Chapter 18: 18 Mother Goddess?

Stull walked to the edge of the pond, slowly plunged his hand into the water, and then ripples of holy light bloomed on the surface of the water.

Everyone had a feeling that their hearts had just been frightened being washed.

After Stull pretended that everything was clean, the rest of the group began to move.

Director Yasin chose the latter option.

A large pumping pump is used to pump the pond clean.

Professional underwater search and rescue personnel, after entering the water, said that the silt at the bottom of the water is too thick, it is too difficult to check underwater, and it is likely to miss the check.

The main thing at the moment is to find out how many people Withro has killed.

The statue of Azira, which was put together from human skeletons, was carefully removed by the medical examiner, and the bones of seven different people in the same parts were shared here.

This already indicates that there were seven victims, but it is not known what Withro did with the rest of the wreckage.

Burris climbed down the cave with great boldness, and Azira was shocked by his image when he was about to take the next picture and use it in the newspaper.

He was stopped by Priest Leyden.

“The Son does not want this thing to be known to outsiders, otherwise the medical examiner would not have started to tear it down. ”

Hearing the other party mention the boy called the Holy Son, Burris couldn’t help but think of the majesty that filled the other party when he faced the young man.

Even just now, when the other party asked him about something, Burris did not dare to hide anything.

“Okay. He put the camera away.

Lyden then said to him, “I’m from St. Neil’s Church, and I know very well that if you write about the murderer’s belief in evil gods when you are reporting on this serial murder case, maybe your editor-in-chief will take the news material you brought back and write it again.”

Burris nodded, now the wind direction of the outside world is like this, the current pope frantically promotes the theory of calamity, resulting in the holy bishop being suppressed and rejected in all countries.

The current holy bishop is heading for a process of decay, and he is equivalent to a descending god.

If Wittero had been a believer in a holy bishop, the newspaper society would have replaced all the newspapers and front-page headlines of the day with news he had written, and celebrities from all walks of life would launch a public opinion offensive against the bishop.

But this person believes in an evil god and is a member of a cult, and if it is reported, it will set off the holy bishop, as an orthodox church with a thousand-year heritage, so clean and holy.

Even the promotion of the theory of calamity some time ago is only a small flaw.

And the current pope is seriously ill and is dying.

In the future, the new pope will certainly not continue to promote the theory of calamity in the church, and even the outside world speculates that the first thing the new pope will do when he comes to power is to revise this small part of the Bible about calamity.

Burris climbed out with a camera, and he would focus the story on the merits.


After a busy day, more and more police from the surrounding area and even further afield arrived to provide reinforcements.

The whole town was shocked by what was happening here, and the residents never imagined that there was a terrible murderer living in the quiet town.

When they learned that this was a serial murder and that the murderer was Wittelo, most of them felt strange to Wittelo.

This feeling makes them even more terrified.

At the same time, they also heard that the case seemed to be related to the death of Father Pitt, and even the Holy Son rushed over and was praying for the dead.

The case attracted a large number of onlookers, most of whom attended Father Pitt’s funeral in the morning.

Nearly 100 police officers were mobilized.

Stull sat quietly on the edge of the pond praying, with Leyden and Rust behind him, the only thing they could do.

“How’s it going here? ”

Director Yasen, who was directing the dispatch at the scene, was suddenly stopped by someone.

Yasin turned to look at the two Federal Police agents in front of him.

“They came so fast! Rushed from Monte? ”

“To be precise, we were originally working on another interstate case, but because it was close to here, we were temporarily assigned. ”

The young female agent explained.

The two agents were a man and a woman, the woman was very young and beautiful, and the man looked lonely.

Yasen looked at the young female detective and smiled: “You haven’t come back for a while, and since you recovered, you have left home and never returned to see me and your mother.” ”

The female agent also smiled: “It’s only been more than a month, and I write letters to the Holy Son every week.” ”

Director Yasen shook his head slightly: “You wrote to the Holy Son, but you never thought of calling home?” ”

The young female agent in front of her is the daughter of Director Yasin ‘Mel Brant’, whose full name is Yasin Brant.

