VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 207 - Entering And Leaving Meetings Dramatically

The woman in the golden robes let out a sigh. She had not thought this would be the first thing that she would have to deal with when she declared the meeting.

"What about his little NPC assistant?" She asked, even though she had no hope for it.

"Last I heard, she was managing the Ghostly voids in his stead," a woman with clear brown skin and exquisite features said, her eyes tracking the wine swirling in her glass. She wore a bright pink dress that had large golden peacocks embroidered on it.

The woman in the golden robes sighed. "Kavya, please declare the meeting."

The woman in the pink dress raised her eyebrows. "Are we not going to wait for him?"

"Is there any use in doing that?" a man in black pants asked. His upper body was exposed and decorated with jewellery.

"Brother Lightning," called to him, "Is that even a question? We have to have Yaksha to know the specifics about this project. Don't forget that this was his idea from the start. And we need the Ghost Spirit access."

The woman in the Golden robe sighed. "Kavya."

The woman in the pink robe started to get up reluctantly and took out a list. She looked at the people around her with deep brown eyes and then closed them. When she opened them again they were the exact pink colour of her robes and the iris was the golden colour of her robes.

"The Twentieth Summit of the Elite Primordials is underway," she said, a bored look on her face. "The absentees are Lord Yaksha, Primordial Lord of the Ghostly Realms and Lord Yu, the Master of the Prism Clam of the Vampire Empire."

"Huh? Even Yu is not here?" a man with a pot belly asked, his clothe was a simple white shirt and fluttery pants. "And here I thought he would be here. Isn't this meeting invalid then? Aren't the two topics we are supposed to discuss today about the Ghost Realm and the Vampire Empire? Lady Lucia, let me tell you! I may not be as famous as those two but my time is also valuable!"

The woman in the Golden Robe nodded, not looking at the man. "I know, Lord Sage. I was not trying to make it seem like you were a less important person. It is just that...I did not expect both of them to abandon the meeting in this manner."

"It is obvious, isn't it?" a man with pitch black skin and curly hair suggested with a calm voice. His robes were a deep red and purple colours, "they don't think that this group is important enough than what they are doing right now."

Lucia frowned. Just as she was about to refute those words, one of the teleportation circles in the room flashed. A figure clad in royal blue robes walked towards them, wearing a matching mask and a NPC woman clad in tiger clothes walking behind him in a servile manner.

"Am I late?" the man asked.

"Lord Yu!" Lucia exclaimed, a pleasant look on her face. "You came."

Otherwise?" the man said with a laugh. "This is an interesting meeting after all. So which issue are we discussing first? Mine or Yaksha's?" The man looked around the table. "Oh? Where is the Lord of the Ghost Realm?"

"He is not here yet," Lucia said with a sigh. "I have tried to contact the NPC with him but there is no response. Even the Ghost calls are not going through."

Lord Yu hmmed. "It would seem that either he is offline or he is in a dungeon."

"Ghost calls can go through dungeons!" Lightning Simp said.

"And I know for a fact that he is online," Lucia said in frustration. "His Ghostly Spirit is still hovering over my territories."

Lord Yu shook his head. "Then he doesn't put us in his eyes at all. That could be the only reason."

Everyone in the room agreed to his words.

Kavya glared at the man who was sowing discord where there was no reason. "Actually, if the dungeon has is above Level B then the Ghost call will not go through."

Lord Yu blinked. His face blanked for a moment at the words of the woman and then smiled, his thin lips, the only visible feature of his face, tilted to one side in a subtle smirk. "I see. I did not know that. Does that mean that he is in a Level A dungeon?"

Kavya stared at him.

"How sure are you though?" the man continued to ask, there was a not-so-hidden mockery in his voice.

Kavya snorted. "Whatever. Believe me or not. It is not up to me to convince you about it."

"I did not mean that. I am not doubting your words. I am doubting Yaksha being in such a dungeon."

"He is in an S Ranked Dungeon in the Viridian Forest," a calm voice said.

Everyone turned towards the sound.

A man in a genie-like outfit sat with his legs on the table, his eyes closed.

"And how do you know that, Ryne?" Sage asked him.

The man opened one of his eyes to look at the other and then closed it again. "He messaged me."

"Then why didn't you tell it before!" a timid childish voice shouted at him.

The man looked towards the sound. A young lady who was about 14 years old was glaring at him. "My dear dear Esther, I forgot."

The woman glared, her emerald robes gleaming as she stood up. "Ryne Freser. Don't mock us!"

The man sighed and then looked towards Lord Yu with a tired expression. "I was doing computing all day yesterday. I did not even remember about this meeting, let alone what Yaksha said to me. Little Yu, try to make them understand."

Lord Yu stared at the man with hateful eyes. He could hear the teasing tone in the man's voice. "You don't sound like that. You sound like someone who hid crucial information to see how the members would react to the absence of Yaksha."

Ryne smiled. "Am I such a vicious person in your heart, my dear Vampire Brother?"

Lucia sighed. "So he is in a dungeon. I guess we can only move onto other things for now."

Lord Yu glared at Ryne.

"Let us begin then," Lucia said with a sigh. "Kavya."

"The issue with the Ghost Realm will be discussed at a later date. Today's meeting is about the Vampire Empire."

"Thank you, Kavya," Lucia said. "We are going to talk about the issue of the death of Twenty three noble men of the Azure state at the hands of the Vampires of the Crown Clan."

"They belong to the Crown clan," Lord Yu said as a way of explanation. Everyone glared at him. "And they were Newborns."

"Newborns?" Sage asked with a sneer. "We are not gullible NPCs, Lord Yu, nor are we low level players. We are the Primordials of the Other World. You should know what that means! Are you going to tell us that a bunch of Newborns were the once to kill the Lords of the Azure Castle and open the gates for the slaughtering of the commoners? And really, Lucia? Are the nobles the only ones who matter? What about the over hundred Commoner NPCs that were slaughtered? What was the purpose of that kind of Violence?"

"You are behaving like I did this kind of thing to actual people," Lord Yu mocked, "and I did not have any knowledge of the happenings."

"Preposterous!" Sage shouted. "You are going to use such excuses. Are you even trying to hide your terrible deeds?"

And if I am not?"


"What if I am not trying to hide my, as you call it, 'dirty deeds'?"

Sage looked at the shameless man in front of him in shock. "Hundreds are dead."

"Hundreds of NPCs. There are millions of those anyway and the system can create more. I don't see the problem."

Sage stared at Lord Yu in shock.

The others also had grim expression on their faces. They had known that Yu was a cruel man but ths was just…

"If this is the attitude that you have for this issue," Ryne said, "then there is no need for this meeting at all. We can have another meeting when Yaksha is back."

Lord Yu frowned. "Are we not going to discuss this?"

"Why should I?" Ryne asked. "Am I so idle that I will spend a good day I can just play and rest to argue with a man who has already made a dicision before coming here and the only reason he is here is to sow chaos? No thank you. Bye."

The man directly flashed away.

Everyone else looked at each other in confusion. What should they do? Follow Ryne?


Sage: You monster.

Lord Yu: Thank you. Yes I am.

Sage: …shameless.

Lord Yu: I agree. I am.

Ryne: You made a decision.

Lord Yu: I am going to watch you all squirm!

Ryne: (Went offline)

Lord Yu:…that was not in my script.


This work is being serialized in Webnovel. If you are not reading it there, then please know that you are reading stolen work.. Please don't support theft.

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