Wake Up As Mafia Boss

Chapter 18 - Wake Up As Mafia Boss

Before the young Don and his butler had formally said regards to the village sergeant, four men blocked their way. Without meaning to, Hermes' face hit the stomach of the huge man who had a blue cowboy hat with a logo of an official village guard. To prevent a commotion and stop his servant to kill the man, the young Don immediately lowered his head with an apology and signaled his servant to follow him.

"Hmm…," the officer he bumped glared at his back and grabbed his shoulder, "Hey, may I take a look at your mask, sir?" The young Don turned around and showed his mask, he politely asked, "What is it, officer? Is there somethin' wrong here? I already apologized earlier. What's wrong?" With that kind of response, the companions of the officer surrounded them. This made his servant hold his holster and moved his body in defense position. Instead of being provoked, the officer laughed and politely asked, "Don't be too hostile. We're friendly. I just got informed about a man found on the street. N.a.k.e.d and looked pitiful before the sun rose. According to his description, he wore a gas mask. But looking at the design of your property seems different. Forgive me for stopping you. But, can I take a look at your identification cards for a further interview?"

The young Don stopped his servant to show their cards and replied, "Again, is there somethin' wrong here? If my mask is kinda different from the description you've received then it proves that I am not the person you're looking for. My apologies, officer. But may I know your names and position in this place? It is not my intention to make you feel upset but it is very common for me, a merchant from other states, to be careful in interacting with strangers."

"Oh," the officer surprised and his companions looked curious. He asked, "Forgive me, it is very rare to meet someone like you to be so cautious about your surroundings. Don't worry, I'm the head of the Village guard with a rank of Caption bestowed by our beloved Village Chief Zamor Camelia. So, you're a merchant, huh. From where exactly?" the young Don replied, "From Cimeria Southern Desert."

"I see," the officer smirked, "So, how about your friend back there? Is he a merchant as well?"

"No, even he looks like a common man from the outside, he's still a jerk and useless tool," replied the young Don as he pointed his thumb at his butler. But his answer made the office tilted his head with confusion and sincerely asked, "Umm, what? I don't exactly know what you mean." Hermes sighed with the tired tune, "Haah, forget it. He's my personal butler. A loyal dog who'll follow me till the depths of the earth."

"Umm, is that true, sir?" the officer turned his gaze at Justin. He replied with a nod showing that his master was telling the truth.

The officer laughed and spoke, "I don't know what kind of relationship between you two however, the law is law. You need to follow what's written on it and we the officers enforce that law here in our village. With due respect, may I see your papers showing your status and particularly, I would like to know your true names."

Hermes gulped some air and exhale, he interjected while showing the emblem of the Camelia family in front of his face, "This is the proof of our existence."

"— Woah, you have that one? My apologies, hope you don't mind our manners. Please, let us forget about this. No need to show your ID's and other identification papers. Feel free to stroll around and don't mind to ask me, personally, some advice and service. I'll make sure to give me my best to fulfill my service to the fullest. Just leave it to me. Boys, make way. These people are our generous people so we must show deep respect and hospitality as the officials of this place. Give them some way.— Oi, Oi, Oi, why are you blocking the brat, I mean, the young man's way? Didn't I said, give them the way. Make away!" He gave a smile while lowering his head with both of his hands showing the path, "Forgive me for mistaking you for someone I know. Please go ahead. This way, please. You may go now."

Afterward, the officer and his men had extremely trembled from that moment after the two disappeared from there sight. The leader had never expected to meet someone closed to their village chief. If he continued to harass the young man and his companion, it would result in his expulsion from his position because of that emblem. Only a few people had been bestowed by that object other than Ilona, the manager of the village hall and the four district representatives. Therefore, he prayed that the brat won't report this incident or else, he dug his own grave.

The officer wore a village guard uniform with a blue cowboy hat entered the station with a pale face. Behind him, three men wore the same colors as Nicolo but with white hat entered, as well. Nicolo lowered his head and greeted his companions. He said with a bright smile, "Good morning, Captain Mattia. Its been a month where we met. What's bring you here. You even bother to contact through the secret phone to summon me here this morning. Oh, what happened to your face, sir? You look so pale."

