Chapter 9: 09 God Attention

‘Pope of the Holy Bishop! ’

The big guys who belong to the apex in this world.

Stull put the teacup in his hand on the coaster, held out his hand to Mr. Barry, and said, “Can you show me the newspaper.” ”

“Of course. ”

Mr. Barry closed the newspaper and handed it over, and Stuhl, opposite, unfolded it, mainly to read the news about the Pope.

And the newspaper blocked Stuhl’s expression, making Mr. Barry unable to judge what Stuhl’s inner activity was like by the reaction of the other person’s expression.

Businessmen like to observe words, even big merchant capitalists who have achieved the status of Mr. Barry.

But big capitalists will only ponder the true intentions hidden in the inner activities and words of the other party for those who have a special status and can even cooperate.

Ordinary people communicate bluntly, but Stull is in Barry’s eyes as someone who needs him to ponder, and the other party is burdened with miracles, and Barry thinks that even if he ponders for a lifetime, he may not be able to figure it out.

But one thing Barry can be sure of is that Stull is to the Holy Bishop, and even to the Pope… He really cares.

At this moment, Stull’s gaze was sweeping the words in the newspaper line by line.

The news about the Pope’s serious illness took up half of the newspaper’s pages.

It even records the life of the Pope, whose childhood coincided with the continent’s turbulent wartime.

Moreover, the other party’s parents are devout saints, and the school they attend is also a church school.

But the Pope’s parents died too early due to the war, and when he was nine years old, both of them died, and he was subsequently adopted by the church welfare institution.

At the age of nineteen, he became a priest, and even in the special era of war, the nineteen-year-old priest was very young, which showed that the other party’s future in the church was limitless.

At the age of thirty-two, he entered the headquarters of the Holy See in Genni.

He became a bishop at the age of fifty-four, a cardinal with a rival for the papal throne at the age of fifty-eight, and a cardinal of the Holy See at the age of sixty-seven.

Sixteen years ago, at the age of seventy-six, because of the death of the previous pope, he was elected as the new pope until now.

It can be said that the identity background of the other party is definitely rooted in the Holy Bishop.

Now the Pope is ninety-two years old, at which an ordinary cold can kill him.

Judging from the description of the newspaper news content, the pope’s physical condition has been poor in the past two years.

Recently, I had just recovered a little better, so I attended a church event for the public, but unexpectedly, my condition worsened.

Stuhl looked at the various comments below the newspaper, which were basically the views of some celebrities on the Pope’s critical illness.

There are writers, theologians, historians, economists, international relations scientists, and even politicians!

Probably, it is precisely because His Majesty the Pope experienced the most brutal war in his childhood that he blindly admired the biblical account of calamity, so that the theory of calamity was pushed to a crazy peak during his tenure, after all, war is the greatest disaster shaped by mankind, which is not much different from the calamity that the great holy Lord in the Bible wants to say.

After the Great War, the Pope has always been convinced that a calamity more terrible than human war will be played out in the near future. ”

After reading the newspaper, Stull felt that this comment explained the root cause of why the Pope blindly promoted the theory of calamity, and that the after-effects of war can indeed shape a person’s personality.

In addition, the Pope was trained by the Church from an early age, and his parents were both devout holy bishops.

This may lead to the Pope’s blind respect for the content of the Bible since childhood, so the Holy Lord’s prophecy of human calamity recorded in the Bible has always been a lingering nightmare in the heart of the current Pope.

Stuhl looked at the comments of several other celebrities.

“It is well known that the current pope is a stubborn advocate of the theory of calamity, and the fundamental reason for the decline of the Church in recent years and the disapproval of the international community is the brainless spread of the theory of calamity at the grassroots level of the Church.

This is a kind of flattery from below, but when such a decay occurs in the world’s largest church with more than a billion followers, it is like a meteor falling in the sky that cannot be stopped by man.

One can only watch it burn in the air, fall to the ground and blow up a sinkhole. ”

Stuhl frowned, this was a politician’s comment, it was clear that the other party believed that the decline of the Holy Bishop could not be stopped.

A commentary next to it was written by a theologian and was a bit of a-for-tat for the politician.

On the contrary, this theologian believes that at this time, there has been some action in the upper echelons of the Holy See, and even though the power and influence of the Pope are great, during the period when His Majesty was seriously ill, the promotion of the theory of calamity within the Church and the spread of the lower levels have been unable to gain the attention of the upper echelons.

Even the top brass has decided that the first task of the next pope after assuming the throne is to preside over the revision of parts of the Bible, especially the part on calamity.

Therefore, the next pope can never be elected from among the bishops who believe in and promote the theory of calamity.

After reading the contents of the newspaper, Stull returned it to Mr. Barry and continued with the breakfast in front of him.

The latter actually wanted to know what Stuart thought about the content on the news, but he half-opened his mouth, then closed it directly, and picked up the newspaper to read the rest of the content on it.

“It’s useless. Stull said silently after eating the last omelette and wiping his mouth with a napkin.

“What? Mr. Barry immediately put down the newspaper and looked at Stuhl.

“It is of little use for the current pope to do this, the biblical record is only a prophecy, and no matter how much emphasis is made, it is impossible to resist the occurrence of a fated event. ”

Stuhl’s understatement made Mr. Barry gasp.

He had attended church services before, but the Father Pitt gave him a very sly impression.

Even though the Son in front of him was carrying miracles, Mr. Barry always felt that there seemed to be a layer of separation between the two people, like a holy angel lying on his stomach with a cunning fox at his feet.

