Waiting Upon You

: Act one secret

In order not to see the copywriting girl, Thunder Point repeats this: This is a BDS | M master slave text, the attack is standing, the victim is kneeling, they are voluntary, the author is perverted, normal people please do n’t look .

PS, this article is more important than "I don't deserve online games", and I can accept dogslave again.

PPS, after this code is resolute, you must go back to the code and write S | M.

Act one secret

Feng Hao slowly ignited the incense in his hand with a lighter, and then twisted it with three fingers, inserting it by hand only | into the incense burner in front of Guan Erye.

When he did all this, the corner of his mouth always had a cynical smile.

From the day Guan Erye's statue was erected here, all those who are qualified to stand in this position are the masters of Qinglong Gang. They spoke in black and white, and their forces spread all over the place, and they led thousands of men, but they worshiped Guan Gong with both hands and respect.

Probably only the newly appointed prince of the underworld dares to be so disrespectful. He worships God but does not believe in God. He believes that the fate of man is always in his own hands.

This was a tragic accident in his father's generation. The triad Shaodong, who returned to take over the family undertaking, returned to China, had strong enemies outside, guilty gang veterans inside, and the police stared in secret, but he never showed a hint of cowardice meaning.

Feng Hao got on Bi Xiang, turned around and walked to the hall, where two younger brothers were waiting for Ling Lang who was shaking and trembling.

Feng Hao stood still without saying a word, Ling Lang felt the oppression that was totally incompatible with his age, and his voice trembled unconsciously, "Little, young master."

Feng Hao smiled, "Did you let go?"

"Master, unjust master, I just hit a slap, who knows the slogan ..." What Ling Lang thought of, quickly opened his clothes anxiously, "Look, I was also hurt by him!"

Feng Hao stared absently at the blood bandage wrapped around Ling Lang's abdomen. "If you are telling the truth, you are useless. If it is a lie, you are unfaithful ... You said that one is useless or unfaithful Man, what use do I keep? "

He didn't seem to want to talk to Ling Lang any more, and waved his hands to the people, and his men would understand, holding Ling Lang's arm from left to right.

Ling Lang's complexion changed immediately, and he knelt on the spot with his knees bent, "Master, master ..."

Feng Hao flipped his hands and stopped, Ling Lang took the opportunity to break free from the younger brother, crawled on his knees, hugged Feng Hao's legs, "Master, please give me another chance ..."

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes to Ling Lang on the ground, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth, "Okay," he jaw a little, "Drilling through here, you are still my dog."

Ling Lang's trembling body suddenly froze, unable to move like a thunderbolt. Others in the hall heard this sentence and laughed in unison, waiting to see the next good show.

Ling Lang's expression quickly changed several times, painful, contradictory, and finally forced to yield, he gritted his teeth and lowered his head, crawling towards Feng Hao's puppet ...

"Card——" The director stopped relentlessly. "How many times have you said, Master's expression at this time should be proud, be arrogant, look at you, look stiff, where is there a little gangsterish idea? What does it look like? "

"Sorry, I'm sorry," Feng Hao bowed ninety degrees, "I don't know what happened, I was very nervous when I shot this lens."

"You, hey," the director hated iron and steel, "the front is clearly performing well, why can't I get through this one? This simple shot, you see how many times you have NG."

"I'm sorry," Feng Hao continued to apologize. "Maybe it's because I respect Mr. Ling so much, and I feel terrified at the thought of being so rude to him."

"It's your job to respect you outside the show! Now you're filming! You are the boss, he is not a teacher Ling, he is one of your subordinates, you use him to show prestige to people who are not convinced of you, not to He offered it as an idol, did you know? "

The director rebuked Feng Hao, and accompanied Lang Lang with a smiley face, "I'm helping the newcomer enter the play, didn't I offend you?"

As long as the director shouted the card, the assistant stepped forward to lift Ling Lang from the ground, helped him to remove the dust on his knees, and flatten the folds on the costumes. The attentive attitude was like waiting for an emperor .

Ling Lang accepted all of this with confidence. Her backbone was straight and she didn't squint. Whoever saw it would not associate with the person who just kneeled on the ground and shed tears and begged for mercy.

If it's an ordinary shot, NG double digits are commonplace, and actors have long been accustomed to NG. However, this lens has been NG seven times before and after, and Ling Lang has crawled on the ground seven times. Rao is the person with the best temper will have three points of dissatisfaction, not to mention Ling Lang, the famous iceberg in the entertainment industry, is more There is no good complexion at all.

Everyone at the scene squeezed cold sweat for Feng Hao. The most pitiful were the younger brothers who acted so nervous that they were going to die, but they still laughed, their muscles became stiff, and they recovered slowly. No, weird expressions have been maintained till now.

"Take a break," Ling Lang left without waiting for the director's approval. When he was out of the set, the director clapped his hands helplessly. "I'll take a break for half an hour before I start shooting."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, the air pressure in the places where Ling Lang is located will be low, but there is no way. Who can make people be film emperors, even if their temper is directly proportional to acting?

The nearest staff stepped forward and patted Feng Hao's shoulders sympathetically. As a newcomer, he performed well in the play, was cheerful and humble outside the play, and was very popular in the crew.

As for the NG seven times, to be fair, no one dared to boast about Haikou, let Ling Lang do this kind of thing while taking it lightly, for them, I am afraid that NG will be more. Therefore, they sympathize with Feng Hao's pain, but can only express their deep sympathy.

"What should I do, Teacher Ling must blame me. Should I apologize to him?" Feng Hao's voice was full of anxiety. It was a rare opportunity for him to cooperate with idols. The way messed up.

"I don't think so," a staff member comforted him. "Did you look at Ling Lang's face just now? If you go to him now, you will hit the muzzle."

"Yes, it's better to wait for him to calm down before you say, let alone you are a newcomer, he should not care about you," the other said.

Feng Hao nodded and nodded.


Ling Lang who left the set did not appear in his private lounge, but went straight to the bathroom on the other side of the corridor.

Closing the compartment door, he leaned over and leaned back against the door, raising his hands to cover his eyes.

damn it!

Standing so motionless for a while, Ling Lang's hand slowly descended all the way across his throat, and he couldn't help but swallow. After passing through his chest, he trembled and touched his belly through the thin fabric. The bandage finally reached its destination.

Ling Lang's movements from slow to fast, from light to heavy, were gentle at first, but at last they could be regarded as rude, and almost vented with resentment.

The popular movie star who has always appeared in front of the public in a cold and noble manner will actually cause **** because of filming, and will have to hide in the men's toilet to solve this kind of thing by himself. If exposed, it is estimated that everyone will be taken aback. .

Ling Lang's eyes closed, the seven NG clips were played back in his mind like a live movie, and in the public eye again and again from another man | Climbing under, the unspeakable sense of humiliation, but let His body reacted uncontrollably.

He obviously overestimated the newcomer's ability. Originally, he thought that he could pass through the teeth. In the director's sounds, Ling Lang produced the illusion of upside down inside and outside the play. It seemed that every staff member present was laughing at him. His humbleness and lowness.

Under the staring eyes of everyone, Ling Lang was standing in the light as if he was hanging all over, leaving others to examine his heart. All his unknown secrets were exposed to the sky and fled.

Feng Hao's lines are accompanied by his magnetic voice, which sounds like a brainwash in his ears over and over again. From here on, you are still my dog ​​...

"Well ..." When the tide came, Ling Lang finally couldn't help but sigh.

Ling Lang, thirty-two years old, is a popular movie star and the youngest movie star. She is proud and indifferent.

His biggest secret is that he is an outrageous abuser.

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