VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 977: : The resident is built

The 6th level gang trial task has been completed, the gang has been successfully upgraded and they have learned the gang skills. Then they continue to kill the flame dragon warriors and burst the recruitment order, while the others will take on various tasks and increase the various gangs in the gang. Kind of resources.

With the addition of a gang skill, their strength in Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind has increased a lot, triggering [After Shadow Combo] from time to time, the effect of three normal combos or 2 skill attacks is very obvious, and their monster killing efficiency has increased a lot, so The efficiency of upgrading and exploding various resources has also improved a lot.

Time passed, and several hours passed in a blink of an eye. Wushuang City finally took shape. At the same time as it took shape, the three city masters, breaking the waves, riding the wind, fireworks, and sitting on the heart of the piano, received the system prompt-the monster will meet in 3 days. Siege of the city and resist the monster's attack is considered successful construction of the station.

"Sister Feng, hurry up and let us see the attributes of Wushuang City. It should be much stronger than other gang resident." June Feixue couldn't wait to be authentic, and Zhiyue and the others did the same.

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind didn't say much, and directly sent a picture book to everyone:

[Wushuang City] (The gang resident of the Miaogee Gang)

Level: Level 1 village.

Scale: 3000 meters * 3000 meters

Toughness: 150 million points on the outer wall, 200 million points on the inner wall, 300 million points on the heart of the city.

Defense: 150,000 points on the outer wall, 200,000 points on the inner wall, 300,000 points on the heart of the city.

Productivity: 10,000 parts per hour of stone, 10,000 parts per hour of iron ore, 10,000 parts per hour of wood, 30,000 parts per hour of grain (productivity will be discounted during wartime, depending on the situation of the battle).

Existing resources: 5 million pieces of stone, 5 million pieces of iron ore, 5 million pieces of wood, 20 million pieces of grain.

Population: 13,512 people (of which 9,875 can join the army).

Number of troops: 0.

Number of stores: 0.

Number of teleportation array: 0.

Number of arrow towers: 500.

Number of catapults: 300 seats.

The resources required for the current upgrade: 10 million pieces of stone, 10 million pieces of iron ore, and 10 million pieces of wood.

Food consumption: 15,000 servings per hour, increased by 20% during wartime.

Resource consumption: 5000 parts of stone, 5000 parts of wood and 5000 parts of iron ore per hour, 50 million gold coins.

Maintenance cost: 100,000 gold coins are required per hour.

"Wow, a village with a radius of 3,000 meters. Looking at the small town in the level 6 gang trial mission is much more majestic." June Feixue exclaimed, "I remember that the official information revealed that the ordinary gang is located in At the village level, it’s 2,000 meters. Our Wushuang City is about 50% bigger."

"Not only is the scale larger, the toughness and defense are also 50% higher than other gangs. This is the benefit of the heart of the two cities." Samadhi said, her tone was a little excited: "That is to say our gang The defense of the station is much stronger than that of other stations, so it will be easier for us to resist monster attacks."

"The population is more than 10,000 people, except the old, young, women and children. Maybe this is why the number of people who can join the army is 9,875." Although it is a guess, the Othello tone is quite certain: "The number of shops and transmission. I understand that the number of troops is 0, but why is the number of troops also 0?"

"That's because Sister Feng hasn't used the recruitment order, and the villagers are not yet regular soldiers, so it will be 0." Sitting on Qin Xin explained with a smile.

While everyone was talking about this, Po Lang Chengfeng used a recruitment order. At this time, they received a total of 354 recruitment orders, which means that there are 3540 more soldiers in the misty pavilion, and the number of troops is so realistic.

"Hey, the system prompts me to appoint 4 commanders and 8 deputy commanders to command the flame dragon knights, archers, priests and magicians respectively." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, she asked: "How do I appoint this?"

"You can appoint as many as you want. If I'm not mistaken, they will be upgraded at the same time you appoint, and their strength will become more powerful." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

I followed the fireworks’ easy cold instructions, and then broke the waves and became excited: “Yes, that’s right, those 4 bosses are now god-level bosses, and their level is 30 higher than mine, and the other 8 deputy bosses are already The quasi-god-level boss is now, and the overall attributes have improved a lot."

"Sister Feng, leave the next operation to me. You continue to fight with Ye Luo and the others to fight the Yanlong Warrior." The firework said coldly, and then she looked at Qin Xin: "Sister Qin, no accident The gang resident mission should be released in the city hall. You organize our people to do the mission, so you will get a lot of resources."

I didn't say much when I sat on the piano heart, and arranged for the players of the Misty Pavilion to pick up the task.

Next, Fireworks Yi Leng, as the deputy city lord, ordered the Flame Dragon Knight to patrol the periphery of Wushuang City. Although these recruited soldiers could not stay away from the gang's station, it was still possible to patrol outside the city wall.

