Waiting Upon You

: Act No. 42

Ling Lang knelt down in front of the camera, making her body | handling | body, black massage covered with bumps | sticks shaking in his body, it seems that artificial things lack such a little intelligence, his body keeps twisting and adjusting Posture, but the point of most hunger is always unsatisfied.

Feng Hao pushed the camera a little closer and instructed him to support his hands behind his back, raise his lower body, and expose the entire private office to the camera thoroughly. Although Ling Lang couldn't see it, he could imagine what kind of scene it was. The stronger the shame in his heart, the more agitated his body was. He couldn't wait to be released, but Feng Hao deprived him of continuing to touch. right.

"How about doing this kind of thing in front of the camera makes you more excited?" Feng Hao's fingertips slowly brushed over his skin. "In fact, this is your wish, you choose to become an actor, Isn't it just this? "

"No matter how cold and noble your appearance is, you can't hide the fact that your heart is kinky," he outlined the outline of the other person's jaw. "Do you want the fans to see how you are now, let them see their own Idol, this hungry expression in front of the camera? "

His index finger pry open Langlang teeth without any effort, "Let them hear your waves | cry, listen to you begging them to fill your mouth above and below you, instead of having fans line up to wait for your signature, It ’s better to queue up and wait for you | so that you can better satisfy your perverted sexual fantasy. "

Ling Lang didn't want to listen, but Feng Hao's words were clearly spoken into his ears. His words became more and more explicit. Each word trampled Ling Lang's personality to the point where it could not be added. His body was shaking more and more. Without holding anything in your hand, it looks like it will immediately fall into the bottom of the bottom of the valley and break into bones.

Feng Hao saw him react so fiercely and stood up with a sneer.

Ling Lang only felt | There was a period of oppression, and he tried to open his eyes, and saw Feng Hao standing in his own room, and the leather shoes under his feet trampled on the fiery * and crushed gently. He stared at him with cold eyes, It looks as if the gods are above the earth.

Ling Lang was frightened both physically and mentally. Such a seal made him feel so tall and he was so small. His most vulnerable part was stepped on by his opponent, and everything was under the control of him. In this disparity of status, his heart was not only surging sexual desire, but also supreme awe.

The huge visual impact made him lose himself for a moment. Ling Lang never knew that being trampled would bring him such a great pleasure. He could not wait to surrender to Feng Hao forever. As long as the owner gave an order, he wanted him to lick. He will also perform without hesitation in leather shoes.

He shook his crotch relentlessly, rubbing his organs under the shoe of the other person, whispering for more, and had no time to estimate how he behaved at the moment in Feng Hao's eyes. . In front of this man, he had long abandoned his personality and dignity, and completely reduced to a dog manipulated by *.

Feng Hao admired his every action from above, his feet sometimes exerted force from time to time, sometimes from time to time, suddenly and sometimes soothed, touching the expression on Ling Lang's face, sometimes painful and sometimes happy, sometimes escaping and sometimes catering. At this moment, his passion and love were all It's all in the hands of this man.

Feng Hao grabbed Ling Lang's hair and adjusted him into a kneeling position. A male | Organ crossed to his mouth, Ling Lang swallowed it without thinking, and felt the taste of the master for a moment, and then he swallowed it one after another. .

Feng Hao manipulated the camera's rocker with one hand, and aimed the lens at Ling Lang's face up close. "The expression is more intoxicated. The audience does not want to see a stiff face."

Ling Lang heard the words and sucked more and more hard, and behaved like nothing in this world is more delicious than the things in his mouth. He stuck his tongue out from the perineum and licked along the thin line all the way to the top. He turned around with the tip of his tongue, turned it clockwise a few times, put the elastic front end in his mouth, sucked it, and turned it back counterclockwise.

He repeated this process from all angles, and his expression always remained deeply infatuated, as Feng Hao ordered.

When Ling Lang kissed emotionally, he supported his partner's crotch with both hands and buried the partner's sexuality deeply into his throat, and slowly swallowed. He heard Feng Hao's contented light from overhead. Sigh, and inserted his hand into his hair and rubbed it.