"Forget about it," said Captain Mattia as he sat down at the chair next to him, "Hey, I received a telegram from the main station that you found a n.a.k.e.d man in the middle of the street. Is that right?"

"What? Ohh, yes, I fou—" Nicolo paused for a second and recalled the terrifying face of the young Don. "— I'm profound. A n.a.k.e.d man? Really? Did I send somethin' like that? C'mon, that's ridiculous. There's no way someone like that exists."

"Don't play dumb, Nicolo. Don't screw with your superior officer. I even bother to come here to see that man but... I find nothing here." he muttered aside, "Except that brat and his servant."

Nicolo giggled, "So, you called me that time just to confirm it?" His face made his leader got mad and replied with the annoying sound, "Of course."

"May I ask why? Is that man worthy of your time to investigate? Clearly, whenever I asked a back up to capture some thugs in the streets, you guys are arriving at that time so late. And worse, you even let them be released so easily by bribery, though," chattered Nicolo as he offered his captain a cup of coffee and placed it on the table.

"Hey, Nicolo." Captain Mattia picked up the cup and took a sip before he spoke, "Watch your mouth. Don't think too high and bright of your own oblivion. You're in the same length of scrutiny like me. Both of us are the same, in short."

"Sir, you've been promoted for your service but in a bad way. It's truly magnificent and incredible that the authorities didn't find out about your corrupt personality. You're truly a worse officer than me," Nicolo complimented and poured the cup of his captain with coffee from the pitcher.

"Stop that nonsense," chuckled Captain Mattia which made the other three followers laugh, "You're even worse than me. Oh, we're clearly not getting close to our topic. Where we are again? Ah, yeah. The n.a.k.e.d masked guy. So, there's no person like that existed and captured here by you? What is that a prank?" The village sergeant laughed with a bright smile with teeth, "Yep, sorry, sir. I'll make an apology letter to the headquarters for a false report. I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience."

"Gosh, you should be. God damn it, I almost got in big trouble with two strangers before I got here," said Captain Matti as he recalled the brat. "Those people are dangerous. I advise you to be careful about talking with strangers. You don't know if they are big personalities or will lead you to your own abyss." He sighed and resumed, "I guess, I need to make a secret call with the leader of those organization."

"What do you mean, 'those people'? Don't tell me, you're still working with those gangsters from District 3? The handdag, hand dwag. The —"

"— The Handdog gun, idiot. Well, there's nothing wrong with it. They are paying taxes and illegally paying us with fortune behind the scene. The money used for us is extremely higher than our current salary," he explained as he grabbed a stick of cigarette from his c.h.e.s.t pocket and ignited it by his own lighter. He resumed, "Y' know, in this world. Money is everything. You can't buy anything and live on your own without purchasing power. Even we have a law here, who'll stand on our way? Nothin'. That's because we're the law. Got it? We are the gods of this village who controls the place and enforce the law in our own way."

"Oh, c'mon. You'll be removed from your position if someone heard for your so-called service to the people. Those bastards who were living in that district are corrupted folks who are just wanted to destroy our society. Y' still have time to stop it before everythin' goes south." Nicolo suggested as he grabbed a stick offered by his captain. He let it ignited by the lighter and blew some smoke from the air.

Captain Mattia said with a serious gaze, "If someone tries to do that. He'll never see his family and the sun tomorrow. Unless he'll pay for the right price equivalent to his life to be spared. Right, boys?"

''"Sir, yes, sir"' his henchmen replied in unison.

"Oh, well. Don't cry after that. I already told you what can be the cost of your action. As a friend, I never lacked to remind you about it." said Nicolo. However, Captain Mattia laughed and stomped his cigarette after only one brown thin sheet remained with a scorched edge, "Jeez, don't worry. No one can touch someone like me. I'm untouchable. Ah, right. I'm going back to my station. Hey, take this," he gave a white envelope full of cash, "That's for your commission for your service yesterday."

