315: Unnamed cleric ID: pT2jeC8

Pharmaceutical department, 10th wet cloth and w

316: Unnamed Light Warrior ID: isWngkC

Grandpa Albor's HP is twitching back.

Continuous recovery.

317: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: 6VDQxrB

I mean, why don't we stick it before the fight?

318: Unnamed Wizard ID: Kmfjg6p

If you think it's someone, it's the seller, Philia.

319: Unnamed Knight ID: wSS7Z4y

Who's there?

320: Unnamed Wizard ID: Kmfjg6p

That's it, Alberto's daughter.

You stayed with me until the finals at the martial arts competition.

321: Unnamed Knight ID: wSS7Z4y

Uh, Alberto's impression of Osama is too strong for w

I thought you had a pretty girl... Hmm? Mother, father and son?

322: Unnamed Wizard ID: Kmfjg6p

Um, parents and kids.

323: Unnamed Knight ID: wSS7Z4y

Doesn't look alike. Hey, www.

How could a girl like that bead come from that chunk of muscle...

324: Unnamed cleric ID: hcmWKCU

I'm sure your wife must be beautiful.

Matcho all the time...... jealous

325: Unnamed Archer ID: miYJXU5

It's a dream story to play games with your daughter.

My daughter hasn't even spoken to me lately.

326: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: isWngkC

> > 325

Father, you stink!

327: Unnamed Light Warrior ID: 3BFUY5w

> > 325

Mother, I told you not to wash your laundry with your father's!

328: Unnamed militant ID: NHtkX5P

> > 325

Your father's gonna have to take the last bath!

329: Unnamed cleric ID: pT2jeC8

Stop it!

No more > > 325 lives!

330: Unnamed Archer ID: miYJXU5

('; ω;) I've been told all three of them...

331: Unnamed Knight ID: U2Dtk8k

> > 330

Let's be a little more concerned about the aging smell, Father...

332: Unnamed Mage ID: jfMFYZB

Realistically, biologically, your daughter doesn't like the smell of her father.

That's a genetic problem, this is...

So if you pay more attention to the smell, you might be a little gentle. Good luck.

333: Unnamed Archer ID: miYJXU5

(... ω... ') I heard good things! Good luck!

334: Unnamed Archer ID: wzYBwWz

Come on - the relay screen is weird while we're talking about that...

335: Unnamed Knight ID: U2Dtk8k

9th-6th place was a tough one.

So, fifth place is this...

336: Unnamed Mage ID: GQn2b32

What is this, interrogation? Or torture? w

337: Unnamed Light Warrior ID: 7dJNGxR

It's a paralyzing pill that moves from the neck to the top.

Besides, it doesn't look like HP potion or anything bad!

338: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: CzQfEbA

Oh, man.

339: Unnamed militant ID: NHtkX5P

The screen disappeared wwwww.

340: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: VNxgBhe

Even the ship footage seemed like a way to cut it off...... is it what the operation assumes or not

341: Unnamed Knight ID: 65 unsAh

What do you do with your teeth, Your Majesty?

You're gonna pull it out? You're gonna pull it out? www.

342: Unnamed cleric ID: 82 ArxmL

Besides, this medicine.

I'm not in pain. I can cut off the other guy's arm right in front of me.

What an excellent torture drug

343: Unnamed Light Warrior ID: isWngkC

Eggy, don't mention how to use it. W

Actually, you're right, but come on.

344: Unnamed Mage ID: 5HGn8Jm

((((((((((; [))))))))

345: Unnamed militant ID: xFMzgRd

* No physical defects will occur in this game due to specifications

346: Unnamed Knight ID: QFrp6nx

Oh, I'm back like nothing happened.

Osama the Rebel Where Have You Gone www

347: Unnamed cleric ID: 82 ArxmL

Seller Liz...... Isn't that a brave family?

You're a complete event regulars now.

348: Unnamed Mage ID: dzinQkG

If you think that's the name I saw recently, I attacked the main unit, Alberto and the dungeon.

