VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 38 - Hidden Strategy

Cheng Xiu moved her head away from the blade of Lu WenXian's sword and round kicked him in the guts.

She opened her eyes to look at him.

Lu WenXian glared at her.

She frowned. His eyes didn't have the confidence that he did in the beginning.

Did he think he lost?

Lu WenXian swung his sword.

Cheng Xiu ducked and thrust her blade towards his heart.

Lu WenXian stepped away.

Cheng Xiu followed him at a quick pace and lunged at him.

Lu WenXian gripped his sword tighter as he thrust its tip towards her heart.

Cheng Xiu dodged.

He tried to cut her head off.

Cheng Xiu dropped herself to the ground, and placed her hand on the rough ground for balance. She tightened her grip on the sword handle and thrust towards Lu WenXian's midriff.

Lu WenXian attempted to twist away from the stab.

The tip of the sword slashed through his metallic armour, and left a deep gash on his lower rib.

Lu WenXian stabilized his footing.

He gazed at Cheng Xiu as the thin faced girl stood up from the ground. The mask on her face still looked untouched, if a bit dusty.

Her Phoenix eyes were calm like a still lake at night. Cold and alluring.

Lu WenXian frowned. He hadn't expected the girl to have any talent in fighting. Her win against Lotus had seemed like a fluke. But now, SelaXiu was far too capable.

Cheng Xiu smiled at him.

Lu WenXian frowned.

Cheng Xiu leaped at him, her sword pointed straight at him.

Lu WenXian twisted his upper body way from her attack.

She seemed to be suspended in the air as she neared him.

He saw an opening.

He straightened his sword out, aiming for her heart.

Cheng Xiu pulled back her hand at the last second, and dropped to the ground again.

Before he could react, she adjusted her body such that when she rose from the ground, his sword arm was right above her. She raised her sword again, this time aiming to stab through his neck.

Lu WenXian tried to grab her hand with his free hand.

A tiny bit of Golden light reflected in the corner of his eyes.

He forgot about the other six swords that she had under her command because she had engaged him in an actual sword fight.

Lu WenXian made a desperate decision. He turned his sword until its tip was pointed towards her spine.

"Eastern Fire!"

A spark of white light reflected in Phoenix eyes as white fire burst into life in his free hand.

As his sword pierced through her from the back the white fire hit her sword wielding hand.

Cheng Xiu smirked. The hand that held the sword burst into black flame.

The White Fire of the East, or the Eastern Fire. It invoked the Eastern Fire Tibet of Heaven. A skill that heals those that walk the path of Heaven, and burns those who walk the path of Hell. It would absorb the enemy's skill to power itself and become more powerful.

"Spirit Root!" Cheng Xiu shouted.

The earth under her feet moved, and a thin golden plant root burst out and wrapped around the White Fire, and grew around it.

Spirit Root was the skill Cheng Xiu had bought at the Arena Market as her second skill. though it was classified as a skill, it was actually the spirit of a great beast that did not find peace after death.

She was unsure if she should use it because it needed a lot of Qi to work first. She had planned to use this skill if she couldn't hold Lu WenXian off even with the Ghost Flame.

Who would have guessed that Lu WenXian had Heavenly Fires as his skills.

Each time he had used the Fires she had been really tempted to use the Spirit Root but had held back because it was a Complete Sentient. There was a reason some had it as their Qi Pet.

As the Spirit Root dealt with the Eastern Fire, Cheng Xiu's Ghost Flame covered sword missed its mark as Lu WenXian bent backwards to get away from the burning blade.

Cheng Xiu's sword swung down.

Lu WenXian leaped back, away from the attack.

Cheng Xiu looked at him with satisfaction, her eyes glinting in bloodlust.

Lu WenXian shivered when he saw the look in her eyes. She was actually enjoying this!

He realized that for her, their game had just begun.

He finally understood what WenXing had meant when he said Lu WenXian couldn't win against her. It wasn't just because of skills and intelligence.

SelaXiu was one of those monsters who enjoyed a near death fight.

She was too tenacious.

He parried away from her attack again and again, using his sword to reflect back her sword.

The black flame that engulfed her sword seemed to have some kind of a power transfer function as he felt the drain of Qi Centre.

His eyes fell on the Eastern Fire that eaten completely.

SelaXiu looked even more energized than before.

Lu WenXian cursed. He couldn't beat her.

His eyes went to the Rainbow haired girl at the audience podium.

He turned to look at SelaXiu who was already so powerful. He couldn't let her get too much strength.

"I Qui-"

Three swords pierced through his heart from the back.

He fell to his knees on the ground in shock.

"It was never a one on one battle," Cheng Xiu said to him. "You should have been suspicious of me the minute I engaged you in a sword fight myself despite having Six extra swords that I could use to my will. You didn't though. Were you being arrogant?"

He tried to say something.

Cheng Xiu stabbed him in the neck with her Ghost Flamed Sword and his body pixelated away.

Cheng Xiu felt something wrap around her angle.

She looked down.

The Spirit Root had wrapped itself around her.

She felt a sense of satisfaction that was separate from her own.

Cheng Xiu chuckled. "Happy?"

The Root tightened its hold on her.

A sense of fulfillment enveloped her.

Cheng Xiu gave the Spirit Root an indulgent smile. "Good to know."


[World Announcement: Grandmaster Arena Battlefield.

Battle 2: SelaXiu Veritas VS Lu WenXian

Victory: SelaXiu Veritas]

Cheng Xiu's body pixelated away.

The Arena Displays all around the world turned dark and vanished.

"She won!" Gu Shu and Chu Ying shouted in happiness and hugged each other.

San Zhe looked at the empty battlefield in surprise and awe. He had known Sister Cheng was talented but…wasn't this a bit too talented?

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