VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 157 - Too Sick To Think Of A Title. You Think Of It

Cheng Xiu and the rest of them reached the other end of the passageway, and found themselves facing another Torri gate. This time it looked far more normal, coloured in a lightly dulled out Red.

Yaksha suddenly appeared in front of her.

Cheng Xiu frowned. "What is it?"

"Do you really not want my help when you get there?"

"Was there a need to block my way to ask this question?"

"Has anyone ever told you that you are very rude to people?"

"No," Cheng Xiu deadpanned. "I am usually polite even when I am rude."


Cheng Xiu sighed. "This is my quest. My gaming experience. For me to learn and enjoy the Storylines of the Other World."

Yaksha killed another rock snake that crawled out of a small engraved stone sword. "Then I will only interfere if I think my presence is absolutely necessary. Don't underestimate the monsters just because they are rats. Underestimating your enemies will lead to your death."

"I am a Level 3 player going on a mission that even those of Level 5 find difficult," Cheng Xiu said in annoyance, "I can not afford to be so reckless."

Yaksha stared at her intently for a moment before letting out a chuckle and moving out of her way.

Cheng Xiu followed him with her eyes and then looked towards San Zhe.

"I think we should let the Expert help," San Zhe said.

Cheng Xiu rolled her eyes. "Don't. We are going to fight this out ourselves."

"Pride goes before a fall," San Zhe said in a weak tone, "There is nothing wrong in asking for help when you need it!"

Yaksha looked at the two people's interaction curiously. He could not believe that the prideful Sela would be so patient with a man who was so cowardly. Were these two really just friends in the real world? Or did they have something more going on between them that they were not showing because he, an outsider, was there.

Somehow, those thoughts brought out an unpleasant feeling in his heart. But in the end, Yaksha was a rational person who never let his emotions to cloud his judgement. He wanted to once again fight with his long time rival, and this time he could even watch her raising in the ranks. It will help him learn a lot more about her. That was all there was to it.

And he did not want her pig teammate to betray her. That San Zhe was so cowardly that Yaksha was sure he was that kind of a person. That was all there was to that unpleasant emotion that he felt.

"See that is the thing," Cheng Xiu said in exasperation, "We don't need his help yet. Did I not say he can help when we really can't manage? What more do you want? Do you want him to do our entire mission for us while he is at it?"

Yes, San Zhe thought in his heart. "No…but still….why wait till the end to help. He can also help us here and there as well to fight of some of the lesser monsters, we will finish the mission earlier and you don't have to strain yourself too."

Cheng Xiu narrowed her eyes. "I thought you were an innocent person. I did not think you were so scheming."

San Zhe shrugged. Let her think what she wanted.

"I still stand by my choice."

San Zhe rolled his eyes in his heart. In wasn't for you anyway. He looked sideways at Yaksha who had a contemplating posture to him. San Zhe did not know much about the things, but he did know that Yaksha cared about Cheng Xiu's health. He would see the merit to his words even if Sister Xiu did. Fighting a dungeon monster was very difficult, let along trying to take out the king. There was no need to take too many risks. He wouldn't let her go through that kind of pain and suffering again.

He knew he was being a bit selfish but he could still not let go of the image of how she was treated by Gu Shu when she was in the hospital. That blatant disregard for her best friend. He was sure that the only reason that Gu Shu stuck by Cheng Xiu's side was because everyone else wanted something from her and Cheng Xiu didn't. Their dynamic was such that it was always Cheng Xiu who took care of Gu Shu. She was basically an unpaid nanny.

He had a bit of a guess in his heart on why Cheng Xiu tolerated this kind of behaviour but he did not dwell on it.

She needed someone to make selfish decisions on her behalf. And San Zhe was okay with taking on that personality. He wasn't the bravest so he would use he cowardliness to his advantage.

"I know what I want," Cheng Xiu said all of a sudden and started to walk.

San Zhe was startled out of his thoughts and looked towards her in confusion, following after her. "What?"

"Don't try that kind of tricks again," She whispered to his ears.

San Zhe widened his eyes in shock.

"I don't like to think that I used someone's goodwill towards me just like that," Cheng Xiu hissed.

San Zhe ducked his head, his eyes flashing. That was honourable. But stupid. As a Qiless, how could she not understand that they needed to be bit less…honourable.

Cheng Xiu patted him on the shoulder making him look up.

"Stick around with me for too long, and I will poison you with my ideals, Brother San!"

San Zhe relaxed and smiled. He was a bit relieved that she did not seem angry with him. "Or I might corrupt you into being less honourable."

Cheng Xiu waved her hand. "It is not about honour. It is about having a bottom line."

Yaksha, following behind the two, shook his head. Did these idiots forget that he had better hearings tham them? He was a Level 70 player. He had a powerful constitution. Their hissing speech could be heard by anyone above Level 10.

Yaksha frowned. Was this the difference between a Qiless and an ability user? Did they assume everyone had the same hearing as them?

They walked into the Torri gate.Too

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