VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 89 - Draw Of Blood

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Black flames burst out towards Frost.

The blue-clad woman created an ice wall.

The flame consumed the ice.

Cheng Xiu dashed forward, and summoned the swords with her. She had Frost surrounded and engaged Frost in a sword dance.

Frost struggled to maintain the flow of their fight as the amount of weapons that she could summon was not fast enough for her to stop Cheng Xiu as the other changed her position every two minutes.

Frost's eyes burned with desire to win as her ice started to be consumed by the black flame even faster.

Frost's eyes glowed and ice daggers appeared around her.

Cheng Xiu paused for a moment. She knew at a glance what the Blue-robed girl intended to do.

Frost brought the daggers down.

Cheng Xiu swiped her leg horizotal to the ground, and a jet of fire thrust out of her legs to melt away the daggers before it touched the ground.

"I only have one goal in this Arena," Frost said. "To win against you."

Cheng Xiu stood up.

Frost summoned more sickle blades. "You, on the other had, have your precious Spirit Pet to worry about."

Cheng Xiu's grip tightened on her Sword handle.

Frost smiled. "Have nothing to say?"

Cheng Xiu scoffed. "What is there to say? We will see who will win."

Cheng Xiu's heart felt heavy. The title did manage to aggitate Frost but the effect it had on Frost's decision making skill was lacking.

She weaved her swords around her, using it as a means to distract the woman as she thought of a way to end this battle.

Cheng Xiu absorbed more Qi into her veins and projected it towards the Blue dressed woman.

Frost frowned. Cheng Xiu's movements were not slowing down. In fact, her reactions seemed to have become faster.

They engaged in sword fights. Though Frost was not a Weapon expert like WuQi, or a Specialist like EverHill, she was someone who did have an extensive knowledge about fighting styles thanks to her family background. This meant that in some ways, she would be able to find out the weakness of her enemy's style easily.

But she faced a problem with Cheng Xiu that she did not have to with the others. Unlike others who would be defeated once their weakness was exposed, and their momentum disrupted, Cheng Xiu improved further. Every weak spots that she took advantage of would be compensated for almost immediately. Frost did not think that Cheng Xiu was aware of that part of her skill but it was a scary thought.

The real clincher was that Frost could not defeat Cheng Xiu without trying to take advantage of those weaknesses. And if she tried to take advantage of that opening and failed to kill Cheng Xiu immediately, then in the next bout, Cheng Xiu would have already covered the weakness that she had painstakingly discovered.

Frost smirked. So this was what it felt like to fight an S-Rank. So frustrating.

Cheng Xiu spun around, thrusting her sword towards Frost's fatal-points as she circled the woman.

Frost did her level best to kick the girl away as she used ice blades to pierce the ground. This was the only advantage that she had for now. She needed to find a way to use this to get she wanted. Create an opening.

Frost created ice blades in the air again, and thrust them into the ground.

Cheng Xiu sweated as she pushed herself to release a large amount of Flame to counteract the attack.

Frost jumped away, avoiding the sword copies that nearing cut off her head, and turned the ice blades into sickle blades and attacked the ground where the Qi Root had last vanished.

Cheng Xiu was not sure what the shape of the blade had to do with the pain in would cause her Qi Root but she was not willing to take the risk and jumped towards them.

Frost smiled.

The ice blades changed direction and peirced Cheng Xiu's skin.

Blood coloured the ground crimson.

The Qi Root spun around under the ground right under her feet, agitated.

Cheng Xiu felt its distress towards her wounds through their Qi Link which seemed to have not disappeared.

Cheng Xiu used her will to get the Qi Root to understand that it should keep a low profile for now.

She had not known how emotional Qi Roots were until then. They seemed more real than she remembered them being in the Primordial game.

Cheng Xiu got to her feet, blood oozing out of her shoulders and her back.

She spun her head around to release the tension in them and then dashed towards Frost. Her eyes held a fire in them.

Frost was not surprised by the quickness of her recovery speed. In fact, she did not think there was anything that Cheng Xiu could do that could surprise her anymore. The girl seemed to have a strong personality and a stronger will.

"It is an honour to have fought with you," Frost said as she brought out a talisman from her pocket. "But this is the end."

The blue paper burned away and left behind trails of ashes.

Frost's cheeks gained a slight blush as power rushed through her. Golden eyes, framed by silver lashes looked at Cheng Xiu with a gentle look. "That was a Qi Talisman. I just replenished my core with Qi."

Cheng Xiu gave her a small nod. She was sure that the experts had something of that nature with them. She guessed the only reason that Crow did not use this talisman was because he had the baby Qi suppliers to help him, and using a Talisman was a thing those who did not have any other way to compensate themselves with would do.

Cheng Xiu dashed towards her in full speed.

Frost glared as she was pulled into another swordplay.

As their bouts increased, Frost found herself on the defensive more often than not. She had never been so unsure of the reason for her weakening position than she was in this match.

Frost tried to think of a reason for it.

As they fought more and more, a sense of familiarity started to sink into Frost's consciousness.

The sliver-haired woman gasped as she realised why. Cheng Xiu was no longer just fighting her. The girl was imitating her stance, using her body momentum and her opponents' the way that Frost used against her.

Frost realised that Cheng Xiu was slowly learning the Ice Limb. She was learning her fighting style without even realising it.

Frost felt her heart beat a bit in excitement and fear. She had never known one could learn a style by fighting it. She had heard of those who created counters for their enemy's attacks through fighting them contineuosly but not someone who could just learn a fighting style.

Cheng Xiu's body started to glow.

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