VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 76 - Old Aqueintance

His hands shook, cracks started to form on the crystal glass he held.

He could remember his young voice even now.

"I…I want to become just as strong as you!"

A young thin face smiled at him, framed by beautiful dark locks. "You can't, Yu kun."

"Why not?"

The little girl smiled and looked towards the setting sun. "I don't consider you my rival. Only my rivals can defeat me. And you are not my rival."

He had glared at her. "Am I not powerful enough?"

She laughed. "I only have one rival. My rival."

There was a softness to her voice, and a light blush on her cheeks.

Little Yu had known even back then, as dense as he was at 14, that the look Selafia had adorned on her face was something more the appreciation for a rival.

Little Yu's had shook as he tightened his wrists into a fists. "Who is he?"

Selafia blinked. "Huh?"

"Who is your so-called rival?"

"My rival?" she had a dazed smile on her face that she seemed to be unaware of.

Little Yu's heart burned with jealousy. "Who is he!"

Selafia backed up. "Relax. Everyone knows who my rival is. I never made it a secret, silly. It's A'Xing!"

Little Yu stilled. That was right. It was always Xing. It was always damned A'Xing. That was the only name she constantly had in her mouth when they talked. Yu, A'Xing declared a war on me. Yu, A'Xing took my kill away. Yu, I killed A'Xing today. Yu, A'Xing said this. A'Xing did that. A'Xing. A'Xing.

He could still here her keep saying that name again and again and again.

An old jealousy rose in his heart at the thought of it.

The man laid his head against the throne, and shook his head. It was stupid to still hold on to feelings for someone who never was yours. He didn't like the fact that Little Xing still had him feel insecure even after so many years.

His mind went to the Cliffside in the Primordials. The last time that he had seen either Selafia or Xing.

He had hid behind a tree and listened to their conversation.

"What do you mean you are leaving?" Xing asked, his entire body screaming hesitence.

Selafia bowed her head. "Some...something...happened...I can't play games as much anymore and I get addicted when I play this game so I have to leave."

"Why can't you play games like before?"

Selafia started to cry.

Xing walked forward to hug her, but she backed away.

"I...I need to prove that...that I am more than just a...I promised someone that I would do my best to be the best."

Xing took hold of her hand. "But you don't need to prove anything! I...I...what about your True Primordial title? The final event would be next week before the game updates, don't you want to know what your title means?"

Selafia shook her head. "It is just a title...I have a more important thing to look after."


There was beeping sound.

"I need to leave. Dad wants to...bye."

"Are you ever going to play Primordials again?" he asked her.

Selafia stilled. "I...I don't know."

"I know you will," Xing said. "You love gaming too much to stay away."

Selafia choked on a sob.

She grabbed Xing into a hug and then left in a flash of light.

In the dark cave, the man pulled himself away from those thoughts.


"Yes, Sire?"

"Did you find out anything new about that Selafia?"

"The one with the 100% success?"

He closed his eyes to calm himself. "Yes."

"She got a monument to her name now called True Selafia Fountain."

His eyes sharpened.

His mind went to the title that Selafia had gained back then. True Primordial. And the Selafia of this game was linked to the cultivation called as True Qi and now, a monument of the name True Selafia. He didn't like the hypothesis that his mind was putting forward.

She couldn't be here, not after so many years.

If she was...

His heart started to beat faster. A smile on his lips.

He really did have a fair chance now. After the reboot of the Primordials into The Other World, he had tried to search for both Selafia and Xing, but though there were many players in the game with both those names, they were all the wrong people.

He had suspected that Yaksha was Xing once because the man was searching for some girl as well. But that suspicion was thrown away when he had found out that the reason he was looking for the girl was because he had multiple Players Debt with the girl.

Now that there was another Selafia in the game but no Xing, things would work out even better for him if she was his Selafia.

His instincts told him it was, especially with the many "True" things that she had-

The man jumped to his feet and faced Rose, his eyes shaking with anger. "Did you say monument? Not a statue or something? A monument? As in something that was approved by the King?"

Rose frowned. "Yes, Sire."

The man paced. A monument. That was a dangerous thing.

He opened a Quest Interface in front of him. There was a Quest with a very familiar name in front of him, but the quest, which was green all the other times that he saw it was grey now.

He couldn't access it anymore.

He was outclassed by someone else. This Selafia.

He threw his glass away in anger and started to destroy things.

On the interface was the greyed out Quest title "Immortal Name."

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