Wake Up As Mafia Boss

Chapter 57 - The Don And The Trial Of Injustice 4

As Hermes entered the room, every council member quietly glared at him with a stiff expression.

Chief Zamor, who was sitting in the middle, rested his arms on the table, and he sent the guards a hand signal to release him.

"Take a seat, Suspect 025," said Chief Zamor with his forehead knitted, offering him the black single-seat chair in front of them. "Well, thank you, chief," Hermes answered willfully. He gently moved his feet at the chair and sat down. Then, he stretched his arms, and he massaged his stiff shoulders thereafter.

"Suspect 025, I know you're still young and novice in this situation. There are certain rules that you have to follow properly. Kindly remove your mask," asked Chief Zamor sincerely. "I'm sorry, but I can't," Hermes humbly declined.

The chief's forehead creased as he refused his request.

"Suspect 025, we have a law here. Only an accessory, your clothes, and any tangible things are allowed. Your mask is only hindering our objective in this forum," Chief Zamor explained. "Then, I declare the mask as one of my clothes and accessory," Hermes blatantly responded.

"You have no right to refuse, Suspect 025. You are obliged to follow my demand whether you like it or not. So, please take it off," Chief Zamor affirmed, calmly. "I don't mean to disrespect the position you are holding to. I know the law, chief. But your request is impossible. From what I know, a suspect has the right to declare anything in the article of the Civil Code. Declaring the mask as my accessory is still under the code, right? Therefore, the person who declared any tangible object as a personal accessory has the right to refuse. Unless otherwise, it is a weapon or tangible sharp objects like a knife, fork, ax, and saw," Hermes answered with a brittle expression.

The atmosphere froze for a few minutes.

Everyone patiently waited for the chief to talk.

"Suspect 025, you are starting to disrespect not only me but also the law itself. In this room, the only person who has the highest position here is me. In other words, I'm the law, so please let me repeat myself again. Respect the law, and take the useless thing off," Chief Zamor demanded "I'm sorry. But I cannot," Hermes sighed.

"Guards, remove the goddamn thing out of the goddamn criminal now," Chief Zamor pointed his index at the object. "Hays, I warn you. You will regret it later," Hermes gave in and snorted.

As the guards touched his property, they dropped like a log on the floor. The impact echoed twice on the room.

All of them were bewildered, with exception of Hermes and the high priestess.

"W-w-what happened?" asked Chief Zamor with a perplexed expression. "I told ya. You will regret it. Never mind, it's already happened, so let's say this is a short demonstration of its side effects. The mask contains the antigen that could stop the spread of a virus inside my body. So, now you know, people. I don't mean to scare everyone, so please calm down. Now, what? We have all witnessed its ability, so your honorable chief, I hope you will properly listen now. Please take note, sir. If you care about the safety of these innocent people, I advise rethinking your command for the last time. Every action comes at high risk. I know you don't wish to take the blame for the result of your decision, right?" Hermes explained.

'Touch this psychopath little girl or you'll pay a heavy price like death. Trust me, your meal earlier is your last. Choose wisely, people.'

"A-are they alive?" Chief Zamor worried. "Rest assured. They are alive. Look, they are waking up," Hermes pointed his jaw at the poor guards.

"Men, step away from the defendant. He needs space," Chief Zamor instructed with a cold sweat. "Yes, sir," one of the guards responded, and they returned to their respective position behind the young Don's chair, two meters away.

"Gosh, this is tiring. You can keep the mask. Ilona, hand over the documents," Chief Zamor commanded. "Yes, chief," Ilona followed.

One by one, the receptionist handed over the silver folder to their respective users.

"The folder contains the pictures and summarized criminal activity of the verdict. It is only 20 pages with an organized sentence structure of the case, so you can read it properly in just a few minutes. Everyone has only thirty minutes to review it, so I advise everybody to analyze the content properly, okay. Don't rush. Take your time," Ilona instructed as she returned to her seat behind the chief's chair.

The council members opened the file, and they silently read the content.

Hermes crossed his arms across his chest, silently watched them in his position.

Thirty-one minutes later, the chief slammed the hammer that indicated the reviewal time had ended.

Chronologically, Richarde, Daliah, Ylla, Venus, Rafel were on the right corner of the crescent table, and Elder Kilo, Elder Wamo, Elder Damaso, and two empty chairs were on the left.

"Good evening, everyone. I apologize for what happened earlier. I don't mean to disturb everyone's personal activity, but this case needs to be done immediately. What is more, this is a sudden judicial trial to bring justice to the citizens of Neue Fiona. Yes, this is our... invictus event that's finally happening in our administration. No, this case is the priceless gift that the mighty God has ever given to us," said Chief Zamor as he looked at the verdict with a disdainful gaze.

'This old man is angry inside, huh,' Hermes commented.

