The truth of the gameplay of the Other World was heavily based on human behaviours. While some eccentricities would be added in every few moments, in the end they showed the predictability of the human nature.

And that was the exact logic that made the NPC Queen stop when Cheng Xiu called out. The only person who ever dared to talk to her in that tone was either her brother or the king, basically people who had that kind of authority over her. And so, when someone used that tone to command her, her instinctual reaction was to stop. Because the only reason that someone would use that tone towards her was if they had the authority to.

In another space, the AI known as Maya felt pain in her database as the interpretation of the command was made by that part of the AI System. She was truly sorry that the original data was so vague that she had to stop at that kind of disrespectful call.

She was also impressed by Cheng Xiu's rather blatant words. A remarkable player. No wonder she was called as the most impulsive player in the other games that she had played.

In the Rat dungeon of the Clock Tower, Cheng Xiu skidded to a halt just behind the Rat Queen.

The Green robed woman spun around, the distance between the two only a few centimeters away.

"You have guts, Human," the Queen said with a snarl.

Cheng Xiu attacked her with the sword. "Thanks."

The Queen threw something towards the Sword's blade. They were seeds. A thin vein started to cover the thing completely.

Cheng Xiu saw her take another batch out of her storage ring. Without much guessing she knew that this one was aimed at her.

"Ghost Flame!" she shouted.

The flame covered the blade in her hand, burning away the dark veins.

The Queen looked at the flame wielding sword with curiosity. The information she had gathered said that the Ghost Flame was a creature that would consume the Qi around it to sustain itself. So why was it not consuming the Qi in the sword. Did the sword not have any? No. That was impossible. Any weapon that was used by a cultivator would have the Qi Sword. So what else could it be?

She was unable to guess.

The truth was that Cheng Xiu would coat the sword with a thin layer of her own Qi and that was what the flame consumed when she coated the blade with the black flame. This meant that, she was consuming even more Qi than she usually when she was coating her weapon with the flame.

Of course, there was the fact that, she was able to consume the Qi stored in the flame when it 'eats' the enemies. And it was more economical. After all, she did not have to worry about missing her target or that they would escape. Not that she had much worry over it to begin with.

The Rat Queen dodged again and again, barely able to dodge the woman's incessant attacks.

The Human Cultivator had clearly improved a lot from back when she was attacking the Rat Puppets at the stairwell.

She wondered how much she had improved in other aspects.

The Queen whipped out her Spell book and muttered a spell in it without opening it. She did not need to look at the spells in the book to activate them but she needed the book in her hand if she wished to remember that she knew such a spell.

Cheng Xiu frowned as the woman dodged all of her attack. She felt frustrated and angry at the continued battle. Why was she even doing this? She could be reading many books at this time, but here she was playing kill the Rat with her College senior and a Random stranger who wants to 'Test' her. Seriously though, why? What would he gain by that? Did he really want her as his enemy? Well! She did not want him!

She glared at Yaksha for a brief moment.

The Queen's lips tilted to the side subtly.

"Sister Xiu?" San Zhe called at that moment, "What's wrong? Do you want me to help you?"

"Do I look like I need your help?"

San Zhe was taken aback by her words. "I…guess not."

Cheng Xiu blinked as she turned to the Rat Queen. Her eyes widened and then it glinted.

She closed her eyes and examined her Qi. There it was again. The Invasive Qi that gave her a sense of otherness. This time, she was able to throw it away easily.

The queen glared at the human cultivator even as the fact that the girl was able to so easily get out of her hold surprised her a bit. Such a strong rate of improvement was unnatural and also dangerous. She needed this woman destroyed before she gained more experience! No wonder the Clock Tower sent her to fight them at this crucial hour just as their race was surpassing the Level Cap to the Upper Floor! It was because she was so capable!

San Zhe stepped forward when he saw the glint from the side of the Queen.

He raised his Trident and blocked the incoming Pickaxe.

The Bulky puppet rat roared at him in anger as its target was rescued.

Cheng Xiu gave them a flitting glance. "Brother San, thank you!"

San Zhe nodded a bit and then kicked the beast in the guts.

The creature doubled over, the axe in its grip hitting the floor with a thud.

San Zhe was surprised that that simple attack was able to hurt the creature so much that it lost its weapon for a second.

He then looked at the constantly fighting Cheng Xiu and the Rat Queen. That must be the reason! Cheng Xiu's fight was making the Queen lose control of the spell, weakening its effects. Granted, he did not know much about Witchy spells, but he knew that some spells required the caster to constantly supply energy or instructions to it to keep it alive.

The Rat jumped to feet again.

San Zhe kicked it once more while grabbing its pickaxe from the ground.

He tested the wieght of the weapon and how it felt in his hand. It was a bit like the trident in length but the weight was different and the distribution of the weight was very different. In fact, he had to say that this one strained his arm in a different way than his Trident did. Though he had known there would be differences between the weapons considering the fact that they are two very different family of weapons, he was still surprised by how much of his center of gravity he had to be aware of just to keep the Pickaxe upright.

Shaking off his contemplation of Weapon Wielding, San Zhe stored the weapon into his storage ring. It had been a long time since he had collected weapons from the beasts of the game and it felt nice to return to an old occupation for a brief moment.

He then ran towards the creature with his trident aimed at its heart.

The Rat tried to block it.

San Zhe dodged its hold at the last moment and stabbed it in the throat so hard, that the sharp spikes of the trident pierced through the thick muscular neck to the back of its skull at an angle.

By just watching the scene, San Zhe was thankful that there was a blood filter on his gameplay graphics. Otherwise he would have had to suffer through nightmare inducing visuals. Not that the current look was better but it still would not give him much nightmares.

On the other side of the room, Both Cheng Xiu and the Rat Queen saw the Bulky Rat Puppet turn to dust from the corner of their eyes.

Cheng Xiu smiled as she intensified her attacks on the rat Queen. San Zhe had done his part in looking after her, despite her shitty attitude and she had to repay him by ending this game sooner. He was still weak, she was sure. This was all the help that she could currently think of doing.

The rat Queen's response was different. She read out another Spell from the book. She realised that she would not be able to handle both of them. And if Yaksha decides to join, she would be in great trouble.

She needed backup.

She was scared of asking for help before because she did not want her brother to know that she tried to negotiate with the Tower Missioners, but now…she had no other choice. She had to ask for help.

She was not dumb enough as to fight with people that showed that she could be handled easily when they worked together. They were not the only people who knew how to fight alongside others. And The Rat Queen had to say, she fought better than these Humans.


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