VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 71 - Travelling News

Lion sighed. "She defeated even Crow."

"I expected it," Rin said.

Everyone looked at her sceptically.

She pulled out her short blade and pointed it at them. "Do you want to contest me on that?"

They shook their heads.

"I have some hot news!" Bear said, putting down a scroll.

"What is it?" Lion asked.

"They found a Wishing Fountain in Veritas!"

"The kind where people toss coins in to make wishes?" Lion asked.

"What other kind is there?"

"Who knows. Maybe there is one where they toss babies instead of coins."

The people around the table looked at him in horror.

Lion panicked. "I meant there might be! Why are you all giving me that look!"

"So that was your hot news?" Rin asked.

"This one is special!"


"It gives people a higher per cent of success or even a higher Ranking loot!"

Everyone looked around in wonder.

"How high is the rate of success?" Ro asked.

Bear grinned. This was what he was waiting for. "As low as 30% and as high as 70%. Some of the guilds are even planning to create a branch in Veritas so that they can take full advantage!"

"Amazing," Rin whispered. "This Veritas is becoming very interesting. Maybe we should invest in it as well!"

Bear sighed. "In the last one hour, the area has seen an influx of NPCs."

Rin slumped. "Oh."

"Is that a bad thing?" Gu Shu asked.

Rin nodded. "An influx of NPCs means an upgrade in the economy. It is the first clue to the player base that a place is going to become prosperous."

Gu Shu sweatdropped. She couldn't see the bad it that.

"This is good for players who take missions from Veritas or even remotely related to Veritas. More NPCs means more Quests, and more rewards than before," Fin explained.

"This just made Veritas a booming economy," Ro said and laid down a map in front of everyone. "Veritas was one of the Villages that Vixia was going to lose in the upcoming war with the States of Azure. Now…Veritas just became an unknown factor."

"This will be a massacre," Fin said.

Everyone nodded.


On the other side, in Viridian forest.

Yaksha cut the connection between him and the other side.

"Who was it?" Diana asked.

"What did you do?" he asked instead. "People are going to wish in a fountain because a lady in purple said that their wishes would come true."

Diana grinned. "I tried to make SelaXiu into a very lucky person! I said that her luck against the Immortals is because of the Wishing Fountain called True Selafia. He actually believed it!"

Yaksha smiled and shook his head. "Well, your trick worked so well that it has broken the balance in the game."

"Meaning?" Luther asked.

Yaksha smiled. "It was Everlasting who just called. He wants to create a branch in Veritas."

"May I ask why?"

"Veritas just gained a remodelling sanction from the King of the Vixia Kingdom. A direct order."

"How did this happen?" Luther asked. "Does Diana have a world illusion power I wasn't aware of?"

Diana glared. "I only did it because the man was annoying me!"

Yaksha smiled. "It has more to do with who you used to market the fountain."

Diana and Luther leaned towards him, curious.

"SelaXiu is the most well-known name in the player base right now," Yaksha said. "By using her name, you made the man beileve in your lie. After all, no matter how much skill SelaXiu showed right now, all people could see is that a low-level nobody defeated four Immortals. That needs luck in their minds. And SelaXiu seemed to have luck in spades."

Diana nodded. "So the first few believed. But how did it turn into such a big movement in an hour?"

"You underestimate the power of desperation," Yaksha said to her. "The people who believed you were desperate. They needed that bit of luck. And the few successes after throwing coins in led to others believing as well. There is also the game system to think about."

"What about it?" Luther asked.

Yaksha looked up at the sky. "Something tells me, the reason there were so many successes were that the system wants it to happen."

"Why?" Diana asked.

Yaksha shrugged. "Who knows."

You do, Luther and Diana thought when they saw the slight smirk on his face.

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