Even though Father Pitt stressed every service the horror of next year’s catastrophe, Mr. Barry always listened with a half-believing attitude.

And this was the first time he heard from Stuhl that the prophecy of next year’s catastrophe was true.

‘Bang! Boom! Boom! ’

As if hearing his own heartbeat, Mr. Barry felt a great sense of panic that made his body tense.

Father Pitt’s words can be half-believed, but the words of the Son cannot be unbelieved.

“Is there really no way to stop it? Mr. Barry asked persistently.

Stuhl said seriously, “God… Will you pay attention to the life or death of a group of ants? ”

Mr. Barry was stunned, but then he felt a sense of absurdity that the Son was blaspheming the Lord.

“Can I put it another way, when you’re walking, do you pay attention to the ants on the ground? ”

Cold sweat broke out on the corners of Mr. Barry’s forehead, but he thought differently that if he was thinking about something else as he walked down the road, he really wouldn’t have noticed what was on the road.

Not to mention tiny ants.

If he hadn’t thought about anything else, even if he saw ants on the road, he would have simply glanced at it, and he might have forgotten it in a second or two after passing by.

In this way, the possibility of him walking on the road and really paying attention to the ants on the ground is too small.

“I… Won’t pay attention. Mr. Barry replied.

“So what if a group of ants made a circle on the pavement? ”

“Well, I’ll be curious to take a few more looks, but I won’t jump. ”

“The ants don’t just put out a circle, they also make up your name. ”

Mr. Barry swallowed, and he said, “Then I will squat on the ground and find out!” ”

Stuhl laughed, “This is what I think will stop the calamity and draw God’s gaze back into the world.” ”

Mr. Barry froze, as if he had figured out why the Son had just said that the Pope’s approach was useless.

Over and over again, the Pope stressed the uselessness of the inevitable calamity of destiny.

The prophecy of the gods can only be intervened by the gods themselves.

“Holy Son, you really got up early, have you already eaten breakfast? ”

Asinsha’s voice sounded from the entrance of the restaurant, and the other party walked towards this side wearing a black simple suit.

“Yes, it’s finished, and it tastes so good, Father Pete made me basically milk cereal for breakfast at church. ”

Stull smiled at each other in response, looking like a simple big boy next door.

And Asinsa will not know that the teenager in front of him has just brainwashed Mr. Barry in front of him with lies.

The so-called ants, and the gods’ attention to intervention prophecies, were made up by Stuhl at will.

However, looking at Mr. Barry’s sweaty appearance, his lie really had a greater impact on Mr. Barry.

As for what the other party made up in his mind, Stull did not know.

“Dad, Ling’s back. Asinsa finally greeted Mr. Barry, and Mr. Barry would not care about his daughter’s snubbing of him.

Mr. Barry let out a long breath, looked at his haggard daughter and asked, “Why don’t you sleep more?” ”

“Recently, I have not been resting well, and I can’t sleep painfully at night, and I need to take painkillers and sleeping pills to fall asleep. ”

After Asinsa finished speaking, she thought that Stuart was still next to her, and what she said was a bit like a superfluous prayer.

She immediately explained: “Today is still Father Pitt’s funeral, I didn’t take medicine last night, and today I want to get up early and go to the church to help.” ”

After listening to his daughter’s words, Mr. Barry immediately felt distressed like a needle prick.

He looked at Stuhl with anticipation in his eyes, hoping that the other party would be able to bring down the miraculous gift to Asinsha like everyone else in the town.

Stull sighed helplessly in his heart, Miss Asinsa was terminally ill, and the diagnosis given by the best medical team invited by the Barry family’s strong financial resources was that Miss Asinsa could last for another half a year.

If he uses healing techniques on Asinsha, which has a ten-year life deduction in exchange for health, Asinsha will die on the spot.

He sighed and said to their father and daughter, “There is a passage in the Bible that says God has a plan for everyone’s destiny.

Destined sufferings are redeemed by faith, and after redemption, they are to bear the mission and responsibility given by God. ”

There is indeed such a passage in the Bible, Asinsa nodded, and Mr. Barry on the side thought more.

Especially from the Holy Son, I got the affirmation that the Tribulation Era was about to begin, could it be… If Asinsa persists in faith and piety, will she be able to carry miracles in the future?

Looking at Stull in front of him, Mr. Barry felt that his speculation was somewhat offended.

“I’m going back to church in a moment, is Miss Asinsha going to have breakfast now?” ”

“I can eat on the road, let’s send you back first.” ”

Stull then looked at the taxidermy hanging on the wall of the restaurant and asked, “Are these all true?” ”

“Yes, Dad used to take me out hunting. Asinsa explained.

The walls are hung with specimens of the heads of large animals such as elk, brown bears, leopards, etc., and even the craftsmen who make them put on a fierce and wild appearance.

Stuart muttered, “All living beings are creations of the Holy Lord, let’s go.” ”

Mr. Barry stood up and said to them, “I still have some things to arrange, and I’ll go to the church to help later.” ”

“Trouble you, Mr. Barry. ”

Seeing his daughter and son leave, Mr. Barry called the servants of the house and instructed them to take off the specimens of the animals’ heads and find some paintings to hang on.

The servant said, “But these are the fruits of the hunt of the lord and the young lady. ”

Mr. Barry shook his head, “Ashinsha and I will be devout believers in the Holy Lord, and we will repent of what we have done in the past. ”

(End of chapter)

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