"Oh," Nicolo turned his gaze down and muttered aside, "So, the Priestess is dead."

"What did you say? She's still alive, idiot. She's currently held at the Dark Scily Forest by the henchmen of that Handdog gang."

"Are they still there?"

"No idea. Oh, hey, I met a man wearing a non-facial mask. Have you met them?"

"Naah, I didn't. Have you?"

"Of course, stupid. I won't even ask you if I don't though. Ah, forget it. Oh, by the way, before I forgot about this, don't deposit it in the bank or else, the Chief will discover something odd to our activities. Y' do know that someone in the village hall named Ilona is precisely fighting corruption in this place by auditing our finances and expenses. If she discovers something odd, we're all screw. I advise you to put it inside your vault or put it somewhere else that no one can easily find it."

"Yes, of course, I know that. I'll make sure it won't happen. I'll keep it in mind," Nicolo assured.

"Well, then, I trust your words," he gave a wave of goodbye, "we'll take leave now. Good day." As Captain Mattia and his henchmen walked outside from the station, Nicolo bent his upper body with respect. And he said with a smile, "Good day, sir. Have a nice life." His genuine said regard made the captain response with a nod,"You too."

Nicolo slowly closed the door, leaned his back against the door before his knees collapsed on the floor. His head glared at the ceiling and muttered, "Oh, shit. I'm dead. F.u.c.k my life."

Afterward, the young Don and his butler had finally reached the place where his vehicle parked yesterday. Before the two leave the place, a man in a black suit with a cigar on his mouth was watching from above. His whole face covered with black hood had started to show signs of his sweat. Despite the fact he's being under the sunlight, he didn't mind the hot temperature and watched the young Don entered his vehicle via the scope of his rifle.

He placed his hand on his ears and used his telepathic skill to contact someone. The person he contacted answered, "Yes, who is this?" The man replied, "Sir, bad news, the young man is still alive. He is together with his servant. Should I proceed to kill him right now?" The contact person remained quiet for a few seconds and said angrily, "You f.u.c.kin' bastard. What do you mean the Don of the Archnemesis crime family is still alive? You stupid f.u.c.kin' bastard. You have one job. One job! I thought you said he's already dead? Are you f.u.c.kin' kidding me? Enough of this shit. Pull out, there's no way we can do that once in a lifetime moment of our time. Don't you know that keeping him alive will delay our plans for expansion! We won't be able to move to the next phase. If the Verdugo crime family finds out that man is still alive then we have no other choice but to follow the plan B. By the way, how did you know he's still alive?"

The man with a deep voice reassured, "Sir, one of my trusted colleagues received a message that a young man found n.a.k.e.d in the street. So, I moved to this location to find out if the report is true. But to think, the young man is alive is unbelievably possible."

"But he's f.u.c.kin' alive. Don't f.u.c.k with me. I didn't pay you to screw in your job. Remember, we're in the same league," stated the contacted person.

"Yes, sir," he sighed and pulled out his cigarette. He blew a cloud of smoke from the air and waited for his leader to speak again.

"Pull out for now. Let him have his day. There's a lot of time to kill that man. No need to rush."

The man "Yes, sir."

"If he's coming back now, then, proceed to plan B. There are three assassins will arrive soon at the seaport of District 2 next week. But the good news for us. There is someone already there near to that place. I want you to meet up with that person that's currently hiding at the Zeke mountain. It is located at the center peak of the Dark Scily Forest and only two kilometers away from the village. Remember, go to the Zeke mountain right now and find that hired assassin. Her boss gave her the name suitable for the person living in that place. Her codename is Z. Don't forget about it. Go now. ASAP. "

"As you wish," replied the man in a black suit. The contacted person hung up after his reply.

The man in a suit flew through the designated place at a high-speed flight. He found the Zeke mountain and searched for the specific spot that a mage could be only seen through their glance. He sensed a powerful aura within the cave and he landed at in rapid speed but no sound and any splash of dust after he landed. He walked inside the cave cautiously and fixed his attire. He sensed something coming to his direction and immediately formed a defense barrier. However, no signs of the attack came in.