Mel introduced the male detective next to Yassen to Yasen: “This is ‘Gemma Fran’!” ”

At this time, Agent Jema can also see that his temporary partner this time has an unusual relationship with the chief of the Gannon Town Police Station in front of him, and from the exchange just now, he can also guess that they should be a father-daughter relationship.

Mel smiled at Jema: “This kind of big case will be arranged for us, not because we are close.”

It’s that my father is the chief of the local police department, ‘Yasin Brandt’, and my father reported the case here. ”

Gemma nodded, and he said directly to Yasen: “Let’s come first, there will be other agents coming over during this time, and the Federal Police Department has set up a special task force in Monte City.”

Pity…… You beat the murderer of this case to death, otherwise the federal court will also send help, if the murderer is still alive, we don’t need to be as troublesome as decrypting. ”

Chief Yasin frowned, he felt that the other party was a little blamed for shooting and killing Withro, and this man’s condescending tone made Director Yasin very uncomfortable.

“We will take over the management here, Director Yasen, you and your subordinates, you must cooperate with us!” ”

“Good! ”

Yasin slapped the file bag in his hand directly on the chest of the other party, and Jema’s expression was very dissatisfied, but he didn’t say much, after all, the other party was the father of his temporary partner.

“I’ll go see the physical evidence first! ”

“There, see for yourself! Chief Yasin pointed in one direction.

All the physical evidence related to the case was put into a transparent evidence bag, and a huge blue tarp was spread on the floor, on which all the physical evidence was placed.

The main one is Withro’s axe.

Chief Yasin watched him walk over, and then lowered his voice and asked his daughter: “Is he really your partner?” ”

Mel smiled wryly, “Temporary.” ”

She continued: “After all, I was seriously injured and I would not have been able to recover without the intervention of the Holy Son, and last month I returned to the Federal Police Department of Monte City, and my previous partner has been transferred.

This time, he and I were put together in a temporary group to investigate a smuggling case. ”

Mel also lowered his voice and said: “This guy has been an agent for ten years, his qualifications are relatively old, to be honest, I can’t stand his personality.” ”

“And this time a task force has been set up, because you are my father, so we have been transferred from the smuggling case that is being pursued.”

When the other agents arrive, this is not Jemma alone, and the task force has a team leader, I estimate that he will arrive almost tomorrow. ”

Yasin nodded, there was no big deal.

“Hehe, this kind of remote town, really can’t expect the police here to do a good job.” ”

After seeing the physical evidence collected and preserved by the police, Jema immediately said sarcastically that he was very dissatisfied with the work of these people and did not say what the problem was.

This made the people around him look at him with a very strange look, and Jema didn’t care.

“You are? Jema looked at Mr. Barry and Asinsha.

Mel came over and introduced him: “Mr. Tuyanf Barry, this is Miss Asinsa Barry, the daughter of Mr. Barry. ”

Asinsa took the initiative to reach out and shake Mel’s hand, and she said kindly: “I haven’t seen Miss Mel for a long time.” ”

Mel was a little surprised, after all, Asinsa was a member of the Barry consortium, and even if the two grew up in Gannon Town, there was no intersection.

In Meier’s impression, it should be that she knows Axinsha, but Asinsha should not know her, and she didn’t expect the other party to know her name.

And the reason why Asinsa knew Mel was because Mel had been seriously injured once while performing his work as an agent.

She spent almost the rest of her life in bed, but she was restored to health thanks to the miracles performed by Stourg.

At that time, Asinsa also hoped that Stuart could heal herself, so she remembered the object of Stuart’s miracle healing every time.

Maybe it was a woman’s jealousy at that time.