Feng Hao's response gave him great encouragement. He put all his strength to please him, a sense of fullness filled his body and mind, and flashed back to Feng Hao's words in my mind-my happiness is your happiness, my Satisfaction is your greatest compliment ...

He involuntarily speeded up his swallowing action. He felt the organ of his master swelled and enlarged in his mouth, until Feng Hao pushed him away from his body.

Ling Lang raised his eyes in perplexity. Even after experiencing something just before, Feng Hao's expression was as free as ever, and he never seemed to see the expression of disorientation on the other's face.

"Today is the 174th day of our cohabitation. Have you considered it? Give yourself completely and completely. You must answer me clearly and let me know that your behavior at this time is not drunk. Momentary impulse. "

Ling Lang corrected his look, "I have had this consciousness since the first day I entered this door."

Feng Hao nodded with satisfaction. He bent over and took out the fake dimple in Ling Lang's body. He turned and left the room, leaving Ling Lang kneeling uneasily on his own. He thought of several past experiences. Is this still just teasing him?

After a while, Feng Hao folded back, and he had a silver metal collar that he had never used on Ling Lang. When Ling Lang saw the collar now, he raised his neck conditionedly and waited for Feng Hao to bring the collar for himself. Bring it. After taking it, Ling Lang discovered that a bell was still connected to the bottom of the collar, and it would make a crisp sound with his movement.

"Do you know what this is?" Feng Hao transformed a small inch-sized sheet between his fingers.

Ling Lang felt that his IQ was once again insulted, and even if he was a virgin, he could recognize the packaging of condoms.

Feng Hao's joke smiled, "Last chance, yes, no, you choose."

With a flick of his finger, the condom package flew out, throwing a perfect parabola in the air, hitting the wall and rebounding to the ground.

Ling Lang stared at him for a moment, turned and crawled over, lowered his head, carefully lifted a corner of the square film, and returned it to Feng Hao.

Feng Hao tore open the package through his mouth, took out the sleeve and put it in front of him.

"With your mouth, will you?"

Ling Lang shook his head honestly.

"Try it."

Ling Lang shoved the sleeve into his mouth, and clumsily put it under Feng Hao. No progress was seen for a long time.

"Reverse," Feng Hao seemed to have been watching the show, and only now reminded him.

Ling Lang flipped the sleeves with his tongue silently, arrived at the front of Feng Hao, fiddled with the rolled part with his lips, and after several hard efforts, he barely achieved results.

"Okay," Feng Hao signaled that he could stop. "Go down and practice yourself until you are proficient." He took the rest with him.

"When you get to the point where you can do it in thirty seconds," Feng Hao paused, and laughed himself first. "We don't need a condom."

Ling Lang: "..."

"But now, you don't have this qualification yet," his hand pressed against the top of his head again. "Remember, the master's body | fluid is the greatest reward to you. You must use your best effort to fight for it, not to wait. I offered it to you, did you understand? "

Ling Lang nodded.

"Listen to me now, sit."

Ling Lang immediately sat down in the most upright kneeling position.

Feng Hao spread his palm. "Hand."

Ling Lang put his hands up.


Ling Lang's fists supported the ground and tiptoeed.


Ling Lang's entire body fell down and his forehead touched the ground. These are all actions that Feng Hao has successively taught.

"Good job. Next, we start to learn new commands. Lie."

Ling Lang thought for a moment, and lay flat on his face.

"No, think again."

The dog's supine posture emerged in Ling Lang's mind, and he bent his hands and legs.

"Nearly," Feng Hao reminded him, "this is a ready posture."

Ling Lang was a little unconfident, slowly spreading her legs.

"The angle is not big enough and the hips are not raised high enough."

Ling Lang sent the maggot forward according to the words, splitting his legs as far as possible.

"Hook your knees in your hands."

Ling Lang did.

"Good, keep this position until your body remembers it."

Ling Lang maintained this shameful posture, and his * parts were thoroughly displayed, which made him feel as if he were a **** | slave to be used by others.

Feng Hao knelt on his knees, his hard lower body reached the acupoint again, "Are you ready?"

