The puppet turned into ashes.

Cheng Xiu stepped back.

Crow narrowed his eyes. He hadn't expected her to get out of the bind so quickly.

Crow closed his eyes, and raised a white talisman. The talisman caught fire.

He threw it up in the air.

The talisman turned into a blue barrier.

Cheng Xiu spun away from the water jet the Water puppet threw at her.

She lept towards it.

It created a water blade and aimed at her heart.

Cheng Xiu ducked under the blade and stabbed its heart.

Crow flinched as he felt the thread between him and the talisman burn away.

He didn't want to use elemental talismans unless they were necessary but if he lost one more of his puppets Crow would have to have to use his Elemental Talismans.

Cheng Xiu stepped away from the puddle of water, dripping from head to toe. The Water puppet actually exploded.

The earth puppet burrowed into the ground.

The wind puppet disappeared.

The metal puppet turned into many daggers and flew towards her.

Cheng Xiu gritted her teeth in frustration.

She needed to gain more advantage, but the throb from the burn on her sword hand and the water that dripped from her side made it hard for her to hold on to her blade.

She closed her eyes and concentrated on the areas around her. The Qi in her veins pulsed and started to spin faster.

Her eyes gained a golden glow. She once again entered the trance state of Qi Absorption.

The pain in the burn on her hand ebbed away but not fast enough for the approaching enemy.

She threw her sword into her other hand and dashed towards the flying daggers.

Some missed but most made shallow cuts on her skin.

Cheng Xiu sped towards where the highest concentration of Qi was located and reached the edges of the woods.

A mini metal puppet stood there with wire threads in its hands.

It spun the threads in its hands.

The daggers changed their trajectory and flew towards her back.

Cheng Xiu stamped on the small puppet body.

It twitched and struggled under her foot.

Cheng Xiu raised her hand and stabbed the puppet through the heart, ending it.

Cheng Xiu watched as the daggers exploded and a few shards flew towards her.

Cheng Xiu swiped it away with her sword.

Crow frowned at her nonchalant face. To have gone into such a trance during this time was just...

He sighed. It was stupid of him to think that it would be so easy to defeat an S Rank.

The Other World was a VR in the end and those with a stronger mind were able to fight better. Their minds worked at a faster level than most AI codes in the world.

It made him think of something else. Something he didn't think of until then.

How strong was the AI system of the Other World that it could interpret the thought process of an S Rank with such fineness?

Many rumours floated online about the AI system of the Other World of course. The biggest reason was that it didn't seem to have any connection to any nation. They couldn't find its servers even though they could access its data.

Many speculated the Rank of the AI as they do. People liked to rank things for no other reason than that it made them look sophisticated. The world agreed Rank was A.

But now, standing in front of an S Rank mind that seemed to work just as sharply as it would in the outside world put the AI code at S Rank at least.

And that was a scary thought.

Crow frowned. No wonder the game liked giving SelaXiu resources. She was its human counterpart.

Cheng Xiu slashed away two more baby puppets.

Her eyes turned everywhere, searching for the Wind puppet.

She felt a cold hand around her ankle pulling her down.

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