It has been in this village for some time now, and occasionally some monsters will come to harass, usually villagers and players from the Misty Pavilion to help defend, but now with the flame dragon cavalry, they can free up production or other tasks.

Of course, the heart of the city is the foundation of a gang resident. The fireworks are easy to get cold and I did not forget to arrange some flame dragon cavalry and flame dragon archers to be stationed. As for the remaining [笔趣阁www.biqugexx.xyz], she arranged it outside. The wall can assist the Flame Dragon Knight to resist the invasion.

"Fireworks, you can really receive gang quests in the city hall. Completing these quests will increase a lot of resources. The amount of resources awarded varies according to the difficulty of the task. The lowest difficulty only rewards 100 pieces of stone or wood." The voice of the heart sounded in the team channel: "However, there are a lot of rewards for difficult tasks, and even 100,000 tasks. If you can receive some every day, it will not take long for the gang to upgrade."

"The existing resources are 5 million copies, and the upgrade requires 10 million copies, which is 5 million copies. It is really too slow to rely on killing monsters, but it will be different if there are tasks." Samadhi Shi said, pondering her a little. Continue: "With so many of us working together, we should be able to collect another 5 million copies within 2 days. It takes 24 hours to upgrade the gang resident, which means there is still time to upgrade the gang to level 2."

"Well, that's right." Sitting on Qin Xinzhen, lightly click: "Of course, the premise is that the more difficult tasks have to be done. After all, the amount of resources that are more difficult to reward is also large, but now Sister Feng is killing them. Flame Dragon Warrior..."

"Let Sunset, Feixue, and Wednesday they go back to do their resident missions. Sister Feng can also go back. If you have Ye Luo and Sister Qi, they will become them." Fireworks Yi Cold makes arrangements: "Upgrading the gang resident is better than receiving a recruitment order. More importantly, we must gather the resources required for the upgrade within 2 days."

The upgrade of the gang resident will greatly improve productivity, scale, defense and toughness, and the larger the gang resident can disperse the monster's attack area, so it is easier to resist the monster's attack.

It is precisely because of this that the fireworks are easy to be cold so that they pay so much attention to it, and most of the people she ordered have flying mounts, which are highly mobile and suitable for gang missions.

Knowing the importance of raising the rank of the gang's resident, the people like Po Lang Chengfeng didn't say much, and immediately returned to Wushuang City to pick up the gang quest.

"Hey, keep the most difficult tasks for us." Po Lang Chengfeng said in the gang channel: "Don't mess around, you can't complete the tasks but it's very time-consuming and laborious."

It has to be said that Polangchengfeng has a high prestige in the Misty Pavilion. His appearance on the gang channel immediately caused a sensation among everyone, and those people expressed that they would do what they could and leave the most difficult tasks.

Next, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind took over the task, and then chatted with everyone and encouraged everyone to work hard to build a gang resident while doing the task. She is powerful and possesses a flying mount. This kind of task is quite efficient.

As everyone is busy and handing in tasks, the number of resources in the gang's resident is increasing rapidly. At this rate, it will not take long to collect 10 million copies, and the city will be upgraded to a level 2 township.

"Sister Feng and the others are very efficient in doing tasks. According to the current rate of increase in various resources, they can gather various resources in about a day and a half." Sitting on Qin's heart, his tone changed: "But just to be on the safe side. , We should put in more power."

"This is simple. We have transferred a lot of people not long ago. It shouldn't take long for everyone to take the task together." The voice of Othello sounded: "In addition, we can also play for more time, with our strength The most difficult tasks will get more resources."

"Well, today we will play for one more hour." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

Regarding this, everyone had no opinion, and continued to be busy.

Time passed, and a few more hours passed in a blink of an eye. It was already 12 o'clock at night.

"Hey, there are 6.97 million pieces of stone resources, 7.12 million pieces of iron ore, and 6.99 million pieces of wood. This is only a short period of time. At this rate, all resources should be gathered at 12 noon tomorrow. Then we can upgrade the gang resident.” She was a little excited in breaking the waves and riding the wind.

"Well, yes, we have a lot of night owls in the Misty Pavilion. Even if we go to sleep, they will always do gang missions." June Feixue said, she chuckled: "Hey, you can gang in 1 day Resident upgrades, I am afraid that in the entire Heaven Tribulation game, there are not a few gangs with this speed."

"That's because we have gathered a lot of resources before, otherwise I am afraid that it will take another one or two days." Samadhi said: "And the biggest funding problem is nothing to us at all, otherwise it's just a gang upgrade. The 50 million gold coins required is a big problem, and the maintenance cost per hour is not something we can afford."

"Hey, that's right, we are not short of money now." Midnight Shu laughed.

"Hee hee, at this rate, will it not take long for us to upgrade the gang resident to the full level?" Zhiyue said in anticipation: "Is the scale of the gang resident at the full level larger than the first-level main city? What?"

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