VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 189 - Follow The Light

Yaksha kept his thoughts to himself.

There were too many dangerous plots going on with the VR game and he wasn't sure who all would be dragged into it. He just hoped that people like Selafia who were there to just enjoy the game would not be dragged into it. Though he was not sure that wish of his would come true.

Many powerful families were already part of the game, and they were making movements everywhere. And Selafia, unfortunately, was too eye-catching.

He followed the duo of Qiless as they walked through the long corridor, their steps caustious.

Silence filled the space around them.

"Sister Xiu," San Zhe said after a while. "What do you think the story behind the Talking forks are?"

Cheng Xiu blinked at him. "Isn't talking utensils normal in the other world?"

San Zhe shook his head, an awkward expression on his face. "Why would you think that it was normal?"

Cheng Xiu shrugged. "Because the Devs are bored?"

San Zhe shook his head. He shouldn't have asked. Not everything a genius says is smart and witty things.

Intelligent people can also be stupid.

The three fell silent again.

Their footsteps started to echo.

San Zhe froze. He remembered the last experience with footsteps. He listened carefully. Sure enough there was the sound of extra footsteps on his left even though both Lord Yaksha and Cheng Xiu were on his right.

He wanted to cry. Why him? Why did the NPCs always go for him? Was it because the others were stronger or he was weaker? Or was it because of the curse that he was put under?

Cheng Xiu put her finger on her lips as she looked at him, indicating that he should keep quite.

San Zhe nodded and pursed his lips. He was too scared to make a sound anyway, so he should be fine at this point.

Cheng Xiu's eyes darted around the walls of the passage.

Confused, San Zhe copied her action.

He was not able to guess what she was trying to see or observe.

Cheng Xiu pulled out the black flame in her hand and threw it at one of the wooden torches that was near him.

San Zhe started and looked at her in fear and confusion.

Did Sister Xiu get ensnared in another spell?

He thought back to what he said in his head a few moments ago. San Zhe wanted to cry.

You can keep attacking me, San Zhe thought in his heart. Please don't put that kind of spells on Sister Xiu. He thought in this manner not because he was a really chivalrous individual. It was just that he did not want to face the Mind-controlled Cheng Xiu again. It was exhausting having to aim your attacks to hurt but not kill. It took too much effort to control his attacks to that extent.

The wooden torch giggled and then jumped from its holder.

Cheng Xiu blinked.

"Talking Forks," San Zhe said in a confused voice, "taking spoons, and now giggling Wooden torches. I think I have seen the extent to which the whimsical nature of the other world could go! Isn't this supposed to be a Cultivation game!"

Cheng Xiu raised an eyebrow at him. "It is very common in ancient cultures to give human characteristics to inanimate objects. It is very prevalent in cultivation stories."

San Zhe blinked. "Really?"

"Don't you know that already?"

"Why would I know such useless things?" San Zhe asked her.

Cheng Xiu's face froze. Useless information…

San Zhe saw the stiff expression on her face and realised what he just said was very offensive.

"I meant that it did not seem useful to me! I did not mean that-"

Cheng Xiu cupped him mouth with her palm. She sighed. "Lets go."

"Oh," San Zhe said, bowing his head in defeat.

Yaksha looked at the two. "I feel left out."

Cheng Xiu stared at him in confusion. "Why?"

San Zhe looked at the expert in shock, eyes wide and mouth open. Experts could feel left out?

"You two keep discussing things among yourself, while I walk behind you waiting for either one of you to talk to me."

Cheng Xiu tilted her head. "I told you that this was our dungeon run. We will have to discuss things among us. We do ask you things that neither of us can answer. Besides, nobody told you to keep quiet. If you want to talk, just talk. Do you need invitations to talk to people walking right beside you?"

"Yes," Yaksha said.

Cheng Xiu was stumped. How was she supposed to respond to such a direct answer. She thought for a moment. "Then please, Great Elder Yaksha ge, please join our conversations."

