VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 14 - Journey Through The Viridian Forest

A/N: I seem to be treating San Zhu's storage ring as Doremon's pocket in this chapter. Would you believe this innocent Author if she told you she cut half of the scenes off because it would seem Deus ex machina? No?

Well, I have no excuses then.

Happy readings!

Tow 14

Journey through the Viridian Forest

The strong smell of smoke and burnt flesh woke San Zhu up more than the pain he felt. He groaned and rolled to his side. And clutched his side that was burnt and charred.

"Open Inventory: F-Grade healing potion-one and E-Grade healing potion two."

Three vials of green liquid appeared in his palms. Two had the letter E on its lid and one had the letter F.

San Zhu drowned one of the E-Rank healing potions. The bleeding stopped and muscles covered the area of damage. A thin, translucent green skin covered the area.

He tore off his undamaged sleeves and tied it around the wound. He would need to drink another E-Rank potion.

He took the other vials of potions and stood himself up.

His eyes searched around, trying to find Cheng Xiu's figure. He saw her lying face down on top of a purple bush not far off.

San Zhu dragged his feet towards her. He knelt down next to her, and turned her over. He looked her over. Except for the burned clothes that barely hid her modesty, she did not seem hurt.

San Zhu frowned in confusion. She should be hurt, given the state her clothes were in but she wasn't.

San Zhu shook her shoulder, careful not to touch her skin. He did not want to give her the wrong impression.

A soft, floral scent wafted through his nose as he bent over her. "Sister Cheng? Sister Cheng? Sister Cheng, wake up!"

Cheng Xiu scrunched her nose and groaned. "A'Shu, I don't want to know what underwear Ren Dao was wearing in your wet dream this time. Go back to sleep."

San Zhu stilled. Is that what girls talked with each other when they were alone? Were all humans Perverted by nature and girls just hid it better?

San Zhu shook his head to get rid of such thoughts. "Sister Cheng! I'm not A'Shu or whoever, I'm your senior brother San Zhu! Wake up, please."

Cheng Xiu slowly blinked her eyes open. "Brother San?"

San Zhu nodded. "Yes. It's me."

"What are you doing in our dorm- why are we in a forest? And why are the leaves on the trees yellow and orange? Is it autumn already?"

San Zhu gave her a strained smile. "Are you pulling my legs, Sister Cheng? We are in The Other World, remember?"

"We died! Oh my God! I died! But I haven't proven to that stupid Ms Bo that I am the best for the job! How can I die before that! What will my old father do! Who will take care of him now!"

San Zhu looked on in horror as she burst into tears. "Wha-what is happening? Sister Cheng…please don't cry…"

She cried louder into her hands.

San Zhu looked around them, desperate.

His eyes fell on the purple bush she laid in. He frowned and took out a scroll from his storage ring. He flung it open and started to skim through it.

Purple Bushes….purple bushes…purple bushes…aha! Purple Bushes of the Viridian Forest. A speciality of the Southern Continent…Squirrel beasts are found in abundance near these as it helps in their cultivation...muddles the mind of Qi practitioners who have no mind protection technique. Huh.

San Zhu put the scroll away and grabbed her wrists. He pulled her over his shoulder and moved away from the bushes. He laid her down on the ground. Her clothing was even more damaged now.

San Zhu accessed his storage ring again and took out two pairs of plain blue robes and pants.

He laid the robe on top of her and shook her again. "Sister Cheng? Sister Cheng!"

Cheng Xiu squinted her eyes open. "Brother San?"

"Are you okay?"

Cheng Xiu nodded and got up. The robe on her body started to slip. She pressed it to her and looked at San Zhu in panic.

"The explosion had damaged your normal clothes, so I put that on top of you!" San Zhu explained in a hurry. "I swear! I didn't see anything! I didn't do anything!"

Cheng Xiu sighed. "Okay. I was just shocked, Bother San."

"Are you okay, Sister Cheng? You took the worst of the blast and fell on a Purple Bush that muddles with the memory of Cultivators. Thank God it seemed to be of F-Rank. Here, drink this, it will heal you up."

Cheng Xiu looked at the vials of potions. "I just feel drowsy and tired, brother San. Like I ran a 500 meter race and then a 1000 meter rally. I'll be fine."

San Zhu tried to put the vials in her hand. "There might be some internal injuries."

She pushed the vial towards him. "You look worse off than me. You should drink it. I feel fine. And you should call me Xiu, Brother San. You have been far too kind to me the entire day, despite how your day went. And I really appreciate that."

San Zhu smiled. "My mother would kill me if I disrespected a girl, Sister Xiu. And with how capable you are, I'm sure she would just adopt you. My mother loves smart kids."

Cheng Xiu pursed her lips. Her eyes turned misty. "Your mother must love you a lot then."

San Zhu snorted. "Nope. As far as she is concerned, I'm stupid. Can you walk?"

Cheng Xiu nodded.

