Ling Lang raised his eyes stiffly, and Feng Hao's expression seemed to smile, but he seemed to know that he would have such a reaction.

The male | organ just touched his mouth like this, even if he didn't go to see, Yu Guang would also sweep. Although Linglang has also done a more intimate contact than this, it has never been so close to let it appear in his field of vision.

Ling Lang's gaze shifted involuntarily, but at the last moment she quickly drifted to the left, and it seemed that she would be burned if she looked at it more.

"How about, I said you can't do it," Feng Hao's voice sounded with joy from above. "But the golden retriever did not squint from start to finish," his voice was full of confusion, "can you do it? ? "

Ling Lang calmed his mind, forced himself to overcome the embarrassing psychology, and refocused his eyes.

"Even if it's drooling, it can endure it till the end, can you do it?" Feng Hao bit the drooling word especially heavily.

Ling Lang stared at the thing in front of her, and subconsciously absorbed Feng Hao's words, she began to secrete saliva involuntarily.

Feng Hao rubbed the front of Ling Lang's lips with a small amount, spreading the crystalline liquid evenly on his lips, and the breath of male hormones came out. "You have to imagine it as what you want most, you desire It, obsessed with it, worshiped it ... "

Feng Hao's words fell into Ling Lang's mind like hypnosis. His eyes became confused, and it seemed that it was no longer difficult to look directly at it. In the end, he could not even look away.

"How are you feeling now?"

Ling Lang couldn't help but swallowed.

Feng Hao took a step back, and the temperature on Ling Lang's lips disappeared. When he saw the thing left himself, he took two steps forward and knees, and kissed the front again, but did not make a rash move. .

Feng Hao took another step back, and Ling Lang followed again. He had nothing else in his eyes. The master's sacred object was his only pursuit. The two retreated one after the other, until Feng Hao sat on the sofa.

"Your performance is good," Feng Hao touched his head with approbation, "but you seem to have forgotten my initial order, don't move."

Ling Lang froze, Fang realized what he had just done.

His face was red after a brush, and Feng Hao chuckled.

"You are so cute, you can't help but bully when you look at it."

Since saying goodbye to his childhood, no one has described him with cute characters.

"It's a pity you didn't complete the order. Your second cookie is gone."

Ling Lang refused to accept it. She knew that she would eat the first piece first.

"Even if I complete the order, you can't make a second piece."

"Hehe," Feng Hao couldn't help but laugh out loud, he held up his head. "Since this, I will give you another chance to see if you have the ability to get a second piece from me."

Ling Lang thought he would ask again, but Feng Hao's words so far, it seems that the conditions have just been stated in that sentence.

He tried hard to recall every word Feng Hao said, and wanted to find clues from it.

If "biting" is the first cookie, what is the second cookie?

Ling Lang vaguely guessed what Feng Hao meant. He took off his pants, turned around, and fell to his knees, his hips raised high.

Although he couldn't see the back, he could feel that Feng Hao stood up from the sofa, then bent his knees and knelt behind him, and a hard object arrived at the back | hole entrance.

At that moment Ling Lang suddenly felt a little nervous. This was the first time his master used his body. He insisted on doing expansion training every day for this moment.

Feng Hao still had no further action. Ling Lang's mood gradually changed from tension to expectation, and he even began to expect the master to enter his body, not only from *, but also as a manifestation of self-worth.

He desires to be one with the host, he hopes his body can bring happiness to the host, and because of his excitement, Ju Juxue sends an urgent invitation to the guests who are standing in the doorway.

This scene lasted about a minute or so, and Feng Hao calmly left him.

The moment he got up, a feeling of disappointment called Ling Lang instantly.

"Your understanding is very good, but it is not the time," Feng Hao patted Ling Lang and motioned to him.

"Because your performance made me satisfied, I decided to accept your next mobile phone number," this time, he pressed Ling Lang's head directly under himself, "What is the next number, just give you a few minutes Time, I will tell the time, when the number you consciously stop. "

Ling Lang began to serve him intently. When Feng Hao counted to 6, he speeded up his throughput. When he counted to 7, he intensified his sucking. When Feng Hao counted to 8, it was in him. Released from the mouth.

"Should I be grateful that this person is 8 instead of 2?" Feng Hao teased him, took the mobile phone, and clicked a few more on it.

Feng Hao finished recording and asked Ling Lang, "Is there any medicine for your expansion training last time?"

Ling Lang remembered, "Just run out."

Feng Hao nodded, "That's right."

He got up and left, and returned with a bottle in his hand. "Next, use this bottle, go."

Ling Lang couldn't see the difference between the two on the surface, thinking that they were the same thing, and took over.

Feng Hao saw that he hadn't left, so he asked, "What?"

As soon as he asked, he guessed Ling Lang's mind and smiled, "No, I don't have your share today, because your command training failed, now you can go."

Ling Lang went back to the room for daily training. Perhaps he was in a bad mood. He accidentally squeezed the new medicine given by Feng Hao too much, but this did not attract his attention.

Today's training is no different than usual. After the training, Ling Lang felt a slight heat in his body. He thought it was * not relieved, but it didn't feel strong, and he was left behind in a blink of an eye.


Ling Lang hasn't seen the actor who plays the younger brother for a while. Since he gave a play for him last time, the younger brother is very respectful every time he sees him, and it can be seen that his respect is from the heart, not The politeness of others.

"Senior, I would like to ask you more attention today," the younger brother politely came up to say hello when he saw Ling Lang arrive at the crew.

Ling Lang nodded his head and walked past him. The assistant following him hammered the younger brother's chest. "Don't mind, he always does."

"Does Teacher Ling look like this to anyone?"

