Waiting Upon You

: Act 52 Luthier

The script of the MV is extremely simple, one is a blind pianist, and the other is a **** man who guards him. Ling Lang turned the page over and over and read it several times, and he couldn't think of a better fit than this. Settings.

The shooting scene is equally clean. The empty room, bright floor-to-ceiling windows, and the translucent white screen curtain hang down quietly. The pure white grand piano is placed in the center of the room.

Ling Lang took Feng Hao's hand and took him through every corner of the room, whispering everything in front of him, Feng Hao slowly brushed the piano keys, nodding slightly with a smile under his explanation . The staff members stopped their work. Looking at this side, the two men just stood there, which constituted a beautiful picture.

Both of them changed into white clothes, integrated with the environment of the room. The gauze on Feng Hao's eyes could not be removed, and it seemed that the whole person had a sickly beauty.

Feng Hao sat in front of the piano and raised his wrist. First, if there were a few notes, then a series of melodious melody flowed from his fingertips and spread to the entire room. The sound of the piano touched the white wall and scattered again, until it filled all the empty space, and filled the empty heart of people.

Ling Lang now knew that Feng Hao would still play the piano. His slender fingers danced on the black and white keys, sometimes masculine and powerful, sometimes cheerfully jumping, sometimes gentle like water, which made people unable to move their eyes and looked like Dreams are dreamy, and they are fascinated to hear.

According to the script design, Ling Lang should stand by the piano and look down at all this. But after a while, he walked between Feng Hao and the camera, sat down against the stool, hugged his knees, and lost his thoughts.

The MV director's eyes brightened, and the cameraman instructed the camera to push the camera little by little. He was barefoot, bare his ankle | exposed in the air, there was no scale of exposure, and it was amazing for a while. degree.

In the blurred background behind him, Feng Hao's white leather shoes rise and fall on the pedal, adding a touch of energy to this quiet picture.

The last epilogue came down, Feng Hao sat still for a while, keeping his ending posture, and groped up, Ling Lang slowly raised his head, but did not help him, but watched him step by step towards the window.

Feng Hao stretched out his hands until the coldness of the glass was felt at his fingertips, and his feet stopped. If he didn't look into his eyes, he would only think that he was just looking out the window. Two people, one sitting and one sitting, one looking out the window, one looking at each other, one looking at each other, and one putting each other in their hearts.

As the camera turned around, Ling Lang appeared behind Feng Hao. He also learned to look like the other person and stretched out his hand. He covered Feng Hao's palm. Feng Hao's palm was against the cold window. The temperature of the person came from the back of his hand. Feng Hao's fingers were fastened, and Feng Hao greeted the same response. The **** were intertwined. Ling Lang closed his eyes and buried his head in Feng Hao's neck.

Time seemed to stand still in this second, and several times passed through the window, from sunshine to thunder and thunder, winds rolled up the curtains, and the snowflakes flew down. The two people in the window remained motionless. That moment became eternal.

The people around were stunned, the assistant poked at the director, and the latter woke up suddenly and stopped with excitement.

"I, I suddenly had inspiration, and wanted to add a shot, a shot, I don't know, you two ..." The director stumbled somehow.

Ling Lang said nothing and waited for his following.

"That is, I want that, the scale is bigger, no, not for the color | love, it really is," the director scratched his head in pain, and he is not a newcomer in the circle, or for the first time, "It is The beauty I want to pursue, I can't think of a better way to express it. "

Ling Lang turned to look at Feng Hao, seeing that he did not raise any objection, turned to the director again, and nodded.

Two people reappear in front of the camera, their upper bodies are already naked | naked, exposing male masculine lines and tight muscles.

The director was inexplicably moved. He had completely forgotten that he was filming an MV for Feng Hao and really regarded it as his own artwork. He instructed the camera to control the lens above the shoulder line of the two, and he could not see it from the screen. A little bit of love | color means.

The two stood up. The director yelled at them with an OK gesture. The camera started, and the red REC flashed regularly on the monitor screen, recording everything in the camera's eyes.

Ling Lang slowly embraced Feng Hao from behind. The two naked bodies fit seamlessly and tightly, the muscle lines changed smoothly, and the outlines of the two were soft and flexible. Feng Hao has done this to him countless times. This is the first time he has held Feng Hao like this. Each time Feng Hao holds him like this, he gives him infinite security. However, this time, he also wanted to Protect each other firmly.

He squirmed against the throat knot on Feng Hao's neck, and he must have felt it in the envelope. He tightened his arms a bit, fearing that the embrace in his arms would be just an empty dream, and it would turn into a bubble and disappear in a blink not see.

As if feeling the instability in his heart, Feng Hao raised his left hand and patted his arm gently, stayed there, and poured endless power into his body.

