Waiting Upon You

: Fifty-Five Scarves

Disclaimer: The previous paragraph of this article has been modified in a medium format. If the version you read contains elements such as mermaid confession, brother Feng Hao, survivors, etc., it means that this version is an old version. Read the modified version.

Chapter 55 Scarves

The agent in the nanny's car woke up here for a while, and looked at it for a while, Ling Lang was closing his eyes and raising his soul, and Feng Hao next to him flipped through the magazines in his hands. Both were very calm and not at all. After disappearing from the public eye for a few months, it returned to its proper state for the first time.

Ling Lang really stopped all work forcibly as he said, and accompanied Feng Hao to recover. When I first heard this decision from Ling Lang, the agent thought he was just a blood punch, and now think about it, putting the adjective of blood punch on this person is a mistake in itself.

However, you really dare to give Lao Tzu a bitch, the agent gritted teeth in his heart and groaned, for the sake of one person, everyone else ignored it. This year, the film emperor has no share with you. The least responsible actor award is you.

But he was very fortunate when he was annoyed. At least he passed through it in a shock. At the thought of it, he felt that the magazine in Feng Hao's hand was annoying, and he grabbed it.

"What are you looking at? You just stare at the book if you have good eyes. Are you a little patient's consciousness that has just recovered?"

Feng Hao raised his hand helplessly, compared to a surrendering action, he did not argue, but turned to look at Ling Lang on the side.

The agent also followed his line of sight. Ling Lang wore a long gray trench coat today, and a scarf was rarely worn around his neck. Although this scarf matched the trench coat, how he felt awkward.

"There's no wind in this car. Don't you wear a scarf if it's hot?" The agent had to say something immediately when he thought of it, and he wouldn't be comfortable without it.

Ling Lang was well versed in his nature and automatically filtered out useless words. However, Feng Hao listened to these words and stretched out his hands to arrange his scarf. "I have a long time in the throat, and I'm afraid he's cold."

When he was finishing the scarf, he used three fingers to secretly press it down on Ling Lang's neck, in exchange for Ling Lang's lips being inconspicuously pinched. Feng Hao did not wear a collar to him last night, and he also pretended to forget that he did not take the initiative. Who would have thought this was another small test for Feng Hao. As a punishment, he will go out wearing a collar all day today, and is also known as a comeback.

This action with a reminder is in the eyes of the agent. It is red | naked *, "Early morning show what love, the eyes will be blinded by you."

Ling Lang, who had been closing his eyes and eyes, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him sharply. The agent suddenly lost his voice. This joke is really not suitable for a person who has just experienced blindness.

"So what, I said so casually, nothing else."

Feng Hao smiled, "I don't mind."

The agent coughed a few times and turned the topic. "Do you have to be careful when you speak next time, this time the incident has been so big, and you have rested for so long. You won't give up without digging for something."

"Rest assured, I will say as little as possible if it has nothing to do with today's activity," Feng Hao cooperated nicely.

"That's good," the agent nodded, and suddenly remembered something, "about the accident ..."

"What is the official uniform caliber?"

"The gas explosion caused by an accidental fire on the set," the agent said in a firm tone, exactly as it was.

Feng Hao bowed his head and smiled, and nodded and seemed to accept the reason, but Ling Lang opened his mouth, "Which film crew can't keep the gas tank on the set?"

The broker looked up. "Leave the media to worry about this."

The media worry is much more than that. As soon as the nanny car arrives at the destination, it is surrounded by leaks. I think that when Ling Lang first asked the film emperor for the first time, he received the same attention.

When Feng Hao got off the car, he had an extra-large pair of sunglasses on his face. He could wear sunglasses even indoors because of his initial recovery. Linglang had not been treated so well, and he had not been flashed for months. His offense and slight discomfort made him frowned.

After the protagonist was seated, all kinds of questions spread overwhelmingly. The host sweated heavily to emphasize today's theme. Whatever it did to the menacing media, the sign smiled in the corner of Feng Hao's mouth from beginning to end. Leng Ao's Ling Lang forms a stark contrast.

Seeing that the host was more and more unable to hold the scene, Feng Hao thoughtfully gave him a pause gesture and cleared his throat to Mike near the mouth.

"I know you all have a lot of questions to ask today ..."

Hearing his mouth, the scene quickly quieted down, leaving only the sound of the shutter rattling.

I don't know if it was inadvertent or deliberate. Feng Hao paused before saying, "But first ..."

He had just finished these four words, and the bright lights in the room suddenly went out in a flash. The heavy curtains blocked the exposure of the Yangguan Pass. Sudden accidents caused reporters to forget the shutters in their hands. Night.

