Sister Chess and others are also busy."

When they said this, June Feixue met the bats and melee players entered the enemy formation, while the long-range professional attacked and retreated. Various group attack skills were displayed, and the damage numbers floated.

Although it is a level 250 nightmare monster, Ye Luo and the others are currently dealing with the flame dragon warrior level that is much higher than them, plus they are all masters, so there is not much danger.

According to the fireworks' easy cold reminder, they specifically attacked the wings of these monsters. What surprised them was that those bats' wings would fall down if they were seriously injured, so that they were almost no threat to the city.

"Hey, sure enough, attacking their wings can shoot them down." Breaking the waves and riding the wind was overjoyed: "Not only that, if they are controlled, such as paralysis, such as dizziness, they will also fall, but it's not like being They can't fly anymore if they hurt their wings, and when the negative state disappears, they will still fly again."

"Hehe, then let's let the magicians and archers use their control skills, and let sister chess attack them when they fall. I don't think they will fly again as long as they fall." June Feixue chuckled. , Her tone was full of joy: "This way it will be easier for us to resist the third wave of monster attacks."

The fact is also true. They retreated while breaking the waves and attacked. When they retreated to the edge of the city wall, many bats lost the ability to fly, so that they would be much easier to defend the city.

After returning to the edge of the city wall, I saw that the bats reached the attack range. The magicians and archers stationed on the city wall launched attacks one after another. Under the control of the fireworks, the catapults and arrow towers also launched attacks. .

Countless group attack skills, single skills, arrow feathers, and stone attacks passed, and large damage figures floated. Some hapless bats were stunned or injured their wings and fell. They were ready for Othello, long spears, Sword Qi swung, making them no longer capable of flying.

At the same time, thousands of green dragons flew up, with a sound of dragon chants, they met the bats and launched an attack. After the group attack skills, they opened their teeth and danced their claws to bite, which also caused a lot of damage.

"Hey, as far as the current situation is concerned, we can easily resist it. At least we can keep them from crossing the thunder pool." Othello laughed: "These monsters are not too many, and they shouldn't do much to us. Threatened."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, because the arrow feathers and stone materials of the arrow tower are quite limited, so I guess it can last for 10 minutes." Samadhi Shi glanced at the city's resource status and said: "And 10 minutes time we basically You can't kill all these bats."

"Even if you can't kill it, you won't be able to win much. When the time comes, you can use the green scorpion to resist, plus us, it is still very simple to resist them." Po Lang Chengfeng said confidently, and then changed his tone: "Even if you can't resist it. What's more, the tenacity of the city heart is quite a bit, and it will take some time for those monsters to crush it. During this time, we can definitely kill them all."

"That's true." Samadhi nodded.

"Hey, have you forgotten that we still have combo skills that are useless?" Suddenly, she was faintly excited: "There are so many monsters, most of them are concentrated together. At this time, the effect of using combo skills is the most obvious."

That’s right, the combo skills cover most of the radius of 50 meters, so it can cover a large circle with a diameter of 100 meters, and the small city they are defending is only 100 meters long, which happens to be completely covered. It can be used when monsters gather. Combination skills, and there are still 3, the effect must be very significant.

"Hehe, yeah, forgot that we still have 3 combo skills. It couldn't be better to use this time." June Feixue was ecstatic: "I now finally understand why Sister Fireworks let Uncle Ye Luo be with her. Oh, it turns out to be convenient for using combo skills."

"When the monsters accumulate the most, everyone will use their combined skills to cover as many monsters as possible." Firework Yi Cold issued an order: "After using the skills, support the other side according to the situation, and try not to let the monsters rush into the city wall."

Hearing that, everyone cheered up. After the monsters piled up to the limit, Ye Luo, Jian Twelve and the others teamed up to display combo skills. After the three combo skills were displayed, the damage numbers of more than 500,000 pieces floated, and even more. The victim has suffered millions of crit damage.

Although these damages can't kill monsters with full blood in an instant, they can kill a lot of blood that has been left, and they can cause many bats' wings to be damaged and fall down, so the pressure on defending the city is much less. .

Of course, there are only 3 combo skills, which can only block three sides, and the pressure on the other side is still a bit heavy. However, at this time, Fireworks and Ye Luo can go to the other side to support. With a few more flying players, it is also necessary to resist monster attacks. A lot easier.

Combination skills are worthy of being a killer that can reverse the situation. After the 3 combo skills have passed, the monsters have been reduced by a half, and many of them are in residual blood. This makes it easier to defend the city.

"Sister Feng, we saw the BOSS!" June Feixue's voice resounded in the team channel: "The 260-level ancient god-level BOSS is very powerful, and it can increase the status of nearby bats and summon small BOSS. We have to take the lead in solving it."

"It's just a 260-level ancient god-level monster. It's not difficult to deal with it at our current level." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she laughed: "Feixue, you and the sunset will directly perform their big moves, anyway, this kind of big It's a waste to recruit."

June Feixue couldn't bear it for a long time, she didn't say much after hearing the words of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, she directly used her big move, and Changhe Sunset and the others did the same. At a time, their overall strength was greatly improved. It can cause high damage to that boss.

Think about it, when they used to deal with the Black Dragon King, they could easily resist with their big moves. Now their level has increased so much, and the level of the monster has been lowered. Naturally, there is no pressure to deal with it, plus a few people. A joint attack, I'm afraid it can kill it in 3 minutes.

June Feixue and the others are quite smart. They should cover the mobs as much as possible when they use their group attack skills, so that it will be easier to defend the city.

In less than 3 minutes, the BOSS was killed, but June Feixue and the others were still unfulfilled. They rushed into the monster group and started a crazy killing. Pieces of bats were either killed or fell to the ground.

"It's a pity that the monsters in the trial mission have no experience and don't burst equipment. Otherwise, we will kill so many monsters and an ancient god-level boss. Not to mention bursting some ancient artifacts, our level will be increased by 1 or 2 Right." June Feixue was full of pity.

"You can improve the gang to level 6. The benefits are originally many, much better than the benefits of obtaining a few ancient artifacts." Black and white, and then the tone changed, she was full of expectation: "But I don’t know if there is a reward for the first gang to upgrade to level 6. It would be great if they reward some special props, such as professional enhancement scrolls and things similar to lava crystals."

"It seems that there is no reward for the gang upgrade, only a gang skill book." Sitting on Qin Xin said softly.

"Forget it, only the skill book is pretty good. At least one more gang skill will improve our overall strength a lot, but I don't know what the gang skill is this time, whether it is active or passive." June Fei Xueman is looking forward to authentic.

"I will know soon, because we will be able to complete the task soon." Samadhi poetry said.

The 3 combination skills, June Feixue and others used big moves to completely stabilize the situation, and even the monsters were slaughtered before they rushed into the city. As a result, the Misty Pavilion was the first to be upgraded to level 6. .

Although there are system prompts after completing the task, and it is still server-wide, there are no other rewards, only a gang skill book they deserve.

"Sister Feng, let us see what the gang skills are this time." June Feixue urged, and the others looked forward to the waves with anticipation.

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