The screen was pulled up, and the figures of the two were hazy, and their movements could be seen faintly, but they looked at the flowers in the mist, and looked at the moon in the water.

Their lingering enthusiasm on this side of the screen curtain aroused people's endless reverie on the side of the screen curtain, and the breeze blows the curtain from corner to corner from time to time.

The last shot of the MV is in the backlight through the screen curtain. Ling Lang lifted his toes and gently printed a kiss on Feng Hao's eyes. Feng Hao came to Ling where no one heard it. Whispering murmur.

Letmebeyoureyes, mayI

Feng Hao slightly raised his lips.



As soon as Ling Lang entered the house, he knelt down and put on slippers for Feng Hao. Then he helped him sit on the sofa. In order not to feel bored, he turned on the TV for him, put the remote control in his hand, and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. .

Since Feng Hao's eyes were injured, all housework has become Ling Lang's responsibility. He hasn't manipulated the kitchen when Feng Hao was at home for a long time, but he still had some hands at first, but he gradually recovered them in the past few days. Feel.

All he made was food that was easy for Feng Hao to eat, and the meat and vegetables were cut into chunks, which made it easy to fork with a fork. Feng Hao insisted that he not feed, and he had to work hard in this regard.

"Your cooking progresses every day," Feng Hao sipped and praised.

"I just picked up the deserted craftsmanship," Ling Lang thought for a while, "I will still cook a lot of dishes and cook them for you as I do."

Feng Hao laughed, "It's as if I can't cook anymore."

Ling Lang was silent, Feng Hao noticed his abnormality, put down his fork, and fumbled his hand, Ling Lang immediately put his hand in his palm.

"You have to have confidence in your master. Even if I really can't see it anymore, it doesn't mean I can't cook. I lose a pair of eyes, but it doesn't mean I have become a waste."

Ling Lang had a sour nose. He forced this feeling down, shook the other's hand, and whispered something to eat.

After dinner, Ling Lang finished the restaurant and returned to the living room to watch TV with Feng Hao. I don't know when I changed the show on TV again. The youth idol dramas overflowing with dog blood, the male lead got leukemia, and the female partner was disguised to change his heart, in order to break the female lead's thoughts.

"Don't you think that if you do this, it will make her sadder?" The female partner didn't agree with him.

"No matter how sad you are, I won't be sad to see me leave this world," the male lead looked at the starry sky at a forty-five degree angle, "I can't continue to delay her happiness like this, she deserves a better future. "

He lowered his head again, "Maybe she will be sad and miserable for a while, but in the near future, there will be a better man to love her instead of me."

Ling Lang was a little irritated when he heard it. He grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV.

Feng Hao smiled. He didn't ask Ling Lang why he suddenly turned off the TV. Even if he couldn't see it, he could understand everything.

"Shall I read the newspaper for you?" Ling Lang suggested.

Feng Hao nodded.

Ling Lang fetched the newspaper of the day. The conditioned reflection first turned to the entertainment edition. It was no accident that the two of them occupied another two-thirds of the front page, and the other third was about Wu Guanfeng.

Seeing that Ling Lang was slow to speak, Feng Hao asked, "What's the news?"

Ling Lang quickly scanned the news next to him, "Wu Guanfeng can turn over."

Feng Hao Waner, "Good progress."

Ling Lang turned over the entertainment edition and started reading the social edition. Feng Hao listened quietly, and occasionally evaluated a sentence or two, until there were no more news of interest in the newspaper.

Ling Lang put away the newspaper, thinking that when the two of them did something, they only heard Feng Hao say, "Would you push me to the park?"

There is a park near Feng Hao's home. Many people come and go. Ling Lang has never visited them. The status of a star has deprived them of many freedoms, and even includes a simple desire to visit the park.

The setting sun and the cool breeze are good times for strolling in the park. Today Linglang and Feng Hao are more eye-catching than usual. They are sitting in a wheelchair with their blindfolds, and one is slowly pushing the other forward in the back. , Almost attracted everyone's attention in the park, someone immediately recognized them, whispered in private, hesitated to step forward.

Ling Lang pushed Feng Hao all the way to the lake without a person, and he sat down on the bench himself. The lake was sparkling and flowing, and the evening sun covered them with a layer of golden veil, and the setting sun dragged behind him. Long silhouette.

This picturesque scene dispelled the hesitant. No one came to bother, and people looked at it from a distance. The two people seemed to be able to get along in harmony and quiet. presence.

The author has something to say:

Chapter 53 Click Here

Transcript of the crew's record:

Act 52: The audience who listened to the live piano quietly was [Asi] [Qi Lanruo] [Banana Sauce] [爱美 13918], [木木] ordered two songs on demand, [Meow] [工藤 羽] On-demand five songs, [Muse,] ordered ten songs, everyone's soul has sublimated.

Drop [Number 7] The next phone number of the Emperor.

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