Waiting Upon You

: Episode 28

A moment in the film, a year of reality, with the help of Feng Hao, Ling Lang was fooling from a street that hangs from the ground, and gradually became a triad elite. Many people saw him favored, and called him respectfully when they met. Ling brother.

The longer he followed Feng Hao, the more Ling Lang was impressed by the momentum shown by his opponent's hands, watching his eyes day by day with admiration, he was born with a sharp tooth, and he spared no effort to please Feng Hao.

"Feng Ye, you are all face-to-face with a group of people today. You scared them and didn't dare to put a **** on them. It's so handsome," Ling Lang patted the horse while pressing Feng Hao on his shoulder.

Before Ling Lang came, Feng Hao refused to let anyone touch his body, preferring to use a massage chair rather than a masseur. After Ling Lang came, the massage chair was laid off.

Feng Hao's rules are known to everyone in the community. For the first time, Feng Hao asked Ling Lang to press him on his shoulders. The crowd in the hall was standing under pressure, and Ling Lang didn't realize it, but the people below it were surprised.

Ling Lang didn't know for a long time that Feng Hao was the so-called Shuwei. From then on, no one dared to hesitate to the new couple Feng Hao brought back.

Feng Hao closed her eyes and relaxed, letting the other side chatter behind her, adding everything to jealousy.

People who are close to Feng Hao understand that he likes a quiet personality, and he is disgusted by others who have to slap horses. At this moment, when he sees that he has so many people around him, he is very curious what Ling Lang ’s talents can make Feng Hao. Eye-catching.

Ling Lang touted Feng Hao's performance today in all directions, and asked, "Feng Ye, how did you develop that kind of unfearing look and teach me?"

"It's enough to die once," Feng Hao said lightly, his eyelids kept open.

Ling Lang's movements stopped for a moment. He couldn't understand Feng Hao's words, but felt inexplicably sad.

He was very quiet for a moment, and when seeing Feng Hao seemed to be going to sleep, he suggested, "Go to bed and lie down, I will press you."

Feng Hao responded, got up and went back to the bedroom upstairs, Ling Lang followed him, and saw him take off his shirt to one side, revealing his strong back muscles. Feng Hao was a typical wearer who could n’t see the clothes. The very kind of figure made Ling Lang feel a little jealous as a man.

He lay on the bed, and Ling Lang sat on the other side's knuckle and continued to massage him. He pressed and pressed, inevitably he was a little bit amused.

Ling Lang never saw Feng Hao naked at home, not to mention touching it by himself. The other party was armed with cuffs even when he was sleeping. He even suspected that Feng Hao was wearing a suit and sleeping the next day without wrinkles.

Two people lived together, Feng Hao often teased him and seduced him, and then closed his hands. During this time, because he was worried about his body, he did n’t even touch him. Ling Lang himself felt that he had some desire recently. dissatisfied.

Ling Lang pressed absently along the other side's spine. When he touched his lower back, his wrist was suddenly locked. Before he could react to what happened, the whole man turned around in a spiral, which was originally below. Feng Hao has been pressed on him at this time.

Ling Lang was startled by the other's actions. Just when he was struggling, he heard Feng Hao gently call in his ear, "Ling."

Ling Lang's struggling movement became rigid. After a while, everyone saw his stiff limbs relax a little, his hands fell weakly to the bed, and he completely gave up his resistance.

Feng Hao called his name and kissed him in his ear and neck. He used his former strength to escape from his old opponent. The first thing he did was send someone to check the orphans raised by his old opponent. Dead man.

However, Feng Hao was extremely disappointed with the results. No one knew what his name was. He only knew that the surnames given by the old opponent to all the orphans were Ling. In the end, he left him only one surname, not even his first name.

Ling Lang's eyes were closed tightly, and his eyebrows were twisted into Sichuan characters. Anyone could see that he was trying to forbear.

He abhors this behavior, but appreciates and worships the person with all his life. As long as the other party says a word, he can go to the fire for him, not to mention only his body.

This foreplay exhausted the tenderness of Feng Hao's life, his sexuality with that person | Love will always be a cruel plunder and fierce penetration, even the last time you wish on the island, fully burned life the power of. However, at this moment, he gave Ling Lang the tenderness that he had no time to give and never again.

He kissed along his jaw, and looked at Ling Lang's face up close in the moonlight. The same looks and the same expression. Once upon a time, that man also succumbed to him with the same forbearing expression. He couldn't help but stretch Take a shot and smooth the other's tight brows.

