Chapter 20: 20 Big News

The lowest level monks have too much to do in a cathedral like St. Neil, basically all of them are chores.

And ordinary masses, baptisms, sacraments, the lowest rank monks are not even qualified to lay hands.

“Holy Son, you are carrying miracles, and naturally you will not be allowed to do some chores in St. Neil’s Church. ”

Rust was tempted to say if Stull could perform miracles in the church.

The cardinal of St. Neil’s Church would even take the initiative to work as a servant for Stuhl.

“Miracles are not meant to be tricked in front of people, and even when they are used, they have to wait until they really need to be used. ”

Stull never feared that he would have no place to stay when he arrived in Monte, and if he spoke, Mr. Barry would arrange everything for him.

And at Father Pitt’s funeral, Stull also received a gold medal from the faithful.

And Father Pitt’s deposit before was not a small amount, but Stuart didn’t know the password of Pitt’s bank card.

In this regard, Pitt, a money-greedy guy, is very confidential, and if you want to inherit it, it is estimated that the procedures will be very troublesome, so let Father Pitt’s money continue to rot in the bank.

It doesn’t exist at all.

In fact, according to his current status as the lowest-ranking monk of the Holy Bishop, it is also appropriate to enter the Church of St. Neil after arriving in Monte City.

Although he can continue to obtain the faith power of the believers in Gannon Town, it is not bad if he can continue to expand the circle of faith in Monte City.

Although the Holy Bishop is declining, he is still an orthodox church recognized by all countries.

And if you want to use the mystery book, you must use the power of faith, and the more this kind of thing, the better.

Unlike Cavendi’s secretly made the Azira faith, which can only be spread in small circles, if the Azira faith is preached on the open side, the Monte City Government can uproot this cult.

There was another thing that made Stull feel uneasy.

In the organization of the Egg of Life, cultists who believe in Azira, as well as Kavendi, will they gain extraordinary powers by believing in the evil god Azira.

In the mystery book, Stuhl writes about Witero as a madman and believes in his imaginary evil gods.

And now through the expansion of Cavendi’s belief, Cavendi’s existence is beyond Stuhl’s expectation and control, after all, it is through the mystery book to influence Vetero.

He was worried that believing in Azira would also give people extraordinary powers, all of which would only be found out when Stull arrived in Monte City.

And when Burris writes a press release and publishes it in the newspaper tomorrow, what happens here will surely alarm Cavendi in the city of Monte and the people around him.

For example, “Mr. K”, who recommended Burris!

“You rest early, tomorrow I have a mass, and in the evening after Mr. Barry’s birthday party. ”

Stull was silent for a moment, and he continued, “The day after tomorrow we will leave for the city of Monte.”

“I don’t know any friends in Monte City, unlike in Gannon Town, where there are very few people who can help me, and I need the help of both of you when dealing with the Kavendi gang.

I believe that St. Neil’s Church may have arranged for the two of you to come here because of the disgraceful things that Father Pitt has done in the past, but it can also be seen as God’s arrangement.

Let me meet people who can help me at the right time, in the right place.

I grew up in an orphanage, and if it weren’t for Father Pete’s adoption six months ago, I wouldn’t be joining the Holy Bishop now.

I believe that the Holy Lord has arranged my fate long ago.

It’s all up to you. ”

The two priests, Rust and Leiden, looked at each other, and at the same time they leaned over to Stuhl and said, “Do your will.”

The next day, a serial murder occurred in Gannon that caused a sensation throughout the Union.

In Montt’s Urban Window newspaper, almost full power, it increased the amount of news of the day in all its print publications several times.

The front page headline was the first press release written by an obscure journalist.

“There is now a serial killer in Gannon Town, and forty-seven people have died tragically with blood axes! ”

The news also published a large number of photos of the scene, including the police officers of Gannon Town, and the number of police officers alone reached nearly 100.

Even the town of Gannon did not have so many policemen, and reinforcements could be coordinated from the surrounding area.

Some physical evidence photos that can be shown to the public.

Photograph of the wooden house where Wittero lived.

As well as a side photo of two federal police detectives, Gemma Fran and Mel Brandt, who just arrived at the scene of the crime yesterday.

Originally, Burris also planned to publish a photo of Withro kneeling on the ground like a confessional corpse.

But his editor-in-chief told him not to be anxious, such a big news was like a feast for the media, and Withro’s body had been collected by the police.

In the future, even if other journalists want to take photos of the murderer’s body, they must apply to the police.

