"Chi... that? Is it just Mr. Serene?

"- Ah, Mr. Hynd! Good evening here!


Upon entering the conversation room, Mr. Serene opened the menu screen to view the auction's products.

If you look at this one, you will now wander your gaze in a restless manner.

When I see it and brew a classic herbal tea for two, I sit across from Mr. Serene while I put it at the table.

Mr. Serene shivers his shoulders and looks down when I sit in front of him.

This is a pattern that later makes me ashamed of what I've done......?

"Oh, yes, thank you!

"Mr. Serene, it's hard. That's what I'm talking about."

"Ugh, yeah."

"I don't have it, so let's just relax a little bit more. Deep breaths. Deep breaths."

Shh, shh, shh, shh. And Mr. Serene, who obeys my word honestly.

Then I took a sip of herbal tea and it seemed a little calm, but now he looks at me with a slightly obstinate sad eye.

Unconsciously, the puffiness was adorable and tempting. But I don't show it to my face.

"... Hynd, you haven't changed your attitude very much."

"Yes?...... oh, that's what"

I mean, here's what she wants to say.

I'm so upset about myself, was that an event for you that wasn't enough to take yesterday? That...

Do I have to tell you? I'm embarrassed.

But Mr. Serene looks sad like he's hurt like this... I can't help it.

"Uh, this is lightning up. Mine."

"... what do you mean?

"On the surface, I'm just pretending to be calm. I don't think the inside is so different from Mr. Serene. Your face is hot, and your heart is about to pop out."

"... doesn't look that way..."

I didn't tell you any lies.

It's unlikely you'll believe I won't be exposed to more insides...

When I scratched my head, I decided to reveal my embarrassment last night.

"It's true. Yesterday, after I logged out, I stayed sniveled, and that scene I was told I liked was repeatedly played in my brain, my eyes blinded and I couldn't sleep inside. On the cheek before, just like when it was... done. Thanks to you, I was about to be late for work yesterday."

"What? Well, that's..."

"- Because you confessed to such a beautiful and intelligent sister!? Even though we didn't become lovers, there's no way there's a man out there who's not happy! He said it was a man shaped Sayamako or something!

"Ah, uhh..."

It is no longer half-baked from the middle.

I even felt like I was saying something I didn't have to tell you, but I can't stop thinking about momentum with heat. I can't stop.

"Is it roughly!? I can't hide my wild glasses and bumpy hair! Your eyes are crisp, your face is small, your skin is beautiful, and when you get close, you smell good! Knowledge is vast, and even boring stories are properly listened to and tender! Even before you log in today, spend a lot of time preparing your mind -"

"Ha, Mr. Hynd, ok... ok, so already... gu..."

"- Ha!?

When he noticed, Mr. Serene turned so red that the hot air seemed to come out of his whole body that he stared at this one with his moist eyes.

Damn... totally messed up...

"I'm sorry I doubted you...... I was happy, but I was surprised and I had tears"

"I would have liked you to have noticed earlier when it came to my skinny endurance if you could."

"Yeah, sorry......"

There was an unfortunate mistake, but I managed to convince you.

I was never taking Mr. Serene's confession lightly, I just wondered if it would be better for the future to behave as normal as possible.

As a result, this is what happened.

I can barely remember what I said, but I was just now myself, wasn't I supposed to be pretty creepy......?

"Anyway, what I'm trying to say -"

"It's okay... now, I know exactly what it is. Because I can't live up to their thoughts...... yeah, you're not. Because we're sealing our response, it's your sincerity to keep it out of the surface as long as possible."


I did not affirm or deny that word.

Because I didn't think it was a good practice to call it sincerity.

But Mr. Serene smiled like he was convinced of something and made him nod at me.

After that, it was the same as before - but with a slightly closer sense of distance, we had a chat about the auction until the other members arrived.

Then about ten minutes later, the door opens inexplicably and vigorously.

"Me, come on!

"Oh, are you here? Now I guess we're all here today."

"Good evening, Mr. Yumil"

He was stationary in the position where Yumil entered the room while deciding on an inexplicable pose.

This brings us to Mr. Serene and me, the three Yumils who have just arrived.

"Mm? What about the Hina birds?

"I'm taking a hike tomorrow. He said he wouldn't be here early in the morning."

"What about Liz?

"The results of my previous test came back and I was only taking one question off… I was in the middle of a review with an unexpected face"

"Revenge... not review, I see. Just one question means what's the other part?

"Full Score"


It is the attitude of Yumil, who said not to ask.

And when I looked around the room with Kyolo, I said something about the last person I hadn't asked yet.

"So what about Tobi?

"Oh, he would..."

To Yumil's words, I jumped with my fists up against the ceiling.

Then the ceiling part where my fist hit me turned up and spit out a black object with a single spin of kurli as it was and went back to normal.

Shortly after I landed, he was like an insecticided bug, and he said, "Wha!" and fell to the floor groaning.

"I'm here!

"If you've noticed, call me normally!

"You had an icon popping out of the ceiling... you can't do that"

"Lord Serene also noticed!? And unexpected drawbacks!

"Why don't we optionally hide something like that? You idiot."

"To Lord Yumil!? Gww..."

Tobi sank into Yumil's words, which he thought were of the same level of intelligence as himself.

Was this guy starting to wait in the ceiling about three minutes before Yumil arrived?

It wasn't long before I realized it, but I left my intentions unanswered in an overly crude way of hiding.

I didn't know you were meant to be seriously hiding.

You can't call me a very ninja like this...

And finally, the auction bid deadline is approaching.

I had set the starting price at 10,000 G and the instant price at 700 000 G for the bitterless set......

They were selling at instant prices within yesterday, and the winning bidder was surprisingly 'Masamune'.

He is a Japanese-style blacksmith who came second in the contest weapons division.

"Tobi, this is a good opportunity, so if you think you can get in touch with me, get it. Maybe there's a reaction."

"It depends on your email reception settings... I'll try it"

"I knew you didn't have eyes for Japanese-style objects."

"That knife was a big deal, too, and what kind of player is it?

Mr. Serene says he's somewhat bad at Japanese-style stuff, so Tobi's gear is still in the form he's buying from the trading board.

I'm practicing by turning it over too, but it's still inferior to the rest of Mr. Serene's gear.

It would be great if you could ask Masamune for Tobi's gear, given the Alliance's increased power.

From then on, each bids appropriately on the object of his or her interest.

The only member I have listed right now was my 'Eisica Dress'......

Shortly before the auction ended, we were nailed to the bidding screen.

"Hey, isn't there something wrong with the digits? Heind......"

"That's seven digits. And the number of bidders is three digits... seriously."

"You're very popular with magicians and clerics. It does have a powerful magic boost effect, doesn't it?

"It was 10%, wasn't it? The auxiliary effect of protective equipment is a breakdown."

"One way or another, the fabric is amazing. Eisika Cross. It seems that the material is expensive, so I made it a starting price of 500,000 without instant execution..."

It has already exceeded five million times ten and is also on the rise.

By the way, the average amount of money a player holds, but rumors say it's between a million and two million.

This would mean that the wizards and clerics who are competing to win the bid here will be the top players looking for a little higher magic.

And ten seconds before the end...... a fierce man appears who bids on the dress at a price that the eyeball of 20 million g is about to pop up.

When I rushed to check my name, it was labeled 'Hellshaft'.

"" "You buy it!?

With the exception of Mr. Serene, the three of us screamed.

Naturally, the bid, which had been repeated for nearly six million until just before, stopped...... and Hersha went on to win the Eisica dress with overwhelming financial power.

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