Ling Lang opened his eyes slightly, and the deep emotion contained in the other's eyes almost drowned him. The Feng Hao in Ling Lang's eyes had always been ruthless and cruel. He had never seen such a Feng Hao until this moment. He knew that this person also had feelings.

"Feng Ye ..." Ling Lang murmured involuntarily.

As soon as he finished speaking these two words, he felt his mouth closed, and after a while, the soft touch left from his lips. "Call him Hao."

"... Hao ... Brother?"

After hearing this title, Feng Hao stood still like a thunderbolt for two seconds, then the movements on his hands became sharp, and the kiss fell like a violent storm. Ling Lang was stirred up by him, and his subconsciously catered.

"Dwarf oil, CUT!" The director started to use his ability to stop at an emergency. "Mud is not like this," he said. Ling is now a straight man, although Wo knows to play straight for homosexual. It's difficult ... "

Everyone on the set suddenly felt a low pressure coming, and many people clenched their collars silently, except that the director was unaware of it, "... but the mud must feel the character's mood, the body struggles, the inner contradictions, the mud is not doing Love is dedication, and it must show a wholehearted dedication, instead of rushing up with hunger, do you understand? "

Everyone was provoked to laugh by the director's words, but because Ling Lang didn't dare to laugh, everyone had a constipated expression.

Feng Hao actually snickered in the crowd, Ling Lang glanced resentfully at him. Who was the victim of hunger?

When the filming resumed, Ling Lang made up his mind and let it rise and fall. As I stood still, the two people's **** scene became Feng Hao's one-man show.

Feng Hao attached to his ear by the chance of kissing, "Don't play with a temper and be professional."

Ling Lang wanted to press him on his knees.

After thinking about it, he himself admits that there is a sense of gambling. Since his debut, he has never had such a naive act. Sure enough, he has been in the Baimu crew for a long time, and his IQ has also declined.

However, Ling Lang quickly reaped his own fruit, knowing that the article would be abolished, but the director did not stop. He had to lie on the bed to continue loading the corpse, just to interrupt it by forgetting the lines. There are no lines.

Until the time when Feng Hao finished eating tofu contented, the director slowly yelled at the card. "This time it's a bit too passive. Wo feels that mud can actively participate again. Doesn't the mud Chinese have something to say about participation? "

Ling Lang took a deep breath and said to Feng Hao, "This time, once."

"I fight," Feng Hao still wanted to laugh, "but every time you say so, the result is always unsatisfactory."

Ling Lang clutched at the bed sheet. It seemed that if he didn't do this, he could not help pushing the person who was crushed on him.

His jaw was slightly raised, his face was calm and sacred, but his lower lip was bitten to reveal his true feelings.

This is his first night, and his body is so painless that he feels supreme contentment. In this way, he finally repays Feng Hao for his life-saving grace and knowledge. In addition, he Can't think of any value for Feng Hao.

This is a * exchange, it is also a sacrifice of the soul, his sight straight through Feng Hao, fell into an unknown distance, at the end of his eyes, there seems to be light dripping down, will The entangled bodies of the two were shrouded.

People looked up along his eyes and looked in the air, as if there was a deity standing there, and it was worth him to pay everything to look up.

"Ah-" A sharp shout cut through the set.

"What happened?" Everyone asked nervously, they had never heard such a terrible cry.

The assistant pointed in horror, "There is a mouse on the ceiling!"

In order to prove that she was right, the rat squeaked in unison to show her existence.

Ling Lang felt an unpredictable hunch in his heart, "The period ...?"

"In order to maintain coherence, we have to start over," the director replied sadly.

Ling Lang raised his head, looking at the mouse, his eyes were dark, and the assistant shivered, as if Ling Lang was looking at herself with the kind of eyes that would be enough for Ling Chi.

Messy hair, card.

The angle of the light is off by five degrees, stuck.

The clothes thrown on the ground are not beautiful enough, card.

Someone else pulled the bird droppings on the assistant director's head-although it was indoors, card.

The N-th "CUT" sounded, and Ling Lang couldn't bear to push Kai Hao, "What's up!"

The camera brother was frightened incoherently by his questioning, pointing at the creature blocking the lens, "crab, crab, crab, crab, crab."

Ling Lang said angrily, "This is not the beach, where is the crab?"

"It's a river, a river, a river, a river, a river crab."

Ling Lang stepped out of bed and said, "What's wrong with the crab? Can the crab walk sideways? Can the crab block the camera? Can the crab just click H? It's so hard to eat without two or two meats. I hate it most in my life You have to be a crab, do you know? "

The huge scene was silent.

Ling Lang glared at the camera, the camera brother was frightened, and the rest were constipated.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly someone sang out a vocal, and then there was a second and a third sound, and everyone was holding their stomachs and laughing.

