VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 98 - Kill The Zombies

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Cheng Xiu felt the Qi Suppression even more powerfully than before.

It took her a moment to get used to the pressure.

Cheng Xiu was unsure how she would be able to defeat all these creatures and reach the other ring half -an-hour at the rate that she was going.

Cheng Xiu thought for a moment, and then looked down at her feet.

She wondered if she could measure how long it would take her to actually make it to the other side and then walk forwards.

Her feet was six inches, and she only had to cover approximately 1 meter to reach the next ring…which meant that she could take 8 to ten steps to reach the next ring, but the Qi Pressure and the Zombies were the real obstacles. The pressure more so than the zombies.

The Zombies could be easily killed, but she would need to get used the Qi Pressure if she wanted to move smoothly.

Cheng Xiu notched the arrow on the string, and let it impale a drooling woman who came towards her sneakily.

Cheng Xiu took her next step forwards as she moved towards the ring, notching the next arrow on to the bow.

A man jumped towards her.

Cheng Xiu let the arrow fly.

It hit the man square in the chest, and he too burst into smithereens.

Cheng Xiu pursed her lips into a thin line as she got coated with the innards of the dead body. The rancid order that came from her body made Cheng Xiu want to puke, and the only think that kept her from ding so was the fear of the fact that the dead and decade innards that coated her would go into her mouth.

Could she just go away already. She never thought she would come to hate the realism in the VR as much as she did at that moment. She would have rather never breathed at all than have smelt this horrible smell.

Cheng Xiu looked on with a blank face as a decaying baby came crawling at her.

She raised her bow and arrow, and aimed.

The baby gruggled as it neared her.

Cheng Xiu slouched and killed the Zombie grandma behind the baby instead.

She did not like this game anymore. It was making her do things that she did not want to. If she had to play the psychological game of choosing the grandma or the baby to kill, she would have damned played the "Be The Next Psychotic Killer" game that Gu Shu thought would be funny to play.

Cheng Xiu had never been as relieved as she was when she saw the horror-struck face and sleepless nights that Gu Shu went through.

And now, she was regretting playing The Other World.

No…that was not true. She regretted for being greedy enough to take this chance at a Soul Weapon.

Cheng Xiu scowled and skipped the baby Zombie and killed a Zombie bride with another sword.

She took another step forward.

The Qi Pressure exerted itself on her again and once again, it took her a long time to get back into the groove of moving her legs freely.

Cheng Xiu stepped back and kicked away the Zombie Groom that jumped towards her.

The body skidded away and fell on top of the Zombie bride.

The Bridegroom struggled to his feet and ran towards her again.

Cheng Xiu started to throw arrows after arrows as she took steps towards the ring.

At the final step, an old man grabbed her left leg, while a young woman grabbed her right.

Cheng Xiu nearly fell on her face again, but used the bow as a support to stop her movements.

She glared at the offencers. It was hard enough to kill them when they were just running towards her, but now she also had to fear that they would somehow appear out of nowhere and grab her legs?

Cheng Xiu shot the old man with an arrow, and kicked the lady away.

She took the final step towards the next ring.

Almost like there was a magnet attached to her soles, her leg moved onto the glowing ring, instead of inside it.

Cheng Xiu tried to move it inside, and lost her balance and fell as her leg planted itself onto the ring.

Cheng Xiu cringed at the pain she felt on her buttocks, and her spine.

She laid there for a second, not knowing what was happening.


What now? She thought in irritation.

[Player Selafia has touched the Second ring in Half-an-hour.]

After those words, a red transparent barrier appeared out of the ring that she had stepped on, and became circular wall between herself and the respawning zombies.

Cheng Xiu cursed her luck as she got up. "What now? What is happening?"

She immediately regretted that action as a salty taste entered her mouth.

Cheng Xiu gagged.

She tasted Zombie innards in her mouth! God! Yuck!

[The Red Barrier is up. The Spawning of Zombies have come to a stop.]

Cheng Xiu stilled from her gagging reflexes at those words.

She looked around her in surprise and saw that the Zombie numbers were indeed not increasing. And then a thought occurred to her.

Could it be that she had to kill all the remaining zombies in the ring before she could enter the next one?


Cheng Xiu felt like she was jinxing herself again and again in this game.

[Player Selafia has to terminate all the Zombies in the Frist Ring so that she can travel to the next one. When all the zombies are killed, the Red Barrier would come down.]

Cheng Xiu shook her head at her bad luck, sending blood splatters on to the ground.

She took aim at the creatures instead of giving it any thought, because if she did, she would lose her sanity and actually puke.

The arrow nearly slipped from her hand from the goop that fell on her as she released it from her grip.

The arrow wobbled in the air, and hit a tall man in the throat.

Cheng Xiu began to systematically kill all the zombies in the ring.

She soon realised that the further the zombies are from the second ring, the slower their movements are, and it also made her realise that the only way she can kill some of them was to move towards them, as they won't come towards the places that have the stronger Zombies.

Cheng Xiu moved towards them as she killed the zombies around her. The growling and snarling sounds from the zombies made her grit her teeth but she tried not to think about it much.

Finally there was only one zombie left.

The baby zmobie.

Cheng Xiu pursed her lips in distaste. She knew that it was not a real baby, just a code in the system, but Cheng Xiu found herself unable to do anything.

The baby zombie started to cry, and the bodies of the dead zombies moved.

Cheng Xiu's heard sank. The baby zombie was the real OP in the ring. It could revive the people around it with its cries.

Cheng Xiu realised that she had learnt an age-old lesson that she keep having to relearn again and again.

Kindness does not beget kindness. Most of the time, your bits of kindness will be repaid with a poisonous dagger to your back.

Cheng Xiu was attacked from all sides by the zombies, and was bitten by the old woman whose head returned to her neck.


[Critical Hit! Player was bitten by a Zombie. Status effect: Corruption. Player has to kill the source in 10 minutes, if you don't want to be killed permanently.]

Cheng Xiu glared at the baby zombie, that was the source of her current trouble as she killed more and more zombies.

Her movements became smoother as the Qi in her worked full time to heal and revert her body to the prime condition it was at the start of her battle.

Cheng Xiu dashed towards the baby zombie, killing the others along the way.

The baby cried again, and the other zombies were revived once more.

Cheng Xiu killed one enemy after the other as she ran towards the baby with a purpose.

As the baby opened its mouth to cry again, Cheng Xiu sent an arrow through its forehead, its neck and its heart.

Even though it might have seemed excessive, Cheng xiu had experienced enough games to know that reviving NPCs like these could only be killed in special ways. If it was so easy to kill the baby the way that she killed the adults then this game wouldn't be so entertaining.

Cheng Xiu observed the baby's body as it disintegrated into pieces, leaving no traces behind.

The other zombies fell to the ground like puppets who had their strings cut off.

Cheng Xiu gasped as the weapon in her hand heated up.

She looked down, and watched as the bow, and quiver disappeared into pixels.


[Player Selafia has cleared Ring One of the Level Rings! Red Barrier has disappeared!]

Cheng Xiu looked at the red pixels with dead eyes.

Even though it was just a code, she still killed a baby, and that made Cheng Xiu feel horrified in a way nothing else did.

But that was the kind of thing that she had to get used to in the Soul Weapon Quest, she supposed.

Cheng Xiu stepped towards the second ring with that thought in mind.

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