VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 205 - What Is Your Opinion

Joseph walked into the room to find a tall man with silver hair and spectacles talking to another man with brown skin and deep set brown eyes, both wore white coats.

Hearing the even footsteps of Joseph, the two looked up from the medical records that they were browsing.

"I heard congratulations are in order," Joseph said as he stopped in front of the man with the brown skin. "Ravi, what are you doing here? Weren't you going back to your native place this week?"

Ravi shrugged. "Weddings of distant relatives can wait. There is something more exciting going on in the lab! How can I stay away? Besides, doctor Jennings over here was just about to announce to the world his great discoveries. I had to witness history with my own eyes."

Joseph's shoulders tensed at the words of his collegue.

Dr Jennings rolled his eyes. "Please, I have told you Ravi, there is no guarantee that the Qi Awakening is real or not. And besides, it is up to the Minister who has to reveal such information to the public, not me."

"But you will be there when it is going to be announced, Cyrus!"

"You make it seem like it was my discovery," Dr Jennings sneered.

"You didn't?"

The silver haired man rolled his eyes again, helplessness rooting into his pale features. "Uncle George contacted me because he was worried whether it would have any impact on his health going forwards, and he knew I majored in Qi Theories, so he automatically thought of me. That was it."

"George?" Joseph asked. "You Uncle is the one to awaken?"

Cyrus Jennings looked towards the brown haired man. "That is right. He is at least 85 years old, so he was worried. There doesn't seem to be much issues in the Initial testings though. In fact, his vitals have improved. Aunt Lucy was worried all day long about his weak heart, now she would can at least sleep better."

"What are your thoughts on this?" Joseph asked, concealing the anxiety that was in his mind.

"About his Uncle's health? I think it is great. One less funeral to attend to anytime soon," Ravi said to him.

Cyrus glared at the man.

"What? You should try having multiple relatives, all the weddings and funerals and naming ceremonies that you have to attend!" Ravi said with a sigh. "It is so exhausting to talk to people as it is, and then you have to be even more friendly to people at that time."

"Can you be serious for at least some moments?" Joseph asked with a glare.

Ravi raised his hand in surrender.

"I was talking about the Qi Awakening of the Qiless in general. What are your thoughts on it?" Joseph asked Cyrus.

The man with the silver hair blinked in confusion. "I guess this is good? I mean…what is really so special about it? Don't people Awaken all the time. There was just a time delay at this time for my uncle."

"There is something special about it!" Ravi said. "It is like a woman in her 90s having her period for the first time. It is not very useful. I mean, it could be seen as a good thing if you want to, but still, what is the real use of it at that point?"

Joseph frowned. "Don't you think that it is…different?"

Ravi tilted his head. "You think that there were outside forces that stimulated this in the subject and that there might be a deeper purpose to this than just a bunch of powerless people getting access to the Qi in them?"

Joseph pursed his lips in thought. He did not believe that the Qiless had any Qi in them but he could not say that out loud to these people.

"Something like that," Joseph said in a non-committal tone.

Cyrus sighed. "I have thought of it, but I am not sure what malicious purpose those people could have."

"Become incubators for alien species," Ravi guessed.

Cyrus shivered. "Would you stop watching weird stuff again? Or at least stop sharing them with other people? With the Beasts and monsters attacking even more fiercely than it was before, I would think that we are not too far from that reality."

Joseph realised that the two men were going off topic again. "Can I see the subject?"

"No," Cyrus answered without turning to him.

Ravi sighed. "I have been trying to get him to show me the uncle, but he wouldn't. Nice try though, Jose."

"Had to give it a shot," Joseph said with a strained smile. "Did you find anything though?"

Cyrus cast him a suspicious look but still shook his head. "Not yet. Uncle has given us a few details but there is nothing conclusive yet?"

"Conclusive?" Joseph gave his words a few seconds of thought and then nodded. "Keep me updated then. I would like to know how this miracle came about."

"And then force all the Qiless to do it too," Ravi said with emotions, "and then there would be no more Qiless people, and then no more break outs of attacks in the world based on Qi."

Cyrus snorted. "You can't force everyone to make that choice. The Alliance would not allow that. And besides, there would still be people out there who are proud of their Qiless status and would not want to join the other side."

Ravi sighed. "Let me dream."

"So you know that it can only be a dream," Joseph scolded. His heart was cold at that mere thought. The number of abominations would far exceed their control if that happened.

Ravi shrugged. "People are d*cks. They will find all kind of reasons just to hate on people. As long as the Qi awakened news gets out, I am sure that the very hour there will be an organization against it, calling it an abomination and against nature and stuff. You know, the usual routine. Can't use VR Pods, has the devil's power in it, can't use Treatment cabins, it is against the natural order of things."

Joseph and Cyrus sighed. Here the man went on his tirade again.

"I am telling you," Ravi pointed towards them, "These are the same people who would protest that people are wearing less cloths and stuff. Really. Clothing is unnatural too, why wear it then?"

Cyrus started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Ravi called to him.


Ravi sighed and turned to Joseph to find that there was not even a shadow of the man.

"Dr Ghosh?" a woman called.

Ravi looked at her.

"Subject 478 is showing positive results to the Qi insertion to the cavity."

Ravi grinned. "Really? Subject 478 is the Qiless woman from Arizona, right?"

The woman smiled back. "Yes. Her nerve damages are already showing improvements."

Ravi walked away with a skip to his step.

On the other side of the facility, Joseph walked into his office and closed the door. He had the AI system installed in the room deny access to all personals and stop recording the happenings of the office room.

Once the area around him had a dim blue hue to it, he opened his fold.

"Sir," the man called out as soon as the video call connected.

"What is it? Is this your office at the lab? You have contacted me outside the jurisdiction? What happened?"

"There is a problem."


"The Lab has gotten hold of a live specimen."

There was silence in the room.

"How?" the gruff voice asked.

"The specimen got into contact with Dr Jennings of the Branch A of the Qi Research department directly," Joseph said, his green eyes locked onto the file on the desk.

"What is his leanings?"

"The specimen is his uncle," Joseph said with a sneer. "And he sees the Qi Awakening feature of the Qiless as a late blooming."

"How old is the specimen?"

"Above 80."

There was pause again.

Joseph knew what was going through the man's head at that moment. All the specimens that they collected were in the range of 20 to 25. The first Above 50 specimen to be found and it was in the hands of those do-gooders who thought that everything should be peaceful and all should be accepted.

Joseph felt unwilling and he was sure the boss was even more unwilling than him.

"Keep the specimen results in check," the man said at last. "If there is any problem…eliminate the Head Doctor and take his position."

Joseph nodded, the heaviness of his heart settling. And that was how it should be done. Eliminate the things that were not appealing to their cause.

Joseph wanted to laugh at himself. He was so upset over something so simple.

"Thank you," he said to the boss in an earnest voice.

The call was cut off from the other side.

Joseph leaned back on his chair, his eyes on the file in front of him. "Why do I have to wait for the man to not co-operate for me to eliminate the man? Why not get it over with beforehand?"

With that, he made another call.


This work is being serialized in Webnovel. If you are not reading it there, then please know that you are reading stolen work.. Please don't support theft.

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