Sudden loss of vision makes people panic, I do n’t know what will happen next. I want to move but people are everywhere. I want to find lighting equipment but I am busy. Many people exclaim uncontrollably. The whole scene is chaotic.

The moment the lights went out, Ling Lang first froze, then grabbed his back with one hand, and turned his face in the other direction.

"Don't be afraid," Ling Lang heard Feng Hao's voice ringing in his ear. The low two words stood out in the panic of everyone's panic, and calmed him instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the familiar breath filled his nasal cavity and mouth. The soft touch made him react after a few seconds. This was kissed by Feng Hao, in front of countless media, and not in acting.

Ling Lang was stunned by Feng Hao ’s bold move. Fortunately, Feng Hao did not have a long-term love intention, and quickly stole a kiss before leaving. It seemed to be the same as the discussion. After the kiss was over, the room immediately restored the lighting The crowd resumed their vision, and after discovering that their safety had not been threatened, the unrest caused by the accident slowly subsided.

When the crowd was quiet again, Feng Hao smiled mysteriously and continued the topic of talent.

"I know that the accident just shocked everyone. We were all very lucky. We were born with bright and healthy eyes that can see things around us. But have we ever thought that if vision is deprived, the world will become how is it?"

He paused for a long time, this time the surroundings were quieter, everyone was attracted by the content in his mouth, and even the shutter sound was reduced a lot.

"I have spent the last few months in such darkness. I think everyone has just experienced it. Try to think about how you felt at the time, then multiply this feeling by a multiple of time, and you will Understand my mood. "

"I'm also very lucky to be able to come out of that darkness and regain the light. I can sit here again and see everyone, but," Feng Hao said, "There are still many people in the world, and they don't Someone like you and me is lucky. Some people may not be able to see light by nature. Some people are deprived of their ability to see things. But they are not completely hopeless. With some help within their ability, they may be able to change their lives. . "

He turned to look at Ling Lang, "This is the reason we are here today, I know, compared to the gossip between us, this reason is completely unable to attract the attention of the audience ..."

Someone in the audience laughed, and after they laughed, Feng Hao answered with a smile. "But it is more important to be able to see than to see which one you like more."

Applause rang out at the scene, Feng Hao continued, "I think in the future you have time to care about topics that everyone cares about, so today as Teacher Ling and the first charity event coming back, please let us do something more meaningful Okay? "

After speaking, he did not wait for the reporter to make a statement. He turned his head to signal to the host to continue. When the reporter saw the situation, it was not good to cross the border.

"How is it?" Feng Hao whispered to Lang Lang with the help of reporters' questions.

Ling Lang's mood was still immersed in the bold kiss just found, and Rao was unable to conceal a slight blush on his cheek for years of acting skills.

"It's too risky," he thought for a long time and could only come up with these four words. How could the other party be so determined that no reporter inertia pressed the shutter at that time.

Feng Hao smiled at the corners of his mouth. "For such a meaningful thing, it's worth taking some risks."

"How?" At the same time, the assistant's voice was heard from the agent's mobile phone.

Looking at a large wave of zombies being sealed by Feng Hao to deal with the situation in spite of his efforts, although the agent felt a bit messy, the result made him dissatisfied.

"How am I doing?" The assistant asked on the phone.

The agent rolled his eyes, and finally decided to praise, "A good switch."

Not far off the field, a paparazzi dressed as a standard reporter crouched on the ground and stared at a certain activity sign in front of him. The striking Mohs logo on the sign didn't know which inspiration inspired him. It wasn't until the assistant called him three times to return to his mind. Come.

"What are you talking about?" Paparazzi asked, looking back from another world.

The assistant also rolled his eyes. Since the paparazzi first exploded the same-sex scandal of the film king and the newcomer, he has dug out a lot of bombshells. The sales of the newspaper have increased tenfold in the short term. Promising entertainment, not only spent the effort to focus on training, but also specifically assigned him as an intern as his assistant. The paparazzi is not difficult to get along with, or the span of his thinking is too large, so that he always cannot keep up.

"You are specially dressed as a reporter to enter the venue today ..."

Before the assistant spoke, he was interrupted by the paparazzi. "I was a reporter."

"... Okay," the assistant reluctantly echoed. "Even if you are a police officer, you are also a plainclothes policeman. You put on your uniform today, but you do n’t go in for an interview. What do you squat here for?"

"Interview?" Paparazzi shrugged and asked, "What do you interview, how many blind people in China are eager for the cost of corneal transplantation?"

"This ..." The assistant was stopped.

