A girl in a green summer dress walked over towards the two people sitting on the bench. She had a thin, short figure and a round face. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail. Two girls wearing light pink frill dresses walked on either side of her.

Cheng Xiu's Phoenix eyes met with a pair of brown eyes.

"Oh! If it isn't the college belle! I mean, the genius of our college!" the girl exclaimed.

Cheng Xiu gave the girl a mocking smile. "Ren Yin. If you wanted to make a grand entrance, you should have your posies on their knees and sit on them. I mean, with your bad hand-eye coordination, isn't it less harmful to others?"

The girl in the green dress puffed her cheeks in anger. "Cheng Xiu! Don't think you are invincible just because you are the school genius!"

Cheng Xiu rolled her eyes. She turned to San Zhe. "Let's go before the whining wild animals try to turn all territorial on us."

San Zhe looked at the girls and then at Cheng Xiu. He gave her a slow nod.

"I heard that you have brain damage now," Ren Yin said with a laugh. The girls at her sides laughed along with her.

"Maybe you can become a customer at a Brothel now." One of the girls said with a twisted look on her face.

Cheng Xiu raised an eyebrow. "I knew your balance was bad but it would seem even your IQ is as messed up since you have such…perverted friends hanging with you. Maybe you should read up on 'Jokes for dummies', 'How to make friends for dummies' or maybe even 'How to construct sentences for stupid people.' I am sure one of those titles exists for you."

Ren Yin glared at her.

Cheng Xiu massaged her temple. "Seriously though…is this your life's mission now? Try to make the Qiless look bad in front of people? Do you think you are being all that?"

"Are you okay?" San Zhe asked her in concern.

"I am fine. I just get headaches in the front of idiots. Let us go."

Cheng Xiu threw the ball back at the green-dress girl and started to walk away.

"You stupid Qiless! Don't think that you are all that! You are nothing more than a glorified trophy for the college!"

Cheng Xiu sighed. "At least it is better than being a Trophy wife, which is the position you seemed to be aiming for."

San Zhe gaped at her.

Cheng Xiu shrugged. She was not a vegetarian who would let everyone walk over her.

"Cheng Xiu! You are going too far!" Ren Yin screamed.

Cheng Xiu sighed and got up again. She used the walking stick to balance herself once again, and looked at Ren Yin with a polite smile.

"I went too far with Trophy wife? Then what about the Brothel comment that your little friend over there made?"

Ren Yin glared. "She said that! Not me!"

Cheng Xiu shrugged. "I did not see you try to stop her."

Ren Yin glared. "Do you know that my Paternal Uncle is a specialist at this hospital?"

"What should I do about that? Dance? Sing?"

Ren Yin gritted her teeth. "You!"

Cheng Xiu walked away from the group of girls, not caring about the way Ren Yin reacted to her words. Just as she was about to step away ice glazed the ground she was walking on, making her nearly slip.

San Zhe quickly caught her by the waist and helped her stand up steadily.

He quickly removed his hands. "Sorry."

Cheng Xiu shrugged. "For helping me? Thanks anyway."

He smiled.

Cheng Xiu whirled around, holding her head at the sharp pain her movement caused her and stood still until the pain subsided.

Cheng Xiu looked up to find a woman in her mid-twenties standing beside Ren Yin with a cold expression on her face.

Cheng Xiu blinked in surprise. Though the colour of her hair was black, and her eyes were brown, Cheng Xiu recognised the girl in front of her at a glance.

Immortal Frost.

"Cousin!" Ren Yin shouted happily. "You showed the Qiless her place."

Frost frowned. She looked at Cheng Xiu from head to toe. "You are a patient here."

Her words were not a question.

"And you are a bully," Cheng Xiu said.

Frost frowned. "Your voice…can you talk in a lower pitch?"

"No. Why would I do that?"

"You useless Qiless!" Ren Yin screamed. "You are going too far!"

Cheng Xiu shook her head. "I don't need to listen to your cousin or you."

Ren Yin gave her a smug look. "Cousin Xue is the best at Ice Manipulation in the entire Xiu family!"

Cheng Xiu raised her eyebrow. "Xiu Xue? You belong to that high-range family in planet Gyana, right?"

Frost frowned at her words. "And if I am?"

Cheng Xiu shrugged. "you must have a lot of resources then. It is no wonder that you were able to be so powerful. Anyone with even a spec of potential could reach the 'best' title if they are supplied all their life with A-grade crystals, pills, and potions."

Frost smiled. "There is no need to be jealous and to use those things, you still need to show a spec of potential."

"There is no need for it, but there are reasons to be jealous," Cheng Xiu said with a shrug. "And that spec of potential is something everyone has."

"Even a Qiless like you?" Frost asked in a calm voice.

Cheng Xiu nodded. "You should ask your cousin over there about my spec of potential. I am confident to say, I do have it."

Frost hmmed. She bowed her head. "I am sorry for nearly hurting you. Ren Yin screamed that you called her a trophy wife."

"I did," Cheng Xiu said, leaning heavily on the walking stick. "I was sitting on the bench, minding my own business with my friend. Ren Yin decided to try to bully the Qiless. I replied to her in the tone she talked to me. And regardless of what I said to her, using your power to harm a Qiless in the Hospital space is irresponsible and it shows that you are too entitled that you do not consider who you can hurt with your powers."

Frost frowned. "Is that so? I am sorry for what I did then."

"I don't need it," Cheng Xiu said, rolling her eyes.

Frost smiled. "But there is a reason to apologise."

Cheng Xiu stared at the girl for a moment and then moved away.

"Hey!" Ren Yin said angrily. "You can't just ignore my cousin."

What is wrong with this girl, Cheng Xiu thought to herself. She did not want to talk to the said cousin, and the feeling seemed to be mutual.

"Why can't I ignore YOUR cousin?" Cheng Xiu asked.

Ren Yin gave her a smug look. "because she is the Female Representative that GateKeep Academy has sent! You are supposed to serve her!"

Cheng Xiu stilled and then turned around to look at the expert of the Other World.

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