VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 60 - The Schemer

Crow pulled out a yellow coloured Talisman from his sleeves and ignited it with his Qi.

Cheng Xiu planted her feet to balance herself.

The fire on the Talisman disappeared and it looked good as new in his hand.

Crow looked at it in surprise. "Dude, what the hell?"


[Player Crow is in the Grandmaster's Arena that has a Level 10 Limit. A Chaos Talisman Minimum Level is at 20 and so, Player can not use the Item.]

Cheng Xiu raised an eyebrow at the message.

Long Hei, WuQi and Star Phoenix started to laugh at Crow.

"Hey! Crow!" Long Hei called.

The Yellow-robed man turned to the Green-robed man with narrowed eyes.

"Having performance issues?" Long Hei asked, and burst into laughter.

WuQi and Star Phoenix started to laugh harder.

Yue sighed and looked at Frost.

The blue-haired woman nodded her head.

She turned towards the laughing Immortals. "If you guys won't stop laughing there will be consequences."

The three choked and backed away from her.

"Sorry," Long Hei said to her.

"You are Level 70 players, Leaders, vice Leaders and Elders of your guild. Behave."

The three nodded.

San Zhe felt like the rose-tinted glasses that he wore when he looked at the experts of the game was shattered to pieces.

They were so...

Crow turned back towards Cheng Xiu.

"I have to admit, that was stupid of me dude. Everyone else was nerfed so why wouldn't I be."

Cheng Xiu frowned. She didn't believe his words at all. Though she hadn't fought with him before, her instincts told her he was lying.

But what for?

Cheng Xiu observed the man and pulled her sword out of its sheath.

Crow raised an eyebrow at her action. "You do know I am a Talisman Expert, right? Do you even know what a Talisman fighter is known for?"

Cheng Xiu nodded her head. Though she hadn't played against or with a Talisman user before she could infer his fighting tactics from the brief encounter she had witnessed between him and the Emperor Forest Spirit.

"Long ranged," Cheng Xiu said. "Versatile."

Crow tilted his head. "That's right I suppose. It means that I don't engage physically with my opponents."



Cheng Xiu smirked. "That's debatable. And that was at Level 70. You might not have been a Talisman Expert at Level 10, so you would have more up your sleeves."

Crow grinned. "I like the way you think man. You are very smart."

"It's common sense."

"Dude, you will be surprised to know that most people lose their common sense when they are fighting against experts who clearly outclass them. Especially if they win against said experts."

Cheng Xiu lifted her sword. "I've not forgotten who I am fighting and what their true capabilities are. I'm not arrogant. Sword Dance!"

Two copies of the Red Carp Sword appeared on her either side.

"Brought in the big guys already? I feel honoured, dude!"

Crow waited for her to move.

Cheng Xiu remained still.

"Aren't you going to attack me?"

Cheng Xiu smiled. "Didn't you say you were a Long Ranged player? I would have to be stupid to run straight towards danger."

Crow's face blanked. He realized the meaning behind her words.

"You think I was lying about the no physical contact thing."

Cheng Xiu tilted her head. "Why would I think that? I don't know anything about your fighting style."

Cheng Xiu suddenly turned around and slashed the air with her sword.

A wooden puppet cat fell to the ground and caught fire. Its ashes flew away to reveal a blue burnt Talisman.

Cheng Xiu turned to face Crow again.

Crow nodded his head, as though he was listening to someone invisible talking. "What gave me away?"

Cheng Xiu smiled. "There is one more thing, other than long-range and versatility that is a Talisman Expert speciality I think. And this skill should be the reason why Talisman Experts are different from Mage class."

Crow's eyes widened.

"They need the opportunity to lock their target. Right?"

A slow grin grew on Crow's face.

"Your use of the Chaos Talisman was to get me to relax. To make me think that you were a bit absent-minded, and you used that chance to use a single talisman that would let you lock me as your target."

Crow nodded. "That's right."

"There is more."

Crow froze.

"You used the puppet specifically so that you can see how sensitive I am to your Puppetry. It could either actually hurt me or you can use this chance to gain my Qi signature."

Crow sighed.

"I guess I underesti-"

"You knew I would spot it. You were hoping for it."

Crow looked at her in the eyes, his eyes sparkling.

"I have always wondered if I will meet a mind that can see through the traps I lay," Crow said. "I always hoped I wouldn't. So let us see if you are worthy of my ire."

Cheng Xiu frowned. She wondered why she was able to get under these experts' skin so easily. She said a few words and all of a sudden they would behave like dungeon bosses with their Aggro pulled towards-

Her mind to a title she had. Aggro Queen.

Her eyebrow twitched in irritation. Damn it.

"Annoyed by my words?" Crow asked with a laugh. "You don't kn-"

"You are starting to sound like a villain in old movies."

Crow frowned.

"And you talk too much," Cheng Xiu said. "Fight."

Crow sighed. "Very well then."

He swiped his arm in an arch and three blue Talismans flew out of his sleeves.

The Talismans were on fire.

Cheng Xiu moved her sword copies towards the puppets that appeared from the burnt papers.

As two of the puppets engaged in a game of cat and mouse with the sword copies, the third came running towards her.

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