VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 7 - The Missing Piece

Cheng Xiu's hand went to her chest. Her heart felt hollow. Lifeless. She couldn't feel it. She couldn't feel the Qi in her veins.

Her hand shook and she clenched it into a fist.

Tears rolled down the corner of her eyes.

She had lost the connection she felt with the world around her. She felt desolate.

Cheng Xiu pressed the lid with her hand and it automatically opened.

Cheng Xiu got out and stared at the VR pod that held the missing piece.

She took a deep breath and then walked to her study desk with stiff strides.

A pale yellow box sat on it.

Cheng Xiu traced the words etched on the lid.

'Mama loves her little boss.'

Her heart felt less stuffy, and she relaxed.

"I felt it today mama," Cheng Xiu said. "I felt that connection you and everyone always talk about."

She laid her face on top of the etched names.

"I want to f-feel it a-again."

Cheng Xiu broke into sobs.

"I-I want to feel it again."

It took almost an hour before she was ready to move.

She pressed a finger pad on the side and the box unfolded by itself. Cheng ate the chicken sandwich she packed for herself in the box and walked to the bathroom.

Maybe a little bath would do her good.

The door slid open and the lights turned on by itself. Cheng Xiu placed her hand on the screen attached to the wall.

She heard a beep sound. The tub began to fill with water as she stripped down.

A cold shower and an half hour in the tub of warm water later, she felt less hopeless and lost.

Cheng Xiu laid in her bed that night, her Fold by her side. She couldn't bring herself to touch Master WenLu's works for the first time. She kept staring at the ceiling and It was way into the night when she fell asleep.

In the morning, Gu Shu still hadn't come out of the Pod yet.

It was an advantage that the Blessed had. They could play in the Pod for Three continuous days without harming themselves.

Cheng Xiu switched on the bot clearner, her eyes returning to Guard Shu's pod again. The girl was lucky it was the weekend that day and that they didn't have any classes.

Cheng Xiu opened the door to go out when she heard a beeping sound.

Gu Shu's Pod opened.

Cheng Xiu felt confused. She walked towards the gaming pod.

Guys shut scrambled out of the game.

"What happened? I thought you will not get out of the Pod until the third day."

"You got a world announcement?!"

"How did you know that?"

"You always use username Selafia. I was only confused about the Veritas part but did you? Was that you?"

Cheng Xiu shrugged. "Yeah. So what? The game has been out for 5 years. I'm sure there have been multiple World announcements. If there weren't, I would be disappointed."

Gu Shu rolled her eyes. "There are many. That's not the issue. The issue is that you got a 100% comprehension rate on True Qi Cultivation! Do you even know what that is? The people in the forum said it is one of those World Quests and those who participate in it are all experts of the Game! The True Qi Cultivation is something that the experts have been trying to get a 100% on for a long time because it leads to a World Quest. Nobody knows what that Quest is but they say the rewards would be amazing!"

Cheng Xiu pursed her lips, considering her words. "The amount of information you just spilled...A'Shu, if only you put this much effort into your studies you wouldn't worry your poor father and he wouldn't have to bribe people into teaching you."

Gu Shu glared and pushed her shoulder. "Don't be a bitch. I haven't even told you the best part yet. That last person to have a world announcement on this was Song Wei! And his completion rate was 90%! There are articles online wanting to interview you. So many people want you to join their guild! They are paying Millions! All the guild captains will be looking for you now!"

"You are a millionaire already. Why are you so excited about this?"

"My dad is the millionaire. Besides, this is different! They are willing to pay millions just to talk with you!"

"That's too bad. I'm not playing anymore."


Cheng Xiu sighed. "it's not for me."

"But you have to. What happened? You always play the games I bully you into and then you only stop if you can't make any progress. Why is this one so different?"

Cheng Xiu rubbed her forehead. "I have to do too many projects-"

"Little Xiu..."

Cheng Xiu sighed. She wanted to but she knew she would only be setting herself up for heartaches. "No. Do you want to grab breakfast from the canteen with me, or do you want to take a shower first?"

Gu Shu sighed. "I'll come with you."

"If you plan on bullying me into playing that game then don't bother."

"Why can't you play the game!"

Because she's not a masochist, she wanted to say. She would experience that loss of connection every time, why would she put herself through that just to play a game. She wasn't a pro gamer so she could back out from perpetual misery and psychological trauma.

They reached the red tinted canteen hall.

St Andre's Canteen was large and well equipped with all the needed modern facilities that money could by. But, to the disappointment of it's student population, their food was mediocre.

Cheng Xiu sat down.

"I'll be right back!" Gu Shu shouted and ran off.

Cheng Xiu sighed as she saw Gu Shu approach a tall man with blue tipped black hair. The man was wearing a tight leather jacket over a red shirt and skin tight black jeans.