After the two greeted each other briefly, Mel continued: “Mr. Barry is the owner of the Barry Wine Consortium!

And although the town is remote, the headquarters of Barry Wines, wineries, wineries are located in this place. ”

Gemma’s eyes widened, Barry had a lot of influence even in the city of Monte.

You can buy Barry beer or wine in almost any restaurant, shop or supermarket in Montt.

Even the Montt-City Barry consortium has various investments, such as the Gold Cup Building… Wait a minute.

But I didn’t expect that the headquarters of the Barry Liquor Consortium was actually in this town.

Director Yasin also came over and said: “This huge pumping pump was borrowed from Mr. Barry’s winery.

Moreover, the pump, which was originally used in the storage tank for wine, is now used and can no longer be used, which is a loss for Mr. Barry. ”

Mr. Barry smiled and waved his hand, indicating that it didn’t matter.

Jemma didn’t say anything more after listening to it, and directly turned his head and left.

Director Yasin wanted to teach this agent a lesson, but the other party was too rude and empty-eyed.

Mr. Barry smiled and stopped Director Yasen and said that he didn’t care, and it was good not to communicate with such people.

“Reporter? Yasin asked, looking at Burris.

The photos taken by Burris were enough, and he was putting away the equipment he was shooting.

Seeing Jema come over and ask, Burris was a little stunned.

“Look at the report I gave you, it is all clearly written on it! Chief Yasin came over and said, “His name is Burris, and he is the only survivor of this incident… He is also a trainee journalist. ”

“I’ve always been curious that the place where the killer lives is very isolated and that there have been no recent reports of disappearances in Gannon town,” Jema said.

How did you know there was a homicide here?

And so many policemen were dispatched at once? ”

Director Yasen’s face changed, he didn’t expect Jema’s thinking to be so sharp.

He could not explain to Jema that it was the Son who brought them to purify the birthplace of the alien demon.

“It’s me… I secretly reported the case to the police, and when I came here, I felt that Withro was not normal, so after secretly reporting the case, I was waiting here for the police to come. ”

Burris volunteered to say he had identified some things that local police officers were reluctant to disclose to the outside world.

Jemma looked at Burris: “I’ll ask you later!” ”

“Okay. Burris let out a breath as he watched Jema leave, while Chief Yasin showed impatience towards Jema.

At this time, Jemma came to where Stull was, and everyone around was quietly watching over there.

“Holy Bishop’s?

Father? ”

He saw three people praying and asked Lyden and Rust directly behind him, and the seemingly small teenager was ignored by Jema.

“We are priests of St. Neil’s Church, and he is…”

“A minor friar. Stull offered to introduce himself, he didn’t want Rust and Lyden to introduce him as the Son as soon as they spoke.

Jema frowned, and after looking like he had an affirmative answer, he had a little disgust for the Stull people, and he asked directly: “What are you doing?” ”

“Pray that the souls of these victims will be liberated and return to the arms of the Lord. Rust said.

Jema directly broke his mouth and cursed, “Do you think everyone belongs to your trash holy bishop? What shit holy lord do you think everyone believes in?

How do you know that these victims are willing to let you pray! ”

Lyden and Rust were stunned for a moment, and then angrily wanted to talk to Gemma, and Stull pulled the two of them.

“You don’t need to do this here! I’ll detain you when I appear at the crime scene again!” Get out of here! ”

Stuart grabbed both of them by their clothes and said, “Let’s go!” ”

Jema didn’t notice a change in the atmosphere around him, and he suddenly felt the back of his head being pressed against a hard object.

He looked back blankly, only to see the black muzzle pointed directly at his head, and the man holding the gun was his partner, Mel Brandt.

“Apologize! Jema! ”

Jema was stunned, and then his face became ugly: “The mother god is on top, Mel, you are crazy!” ”

Stuel, who was originally going to leave, stopped and looked at the other party suspiciously, “Mother God? ”

(End of chapter)

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