349: Unnamed militant ID: F2bPPkC

She's the daughter of a kako with a dedicated thread...

350: Unnamed Knight ID: 8SS3mjM

You're not the guild with Alberto, are you?

351: Unnamed Archer ID: RwRdTnx

Isn't that different?

I hear Alberto's not in any guild.

352: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: MxDJsHs

Liz! Liz!

You can prank me with that paralyzing pill. Yes!

353: Unnamed Light Warrior ID: hrLAfuM


354: Unnamed cleric ID: Mfyttx6

> > because 349 will come up with something about a dedicated thread.

You've summoned a resident to this thread.

355: Unnamed militant ID: F2bPPkC

Is it my fault? w

356: Unnamed Archer ID: BkVBi94

That's what makes me so creepy. Paralysis pills (fake drug potions?) Use it and leave it. Okay.

357: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: MxDJsHs

I mean, leave it to play... hehe (but only against Liz)

358: Unnamed Knight ID: j9jXt75

[]/(n, vs) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk

Do-do is an invincible life form in a way, isn't it?

359: Unnamed Mage ID: mPW6h2N

I'll do whatever it takes to convert it into pleasure...... w

"Oh, that's something terrible. Brave man, if I let you hear the name of the family, Ritsuki is going to be angry..."

"I don't have any events to display my guild at the moment. If there's one thing, I think it'll penetrate the migratory bird's name."

So far is the item, next is the gear.

Scroll all the way to the area where the top of the armor has been announced.

468: Unnamed Archer ID: 3KBMRp9

The acces were terrible, but so were the top 100 protective gears.

It's all golden.

469: Unnamed cleric ID: 82 ArxmL

On the contrary, it's something else that stands out.

I liked the simple obsidian neckline that was in third place.

470: Unnamed militant ID: Cid5Amr

Wasn't my gold plated... ('· ω ·')

471: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: X6AdjXS

Of course you do, w.

Why did you think you could plating it?

472: Unnamed militant ID: Cid5Amr

If it's the Lust Kingdom, I can't pick much money...

This time it's in the favor of the Beri federation with lots of mines, right?

473: Unnamed Wizard ID: Kmfjg6p

If you were Lust, you should have fought with crafts and drugs and that's flowers and stuff.

I heard it's rich in soil and plants grow fast?

474: Unnamed Light Warrior ID: fRhAJHY

I'm sure it's mainly the Beli guys that are putting out the gold gear.

You're easily at the top of the list, and I regret something.

475: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: X6AdjXS

But so did Acce, but so far, he's not in gold gear within fifth place, is he?

476: Unnamed Knight ID: j9jXt75

'Cause even if it's of good quality, I don't have any ideas or twists...

I say it doesn't have to be the queen, maybe.

477: Unnamed Mage ID: dFHrTjb

Earlier in the day, someone told me that the queen liked money and flashy things.

As far as the results go, that was right, but we're all too crowded with gold.

478: Unnamed Archer ID: RwRdTnx

Seems like a lot of gold equipment to sell at auctions comes to my attention...

479: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: MPWNgjE

It's true, W.

What are you going to do, even though TB can't dissolve in its original material state...

480: Unnamed cleric ID: SGCJufX

Look, in third place, I've got some craftsmanship gear that you guys love.

481: Unnamed Light Warrior ID: fRhAJHY

Ya, > > 480 is ridiculous, but you look great, you black armor.

I would have liked it if I were a heavy warrior...

482: Unnamed cleric ID: bU3VPMS

For men, assume a height of around 180 cm...

He's a heavy warrior, but he's not tall enough.

483: Unnamed Mage ID: AZ 5mbWT

> > 482

The name field's turning into a cleric, W.

484: Unnamed cleric ID: bU3VPMS


485: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: MPWNgjE

It's nothing. I'm not obliged to declare it accurately. > > That's embarrassing, like 482.