"Who are you? A man like you who wants to interrupt my bath time deserves to die. However, only a few people know exactly where can I be found. So, I'll give a chance to explain your reason to present yourself in my hideout." said the woman, washing her back. A liquid voice resounded like the prelude of a flute. The man replied with respect. "I'm part of the dark organization named Visigoth Cult, my codename is Seraph. I humbly apologize for interrupting your bath time however, my superior commanded me to call you. May I know if you're a notable assassin called Z?"

"Hmm, I have never expected someone like you know my codename. Yes, I'm the person called Z, and high ranking assassin of the CMR, Commission of Mafia Rights Council. So, your superior summoned you to find me, huh. This means, you failed to kill the man named Hermes Archnemesis and you want me to finish the job for you. Am I right?" replied the mystical woman. Her response made him surprised and carefully diverted his gaze at the location of her voice.

"I guess, there's nothing for me to tell everything. Indeed, you're right. My superior ordered you to kill the young man. But due to unforeseen events, that man is still breathing. My superior got mad and summoned me here to tell you about this. I don't know exactly how did you manage to know about this but I trust your impressive skills of understanding. The whole cult will surely provide you all of your needs and pay you with the right amount, madam."

"Of course, they are. The whole mafia doesn't know your existence but I assure you that the mission bestowed upon me will be done soon. Anyway, are there any other people besides me who had already contracted by your superior?"

The man hesitated after she asked it. He didn't trust this assassin so he made a lie, "No, there are no one but you, madam."

"Oh, I see." she smiled. Then a sound of water dropped from the surface and a huge two melons goggling as she rose up from the water. She picked up her white towel and wore it. She said while moving closer to her clothes, "Well, then. I shall move now. You may leave now and do your part."

"Goodbye, madam," he lowered his head and disappeared from his position.

"Fufu~, as expected to that man, he can't be easily killed like that," she smirks. "Well then, let's meet that man, shall we?"

"— Achoo!" the young Don sneezed.

"Boss, are you alright back there?" asked Justin as he took a pic at the rear mirror.

Hermes placed his handkerchief at his nose and said, "Don't worry, it is just a sneeze. Damn, it's f.u.c.kin' cold. Do we have a heater or something to heat up."

"Sir, after we get back at the mansion, we'll be going to change your attire to a decent one suitable for your position as the head of the family. Your commoner clothes are truly pathetic. I guess I'll teach you how to dress up properly," Justin suggested.

"Yeah, yeah, just focus on the road," said Hermes as he leaned his right cheek on the rear opened window. He closed his eyes and prayed that no difficult problems would come today. From the other side, a smooth thin material was flying towards his location. It stuck directly to him and covered half of his face. He irritably removed it and trembled in fear after recognizing the material.

"A-a-a newspaper again? Goddamn it," he muttered.

"Boss, you're alright?" asked Justin as he heard a rustling of the newspaper got tangled. "How did you get a newspaper there?"

"Don't ask me. Damn it, if this paper is here, then it must have a new mission," said the young Don as he examined the front and back page of the newspaper.

[Objective Completed: Escape succeed.]

[Rewards: All sinners have perished from the earth. And more abilities have been unlocked.]

Next Objectives:

[New Objective: Save the Priestess. The life of the beautiful maiden is on the risk. Unable to save her will result in the user to die in vain. Luck will be demoted to negative forty and the user's life will become miserable.]

[New Objective: Defeat the dark organization residing in the village. The time limit is 20 days.]

[New Objective: Destroy the unorganized gang located in District 2. Unable to complete this quest will]

[New Objective: Start a business. The time limit is 7 days.]

[Notification: Unable to complete all of this will give the user a deadly penalty.]

[Rewards: You will earn the right to marry a beautiful maiden.]

"What the f.u.c.k is this? This doesn't make any sense at all!" said Hermes. He, surprised, unable to the response after the newspaper melted from his sight. He spoke, "F.u.c.k this, I just prayed for a quiet life but now, you're making me do these shits? You gotta be kiddin' me!"

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