San Zhe looked between then in confusion again. "That…Lord Yaksha…we did not mean to-"

Yaksha sighed. "Little Sela, you are no fun at all. I was trying to have a decent argument with you."

Cheng Xiu glared. "We are on a Quest. Is this any time to have in-fighting for the fun of it?"

Yaksha sighed again. "I am a Level 70 player in a Low-level dungeon. I get bored easily."

"Why are you complaining like I am the one who forced you to join us?" Cheng Xiu asked in anger.

San Zhe stilled. Cheng Xiu's tone…was she mind-controlled again?!

Cheng Xiu huffed and walked forwards.

San Zhe looked at her in confusion.

Yaksha tapped him on the shoulder.

San Zhe looked up.

"Stop staring," Yaksha said, "Let us catch up to the Primordial one."

San Zhe blinked. Primordial one? What did that mean? Was he calling her a Diva for her breif burst of temper at that moment? That wasn't good. Sister Xiu was a calm person most of the time, if she was angry then there had to be a reason. Why was the expert thinking about her in that manner?

San Zhe looked at Cheng Xiu who stomped her feet with each step that she took as though she was trying to release her anger at the ground because of something.

"Sister Xiu, are you okay."

"Fine," came a calm reply. "Ghost Flame!"

Two balls of fire were thrown at the wall simultaniously.

There was a giggling sound and they saw the Fork, the Spoon and the Wooden Troch appear out of thin air and run away.

"That…sister Xiu, how do you know they are there?" San Zhe could not help asking.

"Drawings of those items appear on the ceiling when ever they are there," Cheng Xiu said without turning to look at him.

San Zhe's mind had another question. "How do you know which wall to hit then?"

"The drawing will lean towards the opposite direction that the things are in," Yaksha said to him before Cheng Xiu could answer. "See, Little Sela, I have responded on my own."

She sent the man a fleeting look behind her mask before she started to walk faster, walking quite a few steps in front of them.

San Zhe's eyes widened. He was shocked. Not just because of the fact that Cheng Xiu figured that out but also that the expert was still on that topic. Did the man want Cheng Xiu to choke him to death or something?

Yaksha's eyes sparkled in excitement at the brief verbal spat that they had. Though he knew that her emotions were agitated because of the Deep Dive and the spell that she was under, it still brought back memories.

Little Sela was such a spitfire before, unlike the extremely collected front that she was putting on for them to see.

"Sister Xiu-"

"Come out!" Cheng Xiu said as she cupped San Zhe's mouth again. "I know who are out here!"

There were giggling voices.

San Zhe's eyes widened. Those voices were different from what he had heard before. It was definitely not the utensils or the Wooden Torch for sure.

He watched in surprise as a beautiful woman walked out of the wall. She wore a blue robe and looked enchanting.

Another woman came out of the wall behind her.

San Zhe's eyes widened. They were twins.

He suspected that Cheng Xiu's speculation that the Rat King had a special fetish for twins was not far from the truth.

"Da Hua," Cheng Xiu greeted the lady who came out first. She then turned to the second on who stood on the left. "Xiao Hua."

Xiao Hua sighed. "It is you again."

Da Hua started to cry. "You! Did we not tell you that we were letting you off! Why are you disturbing our peace!"

Cheng Xiu tilted her head. "Could it be that we were not supposed to follow the talking utensils?"

San Zhe blinked.

Xiao Hua's eyes narrowed.

Da Hua wailed harder.

Xiao Hua's eyebrow twitched in irritation. "Should up, sister."

Da Hua sniffled. "Oh."

"Am I to guess that the secret that those utensils will reveal is something crucial to the…story of the queens and their origin or something?" Cheng Xiu speculated. "You guys are the body guards of this secret?"

Da Hua wailed again. "We were going to let you go! Why did you have to poke your nose here?"

Cheng Xiu shrugged.. "Because it might help me and my friends to complete our tasks easier."

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