"People, witness a glimpse of the true identity of the public enemy of our territory. He... He is the madman we have loath so much for the past five years. The only person who keeps tormenting us with his power," Chief Zamor added, clenching his fists tightly.

'Man, they are great at pulling the string behind the scene, huh. Great job, high elves. Our stupid chief is completely deceived, and I'm impressed. His anger blinded him too much, so this bastard already forgot his debt on me. Blasphemy, what an asshole. Unbelievable, I am very disappointed at your performance, chief. No wonder you are a disposable character after the end of the first installment,' Hermes sighed inside his head.

"Lend me your ears, people. This relic will show you the result of his answers. Listen carefully, don't miss a single answer. Ilona start the tape," Chief Zamor instructed.

'Oof, wrong move, chief,' Elder Kilo's face was stiff with disapproval.

Chief Zamor was a man of action. He was an egoistic leader with pride and honor. Once he accumulated a shred of concrete evidence, he wouldn't hesitate to reveal the dark secret of his enemy in front of the public.

Specifically, the chief planned to use this event to show off. That he was the man who controlled the law and made himself looked great in front of the public.

'I'm sorry. I know we became friends, and you've never questioned my favor. But man, we are human beings. I am a man in need, and I am the order of the public. You have no longer the boss of this place. Me. I am now the boss, Hermes. Zamor Camelia is the boss now. You are nothing but a childish brat. You are also.... the boy who ordered to kidnap my beloved eldest daughter. That's why it is personal for me!' Chief Zamor gritted his teeth as he looked at the young Don angrily.

Everyone carefully listened to their conversation, and they failed to hear a single trace of anger and confession.

The chief looked disappointed at the result, whilst Elder Kilo covered his face after his brothers looked disappointed at this situation.

Ilona, on the other hand, was lost in words.

'Fuck this shit. What a useless people,' she said inside her head.

"Ilona throw this thing out of this room, please," asked Chief Zamor, holding his temper. "Y, yes, chief," Ilona picked up the relic, she handed it over to the trusted servant, and she instructed her to return it in the archived room.

The temperature was cold, but the atmosphere was starting to heat up.

'I still have another trump card, kid. That one is a defective product, but this one I am hiding under my table is exceptional," Chief Zamor smiled with a dark face.

"Sir. Aljen, before we discuss the case, do you have anything to say?" said Chief, smiling. "None, chief," Hermes shook his head once as he answered.

"I know we have a good time together. Are you really sure?" asked Chief Zamor. "Yes," Hermes answered in one word.

"You are allowed to confess everything, Suspect 025. I still want to hear your defense against the case. Please defend yourself," Chief Zamor gently insisted.

The verdict sealed off his lips without saying a word. He cast a wry glance at the ladies on the corner, and the ladies waved a hand to say hello.

Venus caught his sight, and she signaled him to look at the object on the chief's table.

'I understand,' Hermes nodded.

'Your welcome,' Venus replied with a blooming smile.

'Just get married already, you goddamn lovers,' Ylla dropped a shoulder.

"Suspect 025, please speak, are you Hermes Archnemesis or not? Confess now," Chief Zamor demanded. "I am not... I mean it, I am... I am innocent. That's all, chief," Hermes responded politely.

Everyone cast a curious glance at the table of their leader. The chief activated the white relic that he kept hiding in the secret drawer. Then, they silently waited for the relic to make a noise, but like the first one, it showed an unacceptable result.

Unfortunately, no sound crossed into their ears.

'W-w-what? Is he not the Hermes Archnemesis?' Chief Zamor turned blue after he said it inside his head.

'This is bad. What mad lad. The situation is going south. This jury is pretty useless when it comes to his mouth,' Elder Damaso clicked his tongue quietly.

His two brothers opened their eyes wide in surprise.

'Fuckin' useless prick. Do something about it!' Ilona cried inside her head.

'Praise the Lord. Hallelujah,' the ladies cheered him inside their heads.

The two boys next to them remained expressionless.

'The chief is in a critical spot. What can he do now?' Rafel commented inside his head.

Hermes, on the other hand, heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm hungry," Richarde muttered. "Quiet," Daliah jabbed her elbow on his waist.

"Wow, these human scum are trying to humiliate you. Everything he says is disrespectful, and he adamantly defies your existence. But nonetheless, the results say otherwise. As expected, this guy is pretty useless without your skeptical skills, master," the slime commented. "Shut it, slime," Hermes ordered with a low voice.

"Sir. Aljen, you are allegedly involved in the criminal organization known as the Second Root. One of our sources sent me a pack of evidence that linked you to the criminal guild. Of course, this is still considered as an allegation, so we still need to examine it properly," said Chief Zamor, showing the file he was holding to the suspect.

Everyone turned their files at the same page that the chief pointed at.

