VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 148 - Shadows That Eat

Yaksha took out a single talisman and tossed it in the air.

The talisman burst into flames. Strings of fire attached itself onto the Demonic Treeman around him.

The creatures burst into flames and turned into ashes.

San Zhe stared at what had happened for a moment, unsure what he should do. He just got saved by the Male God Yaksha, the rumoured number 1 player of The Other World. He was not sure what he should do about the honour that he was just handed over.

San Zhe's eyes filled in gratitude and tears. He looked at Yaksha with reverence.

Yaksha nodded towards San Zhe. "I sent her away. She should not push her health for something as silly as a game."

San Zhe hesitated. As silly as a game. It really was a game. He seemed to have forgot it, and from the looks of it, so did Cheng Xiu.

San Zhe smiled. "You were finally able to convince her-"

The NPC woman burst out of the door at the moment.

She looked towards the person who attacked her, anger in her eyes.

Those flames of anger changed to an unsure emotion as she stared at the golden masked man in front of her.

She closed her eyes and tried to get a read on the man using her Qi. She needed to know his level, how powerful he was, how much he could handle, how much she could gain…

She felt a femiliar oppressive feeling from the Qi of the other.

Claris's puffy lips curled on one side. Her eyes opened and stared at the man in front of her.

"So the ghosts are a part of this fun little game," the woman whispered with a smile.

Yaksha stared at him for a long time.

The sound of metal hitting metal, and moans of pain could be heard from under them.

"Annoying pests," the woman whispered as her eyes fell on Ren Dao and his men.

She snapped her fingers.

San Zhe watched the next few moments in awe and horror.

Spiders crawled out of her hair…no it was better to say that her hair was a string of spiders.

San Zhe stared for a moemnt and became nausceous. He could feel bile rise in his stomach at the thought of these creatures being so close to him that he could have touched a few of them accidentally.

The tiny spiders crawled over the rough barks of the tree faster than they should be able to and reached the players below.

San Zhe watched in a horrified daze as the players were bitten repeatedly.

They started to disappear one by one as the players logged out.

San Zhe had one question he would have liked to ask them though. Who were those people?

"Now that the nueisences are gone," the woman said, twirling a strand of her hair.

San Zhe shivered at the sight. Those were spiders! How was she able to handle it with such calm! If he ever became a data, he did not want to be like her.

"Lord Yaksha," the woman purred. "An honour. I have heard so much. All good things! Really! The man slated to be the next Ghost King of the Cultivation World. A real honour. And I must say, your presence near the Keeper is surprising, considering the nature of the Keeper."

Yaksha did not reach to her taunting words, and only raised his hand with a talisman in it.

"People did say that you make your own talismans," the woman said, unconcerned about his actions, "is it true?"

"What do you all want with SelaXiu?"

The woman laughed. "What would I want with the Keeper…you tell me, Lord Yaksha."

Yaksha burned the talisman in the air, and connected it to the tree he stood on.

The woman's eyes widened in panic. "No!"

The tree started to shrivel.

The woman's eyes became bloodshot as tears rolled down her eyes. "Don't you dare!"

She tried to grab hold of San Zhe.

Yaksha threw a bag at her feet.

Beads rolled out of the open mouth of the bag towards her feet.

The waman hissed, her black fangs proturding even more.

Her body crumbled and turned into that of a spider with bat wings.

San Zhe shuffled his feet away from her in shock and fear.

"Yaksha! You will pay with your blood for this!" the woman screamed as she leapt at him.

He snapped his fingers.

Ghostly figures rose from his feet and dragged the woman towards Yaksha's shadow.

The spider struggled in the ghostly hands.

The dull faces of the dead did not change as they dragged the woman towards their summoner.

The woman sank into the shadows of Yaksha like that part of the rotting tree was made of quicksand.

She stopped screaming in anger and frustration and started to cry for mercy, begging him to let her go.

Yaksha stood still as a statue, just watching.

San Zhe looked at the image that it formed in horror and awe.

He had known that the more you played The Other World the more you will be numb to the pain and sufferings of others, but it was the first time that he had actually seen this kind of scene personally.

He had killed monsters and human-like NPCs but none of them begged for mercy.

It made his scalp tingle in fear.

Yaksha looked at San Zhe coldly. "Shall we leave then?"

San Zhe shivered at the monotone of his voice, which was very different from the tone he had ever talked to him with. San Zhe nodded. He wouldn't have denied Yaksha even if he had wanted to stay at that moment.

"Give me a report on how she is doing will you?" Yaksha asked.

"Is that a right thing to do?"

"I am only asking her health report to make sure that she is getting better."

San Zhe nodded his head. "Okay."

"Are you going to tell to her I asked such a thing from you?"

San Zhe shook his head. "I will keep it a sceret."

Yaksha shook his head. "You are not that much of a true friend are you? Ask her if you can send me the reports first. She would feel betrayed by you later on when she finds out about this matter otherwise."

San Zhe's eyes sparkled with admiration. "Okay."

Yaksha nodded at him and left in a flash.

San Zhe stared at that spot for a moment and logged out as well.

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