486: Unnamed militant ID: ujieEXb

But it's a drawback of arranging gear, it can't be resized. Especially the armor.

That's why all the famous blacksmiths seem to be giving out weapons.

487: Unnamed Knight ID: j9jXt75

Could it have been a protective eye?

> All famous blacksmiths are weapons

488: Unnamed Wizard ID: Kmfjg6p

Isn't it better than a weapon?

As far as the listing catalog goes, that's the biggest war zone in the world.

489: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: dBG3tsU

Brandon, Nobu, Nakamiso, Serene, Llanancy

I'm Masamune to Murdoch.

Valles just came out with some protective equipment.

490: Unnamed Archer ID: 2NQcRet

Is that page one on the trading board?

491: Unnamed cleric ID: ZU232nD

This is terrible.

By the way, I put out a golden sickle with a weapon...

492: Unnamed Mage ID: AZ 5mbWT


493: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: dBG3tsU


494: Unnamed cleric ID: ZU232nD

Yeah, I knew... ('· ω ·')

495: Unnamed Archer ID: iPVNgfz

Oh, the second place in the armor is the dress.

It's a rare textured fabric I've never seen,

Looks like it's not just gold after all.

496: Unnamed Knight ID: U2Dtk8k

Beautiful, but bright red and flashy.

The one that only suits beauties, this.

497: Unnamed Light Warrior ID: ffAuVTQ

I got this out. Main unit, don't do it. Www, what are you doing?

498: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: pyUYY3M

Hi. Oh, my God!

499: Unnamed Mage ID: 6GbTECP

Can you even sew as well as cook...

500: Unnamed Archer ID: zZrys6W

What sauce is cooking?

501: Unnamed Mage ID: 6GbTECP

He was handing out sweets around at the martial arts tournament. > > Mr. Body.

He said it was homemade, and the taste was so delicious.

502: Unnamed Knight ID: j9jXt75

You received it directly, didn't you?

503: Unnamed Mage ID: 6GbTECP

I wasn't famous yet at that point... and remember later. Oh! I did.

504: Unnamed Light Warrior ID: ZLPV588

Seriously, it's the main body!?

Then put your dress on Brave Man right now and upload the image! Hurry up!

505: Unnamed militant ID: NMrTAWu

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem like a good idea.

It's an arrangement, but it's an adjustable size. It's a licked specification.

506: Unnamed Knight ID: j9jXt75

You're willing to sell it... it doesn't look like it's for the brave.

507: Unnamed Heavy Warrior ID: yQuXQe2

Body, incompetent

508: Unnamed Archer ID: pMfrfLh


509: Unnamed Wizard ID: 4rx4kec

Seriously, incompetent.

Brave man in his dress...

510: Unnamed Light Warrior ID: n5EWHzF

The body that takes second place but is treated as incompetent www.

511: Unnamed Light Warrior ID: isWngkC

And the first place was for professional designers to plunder it.

How incompetent...

Wrong, ruthless

512: Unnamed Knight ID: j9jXt75


513: Unnamed Wizard ID: Kmfjg6p

Come here, now it's gold... that's a nice, gorgeous dress.

This one's definitely for the queen.

"Karoo!! These guys. Wow!


"Oh... what's going on? Jun Jun"

"- Ah! Excuse me, Master. It was noisy, wasn't it?

"I don't mind when you don't have customers. But be quiet when you're here."

"Yes, excuse me..."

In response to the Master's words, I unwittingly lowered my hips, and Tobi switched to a silent laugh.

This guy didn't just want to show me this...

"Why didn't you just dress the unblessed guy and be treated as incompetent..."

"Kuck...... uh, laughed. I laughed. I'm insulting your popularity. At last, I'm insulting my visibility. I have my own dedicated thread, but have you seen it?

"Who likes to go to the scene where you are being scolded! I haven't seen it!


I don't want my master to see me with any more weird eyes, and I'm just going next!

Scroll through the screen to the edge of Slate's weapons department, which is being made live.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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