"It turns out that the film emperor has such a closeness to mortals," everyone said eloquently, "I feel like I've been receiving air for a moment?"

"It's the iceberg that turns into a volcano in a second. It can be worth seeing Ling Lang's true feelings in my life."

"I thought Ling Lang had only one expression when he wasn't filming. Does it seem that I underestimate the acting skills of the film emperor?"

Ling Lang reluctantly helped him, and he was eventually defeated by this offline crew.

Feng Hao picked up his clothes and put it on him. "Mr. Ling is really a very kind person in private," he said in an official tone with ease.

Ling Lang expressionless, "I asked to skip this paragraph."

"Wo is the director, Wo doesn't agree!" The director didn't know where to pop out.

"You are a screenwriter, you have no rights," Ling Lang dismissed politely.

The director posing as a screenwriter was speechless, and the screenwriter posing as a director didn't know where to go.

After everyone's bitter persuasion and the director's crying and begging, they finally reached an agreement and skipped this paragraph.

Ling Lang slept contentedly next to Feng Hao, not knowing what beautiful things he had dreamed of.

Suddenly he felt a sink in his body and opened his eyes. Feng Hao had held him all down, his pocket pistol pointed directly at his temple, his dark eyes permeated the cold chill.

Ling Lang was stunned, how could a person change so much overnight.

"Why are you in my bed?" Feng Hao asked coldly.

Ling Lang opened his mouth, but couldn't even say a word.

Feng Hao seemed to recall something. He moved it by hand. The others crossed the quilt and guessed that he went down and touched it.

After realizing what happened, Feng Hao slowly let go of Ling Lang, and the hostility in his eyes still remained.

Ling Lang, who had regained his freedom, still didn't dare to move. Is the other person the legendary double personality? He hesitated and said, "Brother Hao ..."

The muzzle pressed his eyebrows instantly, Ling Lang had no doubt that the other party would pull the trigger without hesitation.

"Who will you call that?" The muzzle was pushed down again.

"Feng Ye," Ling Lang hurriedly changed his voice, which only eased Feng Hao's expression.

Feng Hao grabbed his clothes from the bed and threw them on his body, and left the bedroom. He left a sentence coldly before leaving, "Pay attention to your identity."

After a heavy door rang, a close-up of Ling Lang appeared in the camera, uneasy, confused, aggrieved, and all written on this young face.

Ling Lang's shooting task for today has been completely completed, and there is a short section of Feng Hao's personal drama in the bathroom.

This kind of inner drama without lines and opponents most tests an actor's acting skills, deep is exaggerated, shallow is mummy, and you need to have strong control to get the right degree.

Feng Hao pulled down the water valve, and the water poured down from the top of his head, and he shivered instantly.

Outside the field, Ling Lang was surprised to find that Feng Hao had turned out to be cold water without the imaginary water vapor rising.

He stood still in the shower just like that, and the whole man seemed to be a statue without feeling.

For a long while, he raised his head, and a stream of water poured on his face like a thin line, instead of tears rolling down to the ground. This man would not cry, but everyone could see his bottomless grief.

At the end of the shot, Feng Hao supported the bathroom wall with his hands, lowered his head, and his throat knot squirmed.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and then slammed the wall with a punch, ending the scene.

Hearing the voice of the director, Ling Lang took a step forward subconsciously, but stopped shortly. A staff member hurried past behind him, and put a bath towel on Feng Hao, whose lips were already slightly blue.

Ling Lang glanced into the bathroom, leaving dark red blood on the wall, which was obviously not a masterpiece of the props group.

After Feng Hao came down, Ling Lang turned his face aside, and Feng Hao knew, and returned to the lounge with him.

Ling Lang took the medicine box from the assistant, locked the door, and applied medicine for Feng Hao himself.

Feng Hao sat calmly, watching Ling Lang skillfully manipulate the alcohol swabs below, "You are very skilled in treating wounds."

"When I didn't have an assistant," Ling Lang paused. "Others didn't dare to approach me. The agent was clumsy and injured. I had to come by myself."

Feng Hao suffered trauma to all three joints, showing how hard the punch fell.

Ling Lang carefully disinfected the wound, and then applied a layer of ointment.

"Okay," Ling Lang was done, just wanted to stand up, looked up, and met Feng Hao's eyes.

Feng Hao looked down at him from a high place. The light on his head was projected on the eyelashes, hiding all the emotions and desires in the bottom of his eyes in the shadow.

Ling Lang looked up at him quietly for a moment, put the other's hand to his mouth, and fell a kiss reverently.

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