"There is a lot of evidence that linked you in every aspect of the criminal charges five years ago. Plus, the sources raised these issues because they were claiming that you were deemed responsible for the death of the innocents, obstruction of order, arson, kidnapping, robbery, extortion, and treason against the local government," Chief Zamor added. "Eeeh, I think it is not true," Hermes's forehead creased as he said it.

"This concludes us to believe that you are really the alleged despicable criminal who is hiding his true identity from the public, and the true culprit we are looking for. Look at the records properly, people. He's connected all this time. I'd appreciate the effort of the heroes who uncover the truth. The sources are a good example for the public. Now then, let's go straight to the point. This is the split decision between the investigators and me. Suspect 025 is proven guilty of all charges related to the case. Despite there is no reaction coming out from the item, I, Zamor Camelia, and my district representatives sentence you... ," Chief Zamor picked up a hammer and hovered it, "to death. You shall be executed by hanging in front of the public tomorrow."

As the hammer was ready to be slammed, someone interfered with his decision.

"Objection, your honor," someone interjected. "Who dares to interrupt my decision? Who exactly is he?" asked Chief Zamor angrily. "I, the high priestess of the Neue Fiona Church, am asking for a secondary resolution. I request the jury to give us a proper explanation as of tonight. Why do we have to sentence the suspect without asking our opinion, and why are you rushing your decision too quickly? In my opinion, this is not right. You are condemning an innocent person in front of us," Venus declared.

The beautiful maiden stood up from her chair, and she majestically walked beside the young Don like a visible armored Goddess with her divine shield to protect her lover.

"High priestess, please do understand. You are not allowed to speak. That we, the council, will not tolerate your interference. I have to clarify that any outsider especially you have no power, influence, and authority to object to the decision of our leader," Elder Wamo stood up and raised his voice to correct her. "I know my right, and you also need to watch your tone, elder. With all due respect, everyone has the right to express their opinion in this situation," Venus corrected politely.

The four district representatives were bewildered at this outcome.

The chief bit his lower lips, and he placed the hammer down on the table.

"Calm down, everyone. Elder Wamo, you are also breaking the rules of the council, so please sit down. As far as I know, the high priestess is right. She holds the authority to speak out her side because she represents the church in this village. Contrary to your complaint, Elder Wamo needs to step aside. You are only a guest and one of the sources in this event. What is more, you're not even part of the council, so please stand down," Chief Zamor stuttered a bit and defended the priestess. "I-I-Is that so? M-my apologies, your honor," Elder Wamo gritted his teeth, and he coldly sat down on his chair.

'Fuckin' church, my ass. This is too biased!' Elder Wamo commented inside his head.

Elder Damaso and Elder Kilo silently comforted their brother whilst the chief was busy talking with the girl.

"However, I did not ask for anyone to raise an objection. So, why is our church wanted to review the evidence again?" asked Chief Zamor with a worried face. "Your honor, I don't mean to disrespect the law of the village, but I cannot withstand the injustice in front of my eyes. If I slip it away, I don't have the courage to face my Almighty God. What is more, it will not only bring shame to your administration but also, it will gravely affect your reputation. You will be known as the man who executed the hero who saved Camelia's descendant from the hands of the evil," Venus explicitly justified.

"High priestess, are you saying that my judgment to sentence this criminal to death is wrong?" inquired Chief Zamor with a sharp gaze. "Yes, your honor," Venus lowered her head in apology.

"How can you prove his innocence then?" Chief Zamor scowled. "It is already been answered, chief. Everyone knows about it as well," Venus spread her arms, and she cast her glance at the relic that the chief was holding.

"Is everyone wanted for a secondary resolution of this trial now?" asked Chief Zamor, looking at the council members. "I agree with the excellency. She is right, chief," Rafel Uno raised his hand, and he expressed his side.

"I agree, as well," Richarde raised a hand, smiling.

The two ladies exchanged glances and voted for the approval of the priestess's request.

"High Priestess, I understand your position in this village, but it is already done. You have nothing to prove. I already gave you all the time to read it, so everyone is already aware of the situation. Please, listen carefully. We have the rules here. If... If I decline your request, what a mere church representative can do in this trial now?" Chief Zamor ribbed, jabbing her with his diplomatic skill. "As the representative of the church, I will cut our ties with your local branch. I swear to God. No ifs, no buts. No more negotiation, so choose wisely," Venus declared expressionless.

"Imbecile, who do you think you are? You are nothing but a mere representative. The Ratican church won't even do that. Only the Cardinals and the Pope have the right to do that," Elder Kilo nagged. "Thank you for adding that information. You make it easy for me to explain it properly. Of course, I am not in the position to abide and enact a law within the Ratican city like the Pope, nor any position to be held in the office of the Cardinals. But I am the high prietess, one of the blessed female servants of God. Therefore, I can influence the situation at will because God is at my side all the time. And with all due respect, I have the authority to dismantle this local government if I wish to. Remember, Neue Fiona Village is still an unrecognized integral territory of Scily by the Union of Italian Mafia States or Mafic Council. I am the only acting symbol of your township, so watch your tone carefully. The chief is not even a made man, so you are nothing but an ordinary citizen if I remove you from your position," Venus added blatantly.