Ren Dao. Aka, the f-boy of their department. The new age arrogant chauvinist.

Gu Shu talked to him, waving her arms around in excitement.

Cheng Xiu wanted to drag the girl by the elbow so did not embarrass herself like this but Cheng Xiu did not want to make a scene. Because when Ren Dao was involved, Gu Shu would make a scene.

The said jerk looked over at her and waved, a grin appearing on his face. He gestured to her in a 'come here' motion.

Cheng Xiu quickly looked down, acting like she didn't see his gesture. She tapped on the steal rod set in the middle of the table. A hologram of that day's menu opened in front of her. She selected fish congee, because it was a non-class day and it wouldn't matter even if her breath smelled like fish, and a side of grilled vegetables.


Cheng Xiu flinched at the voice. "Senior Ren."

"How many time do I have to tell you to call me Brother Dao, A'Xiu! I call you A'Xiu after all!"

Because I don't like you, Cheng Xiu thought.

The server guy placed the food in front of her. There were server Bots available in market but they were used only in more prestigious Colleges and, human servrrs and waiters doing service work was only for the poorer places. They were either Qiless or those who didn't have much in terms of Qi pool making them no different from Qiless.

Cheng Xiu grabbed the chopsticks and got ready to eat.

Someone pinched her side.

Cheng Xiu grabbed that hand in a deadly grip and glared at the offender.

Gu Shu yelped and looked at her with hurt eyes.

Cheng Xiu sighed and let go. She quirked an eyebrow at her best friend.

"Little Xiu, brother Dao is waiting for your reply."

"What is it?"

Ren Dao's smile strained. "You shouldn't be rude to people who are trying to be nice to you."

"I'm not sure what Senior Ren is talking about. I always show courtesy to people in the same way that they show me. Now, what is it, Senior Ren?"

Ren Dao let out a fake laugh. "I didn't see you at the party last weekend. Is A'Xiu not a party person?"

Cheng Xiu tensed. "I wasn't invited."

Ren Dao's black eyes glinted. A cruel look flashed across his face before it turned into a kind sad one.

Cheng Xiu caught the expression he had.

"Oh. I forgot that Cheng Xiu is Qiless."

Gu Shu frowned and looked at Ren Dao suspiciously. Ren Dao hugged ger shoulders. "You don't seem like the Qiless type."

Cheng Xiu tightened her hold on the chopsticks. "Oh? Not the type?"

"Anyway!" Ren Dao said, sensing that he was walking on thin ice. "I heard that you are quitting the game already. I kept trying to say to your friend here that The Other World is not a place for the Qiless but Gu Shu insisted. But I do think you can at least reach level 20 without too much difficulty, A'Xiu! I hope I can see you in game as a member of the Spiral World Guild. Bye then, beautifuls."

Cheng Xiu watched him strut away in disgust. She glared at Gu Shu.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You snitched to Ren Dao about it? What is wrong with you?"

"He asked if he would see you as well in the game. I said you wouldn't be."

Cheng Xiu massaged her temples. Love sick fool. What was she going to do about this snitching habit of hers.

"Just sit and order food. I'll deal with you later."

Gu Shu sat beside her and rubbed her shoulder. "Little Xiu! Don't be angry. I was just...I...um..."

Cheng Xiu snorted. "You can't even make up a lie to cover up your stupidity, can you?"

Gu Shu puffed her cheeks. "You're bullying me."

Cheng Xiu sighed. "Just eat."

Gu Shu ordered a salad and the two ate in silence.

Gu Shu's Fold Watch beeped.

Cheng Xiu looked on curiously as her friend read a message.

Gu Shu's face paled.

"What is it?" Cheng Xiu asked, concerned.

"My cousin is coming to see how I am adjusting to the Dorm life."

"Which one? The pretty, tall guy with those cute glasses?"

Gu Shu rolled her eyes at the blatant interest in her friend's tone. "Please make it more obvious. I don't think I know about your crush on brother Wen since 9th grade at all."

Cheng Xiu wrinkled her nose. "Oh yeah. His name has Wen in it too. Yeah, I'm over it then."

Gu Shu blinked. "You're over it? Over what?"

"Hating on a jerk. Maybe he just had a bad day and I just got on his nerves. I suppose I was just being dramatic."

"If only my cousin knew of your feelings for him. Even forgiving people."

Cheng Xiu rolled her eyes. "It's admiration, you fool. My intentions are pure."

Besides, Cheng Xiu had witnessed him kissing another guy accidentally when she was in 8th grade. She knew when she didn't even have a fighting chance.

"Pure? Since when is any intention of yours pure?"

"So is it him who is coming?"

"No. It's my Little Aunt's daughter."

Cheng Xiu shuddered. "Oh God, not her."

"Oh yes, her," Gu Shu said to her with a grim look on her face.

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