And for such a big case, it will be very difficult to apply.

It can be said that the photo of the murderer’s body in Burris’s hand is absolutely a lone version, especially the posture full of repentance when Withro died.

If this photo alone reveals the wind, Monte City, and even the entire state, and the entire federal news company are willing to pay a large price to buy it.

And the editor-in-chief also called Burris to tell him that this kind of big news does not need to be reported clean at once.

The content of the first day was nothing more than a dessert before the big meal.

Let readers taste fresh, and Burris can continue to publish the progress of this case in the following days, especially Burris is on the scene.

Photos of Wittelo’s body can wait until the heat finally drops off before being released as a blockbuster.

It can be said that this time their City Window newspaper has completely taken the initiative.

When Burris told the editor-in-chief over the phone that he was still the only survivor, Burris could feel the editor-in-chief on the other side about to jump up with excitement just through the phone.

The editor-in-chief immediately said that he would send senior reporters from the newspaper to work as assistants to Burris.

And Burris doesn’t have to worry, the news signature behind is still Burris’s name, they just went to give Burris a shot.

In addition, the editor-in-chief also said that he had regularized Burris and raised his salary, which was more than ten times that of when he was an intern.

The newspaper would also prepare him a single apartment in Montt and open a separate office for him when he returned to work.

When the news story is over, Burris will be able to get a generous bonus.

After all, as the first reporter to report on this case, Burris’s reputation has been completely damaged, and such a big case is difficult to forget from the minds of the people of this country.

As long as people think of this case in the future, they will think of Burris, a reporter.

So the editor-in-chief had to keep Burris by his side to prevent others from poaching him.

Burris, in particular, told the editor-in-chief that he had conducted an interview with the chief of the local police station in Gannon Township, which was an exclusive interview.

Even the editor-in-chief was very moved to hear such news, he never expected that Burris, who was originally inconspicuous in the newspaper, had such strong business ability and professional ability.

Similarly, the editor-in-chief advised Burris to publish an interview with the chief of the Gannon Town Police Department tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

If Burris had the chance, he could interview the two federal police agents, even if they were any of them.

A task force from the Federal Police will arrive later, and it will be difficult to interview, because the case is too big, and there are many big news media companies to interview.

Their Urban Window newspaper is far behind the really top news media companies.

The editor-in-chief was worried that Burris would not be able to compete.

But Burris’s press release ended with a silhouette of Stuhl, who was praying for the victims at the edge of the pond.

In this photo, a handsome young man wearing a monk’s divine robe is praying.

Just from the photo, the image of the other party exudes a kind of holiness, even if it is skimmed in a hurry, it will have a deep impression.

Burris added a separate description at the bottom, telling of the local holy bishop, the monks of the church praying devoteously for the dead.

Pray that the souls of these people will return to the arms of the Holy Lord.

After receiving Burris’s press release email, the editor-in-chief discussed with him over the phone whether he could cut the last part of the reference to the Holy Bishop.

Even if the news content describes the facts, all the news of the Holy Bishop becomes very sensitive in the context of the current Pope’s promotion of the theory of calamity.

Their news media pays special attention to political direction, and the news content that promotes the positive image of the Holy Bishop is easy to dislike some sensitive people.

But Burris insisted on adding this small paragraph, and he thought that this small paragraph would not affect the content of the entire manuscript.

Since it is Burris’s insistence, the editor-in-chief will not object, after all, this is nothing, the news must have authenticity.

If there was a priest praying at the scene of the Holy Bishop, it was reasonable for Burris to write it into the press release.

In Montt, reporters from the City Window newspaper unearthed explosive news.

Soon, the swift news media companies suspended the release of their newspapers of the day, and they wanted to win the right to reprint the news from the window of the city.

In this way, their newspaper can also carry the Burris news.

The City Window newspaper agreed to the reprint requested by other peers.

After all, making money is just a matter of making money, the news thing does not reach monopoly, and reprinting is the rule in the industry, other newspapers are on sale some time later than the window of the city, which is a big step to make a profit.

At the same time, news media companies large and small throughout the Federation were sending journalists to the town of Gannun.

People suddenly began to pay attention to this small, otherwise remote and neglected place.

But in the church in Gannon Township, Stull was preparing for today’s Mass, a layer of holy light on his hand that slowly dimmed again.

He wanted to use the miracles in people’s eyes to absorb a little bit of the power of faith from the believers in preparation for his trip to Monte the next day.

(End of chapter)

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