San Zhu got up. "I'll check for a water source. According to the veteran gamers of Veritas, there should be a river called the Red River around here. You change your clothes."

San Zhu walked away.

Cheng Xiu looked at the clothes. They were a bit bigger and definitely made for men.

With a sigh, she got behind a tree and changed.

By the time San Zhu returned Cheng Xiu had found her bow, which was broken and burnt.

She held up her weapon. "Do you have more of these?"

San Zhu took out a bow and arrows that were more intricately designed, and handed them over to her.

Cheng Xiu gaped at him. "Why do you have so many things?"

San Zhu blushed and shifted his feet. "I have been playing this game since the beginning, sister Che-Xiu. And I am always prepared for most situations."

Cheng Xiu smiled. "Well, color me impressed. Brother San! I have become a fan!"

San Zhu flushed and looked at his feet. "I-it's not that impressive."

"Oh, stop it. You are amazing. Just take the compliment. Now, did you find that river you were looking for?"

San Zhu nodded. "Yes. We can walk alongside the riverbank, opposite to its flow. We are bound to reach the Crimson Mountain range of the West. Rats in The Other World stay at Rocky Pits they create at the foot of a mountain."

Cheng Xiu frowned. "Why there?"

"There would be villages or towns nearby and so they can always get food to eat. Human food or humans as food, whichever is more convenient for them."

Cheng Xiu shivered. "How do you know all of this?"

San Zhu smiled. "You'll know soon enough. I can't say it. Literally. It's a law of The Other World."

Cheng Xiu sighed. "Let's find a cave first then."

San Zhu tilted his head. "Why?"

Cheng Xiu pointed to the sky. "The sun is going to set soon. I might not have played The Other World much, especially not in the night but I'm pretty sure night is when the real beasts come out."

San Zhu looked up in shock. The sun was in the west, and the sky had started to gain a yellow tinge. "It's been six hours already? How long were we knocked out for? I was sure we had more hours! What do we do now?"

Cheng Xiu rolled her eyes. "Find a cave to safely log out and in and then scout the Rocky Pits if possible. There is no need to be so dramatic."

San Zhu sweat dropped. "Sister Xiu, how are you so logical at this time?"

Cheng Xiu shrugged. "It's easier for me not to panic than panic. Emotions are not…easy to control so I try not to be emotional."

San Zhu frowned. That couldn't be healthy.

They began walking in silence. San Zhu had drowned the F Rank healing potion, so his gait was steadier. Cheng Xiu was slower than even him. There was a bone deep tiredness in her that she couldn't shake off.

Cheng Xiu looked around them in suspicion. "Why is the forest so quiet?"

"Because we are not near any lairs or dungeons." They reached a small path and walked along it.

San Zhu used his trident to make way for them whenever they reached an overgrowth of bushes and grasses.

Cheng Xiu removed the sword San Zhu gave her from her storage ring.

Her body glowed blue as information on blade handling poured into her mind.

She started to cut off the plants in their paths. It didn't give her any points. "What about the Squirrels? Were we near their lair then?"

San Zhu pointed to the purple bushes. "That's their food. Those things are the reason why they found us. But since the Flying Squirrels are killed off, we don't have to worry about them for the next 24 hours in game. A new Flying Squirrel will not replace them before then, so we don't have to worry about them."

The muddy road led to a valley.

The air turned wet, and fresh. A cool breeze flitted through their hair, making them look like grand warriors going in search of a grand epic.

Far up the valley of yellow and purple bushes they rounded a sharp bend on the road and the sound of gurgling water broke the quiet space.

Further away, a river tumbled over rocks.

Cheng Xiu observed the river and its bank. It looked normal. The water seemed pure as it reflected the golden sunset sky. The ripples made it look like a silk cloth. There was an allure to the river water.

San Zhu held her elbow and pulled her from the edge of the bank.

"What are you doing!"

Cheng Xiu blinked.

The sun set completely and the golden river turned blood red and glowed eerily.

Cheng Xiu stumbled back.

San Zhu cursed.

A black vine pulled out of the river and made to grab the place that Cheng Xiu stood a moment ago.


San Zhu slapped his palm over her mouth and dragged her back.

Four more black vines reached for the place. The blood red water dripped onto the bank, making the places it fell on glow red.

An unknown terror gripped Cheng Xiu's heart as she felt like she was being hunted by a great predator.

Cheng Xiu frowned and tightened her hold on the sword in her hand.

She wouldn't go down without a fight.

Almost like the creature heard her thoughts, the vines turned into sharp stakes and flew towards them.

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter. I tried to make the place interesting enough for you all to engage in the narrative but I'm not sure if I succeeded.

Please tell me how I did. And if you have any questions or concepts that you would like to know about ask that in the comments.

I usually try to avoid describing the places around the characters in too much details as I start fearing I'm telling too much.

If you liked this chapter please don't forget to comment, vote, and leave reviews! I might not reply to them all but I do read them.

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