"Hh-huh? Please calm down. I'm sorry, but isn't that a threat?" Chief Zamor worried. "According to Mafia Civil Code of Article 10 Chapter 2, paragraph 14, the church has the right to intervene to the unrecognized town, states, and lawless society. Any representative with high authority should be liable to take action once [Mendacium] proves his innocence. But still, it is on her or his decision to respect their local law or abide by it. Unless as provided by law, the representative of the church shall remain silent at will if her/his life is in imminent danger or died under unknown circumstances," Venus stated.

"W-w-what? Since when did that law create?" Elder Wamo demanded an answer. "Seven hundred years ago," Venus responded politely.

"Shit, this is not good, my brothers," Elder Kilo muttered that only his brothers could hear.

"We can do this all tonight. It is a simple request, so there's nothing to lost. Unless you choose the wrong side, of course," Venus provoked expressionlessly. "I, I understand. I approve it now," Chief Zamor slammed the hammer instantly.

'Venus? Is that you girl?' Hermes was impressed.

"Objection, chief. This person should never be here in the first place. Even she is the representative of the church, there is a law where it is stated that the church and our village's issues are separated from them," Elder Wamo caterwauled. "Defend it or not. It is already too late," Chief Zamor saddened.

'Fuckin' useless prick!' The elders and Ilona chided.

"The church has no right to abide by your decision. She might be bluffing," Elder Wamo denounced. "Elder Wamo, you are wrong. Yes, the state and church are separate entities, but there is also a word 'unless otherwise provided by law' in the last paragraph, though. In Article 17, Chapter 8, paragraph 2, The church should defend the innocent who saved the representative from any harm. The relic proves his innocence without ringing a single bell, so stand down," Venus justified.

"That's ridiculous. You only made it up to change the course of his decision. Your honor, this person has a deep affection for the suspect. That's why her request should be dishonored," Elder Wamo nagged. "Article 17, Chapter 8, paragraph 1, the representative shall be held liable to defend the right of the innocent until the end of their life. They are vowed to prove it as per the divine law of Almighty God. They are allowed to act as the suspect's witness and acting attorney at will," Venus attested.

"High Priestess Venus, what do you mean?" asked Chief Zamor. "I'll be his attorney in this case. First of all, your local branch neglects to provide him a public attorney. You condemn him and sentence him without following the national law of the Mafia Council. That is why I will do what I pleased," Venus affirmed.

"Speaking of attorney, are you even a licensed attorney?" Elder Damaso queried. "Yes, and here is my license. I passed the exam 8 years ago at the age of 7," Venus pulled out her card to prove herself.

"U-unbelievable, you are bluffing!"

"For real? You're not convinced yet, huh. Lady Ylla, please show them the picture and my diploma too," Venus instructed. "Yes, milady," Ylla replied nonchalantly.

"Please stand down, people. Lady Venus, you don't have to prove it. I am convinced now," Chief Zamor gave in. "Thank you, your honor," Venus lowered her head, bent her body down, and lifted her skirt to express her gratitude.

"Your excellency and gentlemen, please stand down. No more argument. I already vote favorably with the Priestess. The trial is paused tonight. The council members shall take their time to review it personally. You have only one day to decide. The next hearing will be held in the same area at 6:00 in the evening. I hope everyone is satisfied. Does everyone object to my decision?" Chief Zamor queried. "No," everyone answered in unison.

"The... The... The case is... dismissed for tonight. We will resume it tomorrow," Chief Zamor slammed the hammer and ended the trial tonight. "Thank you very much," Venus simpered at his decision.

'Fuck!' The three elders and Ilona condemned his decision inside their heads.

"Woah, this girl is cool. Date her, master. Or if you don't like it, I can act as her substitute. I'm a slime, you know. I can become an adult too!" the slime cheered. "Shut the fuck up. Don't even do that," Hermes muttered aside that only the two of them could hear.

"Sir Aljen, do you like my performance?" Venus's lips closed with his ears. Her smooth voice tickled him a bit. "Yes, thank you for saving me," Hermes bowed his head once respectfully.

The priestess tilted her head on the side, and her hand covered her smiling teeth.

"Did I impress you? Did you slowly fall in love with me now?" Venus quizzed. "Unfortunately, no. Sorry, but that's the truth," Hermes answered honestly.


'Shut the fuck up, you goddamn relic. This is really a biased item of the trial of injustice!'

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