"Yeah, the first time he saw Feng Hao was even colder than this. By contrast, he was already good to you," the assistant shrugged. "Also, don't call him a teacher, you are not used to it."

The younger brother looked away. On the other side of the studio, Ling Lang didn't know what he was saying to Feng Hao. Although there was still no expression on his face, his eyes had always been on the other side. Out of the ordinary.

He scratched his head in frustration. When could he talk to his idol easily like Feng Hao?

Someone greeted his name, he quickly ran to his heart, and the staff gave him coercion.

After fighting with Ling Lang and even turning his face, the younger brother did not play the role again, until he learned that Ling Lang was imprisoned in the villa by Feng Hao, and the brotherhood of the past woke him up.

Today is his rescue scene. So far, the younger brother and Jin Mao are the only two lights left in Ling Lang's heart. After the end of this scene, his role will also end, completely extinguishing the lights in Ling Lang's heart. .

Feng Hao set up obstacles inside and outside the villa. The younger brother bought the architectural designer, obtained the design drawing of the villa from him, and finally found the breakthrough point with the weakest defense.

When he opened the skylight, Ling Lang was sleeping in bed. Ling Lang was much thinner than when he saw him the last time. He lay there calmly, hardly perceiving the anger of a living person.

My brother's nose was sore and his tears were almost falling.

"Brother," he whispered, but Ling Lang didn't hear it, but Jin Mao lying beside him looked up alertly.

"Shh," the younger brother hurriedly put his finger to his mouth and gestured, "Don't call me, I'm a good man, I'm here to save your master."

The empathetic golden retriever seemed to understand him, and lowered his head to lick Ling Lang's neck and ears until he awakened him.

"Ah ..." Ling Lang opened his eyes and saw the people on the roof. He didn't expect to meet him here again.

"Brother," the brother yelled, choking, he felt ashamed of his loss of control, and quickly calmed down, "I'm here to take you away."

Ling Lang's expression was pleasantly surprised at first, but quickly became disappointed. He shook his head and pointed to the shackles on his feet.

The younger brother saw it, and immediately showed strong hatred and remorse. He whispered in a low voice, and then disappeared from the skylight.

Ling Lang looked up and waited for a long time, thinking that he had just left, and bowed his head in frustration.

The roof sounded again, and Ling Lang looked up in shock, and found that the younger brother was even hanging from the top by grasping the rope.

There were two chains that locked Lang Lang. The younger brother could not open them by any means. Ling Lang's language function had deteriorated at this time, and he sat silently looking at the anxious young brother. It's all comforting.

"No way, just gamble," the younger brother took out the silencer pistol from his arms, and Ling Lang was scared. It stands to reason that he would never get such a thing.

The younger brother aimed the muzzle at the chain, took a pillow and pressed it, without hesitation, it was a shot, and then interrupted the other side in the same way. Fortunately, no sound was heard by the bodyguard at the door.

"Well, let's go," the younger brother pulled Ling Lang and left. The contradiction happened again. Ling Lang couldn't let go of his dog anyway, he must take the golden retriever together, and the two could not argue for a short time.

"You go up first, I'll come down and pick it up later," the younger brother had to make such a promise.

Ling Lang still didn't let go of his hand.

The little brother stared at his eyes and said solemnly, "Trust me."

Ling Lang slowly let go of his hand, his younger brother grew up, and he was no longer the coward that was greedy for life and feared death. Unconsciously, he had grown into a reliable man.

With Ling Lang's skill, in fact, he can climb up the rope three or two times. Unfortunately, he has to create a weak look of chronic malnutrition, which has caused great difficulties for the next shooting. The director was dissatisfied with the angle. In a short climbing scene, NG over and over again.

After finally sending Ling Lang to the roof, the sweat of the actor who played the younger brother was soaked in the costume.

"Is it okay?" Ling Lang asked without any emotion.

The younger brother froze for a while, and then came back that Ling Lang was concerned about him and nodded hard, "No problem!"

The younger brother who got the "admired seniors' concern" gain status, once again hung down from the roof with a fight, picked up the golden retriever, and one person and one dog continued to climb up.

Ling Lang also wanted to help pull the rope, but he was weak and had no choice but to look down from the skylight probe anxiously.

Although the golden retriever is not Ling Lang heavy, it is a large dog after all. It weighs 60 pounds if it weighs less. Moreover, it is impossible to hang Weiya like Ling Lang, and it is all held by his little brother.

The younger brother was holding the dog in one hand and holding the rope in one hand, the climbing difficulty was extremely high.

It's a pity that a trained dog still retains the nature of the dog. In mid-air, the dog's innate fear of heights made the golden retriever fretful. It began to wiggle and try to break free of the younger brother's control.

"Don't move, don't move," the script didn't have this paragraph. The younger brother had a clever move and played on the spot. It really seemed to be appeasing the frightened golden retriever. "Brother will take you up to find the host right away, be quiet."

Ling Lang's expression was even more anxious. He reached out to grab the rope, but found that he couldn't make any effort.

When the director saw this natural unfolding of his eyes, he quickly instructed the photographer to shake the boom to shoot the interaction between the younger brother and the dog.

Jin Mao is getting farther and farther away from the ground. The camera, which was not scared at the moment, also made it frightened. It began to struggle desperately. Everyone's attention was on the bottom. No one had found it before they had endured the younger brother and Ling Lang. The NG rope has been gradually on the verge of breaking under such severe friction.

The author has something to say: The cheat sheet of the crew's record:

Act 37 The heroes who participated in the rescue together were [karen_k] [撖 欣宇]. Thanks to everyone's efforts, Ling Lang finally ... was locked up again.

Drop: [Mysterious Medicine] S begins.

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