The paparazzi continued, "Even if you can ask questions, the external caliber is the same. Which crew do you think you can't leave a gas tank on the set?"

The assistant wiped his sweat. "It's not a day or two for the brokerage company to entertain the media. But they have no choice what to do with us. Can you really not be a reporter and use plain clothes to investigate the case?"

The paparazzi shrugged, moved his gaze back to the tag, looked at it for a while, and thoughtfully opened his mouth.

"Ling Yingdi's other charitable fund also seems to be donated to this organization."

The assistant looked at it, and suddenly said, "You mean the Mo's Charity Foundation? Ling Lang donates a lot of money every year, and the event is never absent. Everyone knows this."

Paparazzi didn't know if they were asking questions or talking to themselves. "The last one is, this one, why is it always Mohs ... is it really just the relationship between ordinary foundations and donors?"

The assistant listened to his words, first in the clouds and fog, and then suddenly slammed into a punch, "so this is the focus of your next step? The celebrities in the entertainment industry and the well-known foundations secretly colluded to make misuse of donations?

The paparazzi gave the excited assistant a white look. "Snake ailment."

The assistant was swollen with a cold water splash. "What do you mean?"

"I ask you," Paparazzi said to the sign, "How much do you know about this Mr. Mo?"

The assistant thought about it, and only one word came to mind, "He is very mysterious."


"No one does not know Mr. Mo, but no one has ever seen Mr. Mo. Moh ’s industry is very large, but no one can tell exactly what he does. There is investment in many fields, which is true. Well-documented. The charitable foundation has done a great job. It sounds like a good person, but there are many legends on the underworld. "

Listening to the assistant's description, paparazzi couldn't help but laughed out loud, "It's a ubiquitous, omnipotent person."

"That's the truth, just don't believe it," the assistant shrugged, unconsciously imitating the habit of paparazzi. "I only know that Mr. Mo is a person who can only cover the sky in the industry. He doesn't want to be exposed. He won't appear in any media that morning. He wants to win the favor, and he can sweep the streets and alleys that night. "

"Like Ying Ling then?"

"You better not ask me about this, I was an unknown middle school student that year when Ling Lang became popular."

Paparazzi stared at him for a long while. "This attribution has not changed."

The assistant was speechless. "... Thank you."

There was a commotion inside, and the paparazzi looked back and stood up. "It seems to be over."

When the assistant heard the words, he immediately made a battle-ready gesture, "Are we going?"

"Go up and ask about the cornea or the gas tank?"

"..." The assistant was speechless again. "Then come in vain today? What are you going to do with the editor?"

The paparazzi didn't answer, and looked at the direction in which they came out again lost in thought.

As soon as the assistant saw the familiar posture, he knew that he was wandering again, so he decided to abandon him. No matter how many photos were taken up before 371, 21, he was taken away by the collar from behind.

"You can't catch up later," the assistant was anxious.

"Are you cold?" Paparazzi said inexplicably.

"Ha?" The assistant's eyes were widened. Which one did this sing suddenly?

"Is the temperature low today? Is it windy?"

"Also ... okay ..." The assistant was completely out of the box, and responded by instinct alone.

The paparazzi was already running to the most densely populated place, and the assistant quickly followed, listening to the paparazzi's quick explanation as he chased.

"I have been with Ling Yingdi for so long, unless the weather is very cold, he always does not like to wear scarves, hats and gloves."

The assistant opened his mouth in surprise, which was also observed too carefully.

"And if I remember correctly, this scarf is Feng Hao. He ran to the southern hemisphere to shoot the plane in the summer, because Tian Leng bought a scarf, took a picture, and tweeted."

The assistant was looking at him at this moment.

"If a person who doesn't like to wear a scarf wears someone else's scarf in cold weather, we can doubt him ..."

"What do you want to cover," the assistant answered quickly.

The paparazzi turned to give him an admiring look, "I dare to guarantee a ticket, it is definitely a kiss mark."

The assistant pulled the crowd away and began to squeeze in. "It could be a scar."

"No matter what, it's enough to write a front page. Are you ready?"

The assistant held up the camera, "Are you sure you can do it?"

"Although a little difficult, but ..."

The paparazzi's last words were obliterated in the noisy crowd. The assistant saw the other person squeeze behind the target, and used the crowded flow to pretend that a puppet fell on Ling Lang.

It's now! The assistant pressed the continuous shutter without thinking. This is a god-given opportunity. What news can be better than a kiss mark on the neck of the lonely and proud actor?

The author has something to say: I know I'm wrong. After writing this article, I will write a thank-you _._

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