Ling Lang nodded, Feng Hao didn't take any action, and Ling Lang realized the correct answer to that question.

"Please come in."

Feng Hao stood up without any delay, Ling Lang's martyrdom had already been fully expanded, and he inserted it to the end with little effort. Ling Lang took a breath, and he didn't feel any pain. The first thing that rose in his heart turned out to be a sense of happiness and fullness. Feng Hao filled up not only his body, but also his longing Heart, he felt extremely glorious and satisfied that he could finally be used by his master.

Feng Hao began to draw at a steady speed | Send it up, no matter how many instruments Ling Ling had visited, the court could not be compared to the invasion of real firearms. Feng Hao led him to an unprecedented new world. It's something he has never experienced in his past thirty years.

He tightened his arms again and pulled his entrance higher. This inviting action doubled Feng Hao's action. He no longer uprooted, but only pulled out half at a time, and then topped hard. Going back, every time I hit the bullseye of Ling Lang.

"Hah ..." Ling Lang's chanting | Yin Yin could not help but overflow, he couldn't believe it was the sound made from his own mouth. Probably only the male and female in the adult movie | You can call it so *. With the acceleration of Hao's movements, his screams became more and more urgent and exuberant. Just sounding, it was enough to make people face red and red.

"Do you like it?" Feng Hao could still keep his voice elegant even at this time.

Ling Lang was so ashamed that he didn't know how to answer, "... um."

"Do you like your master? | You?" His aristocratic temperament, coupled with the inferior discourse, created a strong functional contrast, which made Ling Lang tremble with excitement.

"Do you want others to do it too | you?" More and more insulting words came out from Feng Hao's mouth, "Why do you keep your eyes closed? How can you see with your eyes closed? So many people are watching you around? "

"They are all enjoying your performance, you must not let them down."

His voice flowed into Ling Lang's ears like a curse.

"If you don't work harder, how can you deal with the box office of the audience? How can you deal with the investors? How can you live up to the expectations of the fans?"

"Don't the teacher at the school teach you how to pronounce lines? If you continue to hum so weakly, you might as well plug the mouth above."

"You have to rely on the mouth below to get the prize. How about not being tight? I let you practice expansion and contraction every day. Do you only practice expansion and not contraction at all? Or do you think that as long as you are | Yes, it does n’t matter who is doing it to you. Are you so disrespectful, do you still expect fans to continue to buy tickets to watch your movie? ”

"At that time, you just kneel down and ask them to **** | you, and no one will take care of you," Feng Hao smiled and touched Ling Lang's cheek. "No puppy fucked, it's pitiful."

Feng Hao stepped forward, Ling Lang's body shook, Lingkou shuddered and sprayed the creamy white essence, and her chest and lower abdomen were all messed up.

"Oh?" Feng Hao raised an eyebrow in surprise. "That won't work? The movie has just begun."

The entire person who had shot Ling Lang was paralyzed there, his chest suddenly undulating, his eyes staring at the ceiling.

Feng Hao pulled out of his body. "You have three minutes to recover, but during this time, let's learn the next command first."

He touched his upper and lower lips, "Lying."

The author has something to say: Why is MD not finished yet? !! !! I really want to drop my laptop! !! I really do n’t want to sell meat! !!

Yesterday someone fired a map cannon, saying that the current * authors don't write well at all, and they all show off sexology S | M. They are still talking about selling dogs to please readers. I hit the ground with several arrows! But it was so horrible that I knew that he was ridiculing instead of *, but he was still more shameful. Sure enough, he wrote too many perverts, and people are gone forever on the path to perverts?

May the little fresh **** continue to visit me OTZ

Pretending to sell dogs today ... No, right, cheat sheet from today ’s crew:

Act 42: The audience who moved the small bench to eat seeds of popcorn has [sleeve dyed incense] [backlight slightly cool] [1126] [honey pear] [moon shadow dust] [Tammy] [Failure] His ghost friend took a seat, and [Xu Nian] bought five tickets to lie down and watched, and the audience without a seat protested.

Drop ... I don't know what to drop, take a step and look at it o (╯ □ ╰) o

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