On the long, towering branches of the tall trees of Veridian Forest, Diana bit into the bloody flesh of what could have been a human hand once.

Luther looked at her in disgust.

"Have some dignity, Diana!" He scolded her.

The woman looked at him with annoyance in her eyes. "You had your fill, didn't you? Why shouldn't I have mine?"

"Because you relish it a bit too much. It's weird!"

"Nonsense. You are the Vampire that cringes when he has to kill things. You are the weird one, right brother?"

Yaksha laid on the light branch, his eyes closed and chewing on the end of a chicken bone.

Luther's eyes flashed with envy. Why didn't he get an identity like his young master that allowed him to eat normal food? What kind of rotten luck did he have?

Yaksha ignored them, his mind on the little girl that only he could see who had appeared before him.

The girl gave him a formal bow.

[Greetings to Player Yaksha. Your Player Debt 6666 has been cleared. Player Selafia Veritas has accepted the tribute and bonded with the Kuan Yen Bracelet.]

The girl bowed and then disappeared.

Yaksha smiled, his eyes falling on the green-blue jade bracelet on his wrist.

His palm curled into a fist.

It really was her. He had used the Player Debt as a way to test her identity, to make sure that she was the same person even though he believed it with all his heart.

As his mother once said, the heart would say lies to itself so that it doesn't feel disappointed.

He had to make sure that his heart wasn't lying to him.

"Brother?" Diana called.

He turned towards the purple dressed woman.


"Am I wrong?"

He blinked. "You are never wrong."

Diana gave Luther a smug look.

"Young Master! Do you really think I am the weirdo here?" Luther asked, his voice sounding heartbroken.

Yaksha pursed his lips. That backfired quickly. He hadn't listened to their conversations and now it put him in a tight spot.

What should he do? Confess that he hadn't heard? No! That was another potential trap that he could fall into.

Yaksha kept his face blank and turned his face away, pretending to be observing the surroundings.

"But being the weird one is not a bad thing," he said.

Luther looked at him with worshipful eyes. Of course in this game, his habit of hating to kill his prey would be seen as weird! Young Master couldn't say he was in the right and still be a convincing Demon Lord! So used the fact that he was being weird as a shield.

Yaksha felt the adoration that Luther showed him than seeing it.

He let out a light sigh, careful not to let the other two hear it. Dodged that emotional drama with his quick thinking.

"Her next opponent is Crow," Luther said to Yaksha with a grin on his face.

Yaksha narrowed his eyes. "But not all kinds of weird are good either. You should be careful, Luther."

Luther wanted to cry. The smile on his face strained. What was with the sudden reversal of attitude that his young master was showing him?

"Young master, why?"

Yaksha glared.

Diana let out a boisterous laugh. "Say, Luther! You seemed really happy about the fact that she would be fighting this crow next! Why?"

Luther realised what he did wrong. "Well...um...well...the girl will get to hone her skills against a Talisman expert! I was excited to see their fight!"

Diana froze. "A Talisman expert?"

Luther saw the shocked look on Diana's face and grinned. "Crow of the Guo Alliance! A Talisman expert! Do you know what that means? An indefinite amount of ammunition! And unlike the other experts, he rarely fights directly. Long raged attacks, and strong barriers! And his use of Talisman means that versatility in his attacks! A formidable foe!"

Diana rolled her eyes. Brother Yaksha had just subtly scolded this man for showing so much glee over SelaXiu's fight and yet, he is still so enthusiastic about this Crow.

What an idiot!

"But he is still at Level 10 in the Arena, right brother?"

Luther pursed his lips. His big mouth! He had forgotten that the young master was biased towards the girl!

"She might not win this round," Yaksha said with a sigh. "There are only two skills in her possession that could hinder him somewhat."

"Oh?" Luther asked in surprise. He couldn't believe that the young master actually said the girl would be defeated. Wasn't she some kind of godly existence in his mind?

"What are they?" Diana asked.

"Ghost Flame and the Qi pet," Yaksha said to her.

"What is a ghost flame?" Luther asked. "Was it the black flame she used against young mas- I mean, she used against Lu WenXian?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Diana asked with derision in her voice. "What other flame skills have you seen the girl using? Are you stupid?"

Luther glared at the girl.

Yaksha chuckled. "He is getting on age. Forgive him, Diana."

"Hmph!" Diana looked away in disgust. "Senile more like it."

Luther gritted his teeth. "You-"

"It's Starting!" Diana screamed.

Luther pouted and looked away.

The display screen had turned back on.

The countdown had begun.

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